WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON!!!!!That was my reaction to the purple things (Gravity wells)that spawn in my face in witch I cant move followed by my hull exploding.I am lucky to get 1 kill in pvp (Im focused on space pvp BTW).Some players are god like for example my entire team is ganging up on them and we cant make a dent in their shields and their end game score is 21 kills 0 deaths.I am always put on a less experienced team and we are always slaughtered.On my last round of space pvp NO ONE on my team of 6 vs 4 got 1 KILL.CRYPTIC LOGIC pair war gods with noobs.THIS happened every time by the way no deception.
What I want to know is it me,my ship,skills,Bof abilitys,or character.My internet speed is great by the way as I am situated right next to my router.I used the new breen plesh brek raider for all the pvp battles as I thought it would be good.I like to believe I am quite knowledgeable about the game(As i am lvl 50 and read the wiki) and its mechanics so don't assume my skill/ship set up is complete rubbish but I must say I don't use any energy siphons,slow,repel,gravity wells,etc I am more conventional.
I don't understand how my condition goes from fine to explosion **** on my ship in just a few seconds.What am i doing wrong?Is the enemy simply cheap?are they teaming up on just me?Should I just spam buttons and hope for the best?Should i find a STO pvp expert on Craig list and pay him to help me?
I dumped quite alot of funds into this game 250$+ and membership (6 months) and after today I lost my appetite for this game as i believe i will never be any good at pvp.
Perhaps it was my ship maybe the breen raider is garbage and i should switch back to my cardassian galor?Or is the learning curve for the game way bigger than i thought?
Sounds like a rough experience and yours is not uncommon for someone who is new coming into the cluster eff that is STO PvP. Especially right now with the Grav Well, Eject Warp Plasma, Beam FAW spam that is so prevalent at the moment.
This thread should be moved to the PvP sub-forum and when it is, and if you're interested in learning "the how and the why" then you can probably get some good advice on your build, bridge officer powers etc.
That new Breen ship needs to be run as a speed tanker and this fact along with it being an escort will make it a pretty difficult ship to start with in pvp especially if you don't have a healer or teammates that will throw you heals.
You know, I've been at that point as wel a year ago.
What would help to get better, is to bring down the rage meter and put energy in the curiosity area. Rage is the worst thing you could have in this game.
One thing that helps, is just to ask. Practice does wonders as well (try ker'rat), you learn more from your mistakes then wins. And one thing I see too much, is that people try to hold on at what they think, works. Be open to try new things, change the build completely if necessery.
As soon as you're over the threshhold, the enjoyment begins.
Addition; Keep asking questions . People are more helpful then you think. Do. not. rage. if you do, the "let me help you"-door closes.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
seriously, read the pvp forum section. There are many people who would be glad to help you make a better pvp build. Even the seasoned PvP pro would still need to get up to speed with a new ship and it sounds like you just got your raider. PvP is a real challenge because you are pitted against a real person and not a computer AI that has been dumbed down for the games lowest of players.
It took me awhile to find what works best and what build for what ship and /or profession I was in. This also changes when new stuff rolls out or you change ships. After you play PvP enough you start to see what other tactics are being used what skills tend to work better than others and if you need to adjust your style of play. Don't give up the first time. You can't expect to be where someone else is without some trial & error and some experience. The guys you were playing probably have been refining their builds and skills for awhile.
Gold Sub since March 2010
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
The breen raider is a widely different ship from the Galor, this probally had more to do with your poor experience than any lack of skill or knowledge.
I would not let it disuade you from continuing. In fact the very effort you put forward to post about it could be the step toward getting betting at pvp as it may draw help from those whom beat you.
PvP is a lot like life, when knocked down you either picks yourself back up or stay on the ground.
Well, if you want to know if it's your ship/skills/BoFF abilities/doffs/consoles/power settings/equipment, you can post them and we can make some suggestions. But then.....about the survivability part, if your opponents were sending heals to each other......yeah, they'd survive a lot better than you think.
Oh, and the playing/learning curve for the game is somewhat bigger than you may have seen from the initial leveling stages. Also, the Plesh Brek and the Galor have very different playstyles, and some would say even roles. One's a fairly squishy high-damage ship, and the other's more of a stay-in-the-fight, wear-them-down ship.
Take it easy, there's plenty of free advice around here so you can get the stuff down. Almost no one does well in PvP on their first tries.
not every match is going to have an even spread of skill. pugs are random. theres also quite a few 14/15 to be had, as long as overall skill levels are more consistent between the teams. PVP deals in multipliers, when you start multiplying things, things can get huge and enormously unbalanced. it takes a fair amount of trial and error, and a ton of deaths, but eventually you will be able to see the imbalance in real time, and understand why the match is turrning out this way. then you hope the next match is one of those 14/15 great ones. or you join the TD channel, and just about avoid all that completely
Welcome to pvp... yes early experiences with pvp will pretty much always be painful in any online game. PvE and PvP are very different. I understand you have some xp now with pve... but pvp is a completely different thing. Players think and know how to best counter your ship... npcs are mostly just high hp dummies that mostly sit there and take it until they blow up.
As others have mentioned the jump from a cruiser (and like many new players it may be the only ship class you are really familier with) to a raider is going to be pretty jarring. Anything works in PvE for the most part in PvP you have to much more fly in a manner that suits your ship... or fly a ship that suits your play style if you follow me.
Honestly I would suggest you post your Raider build for us if you want to give it another go... or perhaps your Galor build if you think you would rather go that route.
We would all be willing to go over your build and suggest possible changes... or perhaps point out something you missed or where unaware of. If you don't go that route read through the forums and pick out the build advice ect and learn what you need to improve to do better in future games.
If you are willing to post your build... fill it in here... your spec to you may get some insight from a few vets.
WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON!!!!!That was my reaction to the purple things (Gravity wells)that spawn in my face in witch I cant move followed by my hull exploding.
Grav Wells seem to act a lot like real gravity in that their effects drop off exponentially at distance. If I'm not in the middle of one I can usually get out with Evasive Maneuvers and Emergency Power to Engines. If I'm hit with a Tractor Beam at the same time, then I also need to use Polarize Hull. Or you can use Attack Pattern Omega III, by itself, for both scenarios. You just have to get away from them as quickly as possible. Ships with high inertia seem to be harder to snag and inertial dampeners are supposed to help too.
I am lucky to get 1 kill in pvp (Im focused on space pvp BTW).Some players are god like for example my entire team is ganging up on them and we cant make a dent in their shields
A well timed Subnucleonic Beam and coordinated Alpha strikes from your team might be the answer there.
I don't understand how my condition goes from fine to explosion **** on my ship in just a few seconds.What am i doing wrong?Is the enemy simply cheap?are they teaming up on just me?Should I just spam buttons and hope for the best?Should i find a STO pvp expert on Craig list and pay him to help me?
I dumped quite alot of funds into this game 250$+ and membership (6 months) and after today I lost my appetite for this game as i believe i will never be any good at pvp.
Perhaps it was my ship maybe the breen raider is garbage and i should switch back to my cardassian galor?Or is the learning curve for the game way bigger than i thought?
Yeah. Read the PvP forums. Ask specific questions. Check out the PvP Boot Camp sticky thread. And reset your threshold for doing well, from scoring kills to how simply increasing your damage and survivability as you progress. It's all in the attitude we bring to the task.
Btw, I'm no good at PvP, but I'm very enthusiastic.
I had this exact same experience about a month ago. I dropped my jaw and stared at the computer for a good 10 minutes after that match. So, I quit the game screen and the first thing I did was pull up these forums. Read through every ship build thread I could find. Then I went back I game and tweeked my build according to what I could afford. And went into another match. And got creamed. But I lasted twice as long as the time before. So I started sending tells to players of the opposing team who had just finished killing all 800 members of my crew. And you know what, each and every one of them have been beyond helpful. Overall, this game has the best group of pvp'ers I've ever had the honor of playing with. Don't quit pvp, take the loss as a challenge, extend the olive branch to your opponents, and in time you will excel
WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON!!!!!That was my reaction to the purple things (Gravity wells)that spawn in my face in witch I cant move followed by my hull exploding.
Heh. Yep. Welcome to SciSpam Online, formerly FAW Online, aka Star Trek Romline.
Flying in circles, spamming the same 3 or 4 abilities, is the height of brilliant combat tactics.
This is exactly why I don't do pvp in this game. At least, not teams. If someone challenges me to a 1v1, I'll take that, but the team pvp is just broken. Its not so much the fault of the players, but the way its designed. There are simply too many aoe abilities and weapons that allow 1 team to essentially round up the other with multiple gravity wells and then drain all shields, or simply do hull damage with little shield interferance, followed by torp spread and cannon scatter volley. And to top it off, there's no segregation between pugs and premade teams, so odds are that a pro team of dedicated pvpers is going to be put up against a ragtag team of random players and slaughter them.
Simply, the pvp part of this game needs an overhaul and strict restrictions on what can be used. Maybe something like a pre-determined team setup. For example; every team has a set roster, which allows for only 1 sci ship/captain, 1 eng ship/captain, and 2 tac ships/captains, or something along those lines. And there must be restrictions on what abilities are allowed.
I had this exact same experience about a month ago. I dropped my jaw and stared at the computer for a good 10 minutes after that match. So, I quit the game screen and the first thing I did was pull up these forums. Read through every ship build thread I could find. Then I went back I game and tweeked my build according to what I could afford. And went into another match. And got creamed. But I lasted twice as long as the time before. So I started sending tells to players of the opposing team who had just finished killing all 800 members of my crew. And you know what, each and every one of them have been beyond helpful. Overall, this game has the best group of pvp'ers I've ever had the honor of playing with. Don't quit pvp, take the loss as a challenge, extend the olive branch to your opponents, and in time you will excel
I would rather play PvP elsewhere if I must wear shackles and only play approved roles here in STO.
Half the fun of PvP is coming up with a build you like and playing it. Save the restrictions and "must only use this" shackles for tournies.
If you don't start talking smack or crying "cheater / hacker" when you get your shuttle bay handed to you, the pvp community is rather generous with tips on how to improve your ship build and/or what it is you are doing wrong.
You know Cryptic has Jumped the Proverbial Shark when they introduced Tractor Pulling to Star Trek Online!
I suggest browsing though the PvP forums and see what you can learn from there. That is, if you want to keep playing PvP. Good luck!
This thread should be moved to the PvP sub-forum and when it is, and if you're interested in learning "the how and the why" then you can probably get some good advice on your build, bridge officer powers etc.
That new Breen ship needs to be run as a speed tanker and this fact along with it being an escort will make it a pretty difficult ship to start with in pvp especially if you don't have a healer or teammates that will throw you heals.
What would help to get better, is to bring down the rage meter and put energy in the curiosity area. Rage is the worst thing you could have in this game.
One thing that helps, is just to ask. Practice does wonders as well (try ker'rat), you learn more from your mistakes then wins. And one thing I see too much, is that people try to hold on at what they think, works. Be open to try new things, change the build completely if necessery.
As soon as you're over the threshhold, the enjoyment begins.
Addition; Keep asking questions
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
It took me awhile to find what works best and what build for what ship and /or profession I was in. This also changes when new stuff rolls out or you change ships. After you play PvP enough you start to see what other tactics are being used what skills tend to work better than others and if you need to adjust your style of play. Don't give up the first time. You can't expect to be where someone else is without some trial & error and some experience. The guys you were playing probably have been refining their builds and skills for awhile.
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
I would not let it disuade you from continuing. In fact the very effort you put forward to post about it could be the step toward getting betting at pvp as it may draw help from those whom beat you.
PvP is a lot like life, when knocked down you either picks yourself back up or stay on the ground.
Oh, and the playing/learning curve for the game is somewhat bigger than you may have seen from the initial leveling stages. Also, the Plesh Brek and the Galor have very different playstyles, and some would say even roles. One's a fairly squishy high-damage ship, and the other's more of a stay-in-the-fight, wear-them-down ship.
Take it easy, there's plenty of free advice around here so you can get the stuff down. Almost no one does well in PvP on their first tries.
Without anything further we can't really help.
As others have mentioned the jump from a cruiser (and like many new players it may be the only ship class you are really familier with) to a raider is going to be pretty jarring. Anything works in PvE for the most part in PvP you have to much more fly in a manner that suits your ship... or fly a ship that suits your play style if you follow me.
Honestly I would suggest you post your Raider build for us if you want to give it another go... or perhaps your Galor build if you think you would rather go that route.
We would all be willing to go over your build and suggest possible changes... or perhaps point out something you missed or where unaware of. If you don't go that route read through the forums and pick out the build advice ect and learn what you need to improve to do better in future games.
If you are willing to post your build... fill it in here... your spec to you may get some insight from a few vets.
Grav Wells seem to act a lot like real gravity in that their effects drop off exponentially at distance. If I'm not in the middle of one I can usually get out with Evasive Maneuvers and Emergency Power to Engines. If I'm hit with a Tractor Beam at the same time, then I also need to use Polarize Hull. Or you can use Attack Pattern Omega III, by itself, for both scenarios. You just have to get away from them as quickly as possible. Ships with high inertia seem to be harder to snag and inertial dampeners are supposed to help too.
A well timed Subnucleonic Beam and coordinated Alpha strikes from your team might be the answer there.
Yeah. Read the PvP forums. Ask specific questions. Check out the PvP Boot Camp sticky thread. And reset your threshold for doing well, from scoring kills to how simply increasing your damage and survivability as you progress. It's all in the attitude we bring to the task.
Btw, I'm no good at PvP, but I'm very enthusiastic.
Heh. Yep. Welcome to SciSpam Online, formerly FAW Online, aka Star Trek Romline.
Flying in circles, spamming the same 3 or 4 abilities, is the height of brilliant combat tactics.
Simply, the pvp part of this game needs an overhaul and strict restrictions on what can be used. Maybe something like a pre-determined team setup. For example; every team has a set roster, which allows for only 1 sci ship/captain, 1 eng ship/captain, and 2 tac ships/captains, or something along those lines. And there must be restrictions on what abilities are allowed.
typical pvp'er behavior.
Half the fun of PvP is coming up with a build you like and playing it. Save the restrictions and "must only use this" shackles for tournies.