Hello all. After flying a Fleet Patrol Escort for a long time, I've decided to try out the Fleet Avenger. As I'm going through the build, I can't seem to find a setup that I like, so I have to to you all for some help. I've been parsing my data and I seem to only be able to achieve 8.4k DPS with my current build, which I know is unacceptable even for a Sci officer. So, I'm hoping that you can give me some hints.
Here are a few things that you should know and, hopefully, it will help you in helping me
-I mainly do PvE. PvP is not my thing.
-Cost is not a big issue. Now, I'm not looking for a million dollar build, but if it requires a bit of a bit of an expense, that's fine.
-I would like to AVOID Aux2Bat builds. I was never really crazy about that build...guess I never got good at the timing.
-I left the BOFF set up out because I'm leaving it completely up to you.
-I own both Fleet Antiproton DHCs and Fleet Antiproton DBBs with Crit H. Which one is better for the Avenger and its BOFF layout?
-In the build, I don't actually have 4 Antiproton Mags. I have 3 Vulnerability Exploiters from the Spire and 1 Antiproton Mag. The builder didnt seem to have the spire consoles up yet.
Thanks a ton.
-2 Purple Conn officers
2 Purple Damage control engineers
1 Purple Warp core engineer
Why not try beams? Even green beams off the exchange would probably out dps any cannon build.
1x Zemok
1x Marion
1x Warp Core Engineer
1x Dlyrene
1x something
Also [Acc]x2 [Dmg]x2 weapons are better than the [Dmg]x3 [something]x1 weapons assuming everything is actually working the way they're supposed to which on second thought isn't all that likely -_-.
Honestly I'm not sure how well a cannon avenger without a2b would work. Either you take the universal as a tac in which case you have 3 ensign tac slots that cannon skills don't go in or you don't and theny you only have 2 slots high level enough for cannon skills/attack patterns.
A2B timing is easy. Skill you cycle + a2b bound to spacebar so that a2b is last to be activated.
Marion, rsp doff, 2 damage control doffs 2 shield distribution doffs for brace got impact
I could give you a super pricey build to make build sing but that's up to you
Obvious issue is the lack of an attack pattern
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
With the Avenger you've basically got two options. You can run it like an escort will DHC or as a beam boat. Both are viable since it's such a great ship. Since your already running with cannons. I'll just give you a cannon build for non-aux2bat. If you want a beam boat option let me know.
DHC Avenger
Bridge Officer Layout:
LtCmd Tac: TT1, C:SV1, AP:B2
En Tac: TT1
Lt Uni (Tac): B:FaW1/B:O1/T:S1/T:HY1, C:SV1
Cmd Eng: EPtS1, RSP1, EPtW3, Aux2SIF3
Lt Sci: HE1, TSS2
This gives you two copies of Tactical Team to rotate, no duty officers required. You will need two or three damage control duty officers (purple quality) that have a chance to reduce the recharge of EPtx abilities so that you can rotate EPtW and EPtS. You will need an engineering captain to train EPtW3, but the damage bonus is worth it.
Fore: 5xDual Antiproton Heavy Cannons or 4xDual Antiproton Heavy Cannons and a Torp of choice
Aft: 1xAntiproton Turret, Borg Cutting Beam, Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array
Assimilated Deflector and Subtranswarp Engines (the two piece heal is just too awesome to not use)
Elite Fleet Resilient Shield
Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core (This core and the Omni Beam will give you a nice boost to your antiproton damage and best of all its free!)
Engineering: Assimilated, Tachyokinetic, 2xFleet RCS
Science: Plasmonic Leech, Romulan Flow Cap Embassy Console or Emitter Array
Tactical: 4xAntiproton Mag Regulators or 4xCrtH Spire Consoles
I used the Lt Uni as a Tac so he has two copies of C:SV1 because of that.