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USL - A FED Fleet looking for those that "TAKE THEIR TIME" ingame...

xaosmg123xaosmg123 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
edited January 2014 in Earth Spacedock
Salute! Greetings STOers!

My name is Xalon(pronounced Zay-lon). I created the United Star Legion with a few new STO friends about a month ago. We created this fleet for a few main reasons:

1 - To give NEW players and RETURNING players a home - an ingame family to hang out with and so they could familiarize/refamiliarize themselves with this amazingly epic game.

2 - Being someone who was never really into Trek before I played STO - I wanted other new players to know there are more like them who are coming to the game without much Trek knowledge. In the USL, we can discuss lore, shows/movies and help you gain the knowledge needed to enjoy the game even more!

3 - I was originally part of an amazing and friendly fleet - but I joined them after all holdings were at Tier 5. While it was great to have access to all these facilities and bonuses, I missed out on donating to projects and watching these holdings grow and take shape over time. Something that all USL members could be proud of as our effort gives us more advanced holdings. 4 weeks in, all our holdings are around 1/2 way to Tier 1 or further and we are donating daily.

Myself and many other players like me "take our time" ingame. We love new gear and powerful ships - as well as enjoy endgame content. But, we do not sabotage our game experiences to get there faster.

We emote NPCs and other characters. Read all mission and dialog text - as well as lore text and even spend time walking around with and watching the NPCs talk to and interact with eachother. We explore every inch of every map, space or ground, we come across. Looking for amazing little passageways and hidden areas. We take the time to enjoy every minute of the fantastic episodes this game offers. Visit the 100+ Systems for Patrol missions. Stop to fight Signal Contacts and join Red Alerts. We craft and spend time on different stations and starbases - buying commodities or just Roleplaying. We move around in combat, hiding/sneaking/jumping/using stealth - tactics, battle cries, taunts and so on. We don't just stand in one spot spamming 2 abilities, rush to next mob and repeat the same - we ENJOY all of our combat missions. We also enjoy PVP and PVPVE instances like Warzones and Arenas! We change camera angles and zoom in/out to make ANYTHING and EVERYTHING we do ingame seem more realistic - giving it a cinematic feel. Like being in a Live Machinima movie.

The above is how I personally play STO and how many friends and some other members of USL enjoy the game. But we don't have any requirements or rules- other than:

1 - must try to play STO at least once per week
2 -must be RP-friendly (roleplay is not required, but don't be mean to those who enjoy it)
3 - enjoy ALL of the game (you can focus on on aspect, but we don't want "rank-rushers" and "content-skippers")
4 - any age, rank, gender, sexual preference is WELCOME - so long as having FUN and enjoying the game is your #1 priority :)

Right now we have a little more tha a dozen players in the USL - but we are actively recruiting. We don't want to have a fleet full of 300 characters, most of which are alternate characters. We are hoping to have between 40-50 active players using their mains, and then however many alts they want to join is fine :) That was we can have events and run FAs, STFs, PVP and missions/episodes/foundry content without having problems getting a group.

Please contact me on my Fed - Xalon - at any time. If I am not online, just send me ingame mail and I will respond within 24hrs.

We are talking to a few other fleets to organize some events for us all to enjoy as we grow.

Hopefully a few players who enjoy all of STO and like to take their time - will contact me or any other USL member, and join us for a run, a mission or want to be a part of something special as we grow!!!

Thanks to all who have taken the time to read this. Salute! and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Post edited by xaosmg123 on


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    vashfan17vashfan17 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    Do you mean your in-game email is @xalon?

    I want to email you for some more details, but I'm not sure of the address.

    t/p/o T'Valix (Male Rom-Fed Science in Federation Assassins)
    t/p/o Kontovar (Male Lethean Engineer in Imperial Assassins)
    t/p/o Mira (Female Rom-KDF Tactical)
    t/p/o Kreela (Female Ferengi Science in United Solar Legion)
    t/p/o Star-Astra (Female Alien-Fed Tactical)
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    xaosmg123xaosmg123 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    my username is @xaosmg I believe

    Im going online in a few and ill msg some of ur names - if ur online we can talk. If not, respond here or ingame MAIL and tell me your " @___________" so we can talk soon.

    I'd be happy to answer any and all questions :) Salute!

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    vashfan17vashfan17 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Obviously we missed each other. You can email me at @vashfan17. Or, if you have a way to see if I'm online, that's great. I expect to be online tonight though I'm not very good about keeping an eye on my chat window when I'm doing missions.

    t/p/o T'Valix (Male Rom-Fed Science in Federation Assassins)
    t/p/o Kontovar (Male Lethean Engineer in Imperial Assassins)
    t/p/o Mira (Female Rom-KDF Tactical)
    t/p/o Kreela (Female Ferengi Science in United Solar Legion)
    t/p/o Star-Astra (Female Alien-Fed Tactical)
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