Its the holidays you will be lucky to get a queue to pop if at all. You should try around mid afternoon state's time for the best traffic, but still dont hold your breath. Welcome to the PvP community please enjoy your stay
If you are low level, those queues very rarely pop. Most all of the PvP community is VA (level 50)
I know, its kinda dumb that the game gives you the tutorials at such a low level (5 i think?) when the playerbase really only pvps at the upper tier.
You might get lucky and get a match at the low levels, but this is highly unlikely (i did for one, but not the other, after a wait of almost 2 hours doing other things)
Welcome to PvP.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
PVP in STO is awesome but as it remains the same maps for the past four years and no attention given to PvP player concerns, many of the die hards have moved on.
Kudos to the crews that have worked tirelessly to promote and improve PvP. PvP bootcamps for instance have seen some real activity and there are still PvP tournaments you can enter and compete in. Turksish just held one for instance.
Cryptic, just like you have a Branflakes for Foundry, consider a PvP spokesperson. PvP can be fixed. Consider setting up (and I have no idea what the code for this would be) allowing folks to enter pre-made pvp or random ques. Just like you have spotlight missions, consider spotlighting PvP players and builds. PvP Can be fixed.
STO is incredibly addictive. Nothing gets the adrenalin going like PvP.
Low level Kerrat is also likely to be empty though.
Honestly your best bet is to take your first toon... and PvE away until you are a higher level.
End game is the only place you will get matches almost anytime.
Perhaps up around commander/captain you may find a couple games during prime time.
I would suggest you level your first toon though pve... play a little bit of pvp and ask a few questions.. Join OrganizedPvP (perhaps after you level your first).
Be prepared to roll a second toon... and level that one as your main PvP toon. You may find the class you choose doesn't fill the roll you expected it to. I mention it as I know I have seen plenty of new players get upset when they realize X or Y class doesn't play the way they expected.
This game doesn't take to long to level a toon in, be ready to level a second for pvp if the first isn't exactly what you wanted. (besides in Grindy STO it isn't a bad thing to have 2-3 secondary toons to simply farm Dilihtium with if you need it.)
I remember quite fondly, when, F2P was launched and a massive influx of players descended on the low-level queues. Friend of mine and i would create fresh Klink toons, buy 1 decent C Store ship and stack it with common quality gear then level them up to 50. It was awesome! The queues were bursting with new players and the occational fellow PvPer. We'd bring the characters to 50, strip them of gear and all the dilithium made, wipe them and re-start!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] @Aquitaine985 Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre. 2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
I remember quite fondly, when, F2P was launched and a massive influx of players descended on the low-level queues. Friend of mine and i would create fresh Klink toons, buy 1 decent C Store ship and stack it with common quality gear then level them up to 50. It was awesome! The queues were bursting with new players and the occational fellow PvPer. We'd bring the characters to 50, strip them of gear and all the dilithium made, wipe them and re-start!
That was before rep and all the nonsense there is now :P
the launch of legacy of romulus was the best time to low level pvp since game launch. new faction means everyone is rolling new characters. my rom was at least 50% leveled by pvp, and that doesn't level you very quickly, i got to do a ton of it. those were the days, the pvp is so honest, so trek, there at tier 2 and 3. there is no zombie tanks, no super 1 shot spike.
the pvp community would benefit most of all from there being a way to cap the experience your character gains, so you can pvp at the lower tiers indefinitely with it. that would be the oly way id make a new character at this point, if i could make one and cap it at tier 2, and another at tier 3. tier 4 too maybe, thats pretty close to va like, only it would be like 75% more vanilla. it would give people a reason to buy some of those lower tier refits too. its sort of unfortunate, them existing, because by comparison those are pure P2W over free. its more of an improvement over stranded then even fleet ships are.
I know, its kinda dumb that the game gives you the tutorials at such a low level (5 i think?) when the playerbase really only pvps at the upper tier.
You might get lucky and get a match at the low levels, but this is highly unlikely (i did for one, but not the other, after a wait of almost 2 hours doing other things)
Welcome to PvP.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Kudos to the crews that have worked tirelessly to promote and improve PvP. PvP bootcamps for instance have seen some real activity and there are still PvP tournaments you can enter and compete in. Turksish just held one for instance.
Cryptic, just like you have a Branflakes for Foundry, consider a PvP spokesperson. PvP can be fixed. Consider setting up (and I have no idea what the code for this would be) allowing folks to enter pre-made pvp or random ques. Just like you have spotlight missions, consider spotlighting PvP players and builds. PvP Can be fixed.
STO is incredibly addictive. Nothing gets the adrenalin going like PvP.
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Kerrat is awesome
- Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
Honestly your best bet is to take your first toon... and PvE away until you are a higher level.
End game is the only place you will get matches almost anytime.
Perhaps up around commander/captain you may find a couple games during prime time.
I would suggest you level your first toon though pve... play a little bit of pvp and ask a few questions.. Join OrganizedPvP (perhaps after you level your first).
Be prepared to roll a second toon... and level that one as your main PvP toon. You may find the class you choose doesn't fill the roll you expected it to. I mention it as I know I have seen plenty of new players get upset when they realize X or Y class doesn't play the way they expected.
This game doesn't take to long to level a toon in, be ready to level a second for pvp if the first isn't exactly what you wanted. (besides in Grindy STO it isn't a bad thing to have 2-3 secondary toons to simply farm Dilihtium with if you need it.)
Wait a minute. I'm mixing up some memories. You know what I mean though.
I think. Beam to my ready room.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
That was before rep and all the nonsense there is now :P
the pvp community would benefit most of all from there being a way to cap the experience your character gains, so you can pvp at the lower tiers indefinitely with it. that would be the oly way id make a new character at this point, if i could make one and cap it at tier 2, and another at tier 3. tier 4 too maybe, thats pretty close to va like, only it would be like 75% more vanilla. it would give people a reason to buy some of those lower tier refits too. its sort of unfortunate, them existing, because by comparison those are pure P2W over free. its more of an improvement over stranded then even fleet ships are.
Now the only thing that awaits us is getting 4 Reps to tier 5. And in a few years for every new player its 10 reps he has to get up to tier 5.
It will take 1 or 2 years for a new player to get somewhat equal to others.
Not even to mention all the Rep/fleet gear you need to obtain.
PvP = at a worse state then ever before. lol