I'd like you guys to give me advice on my Fleet Nova build.
The Fleet Nova is one of my favorite ships and it's the ship that I most commonly use, even more than the Excelsior and Armitage.
Here's the build:
This build focuses on making mass kinetic damage, with the Gravimetric Photon Torpedo of TSIII/TSII along with Tractor Beam Repulsors and Gravity Well. The reason why I use Tractor Beam Repulsors instead of another Gravity Well is because of the Voth DOff Graga Mal. His ability reverses Tractor Beam Repulsors, so it becomes a pull rather a push. It is extremely effective at bringing enemies towards the Gravity Wells and Rifts, again bringing massive kinetic damage.
Also, I am using Antiproton because of the Omni-Directional array, which brings another beam to fore, which gives me a powerful beam frontal attack, which is complemented by the Nova's turn rate. The warp core boosts antiproton damage due to the 2-piece bonus and aux power.
I think it's a very solid build, often destroying multiple NPCs in its wake. It is also effective at support for escorts and cruisers in both PvE and PvP. With the kinetic damage, it breaches through most of the shields. However, I'd like to improve the build with advice, because it has some potential.
further i'd change the beam array to a second DBB, or maybe the cannon/beam hybrid weapon from the dyson sphere rep.
instead of the normal field generator, i'd get a field generator from the dyson sphere reputation or a 3rd particle generator from the fleet embassey.
Build looks interesting. I'm actually curious as to how it performs, mostly in PvE. I've stopped flying science vessels completely with all the dps focus and power creep going on.
I'm trying to get the Shield Refrequencer to get the heal and proton exotic damage chance, though I'll use it on Shield HP.
Using Damage Controls is kinda useless because I'm only using 1 EPtS, so it's not worth it in my opinion.
Currently using the Assimilated set because of the mass hull heal, which is a lifesaver on a Sci Vessel, since my Dmg resist is only 23% with little hull.
P.S. It works extremely well in Fleet Alert and other PvE queues like STFs. I can do good sizable damage on opponents with these abilities, though it is maximized in a cluster. In Kerrat, it works very well, since I am able to entangle and damage Klinks, though it is a lot more difficult to get the torpedoes to target and getting fore shields to survive the onslaught.
My Fleet Nova runs a 5 beam array setup with the cutting beam, I also use 2 purple damage control engineers to maintain uptime on my EPtS and my EPtW up full time. Combine that with your existing dual Transfer shield strengths and your tactical team and your shields should never fall, well, in PvE at least :P
As to offensive powers I run a tractor beam, tykens rift and a gravity well, gives me a range of offensive and defensive multi and single target options, I generally combine this with beam fire at will 2 and attack pattern beta 2 to supplement the science power rather than for primary damage. (I'm running Omega at the moment due to Beta's lacking pvp performance)
As to heals, I run hazard emitters and polarise hull, I know PH isn't a heal directly but it's a neat resistance buff and tractor breaker for when I need one.
Looking at your consoles I don't see anything that needs changing and I may yet find the resources to put a leech on my own Nova, equally though I may not :P
You haven't given us a skill spec so I'll run over a few recommendations.
9 points in all energy weapon damage skills (other than the admiral level specialization, give that three (trade energy for torps if you keep on down that route)), 6 in all power skills (other than batteries, unless you're an engineer in which case it warrants 3 points (if you use DCEs and thus two EPtX skills) to keep EPS manifold efficiency up full time), 6 points in grav and particle generators and 9 in all HP skills and healing, the rest is up to you
That's it for me.
Medium turn rate coupled with beam array friendly science firing arcs means I can keep all my weapons on target if I broadside, as I'm using EPtW my power levels are also beam friendly so ultimately it maximises my damage output and mobility options which gives me more offensive and defensive options. As a cruiser pilot on my main it's a win, win setup, as if that wasn't enough I can use all my built in subsystem targeting
Looking forward to putting all your knowledge to good use and getting her out in the Galaxy
See, this is what I have been thinking for SO long to do with my Sci ships, but everywhere else I look I read DBB/turret setups FTW with science ships. Heck, not meaning to threadjack but if you have not checked my FRSV thread, please do
The Nebula is probably one of the few ships that would use beam arrays to full effect since it is slow and has the ability to sport 2 FaWs (Only example of a sci vessel that I can think of).
I honestly don't like using a lot of beam arrays on a Sci Vessel because of its big drain on weapons power (Even more with FaW) and basically makes the maneuverability of it less effective since you usually maneuver at its sides to broadside.
3 techs, 3 pwo.
Keeps your photonic officer on cool down. No super aux burn off from double aux2bat. Rom hyper aids in keeping grav torp on gcd
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
His bridge officer layout on his Fleet Nova is perfect right now. The only thing different I'd perhaps do would be to slot Tractor Beam I instead of a second copy of Hazard Emitters I. Outside of that, the only thing I'd do would be to make a few weapon and console changes, possibly swapping out the set for Adapted MACO.
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Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Wasn't knocking his build but offering something a tad different but within the same theme
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
If he runs auxiliary to battery, he can't slot a gravimetrics scientist or his tractor beam officer, that will significantly reduce the effectiveness of Repulsors and Gravity Well. Projectile weapon officers are mandatory and the 6th slot would be filled with a Shield Distribution Officer.
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Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
I don't really like the Hyper Plasma with this build because:
1. Many things like enemy Gravity Wells, Acetons, and such destroy the torps so easily.
2. They're really slow and many enemies are fast in PvP/PvE.
3. TS gives 100% accuracy and with the Gravimetric Torp, it gives a 33% chance to decloak a Romulan/Klingon instantly, which is extremely useful.
4. Hyper Plasma severely interferes with the Grav Torp, as both Grav Torp and Hyper Plasma have the same cooldown.
Also, I agree that Aux2Bat shouldn't be on the build, or most sci vessels, since it kills aux, which is important on a sci vessel who wants to use exotic damage. Photonic Officer is a safe alternative to it, though I really can't modify it as of now. The least I can do is probably replace the 2nd HE1 with a TB1.
Adapted MACO would mean removing the 2pc Borg-Fleet Shield combo, though I might look into it
Ah, you are talking about PvP as well as PvE, I can see the desire to use the Gravimetric Torpedo for decloaking in PvP and I know firsthand the difficulty in using the torpedo against escort speed tanks. However, in PvE, I love using Gravity Well + Repulsors to capture NPCs before bombarding them with Gravimetrics and Hyper Plasma Torpedoes. The Hyper torpedoes are faster than normal high yield torpedoes, but they maintain their 0.6km kinetic explosion. The fire cycle has never been a problem for me, both torpedoes have a 8 second cooldown. With projectile weapon officers and two torpedoes, there is rarely a time where the ship does not fire torpeodes and only the first volley will ever have both torpedoes off cooldown. Yes, in order to use Adapted MACO you'd need to use the two piece borg + Elite shield. That will come down to personal preference if you take this into PvP. The Adapted MACO shield has a built in placate and one of the highest shield capacities, but there is no [Adapt] proc.
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Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)