I am looking for a Vesta build that can do at least 6k dps with as much power to aux as possible. Is anyone willing to help me?
Some information would be nice, first what career are you? Second, how much are you looking to spend?, Third, which Vesta version will you be running? Forth, What gear do you already have?
Is the dps primary concern or the aux power?
What captain type, this decides if you can do a slightly odder build or two.
Anyway short answer is if your into dps and aux with more dps its fleet A>W amp core as your base and if your aux more than dps its use the sphere carriers core as it lets you have 135 aux.
mikeownz1337-Apologies. I'm running an engineer-not the best for dps, I know. I'm willing to spend as much as necessary without more than tier 2 omega reputation. Tier V fleet gear is no object. I'm running the engineer vesta, but I'm willing to switch to the tac. Currently, I have the aux cannons, MK XI blue phaser relays, MK XI phaser turrets ACC2 DMG1, and a MK XI quantum torpedo.
Hroothvitnir-I'm looking for a balance, so I'll look into the A>W amp core. Elite Fleet Reinforced Warp Core Mk XII [Sep] [A->W][ACap] [EWS] [SST] possibly.
mikeownz1337-Apologies. I'm running an engineer-not the best for dps, I know. I'm willing to spend as much as necessary without more than tier 2 omega reputation. Tier V fleet gear is no object. I'm running the engineer vesta, but I'm willing to switch to the tac. Currently, I have the aux cannons, MK XI blue phaser relays, MK XI phaser turrets ACC2 DMG1, and a MK XI quantum torpedo.
Hroothvitnir-I'm looking for a balance, so I'll look into the A>W amp core. Elite Fleet Reinforced Warp Core Mk XII [Sep] [A->W][ACap] [EWS] [SST] possibly.
any of the equipment that isn't maxed can be moved up and in the desc page you can see what doff's to use. you should also be able to reach over 100 power in every subsystem while still getting 125 in weapons and 125 in shields.
Thank you! What are the power levels for this build?
It's been awhile since I did this build but you can max weapon power, then adjust the rest until you get around over 100 in each other sub system. Plasmonic leech plus engy traits and such should make that possible. You may need the warp core engy that gives the power levels per use of EPTS and or EPTW to do it. it's been awhile since I ran my vesta on my engy so i can't remember specifics off the top of my head.
Field Generators on the Vesta are a massive waste of space. The only reason to have a field generator is to block out spike damage. After that, you want as much regeneration as possible to recover from the lost shield capacity. When you are lower on shields, you are essentially a 6 console slotted ship if you are running 4 field generators.
Also, yet another person setting up the Vesta as if it were an escort. The Vesta is not an escort, nor is the Vesta a cruiser. The Vesta is a very powerful science vessel capable of putting out far more damage and performing far better when set up like an actual science vessel. My space vesta build isn't even finished, but it's already capable of putting out around 9k damage/second.
A Vesta with Dual Heavy Cannons and Turrets is doing it wrong, escorts are far better at putting out damage with Dual Heavy Cannons. A Vesta with 6 beam arrays is doing it wrong, the ship has two less weapon slots than a cruiser. A Vesta with Torpedoes and Mines on a kinetic science build is doing it right. A Vesta with Torpedoes and Dual Beam Banks with a drain science build is doing it right.
Dual Heavy Cannons on a science vessel is a massive gimmick with the ship. In truth, players are far better off by flying the Vesta without dual heavy cannons than with dual heavy cannons. Their damage will be significantly higher. If you want a science based escort, then there is the Fleet Advanced Escort.
If you take the rommy scorpion from the rep system that give 3.5k DPS in measured runs. The other 2.5k is nothing to a Vesta, 6k shouldn't be a problem from the ship alone.
Anyhow what I did:
Manage power - in every area whether speccing your captain or ship get power. Poor tac consoles with well powered weapons trumps top tac consoles with underpowered guns. My equipment includes: 2 piece borg set, leech, assimilated console, zero-point console, nukara console. Obviously energy siphon can help. Look at how you skilled your captain
Use Boff and capt abilities to boost power: eps transfer, ETP etc keeping those in rotation so your power is always higher than its base level.
If you can get an elite fleet warp core with AMP and fleet tac consoles( just coming available).
Do this and your total power level will be over 400 in combat.
Once your power levels are lovely and high go with whatever weapon layout you like with your preferred flavour and things should be fine - I run 2 phased polaron DBB and Dyson torp front, kinetic beam and 2 phased polaron turrets rear. For pure DPS phased polaron is not best, but it has procs that make life easier for the team so I think it fits my energy drain/CC build. The rom rep system Plasma weapons hit hard for pve play and have those threat scaling consoles that can give I think 9.6% extra damage for plasma weapons.
All that rep system gear has to earned by going through the rep system, you can't just buy it on the exchange or Cstore.
Engineer Capt keep their ships alive and active in combat so you can do damage when others have to retreat. Don't forget your sci skill roles like crowd control and healing, keeping a glass canon teammate alive helps team DPS more than getting in an extra couple of shot yourself does.
Here's my build. I believe a Sci ship should get a Sci ship build and not an Escort build. Why not just run an escort if you're going to do that? I've got 125 to Aux, Weps to 50 the rest to shields. The AUX DHCs are the logical weapon of choice and the Elite Fleet Phaser Turrets are really just there for the proc.
Don't underestimate the dmg. that Tractor Beam Repulsors and Grav Well can do if specc'd.
My current very-much-a-work-in-progress Vesta can hit 6k without too much effort, and is an aux-only ship. Sci captain with focus on energy weapons + exotic damage (can't pull up the skill sheet via Gateway).
Yeah, I know it needs work... LOTS of work, so keep the laughter to a minimum.
Those are the Vesta aux cannons up front, although I didn't see the option before I hit save. Oops.
I run with aux power around 120/95, weapon power as low as it will go, and shield engine both around 75. APB/APD + CSV and EPTW for boosting damage, and gravity wells (with aftershock) for AoE splatting and keeping my targets in the firing arc.
I suspect I have no points in attack patterns-- something I should change.
The AP beam array is solely for subsystem targeting-- I have the buttons, I must press them. The turrets put out weak damage, and I may replace them with some combination of KCB / launchers... still doing DPS runs.
Also, yet another person setting up the Vesta as if it were an escort. The Vesta is not an escort, nor is the Vesta a cruiser. The Vesta is a very powerful science vessel capable of putting out far more damage and performing far better when set up like an actual science vessel. My space vesta build isn't even finished, but it's already capable of putting out around 9k damage/second.
A Vesta with Dual Heavy Cannons and Turrets is doing it wrong, escorts are far better at putting out damage with Dual Heavy Cannons. A Vesta with 6 beam arrays is doing it wrong, the ship has two less weapon slots than a cruiser. A Vesta with Torpedoes and Mines on a kinetic science build is doing it right. A Vesta with Torpedoes and Dual Beam Banks with a drain science build is doing it right.
Which of the two suggested builds are you currently trying to assemble?
BTW, does weapons power over 125 affect weapon damage?
Is the KCB that effective?
Which of the two suggested builds are you currently trying to assemble?
BTW, does weapons power over 125 affect weapon damage?
Is the KCB that effective?
The build I posted there is something you'd use in PvE, for PvP I'd remove the High Yields and toss on another Tactical Team and Attack Pattern Delta. It's also very similar to the setup I've been working on.
Basically what I'm getting at is 90% of the people on these forums offering advice on science vessels are escort and cruiser pilots. They suggest science vessel setups that essentially shoehorns the science vessel into a cruiser or escort role, which is a huge waste of potential.
Science vessels have the fewest number of weapon slots because they are capable of using high damage science abilities. A player ignoring that fact, setting it up as a cruiser or an escort, might as well take that build to a cruiser or an escort. Such setups work, but the science vessel will always have inferior damage compared to a cruiser or an escort setup on a true cruiser or a true escort.
Now, the Kinetic Cutting Beam is a good weapon most of the time if it's replacing a turret. The damage is much higher, but because it's kinetic, 75% of that damage is absorbed by shields is the shield facing is still active. The other reason to use the Kinetic Cutting Beam is for the set bonuses with the Assimilated Module Console and the Omega Force Plasma Torpedo. The two piece provides a weapon drain reduction proc and the three piece provides a near damage immunity proc.
The build I posted there is something you'd use in PvE, for PvP I'd remove the High Yields and toss on another Tactical Team and Attack Pattern Delta. It's also very similar to the setup I've been working on.
Basically what I'm getting at is 90% of the people on these forums offering advice on science vessels are escort and cruiser pilots. They suggest science vessel setups that essentially shoehorns the science vessel into a cruiser or escort role, which is a huge waste of potential.
Science vessels have the fewest number of weapon slots because they are capable of using high damage science abilities. A player ignoring that fact, setting it up as a cruiser or an escort, might as well take that build to a cruiser or an escort. Such setups work, but the science vessel will always have inferior damage compared to a cruiser or an escort setup on a true cruiser or a true escort.
Now, the Kinetic Cutting Beam is a good weapon most of the time if it's replacing a turret. The damage is much higher, but because it's kinetic, 75% of that damage is absorbed by shields is the shield facing is still active. The other reason to use the Kinetic Cutting Beam is for the set bonuses with the Assimilated Module Console and the Omega Force Plasma Torpedo. The two piece provides a weapon drain reduction proc and the three piece provides a near damage immunity proc.
Isnt that the ship you have to know what you are doing with that you tried to pawn off on me, and mostly convinced me to try out
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Isnt that the ship you have to know what you are doing with that you tried to pawn off on me, and mostly convinced me to try out
Yes, hence my quoting my own post. It's not rocket science using that build.:rolleyes: It's actually easier than trying to play a role the ship was never made to use.
Yes, hence my quoting my own post. It's not rocket science using that build.:rolleyes: It's actually easier than trying to play a role the ship was never made to use.
But you havent had the joy and frustration of trying to turn an Aquarius into the utliamte tank
But ironically some people cant use mines to save their lives......
And im still going to try it, eventually.
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
But you havent had the joy and frustration of trying to turn an Aquarius into the utliamte tank
But ironically some people cant use mines to save their lives......
And im still going to try it, eventually.
hahaha, yeah, one look at the Aquarius when it came out told me that the ship was terrible. You should have seen my reply on ESD when someone PMed me offering access to the Tier V Starbase in order to obtain the Fleet Aquarius.
Anyways, if you need help with that torpedo setup I use, pop me a message ingame anytime. My @handle is the same as my forum name. The build is something I've passed along to some of my fleetmates and friends ingame and I've yet to have one of them dislike it. Experiment with the weapon loadout as you like, there are some great weapon combinations.
However, I'd suggest keeping the Omega Torpedo launcher in the aft section, it tends to mess up the fore fire cycle badly. In the past, I've run Hargh'Pengs (nice spike explosion), Fleet Plasma Torpedoes (great DoT), and Chroniton Torpedoes (for the flight speed reduction, torpedo spread is vital however). Transphasic didn't appeal to me when I last tested them, I found I more out of a DoT than an instant shield bypass. Not to mention the 10 second cooldown compared to 8. However, I haven't tested them since the bleedthough was increased, their viability may have been changed. I always carry a beam weapon; either omni-antiproton, experimental plasma, or the hyper-refracting tetryon (auto-destroys mines/torpedoes).
hahaha, yeah, one look at the Aquarius when it came out told me that the ship was terrible. You should have seen my reply on ESD when someone PMed me offering access to the Tier V Starbase in order to obtain the Fleet Aquarius.
Anyways, if you need help with that torpedo setup I use, pop me a message ingame anytime. My @handle is the same as my forum name. The build is something I've passed along to some of my fleetmates and friends ingame and I've yet to have one of them dislike it. Experiment with the weapon loadout as you like, there are some great weapon combinations.
However, I'd suggest keeping the Omega Torpedo launcher in the aft section, it tends to mess up the fore fire cycle badly. In the past, I've run Hargh'Pengs (nice spike explosion), Fleet Plasma Torpedoes (great DoT), and Chroniton Torpedoes (for the flight speed reduction). Transphasic has never appealed to me, you get more out of a DoT than an instant shield bypass. Not to mention the 10 second cooldown compared to 8. I always carry a beam weapon; either omni-antiproton, experimental plasma, or the hyper-refracting tetryon (auto-destroys mines/torpedoes).
Im actually going to see how high i can spike those torps with 2-pieces
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Im actually going to see how high i can spike those torps with 2-pieces
Note that I edited/clarified one sentence about Transphasics, I tested them in the past, but I wasn't happy with their output. That has probably changed since Cryptic added +20% bleedthrough, but their lower base damage numbers have made them less than appealing compared to a plasma torpedo. The longer cooldown is also a downside I wasn't fond of in the least. With that said, I can't argue with the very effective B'Rel Bird of Prey Transphasic Torpedo strikes in PvP.
Note that I edited/clarified one sentence about Transphasics, I tested them in the past, but I wasn't happy with their output. That has probably changed since Cryptic added +20% bleedthrough, but their lower base damage numbers have made them less than appealing compared to a plasma torpedo. The longer cooldown is also a downside I wasn't fond of in the least. With that said, I can't argue with the very effective B'Rel Bird of Prey Transphasic Torpedo strikes in PvP.
I find Transphasics wholly unsatisfactory, though i use the rapid reload and breen cluster to pretty decent success
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
A very nice bridge officer/console/weapon setup indeed, I've actually seen players use this before several times. One of my fleetmates used this style a long time ago, it could drain Tactical cubes to 0 in all subsystems, which had it's advantages.
You'll learn more about this game from trying different things out, seeing what really works and what doesn't, succeeding on your own and learning from your own failures.
Look at the ship stats, look at the BOFF abilities, values, etc. The fun part is coming up with a build out of nothing and trying to implement it, refining it over mistakes made.
Then maximizing the hell out of it and having pride that "It's my s**t" and you came up with it, you made it work. It's even better if you come up with an unorthodox build that succeeds.
Personally, I'd rather come up with an uncommon build that succeeds than making a cookie cutter build that was never really your own to begin with.
Warmaker is correct we can point you in many directions, but your cockeyed hair brained scheme that you cook up in you head could actually be amazing and is totally worth a shot.
Testing is where most of these builds have come from, much testing and fiddling and trying out new/different things.
You better bet we all have our little secret dream builds we want to rock out one day, mine personally is a Battle Tuffli.
The war cry will be "We are Strong now!" My ship's name will simply be the Mondor and elicit groans wherever i travel , once i get my hands on a damned Tuffli that is (things are costly):D
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Anyone got a build which doesn't use any of the Vesta Consoles? As in just building her as a light cruiser? Without Fleet gear? Always wanted to try something like this out.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
Anyone got a build which doesn't use any of the Vesta Consoles? As in just building her as a light cruiser? Without Fleet gear? Always wanted to try something like this out.
I genenrally do not use the consoles that come with it unless its on a phaser build.
I cannot post my builds ATM, but i have one on a sci toon that runs apolarized disruptor beam array x6, for a drain build.
Another that runs straight rom plasma on a tac toon. But that one does use some fleet gear.
Essentially you need a starting point so you know where you are going. Like a drain build, or a build to weaken resistances, or a boss Control build.
There are so many different stating points and so many variations on those end builds. It is truly mind boggling, find your start and what you wouldlike out of it first, then we can help.
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Some information would be nice, first what career are you? Second, how much are you looking to spend?, Third, which Vesta version will you be running? Forth, What gear do you already have?
What captain type, this decides if you can do a slightly odder build or two.
Anyway short answer is if your into dps and aux with more dps its fleet A>W amp core as your base and if your aux more than dps its use the sphere carriers core as it lets you have 135 aux.
After that its a bit based on your captain class.
Hroothvitnir-I'm looking for a balance, so I'll look into the A>W amp core. Elite Fleet Reinforced Warp Core Mk XII [Sep] [A->W][ACap] [EWS] [SST] possibly.
Here you go
any of the equipment that isn't maxed can be moved up and in the desc page you can see what doff's to use. you should also be able to reach over 100 power in every subsystem while still getting 125 in weapons and 125 in shields.
It's been awhile since I did this build but you can max weapon power, then adjust the rest until you get around over 100 in each other sub system. Plasmonic leech plus engy traits and such should make that possible. You may need the warp core engy that gives the power levels per use of EPTS and or EPTW to do it. it's been awhile since I ran my vesta on my engy so i can't remember specifics off the top of my head.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Field Generators on the Vesta are a massive waste of space. The only reason to have a field generator is to block out spike damage. After that, you want as much regeneration as possible to recover from the lost shield capacity. When you are lower on shields, you are essentially a 6 console slotted ship if you are running 4 field generators.
Also, yet another person setting up the Vesta as if it were an escort. The Vesta is not an escort, nor is the Vesta a cruiser. The Vesta is a very powerful science vessel capable of putting out far more damage and performing far better when set up like an actual science vessel. My space vesta build isn't even finished, but it's already capable of putting out around 9k damage/second.
A Vesta with Dual Heavy Cannons and Turrets is doing it wrong, escorts are far better at putting out damage with Dual Heavy Cannons. A Vesta with 6 beam arrays is doing it wrong, the ship has two less weapon slots than a cruiser. A Vesta with Torpedoes and Mines on a kinetic science build is doing it right. A Vesta with Torpedoes and Dual Beam Banks with a drain science build is doing it right.
Dual Heavy Cannons on a science vessel is a massive gimmick with the ship. In truth, players are far better off by flying the Vesta without dual heavy cannons than with dual heavy cannons. Their damage will be significantly higher. If you want a science based escort, then there is the Fleet Advanced Escort.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
We shall see what happens when the new mechanics for BFAW come into play after today's maintenance.
Without Aux turrets available, beams are really the best balance of dps and survivability
Anyhow what I did:
Manage power - in every area whether speccing your captain or ship get power. Poor tac consoles with well powered weapons trumps top tac consoles with underpowered guns. My equipment includes: 2 piece borg set, leech, assimilated console, zero-point console, nukara console. Obviously energy siphon can help. Look at how you skilled your captain
Use Boff and capt abilities to boost power: eps transfer, ETP etc keeping those in rotation so your power is always higher than its base level.
If you can get an elite fleet warp core with AMP and fleet tac consoles( just coming available).
Do this and your total power level will be over 400 in combat.
Once your power levels are lovely and high go with whatever weapon layout you like with your preferred flavour and things should be fine - I run 2 phased polaron DBB and Dyson torp front, kinetic beam and 2 phased polaron turrets rear. For pure DPS phased polaron is not best, but it has procs that make life easier for the team so I think it fits my energy drain/CC build. The rom rep system Plasma weapons hit hard for pve play and have those threat scaling consoles that can give I think 9.6% extra damage for plasma weapons.
All that rep system gear has to earned by going through the rep system, you can't just buy it on the exchange or Cstore.
Engineer Capt keep their ships alive and active in combat so you can do damage when others have to retreat. Don't forget your sci skill roles like crowd control and healing, keeping a glass canon teammate alive helps team DPS more than getting in an extra couple of shot yourself does.
Don't underestimate the dmg. that Tractor Beam Repulsors and Grav Well can do if specc'd.
Yeah, I know it needs work... LOTS of work, so keep the laughter to a minimum.
Those are the Vesta aux cannons up front, although I didn't see the option before I hit save. Oops.
I run with aux power around 120/95, weapon power as low as it will go, and shield engine both around 75. APB/APD + CSV and EPTW for boosting damage, and gravity wells (with aftershock) for AoE splatting and keeping my targets in the firing arc.
I suspect I have no points in attack patterns-- something I should change.
The AP beam array is solely for subsystem targeting-- I have the buttons, I must press them. The turrets put out weak damage, and I may replace them with some combination of KCB / launchers... still doing DPS runs.
Which of the two suggested builds are you currently trying to assemble?
BTW, does weapons power over 125 affect weapon damage?
Is the KCB that effective?
See my post here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=14120711&postcount=13
The build I posted there is something you'd use in PvE, for PvP I'd remove the High Yields and toss on another Tactical Team and Attack Pattern Delta. It's also very similar to the setup I've been working on.
Basically what I'm getting at is 90% of the people on these forums offering advice on science vessels are escort and cruiser pilots. They suggest science vessel setups that essentially shoehorns the science vessel into a cruiser or escort role, which is a huge waste of potential.
Science vessels have the fewest number of weapon slots because they are capable of using high damage science abilities. A player ignoring that fact, setting it up as a cruiser or an escort, might as well take that build to a cruiser or an escort. Such setups work, but the science vessel will always have inferior damage compared to a cruiser or an escort setup on a true cruiser or a true escort.
Now, the Kinetic Cutting Beam is a good weapon most of the time if it's replacing a turret. The damage is much higher, but because it's kinetic, 75% of that damage is absorbed by shields is the shield facing is still active. The other reason to use the Kinetic Cutting Beam is for the set bonuses with the Assimilated Module Console and the Omega Force Plasma Torpedo. The two piece provides a weapon drain reduction proc and the three piece provides a near damage immunity proc.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Isnt that the ship you have to know what you are doing with that you tried to pawn off on me, and mostly convinced me to try out
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Yes, hence my quoting my own post. It's not rocket science using that build.:rolleyes: It's actually easier than trying to play a role the ship was never made to use.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
But you havent had the joy and frustration of trying to turn an Aquarius into the utliamte tank
But ironically some people cant use mines to save their lives......
And im still going to try it, eventually.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
hahaha, yeah, one look at the Aquarius when it came out told me that the ship was terrible. You should have seen my reply on ESD when someone PMed me offering access to the Tier V Starbase in order to obtain the Fleet Aquarius.
Anyways, if you need help with that torpedo setup I use, pop me a message ingame anytime. My @handle is the same as my forum name. The build is something I've passed along to some of my fleetmates and friends ingame and I've yet to have one of them dislike it. Experiment with the weapon loadout as you like, there are some great weapon combinations.
However, I'd suggest keeping the Omega Torpedo launcher in the aft section, it tends to mess up the fore fire cycle badly. In the past, I've run Hargh'Pengs (nice spike explosion), Fleet Plasma Torpedoes (great DoT), and Chroniton Torpedoes (for the flight speed reduction, torpedo spread is vital however). Transphasic didn't appeal to me when I last tested them, I found I more out of a DoT than an instant shield bypass. Not to mention the 10 second cooldown compared to 8. However, I haven't tested them since the bleedthough was increased, their viability may have been changed. I always carry a beam weapon; either omni-antiproton, experimental plasma, or the hyper-refracting tetryon (auto-destroys mines/torpedoes).
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Im actually going to see how high i can spike those torps with 2-pieces
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Note that I edited/clarified one sentence about Transphasics, I tested them in the past, but I wasn't happy with their output. That has probably changed since Cryptic added +20% bleedthrough, but their lower base damage numbers have made them less than appealing compared to a plasma torpedo. The longer cooldown is also a downside I wasn't fond of in the least. With that said, I can't argue with the very effective B'Rel Bird of Prey Transphasic Torpedo strikes in PvP.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
I find Transphasics wholly unsatisfactory, though i use the rapid reload and breen cluster to pretty decent success
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
A very nice bridge officer/console/weapon setup indeed, I've actually seen players use this before several times. One of my fleetmates used this style a long time ago, it could drain Tactical cubes to 0 in all subsystems, which had it's advantages.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
You'll learn more about this game from trying different things out, seeing what really works and what doesn't, succeeding on your own and learning from your own failures.
Look at the ship stats, look at the BOFF abilities, values, etc. The fun part is coming up with a build out of nothing and trying to implement it, refining it over mistakes made.
Then maximizing the hell out of it and having pride that "It's my s**t" and you came up with it, you made it work. It's even better if you come up with an unorthodox build that succeeds.
Personally, I'd rather come up with an uncommon build that succeeds than making a cookie cutter build that was never really your own to begin with.
But whatever suits you in the game.
Testing is where most of these builds have come from, much testing and fiddling and trying out new/different things.
You better bet we all have our little secret dream builds we want to rock out one day, mine personally is a Battle Tuffli.
The war cry will be "We are Strong now!" My ship's name will simply be the Mondor and elicit groans wherever i travel
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
I genenrally do not use the consoles that come with it unless its on a phaser build.
I cannot post my builds ATM, but i have one on a sci toon that runs apolarized disruptor beam array x6, for a drain build.
Another that runs straight rom plasma on a tac toon. But that one does use some fleet gear.
Essentially you need a starting point so you know where you are going. Like a drain build, or a build to weaken resistances, or a boss Control build.
There are so many different stating points and so many variations on those end builds. It is truly mind boggling, find your start and what you wouldlike out of it first, then we can help.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!