When you look around the forums, there is one thing that will always meet your eye. People are complaining about grind fests, the game being too easy, bugs and so on. Ofcourse, I have encountered these issues myself. And somehow, after 22 months, I am still logging in a couple of days a week (would love to log in more often, but I'm a student, so my free time has a Battle Cloak equipped). So now, I'm going to share my secrets about how to keep the game fun.
Start with your ships. An educated guess based on my many PUG matches teach me that 70% of the ingame ships are escorts, with everybody attempting to max out their damage (I say attempted, not everybody succeeds). When LoR launched, I started building my Romulan to also do max damage. And although my Fleet Mogai really has a nasty bite, it is not my favourite ship. I tend to stick with my Fleet Excelsior that is build for tanking.
Now, why is that? With my Excelsior, I have the time to enjoy every fight I enter. I do not melt through a Battleship, I have a good fight with it. I am capable of taking down a Khitomer cube on my own, but it is never guaranteed and pushes me to the edges of my capabilities as a starship captain. By artificially keeping my damage below a certain amount of DPS (after 22 months, I still have a Polaron build, no Jem'Hadar set and an uncommon beam array aft) the game never is easy. Many fights are tough, and therefore my feeling of accomplishement is all the better. On occasion I enter the Mogai, especially when some Fleet members want to run a set of STF's, but the Excelsior is the absolute flagship of my large fleet.
Coming close to this is to avoid the grind fest as much as possible. When Season 7 launched, I started doing both reputations for one of my two characters. Now I have 6 characters, and I have only reached a total of 3 T5 reputation. I never entered Nukara or Dyson, and the only reason I'm doing Omega and Romulan again on my Romulan for the Mogai max-out. And only when I feel like it. That Romulan was born on May 21st, and still isn't full T5 on Omega reputation.
Next to avoiding this major grind fest as a pain in the neck for every character you create, it also helps with keeping the game on a fun difficulty. My ships and characters will never be maxed out, keeping my damage low, enhancing to the challenge offered by this game.
There are only 2 things I will ever grind for. One of them are items that I like for a special character (for example: my KDF tac has a biography as originating from the Gamma Quadrant. When a buddy offered me a great deal on a Jem HEC, I went for it. Same story applies with getting FSM for my FLeet Mogai, I don't own the regular) and the other is my fleet.
Since I am already discussing my fleet, that is another great piece of advice I can give you. Help leading a fleet. This doesn't necesarily mean that you need to create your own, but you can also work towards getting to the higher ranks. The rewards from helping members level up their characters, assist in ship-building and so on are greater than any amount of dilithium can ever express. It is the feeling of doing something good.
Personally, I will not enjoy this game without leading a fleet. This has a personal background story, with me climbing up to Fleet Leader in the 506th, then after months getting demoted back to member by an inactive Leader. I tried for a while to blend in with another fleet, but the call of leadership was to great. In June I founded the Delta Task Force, which has restored my fun in the game. And it is great to see that fleet at T3 starbase, almost T3 mine, T2 embassy and T1 spire.
Another great piece of advice in how to keep the game fun: look into the Foundry. Sure, there is always the Captain Bobo's Grind Fest covering up about 85% of this feature. Then there is another 10% of boring, bad, poorly-written missions. But if you can dig deep enough, you can find the remaining 5% of the Foundry, which contains great stories and really fun missions to play. To write a Foundry mission is also fun to do. I know that my missions can use some improvement, but the experience of creating them was great.
The biggest advice I can give is to form your group of friends. I have met with a lot of players, and a small group of them have become really great ingame friends. One of them is leading the Delta Task Force next to me, because we can trust each other to the point that we will never kick each other from fleet leadership. That is friendship. That is the best thing you can have to keep you in this game.
As a final advice, don't feel yourself forced to do anything. If you stop doing dailies (I gave up on them a long time, except for Q's wonderland and Risa summer event on half of my chars), don't feel yourself forced to do reputation to get a really good working ship (I've got a great tank with stuff worth of around 1 million ec) and just do whatever you feel like doing in Star Trek Online, you will discover an amazing game, capable of delivering you a lot of interesting content, all different from one another. I will be the last person to say that this game does not need further developing, especially in the areas of exploration, bugs and PvP (thats the sad part about not being the aforementioned Captain Bobo: you are currently unable to participate in PvP). But the game in its current shape will allow you to do so many things. You just need to have the right mind setting to go find it.
I dont care for money in the real world, then imagine how i feel about ingame currencies. typical root of evil being money. the one thing i dont care for is the grinds and the currencies in game, never had. that sort of stuff does not translate with me. where as i play the game to have some fun, that alone. earlier in the day i deleted WoT because i did not longer enjoy it and if STO goes the down that route of boring then it remains on the computer but ignored for a while, and return to TOR and play that for fun.
The way i see it is if someone doesnt like the game they can constructively put out their thoughts and abandon the game for another and that would be the end of it. but in reality people attempt to RATM and not realize they are just a guest at the table, so they wind themselves up until they do something stupid on the forum. what else is new?!
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
This is all great advice. Sometimes it's okay to step away from the rep grind and play what YOU want to play. And yeah, some of the best missions in STO are Foundry missions! Being part of a an active, social fleet really helps. I am even more in love with STO since I joined UFP.
"Be humble for you are made of earth; be noble for you are made of stars."
Also if you are in too that kind of thing, I like to role play with my characters.
For instance for my first character I wanted to make a Nausicaan Pirate/Scavenger, so I decided to only use carriers with Orion Slavers as a must and a random second fighter pet if I have room, and only level up the Omega rep as to keep up with the scavenger role. Having loads of fun and will still play with him but I just started today a new Romulan character, don't know where exactly I will go with him but I want a sneaky TRIBBLE feel from him.
I like your post and think you have some good points. I found myself mindlessly grinding dailies and doffing and getting caught up in the Arms race and DPS race. After watching some DS9 and Nemesis, I thought it would be more fun and challenging to role play a little more. One of the great things about this game are that there really are a lot of things to do and a lot of ways to do them.
For more fun and challenge, I'm focusing my chars on more canon like ships and builds. I'm putting my alien ships in dry dock for the time being. Like you said, STFs and other battles get more interesting and challenging when you're not just plowing through everything with a high DPS cookie cutter build.
Also if you are in too that kind of thing, I like to role play with my characters.
For instance for my first character I wanted to make a Nausicaan Pirate/Scavenger, so I decided to only use carriers with Orion Slavers as a must and a random second fighter pet if I have room, and only level up the Omega rep as to keep up with the scavenger role. Having loads of fun and will still play with him but I just started today a new Romulan character, don't know where exactly I will go with him but I want a sneaky TRIBBLE feel from him.
The way i see it is if someone doesnt like the game they can constructively put out their thoughts and abandon the game for another and that would be the end of it. but in reality people attempt to RATM and not realize they are just a guest at the table, so they wind themselves up until they do something stupid on the forum. what else is new?!
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
For instance for my first character I wanted to make a Nausicaan Pirate/Scavenger, so I decided to only use carriers with Orion Slavers as a must and a random second fighter pet if I have room, and only level up the Omega rep as to keep up with the scavenger role.
For more fun and challenge, I'm focusing my chars on more canon like ships and builds. I'm putting my alien ships in dry dock for the time being. Like you said, STFs and other battles get more interesting and challenging when you're not just plowing through everything with a high DPS cookie cutter build.
I knew I was forgetting something! XD
Join the Deltas today!
It's actually the love of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself.
Way I see it is if you call it grinding, you're doing it wrong.
I've been having a blast getting my Voth rep up and outfitting a ship, but when I don't feel like it that day, I don't do it!
S.S. Doff Lundgren