Have you always wanted to be in a fleet that is focusing on getting the hardest STFs done right? Do you want to prance around with a high profile title such as Honor Guard Commander? Then the
Honor Guard Raiders is the fleet for you!
Visit us over at
STFRaiders.com and file an application. After a small trial run, you'll be admitted to a dedicated fleet towards the current STFs and future STFs, all elite, both ground and space! Do note, that Honor Guard Raiders has a Federation sister fleet also! So both factions are covered by our Fleet! Apply today, bask in glory tomorrow!
Per optimas, pro optimis, tanti optimi!
Thanks so far. Qa'plah!!
I played with them and they are 1 of the best fleet, i know.
Thanks to them I know how to do all STF's on elite (they helped me with : Cure space and Infected ground)
ps: Thanks for that.
Hi and apologies for this.
We are currently updating our server. However, you can at the present time access http://scfleet.enjin.com/forum
(Besides I don't see much activity on the forums the last few weeks, and I doubt my application will be looked at