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Looking for Fleet

yon818yon818 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2013 in Earth Spacedock

I am looking for a new Fleet to join, I have not played STO for about 1.5 years and have only recently returned to the game.

I am a closed beta, lifetime sub player, I have 2x level 50 Starfleet characters, and a recently created Romulan to try and re-learn the basics of the game.

I stopped playing shortly after the Borg episodes and STF's were introduced, so I have missed ALOT!

Basically looking for a Fleet who can help me get back up to scratch with builds, and point me in the right direction for acquiring the new gear for my ground and ships. I am pretty much lost at where to start.

Post edited by yon818 on


  • zeus#0893 zeus Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    I am Zeus and I would like to invite you to come try us out and see if we are the Fleet you are looking for. We are mature players and have been playing online since 2003. We have two Fleets running on STO. Info on the Fleets follows;

    3rd Foot & Mouth (FED)
    Dill Mine: Tier 2 (almost at Tier 3)
    Embassy: Tier 2 (almost at Tier 3)
    Spire: (Started but not at Tier 1 yet - we are finishing the Mine and Embassy first)
    Starbase: Tier 3 (almost at Tier 4)

    House of Bloodwing (KDF)
    Dill Mine: Tier 2 (almost at Tier 3)
    Embassy: Tier 2 (almost at Tier 3)
    Spire: (Started but not at Tier 1 yet - we are finishing the Mine and Embassy first)
    Starbase: Tier 3 (almost at Tier 4)

    I also own and operate our TeamSpeak 3 server for the Fleet. I have a Non-Profit license for it so I can have 10 virtual servers each with 100 slots although I doubt we will need that many. Right now I have two setup (info follows);

    Olympus - Home of the Gods port 9987 password galactica

    Bananaworld port 9977 password dtfc2012

    Now for some info on us. We are casual based and don't have strict requirements for fleet asset access. We just want each member to do what they can for the bases and the Fleets. We enjoy STF's, Fleet Mark events, and doing missions. We mostly do PVE's but sometimes we will do some PVP to test out our builds and skills. We have members from the US, UK, and Sweden and are open to anyone that shows they are mature and can get along with others. We have all been in clans/guilds/fleets that have been run by dictators and that is not our style. Rank is easy to get with us and all it takes is your time and a desire to have fun.

    I welcome you to come try us out by connecting to our TeamSpeak servers and talking with us to see if you would like to join us.

    Our European members are on Bananaworld TS during US daytime hours each and everyday as well as myself and a few more of our members based in the US. At night I switch over to Olympus TS where my original STO Fleet is based. They are also casual and mature and would welcome you.

    I personally have 3 alts (each with their own fleet bank) that are just used as Quartermasters for storage of massive amounts of ships, gear, commodities, reward items, etc. I use these Quartermasters to supply the bases and house my personal items.

    I also have 12 other alts as my main toons that I play on.

    We are not a large fleet but nor are we a small fleet. I like a smaller fleet as it is easier to be in and it allows for every member to feel like they are a major part of the Fleet.

    Well I hope to speak with you soon and thanks for looking,

    Co-Founder 3rd Foot & Mouth and the House of Bloodwing

  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Good morning. I hope you will take a moment and consider the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. We are a small but great fleet. We are easy going, dedicated and friendly. We all come from different backgrounds and have different ways of doing things, but that?s part of what makes us great.

    Anyone in our fleet is happy to help others when needed, in almost any aspect of the game and in some cases RL. We have a fleet TeamSpeak3 server that we use for voice chat not just in-game but also to hang out as well and get to know each other better (not required, just available). Many of us are located on the East Coast (USA), Canada and the EU.

    Although I say our fleet is dedicated, we also realize that everyone has lives as well, so therefore when you need to take the time, you don't need to be concerned about losing your position within the fleet due to RL too. We do not discriminate against such things because we understand that sometimes real life issues and problems can take time to resolve, and that some time is needed to sort things out.

    So please, think about joining and moving with us into 2409 armed with the best Intel, the most specific and targeted body of knowledge about STO, and a group of Fleet-mates who will be there with you in the crunch.

    The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live Long and Prosper!

    If you would like additional information on the [VKF] please don?t hesitate to contact me or any of our members.
  • shizashane#4465 shizashane Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hi there. Welcome back to STO, if your not wanting to be over burdened by a giant fleet then come check us out (Starfleet Expeditionary Squadron) we are about two months into the fleet but we are expert players who recently decided to do our own thing and try building a fleet from the ground up. We are a STRICT....ly laid back fleet :P and do not have major requirements such as contributions, we are here for the game. We would be happy to share our own insight on ship builds and some of the latest PVE runs' with you. Our numbers are small but we intend to grow we just have to find the right people who will be there for the long haul considering we are on our way to T2. So if you visit our forums and think you might be interested let us know there or in game mail at Tech@capitanshane420.... note that captain is spelled incorrectly, this was done on purpose :P see you out there.
    *(How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life)*
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Not sure if you are over 30 years young but if you are we we may be the fleet for you. We just started recruiting again after 8 months.

    We have no rules and nothing is mandatory. We are very relaxed and we are social first.

    We are a mature (+30) fleet of semi-casual players but we have a good mix of people with a lot of experience and newbie's. Lots of areas that you can explore as a fleet if you are interested.

    Check out our website at tosfleet.com or click on my signature block... Or check our STO recruitment page.

    James Bailey
  • cptmike86cptmike86 Member Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Starfleet SWAT is committed to having fun and being totally immersed in the Star Trek Online universe.

    While we have rules and ranks that follow Star Trek, we are overall a laid back community looking to enjoy our time spent here and in STO. Also we enjoy helping others out in anyway possible. So if you don't like to laugh and have a good time :o, this community may not be for you.

    As our name states, while in STO we play through the episodes tactically and in general enjoy playing through them at a slower pace and move together as a team. We are committed to PvE and achieving the best equipment.

    We are a small fleet, with plenty of advancement opportunities. And we also have an Ambassador position for those that either don't play as often or would like fleet benefits without all the full member commitments.

    You can contact either myself: Mike (@CptMik86) or O'Neill (@SG_Oneill) or Trey (@seaway2) in-game, or join our in-game recruitment channel: /channel_join SSWAT or head on over to our website and introduce yourself and fill out a very small simple application.

    Hope you find what you're looking for and good luck!
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