And yes, this is another topic on the possibility of a 4th faction, though unlike most of those currently running, and unlike the typical ones I usually start up, I'm here this time not asking who it should be, but rather asking, should it be done.
People that post here frequently should be familiar with me, I have a distinct opinion on most things within the game (whether shared or not) and was pretty vocal about the lack of an independent Romulan Faction following the release of LoR. Since then though, I've been quite vocal about my desire for a Cardassian faction. Until today.
At the moment we've three factions (or, two factions and a fraction (for those of you that wish to be precise)). Regardless of whether Cryptic do one more faction, or whether they do another three, four, five plus; each time a further addition to the game comes to pass in the way of a faction/fraction that is taking away from current content.
The LoR release was primarily about giving players the Romulans, and that we got. The Klingons also got some reworked missions, a new tutorial, and low-level content. The Federation however got nothing. Should we get a 4th Faction (be that Cardassian or otherwise) it's likely that the only other faction/fraction to get touched in terms of content would be the Romulans.
My point here is, for every new faction that is released, older and current ones are going to suffer. The Cryptic team is only so big, and can't focus on each faction every time they get a nice big update or season underway; the more factions that exist in the game, the more diluted the playerbase will become, and the less content each faction will get per each seasonal update.
Thus I ask the question, would we rather see a 4th faction (quite possibly resulting in a lack of content for older/existing factions), or would we rather see Cryptic focus on the three factions that we have (maybe turning the third independent in the process)?
The way things go for factions is that each faction has its own unique content, then the endgame has the exact same content. Any new faction will have a new social area of their own, new missions, new costumes, and new ships for the initial release. The only thing that is needed for future releases is new ships and other content that can be found on the C-Store. So the only concern is can Cryptic keep on developing new ships and costumes for each faction and I figure they can do it for another two or three mini-factions.
I would tend to disagree. (granted, I'm not really caring one way or the other about getting a new faction).
But, I think that while content may come out slower, for the existing factions, if a new one is made, it doesn't necessarily mean less. It only means less, if you decide to NOT play as a member of that new faction.
As far as "diluting" the player base, I think that point is pretty moot. We have some that like 1 faction over the others. Some like 2 factions over the others. Some like all 3. Some like only tac's.....(you get my point, lol)
Some like ground, some like sapce, some like both.
Pretty much any category of something that can be liked or disliked, and you'll often have at 3 "player-types", often more. So it's pretty well shot on the dilution point.
So, I feel that a 4th faction/sub-faction is feasible, on those points. But honestly, I'd rather see a season's worth of update time given more to, balancing old ships/equipment a bit better (especially a slight re-vamp of the pre-existing ships compared to the ones that have come out with the last year or so.) More STFs and F/A's. Rework the AI a bit. Implement more consequences for your ship exploding. Maybe implement a more immersive economy, such as having to deal with the logistics a bit, of storing x amount of ships in your personal shipyard. More & better crafting possibilities (or more accurately, I would call it manufacturing in this game, lol). Maybe make the ship classes a little different from each other (like the various classes that comprise the "Heavy Cruiser", or "Heavy Escort"), as right now, no matter what ship class you pick, it performs identical to the others, it's only an aesthetic choice currently.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
I would absolutely not, under any circumstances whatsoever, like to see any further patchwork "fractions" implemented in STO. They should clean up the older content, and solidify it. And bring back the story, as described in other places.
I just notice that the mission Temporal Ambassador leaves openings for Ferengi and Cardassian factions. Fed characters get help from Shon, Klingon characters from B'vat, Romulan characters from Obisek. But then you have Farek and Rugan Syl also just hanging around contributing absolutely nothing; instinct says they weren't included just for the heck of it.
Buuut... the devs would have to not only make sure the dialog from the all-faction missions matches the context from the perspective from a member from the 4th faction, but they'd also have to provide content for the 4th faction for every faction-shared thing they do. A 4th faction's ship for featured eps with fac-specific ships. Unique equipment for fac-specific rep projects(like MACO/KHG armor). Anniversary stuff. Etc. On top of making everything within the faction like starbases, uniforms, etc.
It's not like it's improbable. In fact I think it's inevitable. But it's a HUEG undertaking. I wouldn't expect it till at least next summer.
More factions the merrier as far as PvP goes. 3-4 way PvP is fun and adds more variation abilities for different games. capture and hold takes on a whole new meaning when there are more than 2 factions with temoporary aliances and the eventual backstab. Even TDM is better with more than 2 where you can wait for 2 sides to go at it and both are weakened and take both out then get flanked and taken out yourself. much more strategic manuevaring makes for more fun than charge forward and kill the 1 team.
As for PvE it adds more variety in leveling up and unique endgame even though its the same basic content. I quite enjoy fed and KDF and my 2 aligned romulans as each faction has different skillsets and are stronger in one way and weaker in another. So if I get bored with one i swap to another.
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
And yes, this is another topic on the possibility of a 4th faction, though unlike most of those currently running, and unlike the typical ones I usually start up, I'm here this time not asking who it should be, but rather asking, should it be done.
Unless they can redo the Romulans, and then make all future factions "full" instead of the current romulan "half(-[censored]ed)" style, no. Real, actual factions, or don't even insult our intelligence again.
I'd vote for Deferi as another minifaction. Let them develop a flagship of their own with unique weapons (would go with disrupting tetryons, a unique tripple beam bank (V-shaped) and disabling EMP torpedoes) and seperation technology (so it shows Starfleet and the KDF were helping), let them have deferi guardians on ground that use a new form of melee weapon (halberd maybe) and ground armour/costume and we would have a decent minifaction that doesn't step on any trek fan's toes.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
You can't have full factions in this game because the player base just isn't there... you don't have to look any further than the PvE queues to see that. That is why the allied faction model was used. The waits are getting longer the more events they add. Look at Ri'ho<sp> Station or Starbase Incursion during mark event times. It's very difficult to get your marks for some stuff just because no one is in queue. The only events that are swamped are those the game started with... STFs and CE.
I would prefer strengthening the existing game for now, finish the city on New Romulus, make use of dead content in the game (patrols, DSE's, exploration clusters, crafting), add the alpha quadrant sectors for Trill, Betazed, Ferenginar, etc. Foundry is nice but without meaningful rewards and lots of demand elsewhere for marks, etc, there just isn't time for it. If there is a new faction I won't complain, but I think there are better things to do right now.
Gold Sub since March 2010
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
liberated borg like hugh....cubes no more liike hughs ship as class leader scimitar size
The Ferengi
All of these races already have ships in the game and would be easy to Add just like the Romulans were added
They just need home sectors about 4 sectors away from everyone else so there are contested zone to explore and colonize
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Have to agree with other posters. There is insufficient population to support even a mini faction and the devs don't churn out enough content as is. I am huge fan of a Cardassian faction but it shouldn't be something they half TRIBBLE.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Too resource intensive for both devs and players alike. There being only 24 hours in a day, I highly doubt everyone can play and contribute a meaningful amount of time to each toon. And also, keep in that mind character slots are limited as well.
I get what the OP is saying but I doubt the Fed faction will ever be seriously neglected. When people think about Trek and they find this game, they almost certainly gravitate towards the Federation. Its why they just did a new tutorial for the Feds. Hopefully they can clean up some of the earlier missions as well. I wouldn't mind a 4th faction.... especially if its ferengi because that would be such a totally different user experience than say a militaristic faction like the Cardassians or Liberated Borg. A 4th faction may lead to some KDF neglect, but that's unfortunately the norm anyways. I doubt kdf gets much more than what they've already gotten unless the new end game content starts to be tailored to specific factions ( such as the mission text, etc). They'll probably need to do a new faction anyways since Its a big money maker... and how many more FEd ships can you possibly make? I would love to see the Alpha quadrant filled out with the rest if the Federation worlds. Or, expanse into the Delta and Gamma quadrants with a 4th faction added then.
Honestly I don't see the point. It would be far easier if they introduced new playable species for either the Federation or the KDF.
Launch them with a single featured episode that explains why the race in question joined the respective faction. Add a collection of free race specific ships to the shipyards and that is all you need.
Perhaps doing it like this would also prompt the dev team to update the older Fed and featured episodic content, that stuff is really starting to show its age now.
Tacofangs recently said they have 40 team members. I will agree that adding additional faction is a tricky business. They were able to "fit" the Romulans into the main story-line decently without retconing everyone else but now with the story moving forward it might be very tricky or easy to make an existing faction playable.
I would think that it might be possible, IF it was a totally separate faction.
Meaning, not aligned with the Fed/KDF.
And then, probably might not happen at all if Rommies don't become their own.
Then there is the matter of including unique content for each faction,
not to mention the reworking of PVE/PVP queues...
So, in retrospect, it probably won't happen any time soon. That is if it did happen at all.
I'll have to say though that it would be interesting to see it happen.
I'd vote for Deferi as another minifaction. Let them develop a flagship of their own with unique weapons (would go with disrupting tetryons, a unique tripple beam bank (V-shaped) and disabling EMP torpedoes) and seperation technology (so it shows Starfleet and the KDF were helping), let them have deferi guardians on ground that use a new form of melee weapon (halberd maybe) and ground armour/costume and we would have a decent minifaction that doesn't step on any trek fan's toes.
Anything is possible and feasible given enough resources but right now new factions become less feasible from an economic viewpoint as time goes on.
To release another faction you need at the very least:
* New character models and costumes
* A new tutorial
* new voice overs
* possibly a few unique missions including a faction select mission (in rommie fashion)
* 2 or 3 ships for every tier plus a selection of store ships of different types - these are problematic in trying to also find unique console powers and effects
Add on a short faction specific storyline to catchup with the others and you have a lot of manpower needed to do anything. As time goes on the catchup ship requirements increase and lockbox releases make it less likely a faction will appear at all.
Still should they include a trade alliance faction with the Ferengi D'kora in it I am all there in a flash.
For each mini-faction, the only strenuous part is the initial release. After that it is just faction-specific ships and costumes and both of those are usually C-Store items. After all, it has been a long time since there was a Federation only mission that was over level 5 was released. All the Feds have got over the past couple of years is cross-faction content. I think the last mission content that the Feds got and KDF didn't get was the diplomatic missions from Season 2 and the mission revamps from Season 3 besides the obvious Tutorial Revamp.
I'm sorry but when I read the title I had to pick myself up off the floor from laughing hysterically. Considering how long it took for them to get the KDF to where it is now, considering what they did to the Romulan "fraction", no, I shudder to think of what they would do with/to a 4th faction.
There are a plethora of long standing bugs and problems that have gone untouched in this game that need to be fixed and every single damn time they add something new they somehow break a bunch of other things, no, we do not need another aborted faction.
We need errors fixed, graphical and otherwise, exploration enhanced, crafting reworked, pvp redesigned, and the KDF and Romulan brought up to parity with the Federation for content long before we should even think about a 4th faction.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
I prefer that to "good" Cardassians or Ferengi that abandoned the way of profit like they did with the Romulans just so nobody has to play an "evil" character. I don't care what they do with their own designs but I really don't want any more Star Trek people that are literally NOTHING like, well, the Star Trek people.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Personally, I would prefer if they invested the time and resources into improving the core gameplay rather than having to build up and support a new (sub-)faction. I'd rather see the ship and interior artists improve the existing models and interiors before working on new ones.
Even if they're purchase-only, I would love to get some interior options for the Orion, Vulcan and Gorn ships. Likewise, I'd be more interested in seeing some new Vulcan and Ferasan ships instead of a dozen new Cardassian/whichever ships.
I'm not saying I never want to see another new 'faction', just not next year(would rather have an 'expansion' centered around a brand new exploration system). I think it's a bit too soon.
Honestly I don't see the point. It would be far easier if they introduced new playable species for either the Federation or the KDF.
Launch them with a single featured episode that explains why the race in question joined the respective faction. Add a collection of free race specific ships to the shipyards and that is all you need.
This is honestly how I would do it. I know why people want a Cardassian faction, I do, but even the game background/lore says that the Cardies are fairly close to joining the Federation. Release an episode about it happening, and let it unlock the race. You could have something in the episode be about a rogue group splitting off to the Klingons, too, or the Klingons could get their own race, like... Jem'hadar, or Hirogen.
I'm sorry but when I read the title I had to pick myself up off the floor from laughing hysterically. Considering how long it took for them to get the KDF to where it is now, considering what they did to the Romulan "fraction", no, I shudder to think of what they would do with/to a 4th faction.
This. You can't make a 4th faction until you have a 3rd faction, which we don't. No more fractions passed off as factions, thank you very much.
Bottom line: No, a 4th faction isn't feasible. Hell, a 3rd one wasn't and they did it anyway, which just proves why they shouldn't even try a 4th.
as I have replied to a previous post similar to this, I cant see what your argument Is.
so the roms had to choose who to make an alliance with big deal, what difference did that make to the actual game content.
so after you worked through the content of the main story line all the missions were the same as some that had been done by the fed characters.
if this is your measure for half a faction or a fraction as you call it then surly isn't the Klingon faction also a fraction as many of the story missions that were played as a Klingon were also repeats of federation missions.
and at the end of the day once you hit level 50 and your just doing reps the faction that you belong to becomes somewhat irrelevant, the only minor difference being that you cannot form a team with players from the opposition, but then when you do a pve mission like for example stf`s with a random group you quite often find feds and roms and Klingons all fighting on the same side anyway.
personally I welcome another fraction (most likely cardies) as we will get loads of new story missions as we did with legacy and hopefully lots of new content for feds kdf and roms to play through as happened with nimbus 3 as that was a part of the legacy update and hopefully some new reps to go with it, and I would quite like to have him make an alliance with the Klingons as my rom made an alliance with the feds.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
There is a false assumption here that a new faction would also be a guarantee of new content, we do not know that to be true, in fact we have historical proof of the opposite.
For a very long time STO was almost exclusively Federation oriented with KDF given paltry attention. No one was even considering Romulans other than getting access to their ships. It took years to get the Klingon faction to the level it is today and there is still a hell of a lot that could be done and the Romulan fraction with it's nonsensical alliance system that pits Romulan against Romulan is just ridiculous. We've done nothing to explore the member races of the Federation, the Klingons and it's member races could use a lot more work and we aren't even touching the surface of what could or should be done with the Romulans.
There have only been 3 major empires in the franchise, Federation, Klingon and Romulan all the rest have only ever been side stories by side characters. The Dominion could count as a fourth but the fact of its remoteness makes it an unlikely contender with the other three that border on each other.
We can ask the developers to concentrate on refining and improving what already exists, or ask them to spread themselves thin providing a bunch of buggy new material so we can have another incomplete excuse for a faction. I would much prefer they do the former than the later.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
But, I think that while content may come out slower, for the existing factions, if a new one is made, it doesn't necessarily mean less. It only means less, if you decide to NOT play as a member of that new faction.
As far as "diluting" the player base, I think that point is pretty moot. We have some that like 1 faction over the others. Some like 2 factions over the others. Some like all 3. Some like only tac's.....(you get my point, lol)
Some like ground, some like sapce, some like both.
Pretty much any category of something that can be liked or disliked, and you'll often have at 3 "player-types", often more. So it's pretty well shot on the dilution point.
So, I feel that a 4th faction/sub-faction is feasible, on those points. But honestly, I'd rather see a season's worth of update time given more to, balancing old ships/equipment a bit better (especially a slight re-vamp of the pre-existing ships compared to the ones that have come out with the last year or so.) More STFs and F/A's. Rework the AI a bit. Implement more consequences for your ship exploding. Maybe implement a more immersive economy, such as having to deal with the logistics a bit, of storing x amount of ships in your personal shipyard. More & better crafting possibilities (or more accurately, I would call it manufacturing in this game, lol). Maybe make the ship classes a little different from each other (like the various classes that comprise the "Heavy Cruiser", or "Heavy Escort"), as right now, no matter what ship class you pick, it performs identical to the others, it's only an aesthetic choice currently.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
My character Tsin'xing
Buuut... the devs would have to not only make sure the dialog from the all-faction missions matches the context from the perspective from a member from the 4th faction, but they'd also have to provide content for the 4th faction for every faction-shared thing they do. A 4th faction's ship for featured eps with fac-specific ships. Unique equipment for fac-specific rep projects(like MACO/KHG armor). Anniversary stuff. Etc. On top of making everything within the faction like starbases, uniforms, etc.
It's not like it's improbable. In fact I think it's inevitable. But it's a HUEG undertaking. I wouldn't expect it till at least next summer.
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
As for PvE it adds more variety in leveling up and unique endgame even though its the same basic content. I quite enjoy fed and KDF and my 2 aligned romulans as each faction has different skillsets and are stronger in one way and weaker in another. So if I get bored with one i swap to another.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
Unless they can redo the Romulans, and then make all future factions "full" instead of the current romulan "half(-[censored]ed)" style, no. Real, actual factions, or don't even insult our intelligence again.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I would prefer strengthening the existing game for now, finish the city on New Romulus, make use of dead content in the game (patrols, DSE's, exploration clusters, crafting), add the alpha quadrant sectors for Trill, Betazed, Ferenginar, etc. Foundry is nice but without meaningful rewards and lots of demand elsewhere for marks, etc, there just isn't time for it. If there is a new faction I won't complain, but I think there are better things to do right now.
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
The Dominion/jem hadar/vorta/founders
These Voth characters...........................
liberated borg like hugh....cubes no more liike hughs ship as class leader scimitar size
The Ferengi
All of these races already have ships in the game and would be easy to Add just like the Romulans were added
They just need home sectors about 4 sectors away from everyone else so there are contested zone to explore and colonize
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
- Judge Aaron Satie
Why are you not rejoicing?
Launch them with a single featured episode that explains why the race in question joined the respective faction. Add a collection of free race specific ships to the shipyards and that is all you need.
Perhaps doing it like this would also prompt the dev team to update the older Fed and featured episodic content, that stuff is really starting to show its age now.
Meaning, not aligned with the Fed/KDF.
And then, probably might not happen at all if Rommies don't become their own.
Then there is the matter of including unique content for each faction,
not to mention the reworking of PVE/PVP queues...
So, in retrospect, it probably won't happen any time soon. That is if it did happen at all.
I'll have to say though that it would be interesting to see it happen.
Ew no. :mad:
To release another faction you need at the very least:
* New character models and costumes
* A new tutorial
* new voice overs
* possibly a few unique missions including a faction select mission (in rommie fashion)
* 2 or 3 ships for every tier plus a selection of store ships of different types - these are problematic in trying to also find unique console powers and effects
Add on a short faction specific storyline to catchup with the others and you have a lot of manpower needed to do anything. As time goes on the catchup ship requirements increase and lockbox releases make it less likely a faction will appear at all.
Still should they include a trade alliance faction with the Ferengi D'kora in it I am all there in a flash.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
There are a plethora of long standing bugs and problems that have gone untouched in this game that need to be fixed and every single damn time they add something new they somehow break a bunch of other things, no, we do not need another aborted faction.
We need errors fixed, graphical and otherwise, exploration enhanced, crafting reworked, pvp redesigned, and the KDF and Romulan brought up to parity with the Federation for content long before we should even think about a 4th faction.
I prefer that to "good" Cardassians or Ferengi that abandoned the way of profit like they did with the Romulans just so nobody has to play an "evil" character. I don't care what they do with their own designs but I really don't want any more Star Trek people that are literally NOTHING like, well, the Star Trek people.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Even if they're purchase-only, I would love to get some interior options for the Orion, Vulcan and Gorn ships. Likewise, I'd be more interested in seeing some new Vulcan and Ferasan ships instead of a dozen new Cardassian/whichever ships.
I'm not saying I never want to see another new 'faction', just not next year(would rather have an 'expansion' centered around a brand new exploration system). I think it's a bit too soon.
This is honestly how I would do it. I know why people want a Cardassian faction, I do, but even the game background/lore says that the Cardies are fairly close to joining the Federation. Release an episode about it happening, and let it unlock the race. You could have something in the episode be about a rogue group splitting off to the Klingons, too, or the Klingons could get their own race, like... Jem'hadar, or Hirogen.
This. You can't make a 4th faction until you have a 3rd faction, which we don't. No more fractions passed off as factions, thank you very much.
Bottom line: No, a 4th faction isn't feasible. Hell, a 3rd one wasn't and they did it anyway, which just proves why they shouldn't even try a 4th.
so the roms had to choose who to make an alliance with big deal, what difference did that make to the actual game content.
so after you worked through the content of the main story line all the missions were the same as some that had been done by the fed characters.
if this is your measure for half a faction or a fraction as you call it then surly isn't the Klingon faction also a fraction as many of the story missions that were played as a Klingon were also repeats of federation missions.
and at the end of the day once you hit level 50 and your just doing reps the faction that you belong to becomes somewhat irrelevant, the only minor difference being that you cannot form a team with players from the opposition, but then when you do a pve mission like for example stf`s with a random group you quite often find feds and roms and Klingons all fighting on the same side anyway.
personally I welcome another fraction (most likely cardies) as we will get loads of new story missions as we did with legacy and hopefully lots of new content for feds kdf and roms to play through as happened with nimbus 3 as that was a part of the legacy update and hopefully some new reps to go with it, and I would quite like to have him make an alliance with the Klingons as my rom made an alliance with the feds.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
For a very long time STO was almost exclusively Federation oriented with KDF given paltry attention. No one was even considering Romulans other than getting access to their ships. It took years to get the Klingon faction to the level it is today and there is still a hell of a lot that could be done and the Romulan fraction with it's nonsensical alliance system that pits Romulan against Romulan is just ridiculous. We've done nothing to explore the member races of the Federation, the Klingons and it's member races could use a lot more work and we aren't even touching the surface of what could or should be done with the Romulans.
There have only been 3 major empires in the franchise, Federation, Klingon and Romulan all the rest have only ever been side stories by side characters. The Dominion could count as a fourth but the fact of its remoteness makes it an unlikely contender with the other three that border on each other.
We can ask the developers to concentrate on refining and improving what already exists, or ask them to spread themselves thin providing a bunch of buggy new material so we can have another incomplete excuse for a faction. I would much prefer they do the former than the later.