They can be, when set up properly, but they lack the tac console slots and can only equip beams/turrets to give them serious bite like escorts. Which is fine, since they are not meant for that purpose. As for the science 'cheese,' they can do that well aswell, but a lot of the sci powers have been nerfed pretty badly over the past few years. Still, with the proper setup, they can do really well, even with their limitations.
Formerly known as Echo@Rivyn13
Member since early 2011
With the high shield modifier of science ships, shouldn't they be decent DPS tanks with the potential for a lot of science cheese?
Some are already
The Vesta Aventine for a example
its most likely the best ship in the game being able to tank CC and Dps all from the same build
I use 5 beam arrays the the 180 quantum on mine with excellent results in all content in PvE never needing to change anything for content
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
My new Sci toon was tearing up PvE queues in her Nebula, Intrepid and Luna using Grav Well and Fire at Will. Now that she's at 50, she's into a Scatter Volley/Grav Well Vesta. There's some fine tuning that I need to do with it, but in my brief testing last night it was wrecking things. The great thing about Sci both in space and on ground is its ability to engage and damage entire groups at once. Grav Well is the shining star of this. With high Aux power, Particle Gens and Graviton Gens, it just pulls everything together in one tight little wad for your (and your team's) weapons to just rip apart. Once one thing blows up, it can start off chain core breaches, which is just a joyous thing to watch. I got my last couple levels last night doing that in the Mirror event with the Luna. Hilarious. When dealing with large groups of enemies, this is way faster than a straight up Tac build.
Ok, so I don't like the stats on aux cannons and I've never flown a science ship or even made a science toon before, is aux power that important? I usually max weapon power out and cram the rest into shields. Is 40 aux power enough?
If you're not going to max out aux power, don't bother getting a Vesta. Its greatest strength is using the aux cannons to help your abilities. The vesta can fly well with other cannons, but you might as well get an escort then. When I use to fly my vesta, I had it maxed out on aux power. Aux power needs to be the highest. Thats my belief.
Member since early 2011
Some are already
The Vesta Aventine for a example
its most likely the best ship in the game being able to tank CC and Dps all from the same build
I use 5 beam arrays the the 180 quantum on mine with excellent results in all content in PvE never needing to change anything for content
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse