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Why do Pve'ers fear a pvp revamp?



  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    I don't see the PVE'ers to be the only ones to fear a PVP revamp .

    In fact I think PVP'ers fear a PVP revamp more ... if in fact there is a true revamp and not just a new coat of paint .

    Because IMHO if a true revamp comes to light , one that is motivated by correct intentions (meaning that the intent is to get more ppl to actually engage in PVP and see it for the fun it can really be) -- for that to take place , there can be no other choice but to put everyone on the same equal footing .
    No more min-maxing .
    No more 'super-special' secret builds .
    No more new powers with every lockbox .

    In fact , (again IMHO) -- Cryptic should embrace their "dumbed down STO" vision to the Nth degree to get every dumb joe to get out there and pew-pew .

    Right now you send dumb Joe into PVP and he gets stomped (and let's not go into the list of reasons) .
    If you want to sidestep that , then PVP in this game has to be simple to understand cookie cutter powers (I'd say no more then 5 powers tops , or the equal of todays Lvl 3 PVP) .

    But no one wants that .
    Not really .
    Cryptic will loose their de-facto QA team (the PVP forums bunch) .
    And the PVP forums bunch will never willingly let go of the ability to min-max and tweak and keybind their stuff to be "better" or "superior" .

    And ultimately , if a real PVP revamp will come up on the horizon , the choice will be between making PVP "easy" (based on skill alone) , or "hard" continue down the road of min-maxing & reputation & unbalanced game & TRIBBLE PVE for the sake of PVP .

    And this is why I don't think a true PVP revamp is coming .
    Cryptic says that it "loves to learn" ?
    I wonder what have they learned from their own PVEVP mission that was introduced in Neverwinter roughly 7 months ago ?

    Insightful, and I agree now that I think about it on just about all points.

    No wonder so many of the PVPers posting here on this thread are so obnoxious. They are not representing all PVPers, but the elitist silver-spooned "I have invincible template so I always win but why doesn't anyone want to be dominated by me waaaaaah" types.
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Im not in the market for a job, I actually develop games for a living. Thats how I know these things. Youre such a cynic. Maybe if you knew half of what i do about the inner workings youd realize how daft you sound. Running concurrence in function auditing = zero cost. You simply rework two systems simultaneously. it really isnt hard considering they generally all revolve around the same few functions that handle everything else.

    Go listen to Geko's interview, he even flat out states this. Flat out admits the only reason they havent done it yet is because the suits are constantly demanding they only work on new things. Are you really this clueless?

    Whats even funnier is they have been doing this all along. You cant add new things without fixing concurrences anyway, since you get even MORE BUGS if you dont. Its all on a prioritization system of which neither you nor I are privy to.

    But hey, keep laughing it up, ignorance is bliss.

    Oh look, it's another guy roleplaying as a "Game developer".

    There's a heirarchy to this huge swarm of internet people, and their king is the author of that silly book "Playing to Win" where that guy tried to claim he was a "Japanese Game Developer" and all he did was help playtest a Puzzle Fighter sequel.

    This is bar-coded, rank-and-file standard issue internet bluster with no substance.

    You're impressing no one. As your avatar character would say to you, "You get nothing. You lose. Good day sir."
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    amalefactor lives up to his name.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    And ultimately , if a real PVP revamp will come up on the horizon , the choice will be between making PVP "easy" (based on skill alone) , or "hard" continue down the road of min-maxing & reputation & unbalanced game & TRIBBLE PVE for the sake of PVP.

    In fairness I think if they were to flip the balancing model of the game to focus on all abilities and doffs, effects, etc being balanced around pvp they could ignore it's effects on pve because (so long as the NPCs follow the same model) pve would be balanced by pvp rather than pvp balance being screwed by pve as it is now.
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    In fairness I think if they were to flip the balancing model of the game to focus on all abilities and doffs, effects, etc being balanced around pvp they could ignore it's effects on pve because (so long as the NPCs follow the same model) pve would be balanced by pvp rather than pvp balance being screwed by pve as it is now.

    So the inverse of who is screwed is just fine with you.

    Way to show that personal bias.
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    So the inverse of who is screwed is just fine with you.

    Way to show that personal bias.

    Really? So a decrease in most things with an increase in useful abilities and more inventive uses for them and new potential combos is a bad thing? Do remember the NPCs would get adjusted to fit the new balancing arrangement, but options are a bad thing, opening up pvp to more people is a bad thing, making pvp more fun thanks to better balancing is a bad thing...

  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2013
    It's not that silly. It's that PvP offers a unique experience that PvE simply isn't capable of.

    No computer can TRIBBLE up the way a human can, that is a fact. :D
    Ikr? And no computer can rage the way a human can either. ERMAFAHKGAWD Y0UR SUBSPACE BUBBLE AND GRAVITY WELL YOU FAKING NOOB CHEESE USER OMG CALL 911 NAO.
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    Really? So a decrease in most things with an increase in useful abilities and more inventive uses for them and new potential combos is a bad thing? Do remember the NPCs would get adjusted to fit the new balancing arrangement, but options are a bad thing, opening up pvp to more people is a bad thing, making pvp more fun thanks to better balancing is a bad thing...


    Saying "Really?" to everything doesn't do you any favors and only makes you seem petulantly incredulous. It's getting very long in the tooth.

    You still haven't said anything about why your inversion would be a good thing, outside of an elaborate "me me me" topped with ellipses.
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    redz4tw wrote: »
    Ikr? And no computer can rage the way a human can either. ERMAFAHKGAWD Y0UR SUBSPACE BUBBLE AND GRAVITY WELL YOU FAKING NOOB CHEESE USER OMG CALL 911 NAO.

    And here we see the attitude that keeps PVEers away from PVP, and drives away the wretched souls that peek in for a moment and get utterly dominated by template stacking minmaxers.
  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2013
    And here we see the attitude that keeps PVEers away from PVP, and drives away the wretched souls that peek in for a moment and get utterly dominated by template stacking minmaxers.
    It's called strategy. If they get owned, join a fleet and ask for help like I did.
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Saying "Really?" to everything doesn't do you any favors and only makes you seem petulantly incredulous. It's getting very long in the tooth.

    Please, tell me more about how i've used the word "Really" in more than two posts now...
    You still haven't said anything about why your inversion would be a good thing, outside of an elaborate "me me me" topped with ellipses.

    Ok so I've used three ellipses in total, not much of an argument on your part if you ask me, maybe I should use another... :P

    You demand I give more examples of how it would benefit everyone (other than more varied gameplay, more useful skills, more potential ability combos, more useful ships, more different ways to kill things, more opportunity to add skills to NPCs... (the list goes on)).

    I ask a sensible reply from yourself.
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    It's fine to like game-that-can-not-be-named. I don't know if it's a good fit for Elder Scrolls. Having a clumsily-assembled trio of "why are these guys allies again?" factions all fighting over the Imperial City sounds very questionable.

    Hooray, "YOLOSWAG420" is now the Emperor of Cyrodil! Hail the conquerer and his mighty band "BLAZINIT".

    Sry for the offtopic a bit, but had to quote you and especially that last sentence. Its epic.

    The thing about Elder Scolls games having such a big succes, and that Skyrim is played by alot of players even now, myself included, its their editors and community fan based mods. Since Morrowind, then Oblivion and now Skyrim, there were, and still are soo many community made mods out-there, some even to the qualitiy of the original developer, even with voice acting, new animations, etc. Heck, I remember a few years ago, before Skyrim, I actuaully got to the 250 mods cap on Oblivion, and it wasnt with those soo many "bikini armors" mods, but with deep content ones like massive stories, landcape modifiers, etc.

    IMO, those are the reason the game had and still has so much succes, and thats purely PvE content. Dont know about Elder Scrolls Online, only time will tell, but hope it will turn out ok and it will become a growing MMO.
  • ijimithyijimithy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Gonna be honest here but I've been reading this thread everyday now and You seem just a tad bitter and thats ok because if you get burned in PvP it can put anyone off however... heres my 2 cents and hear me out

    1. PvP isn't all evil incarnate, dreadful or full of egotistical people. Sure you are going to find a lot of people who are asses but that happens in PvE content too and as people have pointed out it happens more in PvE due to the amount of people who play it. I play PvP at least maybe 3/4 matches every day with friends from my fleet AND other fleets to mix it up a little and I encounter several people who are asses but I ignore them and I plan a way of beating them. Grant I may not be able to beat that person within a week or two but I will and when I do it will be worth it.

    2. Minimaxers exist both in PvE and PvP, I'm sure you have seen the DPS5K, 10K and so forth channels; their builds are meant and designed to be the best at a certain thing its only natural for all of us to specialise in something either in a game or real life and if you got stomped by them its because you or whoever it was was put in a Pug team by the queue and the queuing system is not perfect it will put odd groups together. There are special chat channels like Tyler Durden and oPvP that have people creating more balanced matches so no one gets stomped into the ground.

    My advice just try it again but don't let defeat get you. I dont care if I die in PvP or PvE content cos my ship just respawns I've lost nothing from it.
    No Drama, No Fuss, Just good old fashioned pew pew!
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    In fairness I think if they were to flip the balancing model of the game to focus on all abilities and doffs, effects, etc being balanced around pvp they could ignore it's effects on pve because (so long as the NPCs follow the same model) pve would be balanced by pvp rather than pvp balance being screwed by pve as it is now.

    Perhaps that's true , but the point I was trying to make was the following , based on our collective STO experience :

    STF's of the past (which I loved btw) , were the point at which PVP is at right now .
    Meaning that those skilled enough (and equipped enough) can have fun in it , but they did not represent the majority .

    If we are to follow the generic example of the STF's evolution -- the next step in PVP would be to do something to make it easy , so that the 'average Joe' could not only do it , but have fun doing it !

    Consider that a temporal down turn , as as STF's have shown us , there will come a point where eventually there will come a demand for something more difficult / complicated .

    But for now ... -- (IMHO) if you truly share the ideal of making PVP accessible for the masses -- then unfortunately a major dumbing down is needed .
    I know that the PVP community has tried ... .
    I know that .
    From organizing tournaments to doing Boot Camps -- I know about all that and I see that as a highly commandable effort .

    The problem is that as things are now ... , as unequal (footing) as ppl start out ... , not to mention the learning curve , the Doffs & weapons that cost Millions , the lack of any real 'love' or an actual plan for that matter by the Devs -- all this and more keeps the generic population at bay and out of reach .

    Sadly , knowing Cryptic , their solution will be the Band Aid type , and not a real reform from the grounds up .
    As for me ... I'll just wait for Season 15 to be told that a PVP revamp is just around the corner ... -- only to be pushed off once more . :(
  • tinkerstormtinkerstorm Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Either give PvP a purpose or remove it from the game entirely.
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    Please, tell me more about how i've used the word "Really" in more than two posts now...

    Ok so I've used three ellipses in total, not much of an argument on your part if you ask me, maybe I should use another... :P

    You demand I give more examples of how it would benefit everyone (other than more varied gameplay, more useful skills, more potential ability combos, more useful ships, more different ways to kill things, more opportunity to add skills to NPCs... (the list goes on)).

    I ask a sensible reply from yourself.

    None of those things you mentioned are tied directly to PVP or have to come only from PVP, or for that matter come best from PVP. Unless you're one of those "trickle down" people that thinks that pandering to obnoxious elitists and spoonfeeding them means that everyone else benefits.

    Throw some more ellipses out to be contrary, or be a Reddit warrior with some other canned gesture of disapproval. You don't have much to stand on but things just that can come from well-crafted PVE, not just PVP.
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ijimithy wrote: »
    Gonna be honest here but I've been reading this thread everyday now and You seem just a tad bitter and thats ok because if you get burned in PvP it can put anyone off however... heres my 2 cents and hear me out

    1. PvP isn't all evil incarnate, dreadful or full of egotistical people. Sure you are going to find a lot of people who are asses but that happens in PvE content too and as people have pointed out it happens more in PvE due to the amount of people who play it. I play PvP at least maybe 3/4 matches every day with friends from my fleet AND other fleets to mix it up a little and I encounter several people who are asses but I ignore them and I plan a way of beating them. Grant I may not be able to beat that person within a week or two but I will and when I do it will be worth it.

    2. Minimaxers exist both in PvE and PvP, I'm sure you have seen the DPS5K, 10K and so forth channels; their builds are meant and designed to be the best at a certain thing its only natural for all of us to specialise in something either in a game or real life and if you got stomped by them its because you or whoever it was was put in a Pug team by the queue and the queuing system is not perfect it will put odd groups together. There are special chat channels like Tyler Durden and oPvP that have people creating more balanced matches so no one gets stomped into the ground.

    My advice just try it again but don't let defeat get you. I dont care if I die in PvP or PvE content cos my ship just respawns I've lost nothing from it.

    "Gonna be honest" is already a red flag. Are you dishonest until you add this to a post? :rolleyes:

    I got as far as "you seem bitter" then stopped reading. Do you have anything, anything other than canned comebacks?

    I peeked at the end. It seems like a typical "just get over it" statement. Actually, YOU need to get over it. PVP isn't a priority, isn't likely to be, and so that's your problem, not mine.

    You can congratulate yourself all you like with your minmax builds and enjoy increasingly longer queues because you utterly obliterate any person that so much as peeks into your corner of the game.
  • opo98opo98 Member Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I do not wish to appear egotistical by quoting myself, but I worked fairly hard on the following post that I really believe may add a valuable facet to the current state of this thread.
    opo98 wrote: »
    I just happened upon this thread and thought that I could add something to it. Being the forum newbie that I am, I couldn't really get in on the heated part, but hopefully someone will see this post.

    I'm going to give a short disclaimer here for what I am about to say, because I warn you, it is controversial.

    What I see in this thread is much less of a problem with the PVP and PVE communities and more of a general problem that exists in our society that has propagated and ingrained itself in the way that we see one another. Like it or not, I see an unwillingness to consider another person's viewpoint, as shown by a lot of scapegoating and personal attacks on both sides.

    Our society I believe has taught us more and more so that "winning" an argument or getting the last word is more important than trying to cooperate to solve a problem. In this sense, there is a stark difference between debate and "word wars". Trying to hurt one another is not going to solve anything.

    Rather, I think that really the solution to this is continuous strife to consider aspects of both viewpoints.

    A few things I can point to in this thread as the concerns of PVP and PVE:

    -Is mad because there is the feeling that PVPers always nerf all of the useful things
    -Is frustrated because PVP is incredibly hard to get into and start, despite things like PVP boot camp.
    -Finds PVP pointless because it isn't interesting.

    -Is concerned for player numbers and sad because many people often leave PVP after dabbling.
    -Tired of grinding in PVE in order to obtain advantages in PVP.
    -Wants more than anything in the world to see PVP succeed so that it can be a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

    Looking at it like this, I don't see selfishness or hatred at all between the two, but rather a fundamental dysfunction in the game.

    A few solutions to solve these problems that I would propose are:
    -Making consoles / special abilities function differently for a player or an NPC.
    -Removing the artificial barrier of entry by Standardizing PVP gear and invalidating reputation stats.
    -Creating more maps for PVP, or use crowd sourcing like the foundry.

    These are just a few of the numerous things that could be done to enhance the PVP experience for everyone so that BOTH the "majority" and "minority" are happy. In this situation, PVErs get to keep their mob busting consoles, and they can be balanced for PVP accordingly. PVP would see a lot more newcomers, since a fresh level 50 could hop right in knowing that gear and passives were more or less equal among each ship type. PVP would also get new content with arguably minimal dev art team time, since players can pick that up.

    All in all, the potential for this games PVP system is definitely there, and it definitely does not have to come at the expense of PVErs.

    Whew, there it was. If there are any errors, forgive me. I used google translate from French to write this.

    Have a nice day. :)
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    opo98 wrote: »
    I do not wish to appear egotistical by quoting myself, but I worked fairly hard on the following post that I really believe may add a valuable facet to the current state of this thread.

    Failure. Like a politician saying "I'm an honest man" or a televangelist saying "I am a faithful family man", or for that matter like any internet denizen saying "no offense, but..." or "I hate to say this, but..." you're following that template, fully and embarassingly.

    You're appearing egotistical and there's very little evidence to the contrary. I get a hard time by a lot of people on this forum but I've yet to been narcissistic enough to quote myself, for that matter say how "valuable" yet another bluster of "hurr PVEers r scrubz" post is. The "they r mad" lol was especially cringeworthy.

    You're not helping this thread. Then again nothing can help this thread. The longer it goes the more polarizing it will be. And since I'm not interested in most of the "make PVEers get ganked by mandatory visits to PVP zones" idiocy here, that's for the best.
  • talajtalaj Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    By the way, I am just going to put this out here for the people using "waste of resources" as an excuse.

    In any typical developmental studio there are multiple departments and dozens of programmers. Youd be surprised at how easy it can be to divert manpower.

    Modifying existing systems costs relatively nothing, as there is nothing being added, merely reworks and recycles. The only resource at hand is manpower/labor, and realistically that is minimal due to the ability to work on multiple projects at the same time.

    Those of you who never worked in the industry or have no real grasp of how game development is done, need to really understand that a PvP revamp would be so ridiculously cheap for this company (compared to putting the whole studio on crunch mode for yet another lockbox ship) that it would be a nearly 100 percent profit investment to them. Regardless of the size of said profit.

    The best time to do said revamp would be a generic game wide bugbash (which has been needed for a while anyway). Since systems and functions would already be being looked at, adding in a couple extra hours here and there to tune them for player versus player gameplay should be a walk in the park.

    Except it's never that simple with PvP - you should know that.

    There's a correlation that tends to hold true: the amount of resources you put into PvP, the more resources the PvP community starts requiring you to put into it on a continuous basis - yet the growth of the community often remains small or even stays flat.

    Or you do a revamp, go back to working on content that generates the vast majority of the game's revenue, and six months later you're back to square one with members of the PvP community moaning about stagnation, lack of fresh content, lack of people PvPing, etc.

    To generate and maintain a "healthy" PvP community requires constant attention, not just a one-off flurry of activity followed by months or years of nothing again - and that's where the real issue of cost comes into the debate of whether to pay attention to PvP, or not.
    adamkafei wrote: »
    Really? So a decrease in most things with an increase in useful abilities and more inventive uses for them and new potential combos is a bad thing? Do remember the NPCs would get adjusted to fit the new balancing arrangement, but options are a bad thing, opening up pvp to more people is a bad thing, making pvp more fun thanks to better balancing is a bad thing...

    The average player doesn't want complexity or even balance - they want to put together a cool-looking ship and pew-pew the bad guys with laser beams and torpedos, maybe chuck out some science magic too, and a fair number love having little pet ships that they can control via a simple command interface. A lot of players engage with MMOs like they're essentially single player games - it just so happens other players are involved too.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Failure. Like a politician saying "I'm an honest man" or a televangelist saying "I am a faithful family man", or for that matter like any internet denizen saying "no offense, but..." or "I hate to say this, but..." you're following that template, fully and embarassingly.

    You're appearing egotistical and there's very little evidence to the contrary. I get a hard time by a lot of people on this forum but I've yet to been narcissistic enough to quote myself, for that matter say how "valuable" yet another bluster of "hurr PVEers r scrubz" post is. The "they r mad" lol was especially cringeworthy.

    You're not helping this thread. Then again nothing can help this thread. The longer it goes the more polarizing it will be. And since I'm not interested in most of the "make PVEers get ganked by mandatory visits to PVP zones" idiocy here, that's for the best.

    Man did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Man did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed

    Modified "u seem bitter lol" cliche post. Useless, and a waste of extra text.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited December 2013
    AN honest question after reading so many comments from people saying no pvp update ever!

    I never understood how people find it a challenge to destroy stupid npc's who do the same thing EVERY TIME and are so vocal against a pvp fix. As a mostly pvp'er myself i don't care when pve stuff gets added so why the hel should they care if pvp gets an update they don't even have to play it c'mon on you guys have had 8 seasons!!! can we have one?

    Beam overload was nerfed to uselessness to Fix PvP so Pve has a busted ability
    BO is a worthless skilll now in PvE

    Beam fire at will has been busted ..no crits to fix PvP

    battery Doffs and marion Doff ruin Pve with stupid amounts of damage in Pve to support PvP spike damage

    PvP does not need a revamp

    It needs to be seperated from PvE totally as a seperate game with its own set of rules

    science abilitys are nerfed to uselessness right and left because in team play PvP there overpowered making the useless in PvE

    most science abilitys are not worth slotting on a ship

    No revamp

    Seperate from PvE
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    What did you have for breakfast this morning, Carnation instant B****
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    None of those things you mentioned are tied directly to PVP or have to come only from PVP, or for that matter come best from PVP. Unless you're one of those "trickle down" people that thinks that pandering to obnoxious elitists and spoonfeeding them means that everyone else benefits.

    PvP isn't the only source of elitism, frankly I see it more in pve "You aren't using this build and doing stupid dps therefore you're doing it wrong despite the fact you killed that thing faster than me and took less damage than me", I see this far more in pve than pvp. Regardless, players in pvp have far greater tendency to study abilities, their synergies, counters, etc than do PvEers, meaning that chances are if something is broken it'll be exploited in pvp and pve just the same (no prizes for guessing where the greater effect will be), thus balancing around pvp gives better chance for these things to get noticed and more importantly fixed.

    As previously stated, PvE built on PvP balance can be put together and forgotten about, this means players won't get frustrated with people exploiting OP stuff and/or cheese to achieve kills and after a few hours PvEers will have adjusted their builds and will barely notice the difference (depending upon how/if the NPCs are redone it may take a little more brain power to play (Oh God! The horror! That one might have to think to play a game!))
    Throw some more ellipses out to be contrary, or be a Reddit warrior with some other canned gesture of disapproval. You don't have much to stand on but things just that can come from well-crafted PVE, not just PVP.

    I'm still waiting on a sensible reply rather than some generic "I disagree with your position but I can't be bothered to put together a proper argument so I'll make a dismissive comment"
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    What did you have for breakfast this morning, Carnation instant B****

    If this is all you have left, and can offer nothing to the thread, let alone to my posts except "u mad" equivalents and middle school putdowns, that's pretty sad.

    Post something useful already. Your fixation with me and your by-the-numbers boring putdowns are useless.
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    PvP isn't the only source of elitism, frankly I see it more in pve "You aren't using this build and doing stupid dps therefore you're doing it wrong despite the fact you killed that thing faster than me and took less damage than me", I see this far more in pve than pvp. Regardless, players in pvp have far greater tendency to study abilities, their synergies, counters, etc than do PvEers, meaning that chances are if something is broken it'll be exploited in pvp and pve just the same (no prizes for guessing where the greater effect will be), thus balancing around pvp gives better chance for these things to get noticed and more importantly fixed.

    As previously stated, PvE built on PvP balance can be put together and forgotten about, this means players won't get frustrated with people exploiting OP stuff and/or cheese to achieve kills and after a few hours PvEers will have adjusted their builds and will barely notice the difference (depending upon how/if the NPCs are redone it may take a little more brain power to play (Oh God! The horror! That one might have to think to play a game!))

    I'm still waiting on a sensible reply rather than some generic "I disagree with your position but I can't be bothered to put together a proper argument so I'll make a dismissive comment"

    I'll restate the point and ignore your sniveling.

    PVE can do all the things you are pretending are only the realm of PVP. It's optional here. Not necessary. Period.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    It's that PvP offers a unique experience that PvE simply isn't capable of.

    I'm pretty sure sticking one's head in a toilet and flushing it offers a unique experience that PvE simply isn't capable of as well. If that's the best you got... -shrug-
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    If this is all you have left, and can offer nothing to the thread, let alone to my posts except "u mad" equivalents and middle school putdowns, that's pretty sad.

    Post something useful already. Your fixation with me and your by-the-numbers boring putdowns are useless.

    That's so cute you think i have a fixation on you, clearly you don't see me posting random TRIBBLE all over the forums every other day ... it's called the Sun, not the amalefactor
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    That's so cute you think i have a fixation on you, clearly you don't see me posting random TRIBBLE all over the forums every other day ... it's called the Sun, not the amalefactor

    So you come and go like the Tooth Fairy, distributing recycled products from more creative people than you across the internet, leaving a "u mad" here and a "u seem bitter" there, and congratulate yourself on your useless posting.

    I'm not upset at you, more disappointed at how boring and flat you are.
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