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Weapon Performance/ All subsystem performance

v12qboronyv12qborony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I have a few questions about how the performance skills really work!?

1. If you are already capped and use a subsytem exclusively do extra points in that system help in any way or are they useless?

2. If your using a lets say weapon power at max always what determines when you get over cap? Is that the weapon performance skill that adds the over cap to 125?

3. If you do have a hidden over 125 value in a system, does the extra power help with degredation? Does Performance in that skill help with degredation especially for weapons which go down as you use them?

4. Does higher Performance help you regain power as it degrades?

5. How do the duty officers for batteries relate to Performance if any as well as how that relates to getting battery power in a fully capped system, does that do anything?

6. Lastly anything I forgot, and other things to keep in mind with regard to subsytems that could be helpful with builds. I understand how subsystem repairs and Eps transfers work, but thatss it. I see the new Dueterium Cores help with power loses too.

Post edited by v12qborony on


  • v12qboronyv12qborony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Oh and I forgot, based on the way substem power appears on the UI, it obviously appears that maxing one system lowers the others etc. Am I to believe then having various adds to a already fully capped power will increase power in my other subsytems? Especially when it comes to performance skills? Or is this only true at its base and everything over that is only in that system and doesnt bleed to the others?
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    How much does overcapping weapons power help to "pad" the weapon fire drain. That is the million dollar question these days. Some insist that any power stacked beyond 125 is dead weight. Others suggest it's dead weight for cannons, but not beams. Others insist stacking weapons power beyond 125 definitely padded firing drain on beams at one point, but was recently changed without announcement to be capped like cannons are now. And others insist that overcapping continues to help pad the beam drain and improves the damage on the next firing sequence to this day.

    It can be hard to say because the community is much smaller than WoW and has far fewer people and tools to really test this kind of stuff to mathematical precision, further compounded by the fact that a lot of people pass around information that was correct at one point but, but was later changed with little announcement. For my part, overcapping power doesn't seem to help my beams very much. I run a tactical scimitar with maxed weapons power and between my leech (18+ power to all systems once it gets going, that's with 9 points in Flow capacitors and a fleet science FC plasma infuser console), and having up Emergency power to weapons, auxiliary to battery, experimental beam array and red matter capacitor I drop well below 125 power when firing. Sometimes to the 90-100 range even. It would appear no matter how much you cap it, it's going to go down short of paying out 50 mil for a marion doff.
  • galanis2814galanis2814 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Okay, my understanding is this:

    to 1, 2, and 3 yes, overcapping benefits systems, primarily weapons and aux, as those are the ones most often drained by doing things. So if you have an overcapped 125 power you can remain there longer while firing, as the yellow 1-100 power bar depletes first, and the green portion is your bonus, whether thats through skills or gear or whatever.

    as to 4, no. Subsystem power regeneration is governed by the Electro-Plasma Systems skill.

    5, They will help in the advertised way, same with batteries and the engineer-only space trait that improves all power levels on use of an EPtX ability.

    6, EPS governs two things, how fast power you use regenerates, and how quickly power transfers from one subsystem to another. It also is the skill that governs the effectiveness of your Emergency Power to X abilities, so it is always, to me at least, worth putting six points in. Deuterium Cores, and I could be wrong on this, don't boost power regeneration so much as resist power drain. Drains are different from normal use, in that the power doesn't disappear, it is just unavailable until the source of the drain is either destroyed or negated.

    As for post 2, yes and no. If you overcap weapon power, which is the most commonly overcapped, your extra power won't automatically distribute to shields and such. But say you're overcapped by 10 power. This means you can reduce the power preset to 90/100 instead of 100/100 and remain at 125 weapon power until you fire or are drained. Obviously this negates the benefits of overcapping, but with certain DOFF setups, e.g. Marion, weapon power drain becomes a non issue. The main reason why Aux2Batt builds with Marion are so effective is that they maximize power and minimize weapon drain, allowing beams to be fired at their full potential just about all the time.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thread move.
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  • v12qboronyv12qborony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OK thats important I never heard of the Marion doff! Thanks got to look into that one, but also do you guys spec into weapons performance skill if you already use it to max. Will that be where your cap to 125 comes?

    Also I used to do that lowering power slightly to where your still getting your cap at 125 and sharing to the other systems! But I forgot all about that.

    Lastly I have heard EPS does NOT help you regen power loss as it drains or get it back at a faster pace, but only helpss to rehain on transfer? Am I wrong about this?

    Since we are on maintanence I cant check right now if its something even worth trying to stack, but can you stack the Marion doff?
  • v12qboronyv12qborony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Oh I see the Marion is only for DEM though, I dont really want to use that since I only have Leut eng it will probably be an aux to bat
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    EPS only helps transfer power, correct.

    If you use Aux2Bat, the power from Aux to the other systems is transferred instantaneously. Once it wears off, power is returned to Aux at a rate dependent on your EPS.

    All the Performance skills should only be taken to Rank 6, because you only get 1-2 more points of power when you add the last 3 Ranks. Not worth the cost.

    Note that Warp Core Efficiency also shouldn't go beyond Rank 6, because the difference between Rank 9 and Rank 6 is 0 for any systems above 75, and like 1-2 if a system is below 50.
  • gstamo01gstamo01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Electro-Plasma only helps bring power back up after using Full Impulse, Beam Overload and subsystem disable.

    Marion, is already noted, only works with Directed Energy Modulation.

    Nadion Inversion is an Engineering Captain skill that does the same thing, but does not require Directed Energy Modulation.

    All Energy Weapons, be they Beams or Cannons, have a set amount that they take from the Weapon Subsystem to fire. They do more Base DMG per cycle if that power is 125.

    Base DMG would be the DMG they do without any buffs applied. The higher the Base DMG, the higher the total DMG once other buffs are applied.

    If you are already at 125, a simple Weapon Battery is not going to give you a Base DMG boost.

    However, if you are using a Battery Doff, a Weapon Battery will increase your Base DMG by 10% for each Energy Weapon used while the Weapon Battery is active.

    A total of three Battery Doffs can be used at a time, boosting your Base DMG by 30% for however long the Weapon Battery is active.

    Nine points into Batteries will give you roughly twenty seconds of the Doff Base DMG bonus, but will not continue to give Weapon power beyond the moment the battery was first activated IF your Weapon Subsystem is taken off line.

    Basically, what I am getting at is that a Weapon Battery can make a huge difference in your ships DMG output, even if the subsystem power is already at 125.
    You know Cryptic has Jumped the Proverbial Shark when they introduced Tractor Pulling to Star Trek Online! :D
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