So here's what's happening, the original E-mail account I used to sign up for STO was deleted, and when I click on my account to change it, it tells me that they unfortunately can't and advises me to contact support, but when I do that it says the page has a redirect loop. I've tried enabling, disabling cookies, clearing my cache, etc. Please help me, I want to subscribe to lifetime but because I cant access my old email to change it, I cant
Submitting a ticket is always the preferred method as you can put the ticket in the appropriate queue, but emailing works, just allow more time for a response.
Brandon =/\=
"I don't have my old email account. I need to change my email on this account."
"Okay sir, we'll send you an email, telling you how to change your email."
"But I don't have my old email account. I need to change it."
"I see. Well in that case, check your email, and soon you should see instructions on how to change your email."
I'm sorry to make fun, but honestly, customer support for video games has never been the best. Instead of getting an Indian man on the phone, you're emailing him.
Seriously though, best of luck man.
Oh yea, I mean I've experienced the exact same thing. Ironically enough it was because I couldn't buy Zen. You'd think they'd be as helpful as possible to get my money, but both PWE and the zen provider gave me generic TRIBBLE answers, then proceeded to blame each other, then just stopped answering me. In the end, I just said "**** you guys" and stopped buying Zen.
The game went free to play in January 2012, and the stipend program only started a couple months before that at max. As it's been about 22 months since F2P, the most someone could have earned is around 11-12K.
Brandon =/\=
A similar thing happened to me recently... I contacted customer support, they asked me some information that i needed to confirm and they changed my email. Took three days.
I used this link -
A real person actually did respond. The only thing that was absurd was they tried to tell me i had to know what my secret QUESTION was. Thats right, not my secret answer but the question itself. I told them that that was absurd.
I apologize if he received misinformation, but the Stipend program started December 1, 2011 as a F2P transition benefit for our Gold Members (LTS/ Monthly Subscribers). The announcement that it was starting on 12/1/11 can be found here:
It's not possible that stipends were received before that point, but hopefully those links help clear up any confusion
NOTE: 400 Old CP Promotional Points = 500 ZEN
Brandon =/\=
Quite a while ago my AOL account was highjacked and when I tried to get it back I could not according to AOL, big thumbs up there, slightly annoyed - probably due to me forgetting 1 simple thing on an account I made many many years ago.
This week I sent in a support ticket explaining the situation and got a reply asking for information so my email could be changed to a new one
Last night I sent in said information which as far as I know was fully correct
Tried to log on this morning and keep getting failures on the launcher and the website here saying
Invalid username or password
Ive done full scans of my system, looked ta everything and its all nice and tight on everything but STO.
Moral of this story is if you don't want your account blocked - after 2 years+ of loyalty - don't send in a support ticket, im regretting I ever did now