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=/\= Delta Fleet

fleetadmcassityfleetadmcassity Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2013 in Earth Spacedock
Fleet Introduction and Recruit message.



Delta Fleet is a newly re-emerged, structured fleet for older and newer STO players. Throughout the Star Trek Universe there have been actions taken by many famous captains that would have been considered insane yet they pulled it off. It is in this spirit of "I don't believe in a no win scenario" That this fleet strives to emulate.

I myself have been a player since closed beta & open beta and working as being a lifetime subscriber. We have the dependability to be here for the long haul. We have a free downloadable external STO map for your use. Experienced MMO players or fresh off the bus, all people with a love for Star Trek are welcomed here. We have an active Fleet Bank, and Fleet Starbase & Embassy are progressing. These help share the goodies throughout the Fleet. We also utilize TeamSpeak. If you would like to join you may reply to me here or message me in game Max@WanraK or click the link to our guild website in this post.

We welcome all players from all walks of life. No play time requirements, just a place to find good company from fellow like minded STO players.

With the future Romulan release ... Now is the time to Join!


> Respect fellow members.
> Keep swearing to a minimum, preferably none..
> Follow the Fleet Chain of Command.
> Be nice.
> Join in as much as possible.
> Have fun!

Basic Information

> Structured Fleet.
> Possibility for RP scenarios.
> Daily PVP & PVE
> All Mission Help (Share)
> Weekly recruitment events.
> Full of helpful members.


> FORUMS - here.

Fleet Admiral Cassity
Delta Fleet
Post edited by fleetadmcassity on


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    fleetadmcassityfleetadmcassity Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Good Evening Delta Fleet,

    First, I would like to thank Everyone for staying Active In-Game.
    • You Are Awesome.
    • Please continue to TEAM and Contribute to the Projects.
    For those whom have experienced recent issues : As Life and Challenges present themselves ... remember good friends ..We are here. Jump in-game, chat, and/or Run with Us. Together we will tackle the situation.

    Once again it is time to Re-Group and Check-in.
    • Be sure to Post here
    • Cruise over to our Forums
    • Join the Action in-game
    Fleet Admiral Cassity
    Delta Fleet
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    fleetadmcassityfleetadmcassity Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Good Evening Delta Fleet,

    Thank You for being Patient during this period of Upgrades, Enhancements, and Maintenance.
    • Shard and Forum Maintenance will begin ... Soon.

    The Goal for this weekend is "Shake-Down".

    Please TEAM with the new members and reach out to New Potential Fleet Recruits.
    Fleet Admiral Cassity
    Delta Fleet
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    salynraydersalynrayder Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I've been looking for a fleet for a while now. This one looks interesting. Salyn@SalynRedoran
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