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A Few Comments and Ideas for Better STO

shaokarshaokar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Hey everybody, first of all, thank you for taking time to read this post, second of all despite all i might say bellow i do enjoy STO, so any critique i might write, please consider it as constructive criticism. Here we go:

One basic thing that i noticed a bit odd and illogical concerns the carriers, precisely the way pets are deployed. While the system did improve a lot recently, I do find it odd that every carrier has to spend about 40 seconds fielding his pets. I believe that it would be far more 'logical' if carriers entered maps with their pets 'recalled' and already in hangar as opposed to 'field building' them, afterall, it does seem a little odd that carrier captain, going into battle, suddenly realises, when he arrives "oh my, i need to 'build' the squadrons!" I honestly don't see much of a use in the 'launch' button at all, it would make far more sence if the carrier launched new pets automatically, having a cooldown per pet, so if you loose one, it would take a little while for the carrier crew to field a new one, but it would do so automatically and should the pilot want to NOT launch, for some reason, thats what the recall command is for. Because honestly, it gets a bit distracting, when you have to take care of your threat, survival and on top of that keep up with fielding your pets as they die, all i can see, is the captian calling down to engineering every time one of his fighter dies going "pretty please, can you rebuild the fighter i just lost?" seems like something the guys should be able to figure out by themselves.

Next thing, that i've noticed as of past few months, that concerns STO as a whole, is Devs working hard to field new content, which is great! Really, thank you guys, but, don't you think it would be far better if that new content was usefull for more, than just the story and gear? No, don't worry, am not gonna cry for a level cap rise, instead, it would be better if you took a few steps back, i remember when it took months to get from level 1 to lvl 50, i remember days you actually had to work for it, these days it takes about 20 hours of gameplay to get through all the levels, and there's no point even fitting your low level ships, because by the time you're done fitting, you're sitting in another ship!
By all means, add content, fill the game, but it would be nice if achieving lvl 50, actually feel as an achievement again. i understand you're going for people at lvl 50, spending precious zen on end game ships, but imho, if you made the low level ships last, yo would get more purchases for the advanced ships. If i were to stick with a lvl 20 ship for a couple of days, having enough various missions to go though, i'd gladly pay for the advanced ship and toyed with the gear for it properly, rather than strapping whatever i find to it and rolling on to lvl 50. Afterall, its much more fun to play content, when it gives you something more than an accolade, some dilithium and 'expertise' it's much more fun when you also get experience for it.
Take the Borg and Undine front, i haven't played these in ages, because by time i git anywhere close, i was lvl 50 and had no need for them... the gear they drop is pathetic, so why bother.... I'd reccomend you to take a step back and think about this, stretched the quest line longer, add new content for the episodes and stretch the early gameplay longer. and for the love of god, make the mission drop usefull stuff! half the time its ground gear, the other half its barely rare ship items with little variety.... And what ever happend when all the set items moved to lvl 50? Why aren't there low tier sets? Well yes, there is no point for early game sets since it takes up to an hour to get through those 10 levels... But again, stretch it out, make it worth while, than the sets will be usefull again!

Anyway, thats all i had to say, other than the irritating tribbles on my starbase which i can only remove for about 20 minutes (really needs to be a permanent option to remove that vermin)
But i digress.

If you made it this far in the text, than thank you again for reading, and by all means leave your thoughts!

Post edited by shaokar on


  • collegepark2151collegepark2151 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I tend to this of it this way: a modern aircraft carrier takes several minutes (any navy veterans feel free to correct me) to launch its air wing just because there's a limit to how fast the planes can be cycled through the catapult.

    Even if we assume that as seen on the Kelvin in JJTrek 1, all the fighters (shuttles) are sitting on the shelves ready to launch en masse, it still takes some time to get them all out the door at the end of the bay.

    TL: DR - I don't think waiting a few seconds to launch fighters is that unrealistic.

    Porthos is not amused.
  • shaokarshaokar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I tend to this of it this way: a modern aircraft carrier takes several minutes (any navy veterans feel free to correct me) to launch its air wing just because there's a limit to how fast the planes can be cycled through the catapult.

    Even if we assume that as seen on the Kelvin in JJTrek 1, all the fighters (shuttles) are sitting on the shelves ready to launch en masse, it still takes some time to get them all out the door at the end of the bay.

    TL: DR - I don't think waiting a few seconds to launch fighters is that unrealistic.

    Alright, so lets say there is a launch delay, fair enough, but don't you feel, that once all the fighters are deployed, the engineering crew should be able to figure out to replace them by themselves? rather than have you issue the command every time?

    You basically reacted on only one thing i was going on about there :)
  • zanrath1zanrath1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Shao you leave the carriers out of this discussion i play carriers as my main ship and i love the current setup they have for them with the right doff setup the launch times are minimal.
  • shaokarshaokar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    zanrath1 wrote: »
    Shao you leave the carriers out of this discussion i play carriers as my main ship and i love the current setup they have for them with the right doff setup the launch times are minimal.

    Alright forget about launch times, i still think that once you have them fielded, they should replenish automatically :P
  • collegepark2151collegepark2151 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    shaokar wrote: »
    Alright, so lets say there is a launch delay, fair enough, but don't you feel, that once all the fighters are deployed, the engineering crew should be able to figure out to replace them by themselves? rather than have you issue the command every time?

    You basically reacted on only one thing i was going on about there :)

    Sorry. Walls of text and early mornings don't work well for me. :) I didn't make it very far before things got blurry.

    I think you're assuming that the engineering crews are building the fighters from scratch, which would have to be the case in reality with unlimited reinforcements, but I think the game play is meant to be that there are fighters on hot standby waiting to be launched as needed to replace destroyed fighters.

    I don't usually launch replacement fighters until the enemy ship I've just killed finishes exploding since pets seem to have an affinity for orbiting exploding vessels. So, I wouldn't use an instant launch command. Just my two ec's.

    Porthos is not amused.
  • shaokarshaokar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Sorry. Walls of text and early mornings don't work well for me. :) I didn't make it very far before things got blurry.

    I think you're assuming that the engineering crews are building the fighters from scratch, which would have to be the case in reality with unlimited reinforcements, but I think the game play is meant to be that there are fighters on hot standby waiting to be launched as needed to replace destroyed fighters.

    I don't usually launch replacement fighters until the enemy ship I've just killed finishes exploding since pets seem to have an affinity for orbiting exploding vessels. So, I wouldn't use an instant launch command. Just my two ec's.

    Yes, hot standby, i just feel it lacks the option to instantly, or near instantly, taking the launch delay in account, replenish the destroyed fighters, i see your point with the orbitting issue, but i am hoping they'll work on that a bit more still, however if the cooldown was based per fighter, rather than per however many you launch by pressing that button, the automatic fielding, would imho be preferable
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