I want to make a mission in the foundry and the plot is heavily inspired by The Daleks Master Plan. So, am I allowed to make and upload the mission as long as i say "Inspired by Dr Who: The Daleks Master Plan written by Terry Nation and Dennis Spooner (1965/66)" in the mission description?

--obviously i wont be including any of the dr who character's names or appearances, its just the plot of the episode im interested in
good dalek episode
Im trying to decide between the Tholians or the Dominion
--I would prefer if a high level moderator or atleast someone who understands copyright and the whole EULA thing to give me the go ahead. I'd hate to put in all the work for the episode and then have it taken down. thanks
-- I just had a great thought... I could replace The Monk with a Q
Realmalize, is not you legend of the inspector general an adaptation of a novel? I know this kind of thing has been done before. Personally I have been tossing around the idea of adapting the plot of the film K19 the widowmaker into a mission. IKS 19 the widowmaker if you will.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
And I agree, Tholians are Trek's closest to Daleks.
A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
If you ever have problems figuring out what you can or cannot do, just take a look at the EULA thread to see if your mission/idea break any rules mentioned there. Just read through the whole thread; a lot of questions has already been asked and answered there.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
I think the bottom line is that using someone else's plot line for inspiration is okay; quoting dialogue word for word without written permission from the intellectual property holder is bad.
(An exception even to that would be plays and stories that are in the Public Domain, from which you are free to mine ideas and even verbatim dialogue. So, for example, you could perform an entire Shakespearean play in your mission, since it is in the PD.)
I'm not a lawyer, but I do have some experience with intellectual property rights, and it would seem to me that you are in the clear here if you do things in the way that you've stated and follow the Foundry EULA.
BTW: You've picked a very good Whovian story to adapt.
Yup, "Legend of the Inspector General" (KDF) is a homage to a famous SciFi short story...however it doesn't incorporate anything of that story other than a very loose plot adaptation...but it was close enough that I wanted to be clear that it was an intended homage instead of someone later saying "hey, you ripped off Ted Cogswell!"
Just this week I published a new mission, "Miridoor" (Starfleet) that incorporates an alternate version of The Borg called The Horde and who are clearly Dalek analogs...another character makes reference to "still being ginger"...
Ive just got 3 more Q's before I start this...
1. Does the dialog in the mission have to be 100% original or can bits be used from the
original dr who episode (remember, i will be saying "inspired by dr who daleks..." in the mission description
2. In the Foundry is it possible to make an NPC contact follow you and your Away Team after a certain dialog has taken place? If so, how?
3. In one of the first romulan missions a warbird appears and is labeled blue (an ally) but after a dialog it becomes an enemy. Is it possible to replicate this in the Foundry, if so how?
(edit) 4. Is there a way to make enemies drop specific items when killed?
5. Is it possible to add an item to the players inventory when they've interacted with something?
-- I just thought of a title... "Armageddon" I got the idea from episode 2 of daleks master plan, which is called "Day of Armageddon"
I will definitely be trying this if my FED character level is high enough
2) someone smarter than me can answer this
3) yes, you have a "costumed" contact of the warbird that the player interacts with, you replace it with an enemy contact romulan with the same costume.
Thats the basic part of it, but there will be details -- such as what to do with the other actors in the enemy contact group...
I can confirm it works, i set up a tester mission to troubleshoot the technical trickery free of storyline and it works quite well
If desired it can be set up so that optional dialogue will make it A-hostile B- freindly or C- Warp away, which i think is a nifty thing if the story line calls for it
I Can list the steps i used if you like
But for question 5 ("Is it possible to add an item to the players inventory when they've interacted with something?") you don't actually have to put an item in their inventory. Just say it's there and interact with the player as if they have it in their possession.
My mission "The Sins of the Fathers" does this with the mythical "Pink Patooie with a Paper Umbrella Garnish" that the player needs to be "holding" in order to get past a door. The act of the player interacting with the drink (causing it to disappear from the bar) sets up other triggers in the mission that will allow them to get past the guards who will release a force field. They can do a lot of things up until that point, but there is no way to get past the guards without "holding" the drink.
As for question #2, no you can't get someone to technically follow you around like a puppy dog, but you can simulate it to a degree by placing them in your maps and adding dialog that indicates why you are leaving them behind or will meet up with them later. Not great, but it works. Again, I did this with my character Rienna in "Sins...".
This can also be done with friendly/adversarial NPCs in ground maps -- though there will be a brief warp-out/warp-in animation as the adversarial version of the NPC replaces the friendly one. This happens in "Sins..." if you choose the the adversarial dialog option for getting past the guards in the bar.
First your going to need the space contact, this guy is going to be needed for the Dialogue with contact Objective thats key to starting the chain of events
1. Place a ship from the NPC Contacts list where you want the ship to be on your map
2. in the Story Board add a Dialogue with contact objective and select the NPC you placed
3. Now go back into the map, select the NPC contact and open up the Tab in the lower part of the screen that is Labeled states , Here you want to select the option for The Object to become invisible and select the option Component Complete
This will result in the NPC contact fading out after the dialogue has been competed so now we need to replace it with either a Enemy Mob, and Freindly Mob or a second NPC Contact with Warping out animation
Dialogue here is important, As i'm unsure how much you are comfortable with dialogue triggers i will take it step by step
1. Open up the Story Board and open the Dialogue with Contact Objective thats linked to the NPC Contact, and open up Advanced Dialogue Editor so we can Branch the Dialogue ( if you want to give the player hostile/non hostile outcomes based on their input)
2. Set up as many Branches as you have desired outcomes ( For me this is simple Fight or no fight options But for an complex story this step could get very deeply complex were your may have to negotiate or bribe etc )
3. Now time to Place our Enemy or friend group ( enemy for obvious reasons, Friend mob could be used to spawn a Patrol Mob that leads the way to an objective etc, lots of options there but i won't go into that here)
Select your prefered Group from the list and place them on the map, edit their costumes etc
4. Go into the States selection for the Enemy group and set the option that says Immediately to be Dialogue Prompt Reached and select the relevant bit of dialogue where the enemy declares hostility to the player
( If you have options here remember to do it for the freindly/neutral versions also)
Hopefully i have included all the necessary info here ( if not i'll go back and check it on request, or i'm sure other authors can also help you with their methods as well)
i'm pretty sure i know why this is and have an adanvced workaround to this issue, but this involves using On map dialogues and reach markers, Theres more that can go wrong but there is more freedom as its not bound to the story board ( wouldn't be needed if we had dialogue promt reached in the Story board dialogue objectives)
I could also detail this method but that would be a considorably longer post
EDIT - forgot to mention, You'll have to find out which of the enemy groups actors are the ones which spawn the enemies you want by testing it
If you want only a single target it might be worth moving the rest onto anotehr part of the map, far away and blocking them in with invisible walls or on the far side of planets
or i guess you could do what i sometimes do and have one big ship like a cruiser , and then make the rest of its group into shuttles and runabouts ( useful if you want combat balance to maintain, but only want one Enemy vessel for the story