ok until now i have only made tac's
fed tac-rom-50-scimitar
kdf-tac orion-50-mirror qin raptor
fed tac alien-50-kumari
and 3 others for extra bank space, i decided to make an engineer fed question is what race other than alien make best space engineers im thinking andorian or benzite trait wise i like benzite but is 1 race better than others at engineering choice?
i own the kumari bundle & recently bought avenger which i plan to put this engineer in.
any non flaming input appreciated
remember a question is only stupid because you already know the answer..
I actually think Ferengi and Humans make the best engineers based on the racial traits for each, with Humans getting the slight edge since their natural ability is Hull repair bonus.
Ferengi - Creative (mines and mortars benefit from the +12.5% damage), Shield Harmonics, Techie and their natural Ferengi racial trait
Humans - Creative, Shield Harmonics, Warp Theorist and the natural Human trait of Hull repair.
Humans, Liberated Borg, or Aliens are probably the best races, I'd think. Humans have a wide variety of available traits and a repair bonus, while Borg and Aliens can have a fairly sizable Efficiency bonus.
IIRC prior to LoR best non-alien choice was Andorian due to the choices you had for your other traits. Specifically; Techies, Warp Theorist and Elusive.
Race is no such big issue anymore, provided you choose your traits wisely (and you seem to know your way there already). The choice of a ship at level 50 is more complex and influences greatly your performance.
I initiated this thread exactly for people in your situation. Keep two things in mind :
1) An engineer can tank better than other classes and should do it constructively in a game dominated by considerations of DPS. Pure tanking is a waste of DPS in Star Trek Online, but going all out DPS as an engineer is nonsensical as this is not what your profession does best.
2) Whether you want to participate in a lot of PvP missions makes an enormous difference. The Cmd engineer slot (e.g. on the Avenger) is an hindrance in PvE (relatively speaking, another Cmd slot is always better), not so in PvP (Extend Shield 3 changes the outcome of the match).
Ferengi - Creative (mines and mortars benefit from the +12.5% damage), Shield Harmonics, Techie and their natural Ferengi racial trait
Humans - Creative, Shield Harmonics, Warp Theorist and the natural Human trait of Hull repair.
I initiated this thread exactly for people in your situation. Keep two things in mind :
1) An engineer can tank better than other classes and should do it constructively in a game dominated by considerations of DPS. Pure tanking is a waste of DPS in Star Trek Online, but going all out DPS as an engineer is nonsensical as this is not what your profession does best.
2) Whether you want to participate in a lot of PvP missions makes an enormous difference. The Cmd engineer slot (e.g. on the Avenger) is an hindrance in PvE (relatively speaking, another Cmd slot is always better), not so in PvP (Extend Shield 3 changes the outcome of the match).