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Stories From Starbase Risa-1 / Federation Alien Alliance

calmercercalmercer Member Posts: 12 Arc User
edited December 2013 in Earth Spacedock
((For anyone interested in keeping track of what the FAA is up to, we will periodically be posting various in-character news bulletins, duty logs, etc. For additional content, please feel free to navigate to the Federation Alien Alliance Website at http://federationalienalliance.enjin.com/))
Post edited by calmercer on


  • calmercercalmercer Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Transcript of Admiral Nymphora Sulterina's speech on Diplomacy
    Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth
    Stardate 91364.04

    Hi everyone. I'm Admiral Nymphora Tenata Sulterina. I'm one of the few Orions to have graduated from Starfleet Academy, and I've been asked to speak to you today about the merits of Diplomacy. For those of you who have no idea who I am, and since this is the first time I've spoken here since I graduated, I'll give you a little back-story. When I was young, I was rescued by a special branch of Starfleet which you know as the Federation Diplomatic Corps. They rescued me from a life of slavery and gave me a home on Risa. I grew up there, free, among all the natural beauty of that wonderful planet, but I never forgot the kindness and selflessness of the people who saved me from a life of torment. I vowed to repay that kindness and help other people, like me, who were unable to help themselves.

    I petitioned for early acceptance into Starfleet academy, which, looking around, I see some of you have done as well. Based on my academic achievements, I was accepted. I majored in political science, as well as a few other things, but I'm not here to talk about that right now. I will give a shout out to all my fellow gear heads, but don't hold that against me!

    Anyway, back on topic... After the academy, through some hard work and a lot of good fortune, I worked my way up to the status of Ambassador with the Federation Diplomatic Corps. A lot of people think that the life of a diplomat is boring and filled with mountains of paperwork, boring diner parties, and suffering through endless conversations with people who are stuffy and mean. Well, I can say that most of that is true, but there is a LOT more that most people forget to mention. Like the excitement of First Contact missions, meeting strange new alien civilizations and exploring new worlds filled with mystery and danger; The majesty of being the first outsider to witness a pair of twin red suns rising over a blue sand desert from the balcony of a glass castle, or looking out over a sea of red waves as a dim glow slowly fades behind thick clouds on a dark planet no outsider had stepped foot on before; Or seeing the faces of children as they look at you in wonder, being the first alien they've ever met, and recognizing that spark of excitement at having their horizons suddenly expanded beyond their wildest dreams...

    Yeah, its like that and more. Most of it is awesome, but it can also be terrifying. There are a lot of people out there who want nothing to do with the Federation, and even less to do with Starfleet. Some worlds are firmly under the heel of the KDF, and many fight side-by-side with them, hellbent on their agenda of expansionism and imperialism. Then there are some worlds, like New Romulus, whose people are given the choice to join the Federation or the Klingon Defense Force. While there are many who disagree, I for one think it is extremely enlightened of the Romulans to allow their people to choose their own fates and side with whichever faction they wish. If more civilizations felt the same way, it would make cultural diversity much easier. But, I'm not here to discuss Romulan politics. At least, not today.

    So diplomacy is boring, its amazing, and its terrifying. One thing that is often overlooked is that diplomacy can also be dangerous. Even as the fleet commander of the Federation Alien Alliance, I still find myself being called in to rescue diplomats and colonists who have been caught in the middle of two enemy factions waring against each other. You must always remember that a diplomats primary job is to broker peace at all costs, and while no one wins in a situation when violence breaks out, you must still be able to defend yourself until calmer minds prevail. I'm not a pacifist by any means, but I would rather make love, not war. That being said, always aim for peace but don't be surprised when someone pulls a phaser on you.

    That brings me to the topic which everyone always has strong feelings about: The Borg. A lot of people say there can be no diplomacy with the Borg. They point out the early failures by Jean Luc Picard and the betrayal of Catherine Janeway after her famous treaty with them in the Beta Quadrant. But me, when I think about the Borg, I think about Seven of Nine, or my own First Officer of the Vanity, Six of Nine. I think of the countless souls enslaved by the Collective who could one day be liberated. Yes, its true, we might have to go at the Collective with the sword drawn but when the battle is over, it is diplomacy which will stop the fighting once and for all.

    We may never be able to successful negotiate a diplomatic solution with the Collective, but that does not mean we won't need a diplomatic solution for the Borg. Once the Collective is defeated, which I have faith it will be one day thanks to my brothers and sisters in the OMEGA force, it will then be our job, the current and future diplomats of the Federation, to see to it that the liberated Borg can find a peaceful home and co-existence with all free people, and to make sure that all civilizations and cultures know that the Borg are not the Collective, just like every individual is not the sum of their race, nation or planet.

    My role-model has always been James T. Kirk, and not just because he was super cute. He is best known for his exploits, his daring victories, and his never-say-die attitude. While he may have had some tremendous chips on his shoulders based on personal tragedies at the hands of his enemies, he proved time and time again that even when he didn't want to, he was always willing to do the right thing and sacrifice everything for those people who could not help themselves. To me, that's the ideal diplomat. Yes, he made some mistakes and he wasn't perfect, and I'm by no means advocating his numerous breaches of protocol or willingness to throw out the rules when it suited him, but his heart was in the right place. You can read books and know every diplomatic theory out there, but the real thing is gritty, dangerous, raw, passionate, wonderful, exhilarating and amazing!

    I'd like to end it here with one of the greatest examples of diplomacy any species has ever invented: the Tribble. This is Nucky the Nukera Tribble. Some people love tribbles, some people hate them, but the tribbles themselves exist to adapt. I've seen assimilated tribbles, gamma quadrant tribbles, cryo tribbles, even Risan tribbles. However you feel about tribbles, the one thing we can all agree on is that while no two tribbles are alike, they're all tribbles. We can learn a lot from that, if you think about it. They take other cultures and make themselves better by incorporating them into themselves. No matter how much they change, though, in the end they're still Tribbles and their race is better for it. If we were all more like tribbles, and adapted instead of destroyed, maybe the universe would be a much better place. Until that day comes, we have Diplomacy.

    Thank you all, its been a real pleasure. Good luck, cadets, have a great year!
  • calmercercalmercer Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    (Associated Federation Press - AFP) Stardate 91395 - Starfleet Command, San Francisco, Earth

    With the battle between the Klingon Empire and Federation ongoing, Federation diplomats have been working feverishly do gain support in regions bordering the neutral zone. With Klingon forces within the boundaries dwindling, a number of races have reached out to the Federation for aid and support as they recover from or wish to minimize future encounters with the Empire.

    A week ago, diplomats from the Federation Alien Alliance (FAA) traveled to the system of one such race, the Sanguine, to engage in peace talks. At the request of Regent Tal'nasek of the Sanguine, a team from the FAA arrived at the Sanguine home world to meet with their council to discuss the benefits of aligning with the Federation and how it would allow their people access to technologies and support that have not been available to their people in past.

    No agreement had been reached due to the presence of a Klingon team, focused on a similar proposal to that of the Federation. However, with talks progressing well between the Federation and Sanguine, the Klingons were informed that they were no longer required for future meetings. Though this lead to additional hostile action by the Klingons, the resulting action lead to the opportunity of future talks with the Sanguine and Federation.

    Link To Article.
  • calmercercalmercer Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    (AP - Dyson Joint Operations Command)
    The following image was obtained via an external security camera feed aboard an unknown vessel. At this time, it appears as though a joint task force has engaged the Voth within one of their Fortress Ships.

    Joint Command has refused to confirm the authenticity of this image and will not comment on operations within the regions. More to follow...

    Link to this Story
  • calmercercalmercer Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    (Associated Federation Press - AFP) Stardate 91551.46 - Starfleet Command, San Francisco, Earth

    News just in!

    Federation ships and personnel throughout the sector have been ordered to Red Alert, following a broadcast message from Commodore T'Paar Vololes, the current Second Officer of the Federation-Alien Alliance, currently stationed aboard the U.S.S. Defender.

    According to the message, two Federation Starships, U.S.S. Lethbridge and U.S.S. Yukikaze are missing, following the attack reported in our last broadcast. The Lethbridge, a Sovereign Class vessel, and the Yukikaze, one of the new Avenger Class Battlecruisers, were last seen attempting to flee from the interior of the Voth Fortress ship.

    All Starfleet vessels not currently assigned on operations have been ordered to report to Risa-1 and Commodore Vololes for assignment in the search and rescue of the two missing ships, and their crews.

    We here at the Federation News Network hope that they are successful, and offer our prayers to the families of those vessels as they wait for news regarding their loved ones.

    This is Melanie Grant, outside Starfleet Headquarters.

    Uplink to Transmission
  • calmercercalmercer Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Meanwhile in deep within Voth territory...
    *encrypted transmission*

    *Fzzzzt* Hel....can any hear me.......*Fzzzzt*...ples..say you can...*Fzzzzt*...this is Ca..ain Serika Thomp...*Fzzzzt*..I am broadcasting on all Emerg....channels....the Yukikaze is destroyed...and the life pods are scattered....*Fzzzzt* I am alone...in Voth territory...*Fzzzzt* please respon.....*Fzzzzt* Anyone please! *Fzzzzt* Oh gods...they found.....*static*
    Parts Unknown

    *groans as he attempts to move* W..where am I? ... Don't know this place. *an excruciating pain shoots through his right arm as he attempts to tap his commbadge*

    *Fzzzzt* Mer...Mercer to any Federation Vessel... respond.. *Fzzzzt* Status of Lethbridge.. unknown... I'm on the surface... *groans* *Fzzzzt* Location of emergency pods.. unknown. *Fzzzzt* Requesting aid from any vessel that intercepts this transmission.

    *steps can be heard moving towards him at a quickening pace as he speaks*

    ..Repeat... Capt... *groans* Cal..vin.. Mercer.... requesting aid. *voices can be heard approaching as a loud thud is heard prior to the communication ending abruptly* *Fzzzzt*
  • pennylongpennylong Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    If you are a RPer this is a very nice fleet to be part of. Dedicated to what they do and very nice people to game with,
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