I was meaning the attack pattern cool down doffs being expensive and rare, sorry for not making it clear.
Yeah A2B doubles everything and is nice (not too OP) on cruisers but the hybrids are a real problem, 40k DPS is silly but there are builds and people pulling it off, just ask Naz. All thanks to A2B mostly, but again, you can simulate it with 3 attack pattern doffs.
Really I think it's a horrible mess and unfortunately you can't take it away without pi***ng a lot of people off but really we can't leave it like this otherwise it'll be Rom A2B Online with everything else treated as a second class build in PvE.
Perhaps if technicians had the ability be EWP and Aceton Beam instead of A2B or some Lt.Comm/Commander ability we would see the problem work itself out.
Adamkafei: It is a true statement. If you're not doing 10k+ in PvE anymore you're not keeping up sadly. Managed to get a wells build I like hitting 10k which makes me happy
While I think cooldown reduction doffs are too powerful in general, the least they could do is limit aux2batt's effectiveness to just Cruiser Commander/Lt Commander Boff abiliities. But, it's come up before and the only way this is getting nerfed is if there's an alternative that Cryptic can make $$ of off.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
cruisers and destroyers with it end up being balanced/overpowered/underpowered to the ships that are already the best without it that everyone considers balanced/overpowered/underpowered. only a fool would pull the rug out from this status quo.
cruisers and destroyers with it end up being balanced/overpowered/underpowered to the ships that are already the best without it that everyone considers balanced/overpowered/underpowered. only a fool would pull the rug out from this status quo.
Thats a pretty terrible argument.
Its just as broken on cruisers as it is on anything else. Perhaps more so.
Things that are broken in general get fixed....
lets be honest though they are fueling the Cryptic PvE army that pays right now so they won't get changed... doesn't make them any where close to balanced though.
Its just as broken on cruisers as it is on anything else. Perhaps more so.
Things that are broken in general get fixed....
lets be honest though they are fueling the Cryptic PvE army that pays right now so they won't get changed... doesn't make them any where close to balanced though.
I tried mounted A2B on a Armitage. I really did.
And all that did was worsen the 3rd Ensign syndrome. I even had to give up warp plasma.
So no, there are ships where A2B is overkill!
Also, all my tech doffs came from doffing. I didn't pay Cryptic a cent for them. And if 3 pve grindable doffs is enough to equalize power with all the P2W stuff falling out of doff packs and lockboxes, I say we keep them.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Of course they are not the best idea on plenty of ships... that doesn't make them underpowered.
Arguing that they only work on cruisers there fore they are fine is just silly. I would never put it on the majority of escorts because it just is redundant... there is more then enough tac slots on every escort. (now that the 5s lock out exists for sure)... tech doff provide the largest boost to ships that can take advantage by 1) having more engi slots then they need anyway and 2) having commander engi slots where the longest cool down skills exist in general.
They are the most broken on cruisers. By FAR.
Being able to keep RSP up over 20% of the time with them... being able to keep one copy of DEM up almost 70% of the time... as well as run a cruiser that effectivly has 2 Lt Cmd tac Slots... and 2 Lt tac slots (some 4)... is broken. Anyone that argues it isn't is simply really really in love with there crutch.
Shortly we will have 6 boff slots to boot... meaning it will be even more silly.
Being able to keep RSP up over 20% of the time with them... being able to keep one copy of DEM up almost 70% of the time... as well as run a cruiser that effectivly has 2 Lt Cmd tac Slots... and 2 Lt tac slots (some 4)... is broken. Anyone that argues it isn't is simply really really in love with there crutch.
Shortly we will have 6 boff slots to boot... meaning it will be even more silly.
That is balanced against losing 3 doff slots that could have been doing something else. Not to mention all semblance of Aux power, reducing self-healing tremendously.
RSP having 20% duration is a sick bastardization of the skill... but that's the fault of the RSP doff, not the A2B one. Hit the RSP doff instead.
DEM is only useful for the 1st 8 seconds. The rest of DEM's duration causes your fire to be split between shields and hull on top of doing less damage overall as Marion's effect wears off. This givens anything being hit now has time to heal up.
A cruiser with LtComm Tac, RSP, DEM and 2 A2B is not healing itself very well. In fact, it has the healing power of an escort (TSS2, HE1, maybe RSP like a Patrol Escort, done). You can burst down a cruiser after subbing the RSP off faster than an escort because the whale isn't going to run away fast enough.
So if the cruiser has been built to dps so much that it can't self-heal properly, shouldn't it dps as well as an escort?
Lastly, I must admit I do love my crotch. Which man doesn't?!
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
That is balanced against losing 3 doff slots that could have been doing something else. Not to mention all semblance of Aux power, reducing self-healing tremendously.
RSP having 20% duration is a sick bastardization of the skill... but that's the fault of the RSP doff, not the A2B one. Hit the RSP doff instead.
DEM is only useful for the 1st 8 seconds. The rest of DEM's duration causes your fire to be split between shields and hull on top of doing less damage overall as Marion's effect wears off. This givens anything being hit now has time to heal up.
A cruiser with LtComm Tac, RSP, DEM and 2 A2B is not healing itself very well. In fact, it has the healing power of an escort (TSS2, HE1, maybe RSP like a Patrol Escort, done). You can burst down a cruiser after subbing the RSP off faster than an escort because the whale isn't going to run away fast enough.
So if the cruiser has been built to dps so much that it can't self-heal properly, shouldn't it dps as well as an escort?
Lastly, I must admit I do love my crotch. Which man doesn't?!
Well a few things here.
1) the RPS doff ONLY effects one thing... it extends the time of RSP and that is IT at the cost of a doff slot... Tech doffs Reduce the cool down on EVERYTHING. They do the job of 2 attack pattern doffs... 2-3 Cannon/Beam Special/Target Sub doffs... 3 Dmg Control doffs (they do the job much better in fact)... 2-3 Conn doffs/Maintence/Reserch (Team doffs)... 2-3 deflector doffs ..The doff that reduces the cool down of hazards (wait hold on that doesn't exist)... The doff that reduces the cool down of Eject Warp Plasma (oh wait hold on that doesn't exist either).... The doff that Reduces the cool down of DEM ( oh wait... you get the idea).
Ok sorry for the super run on sentence ... but you get the idea... 3 tech doffs REPLACE every other doff in the game... and they don't involve any RNG AT all where as the rest all do. How is that not super broken.
2) Dumping your aux power for 9 seconds is trivial... and yes I have more then one Aux to bat toon... I know what I'm talking about dumping your aux for 9 seconds means nothing at all... just because people don't put aux to bat on healers (and some do) doesn't mean it isn't still broken.
3) Dem doesn't split anything ... Dem is always free dmg... the only thing Marion does is ensure its hitting at full power. (it doesn't draw any its dmg is based off weapon base dmg which goes up when they fire at full power is all)... Yes of course marion makes dem hurt bad... but so do Weapon auras which we have now... and soon will have alot more of.. Not to mention things like Omega Amp that are basicly free nadion for everyone.
4) Cruisers right now can be setup to OUT DPS escorts easily. No I am not joking. Escorts are finishers that is all anymore. I won't be running my new spike cruiser anywhere that anyone might see it honestly... because the last thing I want to see is curisers online again... damn if I will show people how to spike 200k in dmg out of a cruisers in under 5s. lol
5) 3 doffs lost right now is a cost yes... but soon when everyone has 6... 3 slots is nothing. (and as I was saying in my first point... they replace almost every other doff... so where is the cost really)
Aux to Bat USED to share a cool down with EPTx... which made the tech doffs balanced. Since that has changed... the doffs either need a RNG added... a major nerf to there numbers... or to be plain removed.
BUT if you wait to use it, say at the 15 second mark: 15/1.3 = 11.5 seconds, or about another 4.5 seconds taken off.
Or to still keep it simple, let it be the .3 rate still (with 3 purples), but have it be based off of current CD like the above.
15 x .3 = 4.5 second reduction
Same number.
Say it's 10 seconds
10/1.3 = 7.7 seconds, or about 2.3 seconds shaved off.
Compare to: 10 x .3 = 3 seconds, or a 7 second CD left
As you can tell, the less time that it has left, the less effective the other one is compared to the more 'flat' rate of the .3 That is the reason why poor ole Photonic Officer is forgotten by many folks.
Even just changing the CD number to be the current CD, and not totally nerf-stomping them into the damn floor, would nerf them yes, but keep them useful. Instead of the guaranteed flat 30% off every 10 seconds, you'd have a good 'spike' reduction across the board, followed by smaller bonuses if you still ran a double A2B.
I'd give more examples. Too tired now. But again, I can understand why some folks see it as too good, but I'm not gonna just let Tech DOFFs get stomped hard and made totally pointless either.
(though on that same logic, maybe it'd be nice if they changed PO to use that .XX multiplier, instead of dividing by 1.XX. Might make it much more useful and effective)
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Mimey it's a good idea, though I think a lot of people would have trouble wrapping their heads around how it works.
Would be nice if PO got a second look at though between the 6th doff slot and everything else I think I'd still ignore it and pack my doff slots with deflector doffs, attack pattern and beam ability CD doffs. A minute off is a long time both in PvP and PvE.
I must say, I may have to give an A2B galaxy-X a try, imagine, EWP, DEM, RSP with 2 EptX abilities and being able to sport TT, FAW1 and beta 1. Even the standard galaxy sees a performance increase even if they get ET slotted there. It is for that reason I lean on the side of not needing the hell out of A2B. If you turned up in PvE in either of those two ships you were laughed at and blamed for any failure.
Hell I've had some JHAS jockey call my 16k dps recluse (non A2B) as being no DPS just for the preconceived notion that escorts are king and nothing can or should be remotely good compared. All this needs to change and as broken as A2B is it mixes things up, even if I am tired of every other ship going *bleep* every 10s.
Hello all, i think aux2bat is cheesy and way to overpowered atm, could adjuncthawk please look into this because every1 is running aux2bat these days, normal builds arent interesting anymore
Any nerf to auxtobatt cd's will make the skill itself and dem redundant overnight. I really don't think it needs a nerf. Having six doffs (what are they doing !?) or blaming doffs in general isn't an argument in my mind to nerf it, a lot of builds are 'op' due to doffs.
I don't want cruisers to disappear completely, the only nerf that would be reasonable is to slightly reduce the power gain from auxtobatt. Still I don't think its necessary, having no aux is a real pain. My sci has >100 power in all systems with energy siphon, that feels more op than my auxtobatt cruiser.
So the a2b doffs are more important then tac/sci/eng consoles, fleet shield/ space sets/ fleet weapons....
Only a2b doffs make the cruisers good, nerf them = nerf cruisers. If this is true then is clear thet they are broken.
Cruisers just got auras I don't feel to sorry for them...
Both modes are great self buffs... and as auras they have a place on a team.
I would rather see them balance cruisers with that mechanic. Something that everyone has and we don't have a situation like we have now with the new/poor/uninformed just simply not performing. At this point even healers are running aux to bat... it would seem the benifit of pretty much every other skill you have being at global outweighs having to drop your aux for 9 seconds.
Seriously though... if this is all that is making cruisers not suck... they need to go very fast so cruisers can be fixed. (I think the auras alone may do just that as things like the weapon drain aura are sort of OP themselves)
oh look at all these noble principles you all have. its just to powerful on paper! 1 doff and build type shouldn't be the only way to go! cruisers can do something better then escorts now, thats not right, escorts have to be better at everything!
tech doffs are worse then leaning on the crutches of EPtS? TT? CRF? BO? this game is nothing but got to haves, it always has been, but only this 1 thing is to be singled out?, got to have tac skills are beyond reproach right? those are all 10 times more critical then AtB, even on AtB builds. all AtB is doing is allowing you to use primarily damage skills more often, in exchange for your ship having the ability to be a heal boat, or use any offensive sci skills that requires high aux. whats more durable, renim's heal boat or mine or anyone else's tac cruisers? AtB builds do not net superior survivability, they trade healing and survivability for damage, no mater how many noob RSP doffs you slot.
AtB just lets cruisers be something they are not, in exchange for what they are. it nerfs and buff them at the same time. how is this a problem. all its done is explode the ship building possibility in this game, but this new variety is to be hated? is this a bigger problem then all those skills that if you dont slot on every single build its instant death? wheres your self righteous indignation over that state of affairs?
Don't cry on the forums if you're blown up by an Aux2Batt cruiser.. It's not OP
Aux2Batt is the only thing that makes most Fed AND Klingon cruisers work well
Nerfing Aux2Batt nerfs cruisers.. Do you really want that to happen? Save what balance is left!
All fotm user will defend their fotm TRIBBLE, just like all who get hurt will cry, and all troll will troll.
Just dont need to defend what ... should not work the way it works ... Maybe some cruisers work well with the fotm build, the problem is the offensive fotm build, what not just cruisers using these days...
All that A2B+DEM+FAW and whatnot sh.t user at kerrat who testing and talking about how to make the build more perfect. All type of ships shooting each other with the same skills, ganking, 1 on 1 etc. Some die in 3 sec, some hold on 10 sec long...
Its legit? Yes. Like the old SNB+VM combo, or the TB+CPB+BO/BTSS3(and TricoT), SS3 spam, the insane damage hull res combo, or the BTSS3 stack was. And the list goes on. There will be always unfair combos, what will be called cheese. What can you do? Nothing, since as you can see, since 2010.02, no dev cares about pvp. They threw you some bones sometimes, but now not even that. Devs just made as*holes from their mouths.
Shame that craptic made this game.
But be happy, fellow PvE players have fun! And since they are more, more ppl are happy than not. And that what count.
Ps.: BTW even if eighter side has right, the other will be always Noob, QQer, Troll etc. funny ppl
No way in hell can you stand up to a good fedball of faw+dem+a2b+drain resistance inside an escort with just tss and rsp. You need a few good healers in recluse to back you up, otherwise you're doomed to die within 5 seconds.
A few healers it's not enough now... A video i made today, we was 4 healers (2 recluse/2 wells) still no chance to stay alive against a2b faw spam http://youtu.be/SDxD_qKZhDo
A few healers it's not enough now... A video i made today, we was 4 healers (2 recluse/2 wells) still no chance to stay alive against a2b faw spam http://youtu.be/SDxD_qKZhDo
Why didn't you all just run Feedback Pulse II + III with Transfer Shield Strength II + III? Aux2Bat FAW boat problems solved. Or chain scramble sensors III...
Cardty and Chronnos are both good players too. I know Cardty is a pretty good healer.
Plain and simple, its broken, hence so many fleet teams and other players alike are abusing it to the point of boredom.
Why didn't you all just run Feedback Pulse II + III with Transfer Shield Strength II + III? Aux2Bat FAW boat problems solved. Or chain scramble sensors III...
I just asked 2 friends to pvp, we didn't had any premade tactics, its my usual healer build.
I just asked 2 friends to pvp, we didn't had any premade tactics, its my usual healer build.
You can't fight scimitars fairly. Most of them use the broken Tier IV New Romulus Placate, Elite Drone Pets, and 5x Superior Romulan Bridge officers. On top of that they also have aux2bat. Fight fire with fire. Scramble Sensors + Feedback Pulse with the rest of your ship being pure heals will work. Don't even bother trying to shoot them. Just fly around dropping nukara web and transphasic mines.
While I think cooldown reduction doffs are too powerful in general, the least they could do is limit aux2batt's effectiveness to just Cruiser Commander/Lt Commander Boff abiliities. But, it's come up before and the only way this is getting nerfed is if there's an alternative that Cryptic can make $$ of off.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Thats a pretty terrible argument.
Its just as broken on cruisers as it is on anything else. Perhaps more so.
Things that are broken in general get fixed....
lets be honest though they are fueling the Cryptic PvE army that pays right now so they won't get changed... doesn't make them any where close to balanced though.
I tried mounted A2B on a Armitage. I really did.
And all that did was worsen the 3rd Ensign syndrome. I even had to give up warp plasma.
So no, there are ships where A2B is overkill!
Also, all my tech doffs came from doffing. I didn't pay Cryptic a cent for them. And if 3 pve grindable doffs is enough to equalize power with all the P2W stuff falling out of doff packs and lockboxes, I say we keep them.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
Arguing that they only work on cruisers there fore they are fine is just silly. I would never put it on the majority of escorts because it just is redundant... there is more then enough tac slots on every escort. (now that the 5s lock out exists for sure)... tech doff provide the largest boost to ships that can take advantage by 1) having more engi slots then they need anyway and 2) having commander engi slots where the longest cool down skills exist in general.
They are the most broken on cruisers. By FAR.
Being able to keep RSP up over 20% of the time with them... being able to keep one copy of DEM up almost 70% of the time... as well as run a cruiser that effectivly has 2 Lt Cmd tac Slots... and 2 Lt tac slots (some 4)... is broken. Anyone that argues it isn't is simply really really in love with there crutch.
Shortly we will have 6 boff slots to boot... meaning it will be even more silly.
That is balanced against losing 3 doff slots that could have been doing something else. Not to mention all semblance of Aux power, reducing self-healing tremendously.
RSP having 20% duration is a sick bastardization of the skill... but that's the fault of the RSP doff, not the A2B one. Hit the RSP doff instead.
DEM is only useful for the 1st 8 seconds. The rest of DEM's duration causes your fire to be split between shields and hull on top of doing less damage overall as Marion's effect wears off. This givens anything being hit now has time to heal up.
A cruiser with LtComm Tac, RSP, DEM and 2 A2B is not healing itself very well. In fact, it has the healing power of an escort (TSS2, HE1, maybe RSP like a Patrol Escort, done). You can burst down a cruiser after subbing the RSP off faster than an escort because the whale isn't going to run away fast enough.
So if the cruiser has been built to dps so much that it can't self-heal properly, shouldn't it dps as well as an escort?
Lastly, I must admit I do love my crotch. Which man doesn't?!
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
Well a few things here.
1) the RPS doff ONLY effects one thing... it extends the time of RSP and that is IT at the cost of a doff slot... Tech doffs Reduce the cool down on EVERYTHING. They do the job of 2 attack pattern doffs... 2-3 Cannon/Beam Special/Target Sub doffs... 3 Dmg Control doffs (they do the job much better in fact)... 2-3 Conn doffs/Maintence/Reserch (Team doffs)... 2-3 deflector doffs ..The doff that reduces the cool down of hazards (wait hold on that doesn't exist)... The doff that reduces the cool down of Eject Warp Plasma (oh wait hold on that doesn't exist either).... The doff that Reduces the cool down of DEM ( oh wait... you get the idea).
Ok sorry for the super run on sentence ... but you get the idea... 3 tech doffs REPLACE every other doff in the game... and they don't involve any RNG AT all where as the rest all do. How is that not super broken.
2) Dumping your aux power for 9 seconds is trivial... and yes I have more then one Aux to bat toon... I know what I'm talking about dumping your aux for 9 seconds means nothing at all... just because people don't put aux to bat on healers (and some do) doesn't mean it isn't still broken.
3) Dem doesn't split anything ... Dem is always free dmg... the only thing Marion does is ensure its hitting at full power. (it doesn't draw any its dmg is based off weapon base dmg which goes up when they fire at full power is all)... Yes of course marion makes dem hurt bad... but so do Weapon auras which we have now... and soon will have alot more of.. Not to mention things like Omega Amp that are basicly free nadion for everyone.
4) Cruisers right now can be setup to OUT DPS escorts easily. No I am not joking. Escorts are finishers that is all anymore. I won't be running my new spike cruiser anywhere that anyone might see it honestly... because the last thing I want to see is curisers online again... damn if I will show people how to spike 200k in dmg out of a cruisers in under 5s. lol
5) 3 doffs lost right now is a cost yes... but soon when everyone has 6... 3 slots is nothing. (and as I was saying in my first point... they replace almost every other doff... so where is the cost really)
Aux to Bat USED to share a cool down with EPTx... which made the tech doffs balanced. Since that has changed... the doffs either need a RNG added... a major nerf to there numbers... or to be plain removed.
Make them use the same CD formula as other stuff.
Right now it's a flat number, it always goes by the base CD irregardless of how much CD is left.
Like: Tac team is 30 seconds. Three A2B DOFFs is a 30% reduction. Thus 30 x .3 = 9 second reduction.
Instead, have it be: Current CD/1.XX (where XX is the total percentage reduction of however many Tech DOFFs you have) = New CD
So... 30/1.3 = 23 seconds, or roughly 7 seconds shaved off.
BUT if you wait to use it, say at the 15 second mark: 15/1.3 = 11.5 seconds, or about another 4.5 seconds taken off.
Or to still keep it simple, let it be the .3 rate still (with 3 purples), but have it be based off of current CD like the above.
15 x .3 = 4.5 second reduction
Same number.
Say it's 10 seconds
10/1.3 = 7.7 seconds, or about 2.3 seconds shaved off.
Compare to: 10 x .3 = 3 seconds, or a 7 second CD left
As you can tell, the less time that it has left, the less effective the other one is compared to the more 'flat' rate of the .3 That is the reason why poor ole Photonic Officer is forgotten by many folks.
Even just changing the CD number to be the current CD, and not totally nerf-stomping them into the damn floor, would nerf them yes, but keep them useful. Instead of the guaranteed flat 30% off every 10 seconds, you'd have a good 'spike' reduction across the board, followed by smaller bonuses if you still ran a double A2B.
I'd give more examples. Too tired now. But again, I can understand why some folks see it as too good, but I'm not gonna just let Tech DOFFs get stomped hard and made totally pointless either.
(though on that same logic, maybe it'd be nice if they changed PO to use that .XX multiplier, instead of dividing by 1.XX. Might make it much more useful and effective)
By all means, tailor it to be less effective on stuff like RSP and DEM, but not a blanket change to all powers.
Why not... if you want 100% up time on only 2 copies of EPTx its simple Damage Control doffs.
If you don't like that idea... Run 3-4 copies of EPTx like everyone used to.
I'm kidden but seriously EPTx 2 copies 100% up time with no RNG involved is one of the issues.
Would be nice if PO got a second look at though between the 6th doff slot and everything else I think I'd still ignore it and pack my doff slots with deflector doffs, attack pattern and beam ability CD doffs. A minute off is a long time both in PvP and PvE.
I must say, I may have to give an A2B galaxy-X a try, imagine, EWP, DEM, RSP with 2 EptX abilities and being able to sport TT, FAW1 and beta 1. Even the standard galaxy sees a performance increase even if they get ET slotted there. It is for that reason I lean on the side of not needing the hell out of A2B. If you turned up in PvE in either of those two ships you were laughed at and blamed for any failure.
Hell I've had some JHAS jockey call my 16k dps recluse (non A2B) as being no DPS just for the preconceived notion that escorts are king and nothing can or should be remotely good compared. All this needs to change and as broken as A2B is it mixes things up, even if I am tired of every other ship going *bleep* every 10s.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
no, thanks
I don't want cruisers to disappear completely, the only nerf that would be reasonable is to slightly reduce the power gain from auxtobatt. Still I don't think its necessary, having no aux is a real pain. My sci has >100 power in all systems with energy siphon, that feels more op than my auxtobatt cruiser.
Don't cry on the forums if you're blown up by an Aux2Batt cruiser.. It's not OP
Aux2Batt is the only thing that makes most Fed AND Klingon cruisers work well
Nerfing Aux2Batt nerfs cruisers.. Do you really want that to happen? Save what balance is left!
I just snorted up coffee... not cool. lmao
Cruisers shouldn't have to depend on a single set of DOffs with a singlr build to be viable.
So the a2b doffs are more important then tac/sci/eng consoles, fleet shield/ space sets/ fleet weapons....
Only a2b doffs make the cruisers good, nerf them = nerf cruisers. If this is true then is clear thet they are broken.
Both modes are great self buffs... and as auras they have a place on a team.
I would rather see them balance cruisers with that mechanic. Something that everyone has and we don't have a situation like we have now with the new/poor/uninformed just simply not performing. At this point even healers are running aux to bat... it would seem the benifit of pretty much every other skill you have being at global outweighs having to drop your aux for 9 seconds.
Seriously though... if this is all that is making cruisers not suck... they need to go very fast so cruisers can be fixed. (I think the auras alone may do just that as things like the weapon drain aura are sort of OP themselves)
tech doffs are worse then leaning on the crutches of EPtS? TT? CRF? BO? this game is nothing but got to haves, it always has been, but only this 1 thing is to be singled out?, got to have tac skills are beyond reproach right? those are all 10 times more critical then AtB, even on AtB builds. all AtB is doing is allowing you to use primarily damage skills more often, in exchange for your ship having the ability to be a heal boat, or use any offensive sci skills that requires high aux. whats more durable, renim's heal boat or mine or anyone else's tac cruisers? AtB builds do not net superior survivability, they trade healing and survivability for damage, no mater how many noob RSP doffs you slot.
AtB just lets cruisers be something they are not, in exchange for what they are. it nerfs and buff them at the same time. how is this a problem. all its done is explode the ship building possibility in this game, but this new variety is to be hated? is this a bigger problem then all those skills that if you dont slot on every single build its instant death? wheres your self righteous indignation over that state of affairs?
Doing this offers no recreational effects what so ever.......unless the powdered sugar was not actually powdered sugar.
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
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All fotm user will defend their fotm TRIBBLE, just like all who get hurt will cry, and all troll will troll.
Just dont need to defend what ... should not work the way it works ... Maybe some cruisers work well with the fotm build, the problem is the offensive fotm build, what not just cruisers using these days...
All that A2B+DEM+FAW and whatnot sh.t user at kerrat who testing and talking about how to make the build more perfect. All type of ships shooting each other with the same skills, ganking, 1 on 1 etc. Some die in 3 sec, some hold on 10 sec long...
Its legit? Yes. Like the old SNB+VM combo, or the TB+CPB+BO/BTSS3(and TricoT), SS3 spam, the insane damage hull res combo, or the BTSS3 stack was. And the list goes on. There will be always unfair combos, what will be called cheese. What can you do? Nothing, since as you can see, since 2010.02, no dev cares about pvp. They threw you some bones sometimes, but now not even that. Devs just made as*holes from their mouths.
Shame that craptic made this game.
But be happy, fellow PvE players have fun! And since they are more, more ppl are happy than not. And that what count.
Ps.: BTW even if eighter side has right, the other will be always Noob, QQer, Troll etc.
A few healers it's not enough now... A video i made today, we was 4 healers (2 recluse/2 wells) still no chance to stay alive against a2b faw spam http://youtu.be/SDxD_qKZhDo
Except most have been using it for 2 years now, so it's hardly FOTM.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Why didn't you all just run Feedback Pulse II + III with Transfer Shield Strength II + III? Aux2Bat FAW boat problems solved. Or chain scramble sensors III...
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Plain and simple, its broken, hence so many fleet teams and other players alike are abusing it to the point of boredom.
I just asked 2 friends to pvp, we didn't had any premade tactics, its my usual healer build.
You can't fight scimitars fairly. Most of them use the broken Tier IV New Romulus Placate, Elite Drone Pets, and 5x Superior Romulan Bridge officers. On top of that they also have aux2bat. Fight fire with fire. Scramble Sensors + Feedback Pulse with the rest of your ship being pure heals will work. Don't even bother trying to shoot them. Just fly around dropping nukara web and transphasic mines.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)