Good news for the JJTrek haters is that with the licensing differences there will be no JJTrek TV show. So how would we want it to start? I say a reboot, TOS from the beginning. Perhaps an epic pilot where we show Kirk's last mission as XO of the Farrugut, and his promotion to captain of the Enterprise, and jumping right into some action. Not rewrite of history, but Trek Prime universe.
Some things that should probably be considered -
* New actors to play the iconic roles.
* Five year mission = five year series run. Can't finish up an epic series within that time, take it to the big screen.
* No lens flares, no shaky cameras a la Abrams, BSG, Whedon.
* Traditional ship designs - TOS Connie for the series. I can see as a flash forward/end credits scene for the series finale, the crew taking their places on the new bridge of the refit TMP Connie, getting ready to take her out for their first film.
* New opportunity for an Animated Series reboot too. The original is still wildly popular, and I remember watching it as a kid.
I myself would love a reboot. I do like the new movies, but they aren't the Trek I grew up with, and I know a lot of fans around the world would love to see Trek on the small screen again, with the familiar characters and ships we all love.
Take it off from the end of DS9/Voyager. There is still plenty of story to tell in the Prime verse and there is plenty of Galaxy left.
Any redo isn't going to bring in the die hards as much as continuing where the series originally left off, and I don't think any series is going to be successful unless you bring in the trek fans.
They make a wondrous mess of things. Brave amateurs, they do their part.
Personaly i think if there is a new TV series i think they should get permission from cryptic to use shon and the enterprise -f and make a series utulising the first andorian enterprise captain.
this would be a good chance to learn more about the andorians more then we already know it would be very interesting.
*As far as set design and fashion is concerned.
Is the game considered canon anyway?
I personally liked Enterprise as a series. Through that series we know they can bring TOS up to a more modern look, without compromising the story. And I disagree, I think that old Trek fans like myself would flock to it, if it stayed true to the Trek we have known all our lives.
They make a wondrous mess of things. Brave amateurs, they do their part.
I can think of a couple of potential story areas which might be explored that fit the above scenarios
#1) Post Breen-attack Earth, set in SF. Basically a DS9 on Earth, a security team helps rebuild Starfleet HQ. Big enemy is Section 31, trying to get its hooks in everywhere. The allegories to 9/11 are just begging to be exploited.
#2) Post Romulus Destruction. While there might be an Enterprise-F, STO is not considered canon. I doubt we'd follow their adventures. (ie TOS Series had 1701, Movies had 1701-A, TNG had 1701-D, movies had 1701-E). Possibly a reconstruction team in Romulan space, SCE-style mini-arcs. Enemy is naturally the Tal Shiar, but the 'scary' Borg might make a reappearance again.
#3) A Deep Space Exploration cruiser, kind of like Voyager, but on the edge of the Federation in a different direction. A callback to the TNG series. One can hope, but it'll be challenge to come up with stories that aren't alternating between "weird culture" and next week "negative space wedgie"
#4) An "Origin Reboot" set after Enterprise but before TOS. Personally I don't think that's such a brilliant idea, but the writers were getting better S4 of ENT. You never know.
#5) A direct TOS Reboot. New actors for old roles. Carries a gargantuan risk of fan backlash and you run a serious risk of the ENT phenomena where the older ships are more advanced than the newer ones.
#6) Do a 200-year jump like between TOS and TNG. Watch the Enterprise-J explore the Andromeda Galaxy via a wormhole. Could even have the formation of an "Andromedan Federation" as a central plot point. Would let you channel almost any era you wanted.
Anyway, these are just some random ideas off the top of my head, and I can almost guarantee that whatever is chosen, assuming the show goes ahead, will not be any of the above points.
Edit: Spelling.
A new Star Trek set in such a way would have alot more creative freedom and space to grow into, look different from the TNG/DS9/VOY/Dominion War era shows and movies. And still be able to draw upon the rich history of Star Trek.
I just can't take remakes of well established, fleshed out characters with different actors anymore. Don't do it with the TOS/TMP crew anymore. Not even the TNG guys. Hell, don't even do it for any of the existing series characters.
If Star Trek needs to be actually "new" then go all the way. Make it it's own, but at the same time, respect what's been done prior.
What life is like inside the FactionNameHere*
*Klingon Empire/Romulan Empire/Breen Confederacy/Cardassian Union/WhatOtherFactionName.
They make a wondrous mess of things. Brave amateurs, they do their part.
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exactly it died too early
prequels dont work they retell a story we already know after the new wears off it gets old fast.
Its better to go forward then backwards theres alot left to tell in the prime universe we dont need prequels or returds to retell what we already know.
that is the whole reason i did not like ST ENT because of the lets go a 150 years before Captain Kirk i dont care for the past unless it a 2 part time travel EP
system Lord Baal is dead
couldnt have said it better myself ^^^^^^^^^^
Agreed on all points.
If there were to be aq reboot done back to TOS, I am pretty sure the vocal majority of fans would be screaming for purity. Trek Prime universe, characters we know as we know them, telling the many stories still out there. Just in the screenplays that were turned down alone, I am sure there are enough episodes for two seasons, and some of them are probably more suited for today's technology than the 60's. I have seen many of the episodes they went back and upgraded to high definition, and they look great in regards to the planets and this ships. Use that, and just slightly modernize the ship interiors.
And while yes, there is still much of the galaxy left to explore, there is also much not shown being explored from TOS on through TNG.
They make a wondrous mess of things. Brave amateurs, they do their part.
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What I would like to see is stronger family connections. The best we got was DS9 via the Siskos and the O'Briens, and there were some powerful family stories with them. TNG had some amazing stories, such as Family, yet it felt like families were a card to be played, kept at a distance until a clever story could be told, rather than a thought always on the minds of the characters. I've never been in the service, though many, many friends have, and I think the lives of our service personnel should influence the design of the next crew and show. I keep hearing how military in distance war zones keep trying stay in contact with home, and vice-versa, despite the danger and the distance. I'd like stories where the red shirt survived a few episodes, was shown to be someone I could care about, and then when he inevitably died, I get to see the impact on the family back home, too. There should be moments where the father first sees his child, via 3D holography over lightyears (the James T. Kirk birth at the opening of the first JJTrek film had something of this impact) My emotions should be engaged.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the characters, regardless of species, should feel like real flesh-and-blood people, not just clever set pieces.
Sequel, Prequel or Reboot? Nobody really cares!
New characters or new actors playing established characters? Nobody gives a damn!
This gimmick or that gimmick? Its all the same!
If they are ever going to make a new Star Trek TV-Show there is only one thing that matters:
The writers have to have a message, a question, an idea.
At least every second episode of TOS, TNG and DS9 had something relevant to say. The writers had a question to ask, a puzzle to challenge us with, sometimes a preachy sermon (:rolleyes:), but often something that made us go: "Hey! Not to say that this was totally new, but I have never seen this thought or idea get represented quite this way!"
They can do whatever the hell they want, as long as they have stories. Nobody cares whether its set in this or that century, wether its about these or those adversaries, empires, politics, make belief BS....
Either they have a load of good stories or they dont. The rest is just packaging.
I wouldn't mind if they recycled some material from the aborted new animated series they were working on where an Omega based explosion destroys subspace and splits the federation in half keeping much of the alpha quadrant separated for over 100 years and following the adventures of a scout ship sent out to reestablish contact after subspace finally healed again enough for warp travel. But I wouldn't mind seeing a new direction either. I just hope we see them continue forward with some interesting ideas and continue to evolved the federation, The Romulan Empire, the Klingons, The Cardassian Union etc. etc. I loved how they really did something new with the Klingons in TOS and (to a lesser extent) again with the Cardassian in DS9 and hope they wouldn't just play up the pre-established tropes.
BTW, Trek writer Bob Orci met with CBS about bringing the franchise back to TV.
Won't work. You can't have a tv series of any kind with a 'huge supporting cast.' The writing, production and costs make it very unfeasible. As for 'voting' that is absurd. A tv series isn't american idol. Such a series would be dropped by the network faster than a fat guy on a bucket of KFC, due to writing problems leading to lack of viewers.
That being said, the whole academy thing wouldn't work either. TV series set in schools suffer from a lack of direction when it comes to where the series is supposed to go. Look what happened to boston public
Frankly this is the only idea I can see getting anywhere in a prime universe series these days. Mainly because the storylines have been largely played out as far as local space goes. Its mostly a rehash. But it you take it to the edge of known space, you're starting with essentially a blank slate and can make it up as you go as far as writing goes. Something like TOS did
Though I take it i'm the only one who noticed that CBS explicitly said they weren't interested in a star trek tv series, even on that link that started this discussion? You do know they were talking about a series in general and not a movie universe one, right?
1. Set in the future, sometime after Voyager, a new crew on a new Enterprise. Use previous characters to add that feeling of history to ship and crew. For example, kirks relative, etc.
2. Set at Starfleet Academy. It will follow a group of people. I like this idea because I would like to see Earth attacked in Star Trek. I mean an all out assault by someone old or new. This group is catapulted into this new conflict and we will see Starfleet turned to ashes and eventually be resurected by the now decorated and seasoned officers that we started with.
3. A whole new ship, name, and crew.
out of all these my favorite is number 2
If the studio releases a new "Star Trek" series tomorrow, the show will be a hollow and cgi bloated gimmick.