If there was a Star Trek Online 2 like this:
1. Begin at the Academy - basic game play and learning to use different parts of the game with story backed missions. ( Moving, shooting, flying a shuttle. etc. )
2. Leaving the Academy - Now you pick your career path, and location you will begin your adventures. Starbase or Starship
3. Once you pick were you will serve, you will do more story back missions, along with sub missions, and a few social type missions while on the Ship or Base of choice. These locations will be 100% NPC controlled, but everything in these locations will be 100% interactive.
4. Rank will be gained and given, along with performance reviews of each main mission you complete by the Captain and/ or Commanders of the Ships or Base.
5. You will be put on away missions at 1st, later you can pick who is on your missions, as your rank grade is increased. That includes away mission that need the use of shuttles.
6. Your own command - Once you gain the Captains rank, you finally get your 1st Starship. What ship type you get offered, depends on your standing within your faction. You will have a ship something like you see in the game now, but with a few more improved options.
7. Again you get story back missions, sub-mission and alert type missions while your the Captain of your ship. Also, you have to send people off to do away missions as needed.
Now the whole point is to give you the player a Star Trek Experience. So your not just doing mindless jobs while under the command of a NPC captain, and when you finally get to command your own ship, you will get that special moment of feeling that wow factor.
That's your 1st ship moment, and how it should be.

Anyway, I just think if we get a new STO down the road, it should take things to the next level.
That's my 2 cents, anyone what to comment on it?
Oh and lets not forget lets have game moments like this too:
Just like how you obtained the Doff (Law) from Nimbus, thats how you should get all your Doffs. Also the Doff missions should let you level up your Doffs depending how what missions you give them and XP you use to train them and you can choose advancment paths for them and intime promote them to Boffs.
Say you get an distress call and you go to a planet with a crashed scout ship. There are reports of Gorn Slavemasters working in the area and this may be a ruse to capture more workers. You get ready to assign you aaway team and the computer gives you a list of reccommended officers. The more an officer goes on missions the better his preformance and skills become. Then your 1st officer refuses to let you beam down. A Starfleet Captian would make a nice hostage for the Gorn. You you take control of your 1st officer and beam to the planet. After completing the mission based on the kills, items found, healing, ect you use these points to spec up your Boffs and learn new abilities.
This would let you be a Ferasian, a Jem'Haddar, a Cardassian, Breen and so on as you control what Officers go on the Away missions and who is in charge.
You just dont have your 5 or 6 Boffs to choose from. Any Officer in your crew can go on away missions. But the success of the mission depends on what officers you assign to it. You then have control of that officer for the duration of the mission. Each race having thier own specific skill and abilites and gear.
Next you want to upgrade your warp core. You start a research project and assign you Doffs based on what type of Core you want. Say an Shield to Weapon power core with AMP. The project says you need Logic, teamwork, cunning. You assign the Doffs and Success you can now build this core. But you need the parts.
You travel to Utopia Planitia but the dock master says that he cannot grant you all the material you need. He just has the casing. But he promised it to the USS. Platomic.
You give him a holodeck program starring your Orion Female "Moral Officer" and he gives you the Warp core injector casing. You still need the Anti-matter assembly and the Plasma infusion conduit. He suggests you speak with Morn on DS9 because he overheard him bragging about his new core.
You go talk to Morn and he tells you that he came accross a Bajoran Eng that has some Jem'Haddar ship surplus that he has been tinkering with. You then give Morn some Romulan Ale and head to Bajor.
And with some interisting negoations (you find out he has a "thing" for tribbles. And you just happen to have the Chryo Tribble he craves) you get the parts you need but.... They are not working correctly. They need the injector sub-assembly and the only place to get one is off a Jem'dread. A functional Jem'Dred.
So you head out looking for one and have to speak to several Deferra and True way spies to locate a hidden base where the ship is located. You can take it on head to head if you have the firepower or find a way to sneak on and steal to parts you need. If you have officers with Steath and cunning and agility you can send an away team over to get it. You can choose to auto-run the mission and depending on your team choices you will get a success/fail % or you can run the mission yourself.
Success! You now have all the parts and now you just need to install it. You give it your your Chief Eng and select his team from your available Doffs and let them go to work. Just before you start the install your Sci officer says he was speaking with the Tac officer and they think they know a way to channel warp power with this new core to the foward Beam bank. They just need a large supply of Beta-tachyon particles and about 5 Tac Console of any type, the better quality the better chances of success. You give your Officer what they need and presto you now have a awesome new warp core and a %35 boost to you BO ability.
This is how I would run this game. And I would keep it random. The NPC contacts would be random. So one day you can be on Risa and there is a Betazoid there talking about Breen raiders hijacking transports near Omicron D and you go off to run that mission and the next day he wont be there. That mission will show up on Andoria. This would make you explore and talk to NPC's and other players to see where the good missions are spawning at.
would love to play it.
No pvp.
Only the federation faction to avoid whininess.
Everyone must score higher then 70 on a star trek test emcompassing all 5 series and all the movies before they will be allowed to play. That way all the numb-nuts who never saw more then a few episodes of voyager, ds9, and enterprise can't pretent their trek experts based on seeing tos reruns and TNG.
Also, players should be able to recruit others to help them on missions without the other poeple first having to actually also have the mission.
2.: A tactical cover based ground combat system simmillar in style, feel and pacing to the Mass Effect Games - I will not complain. The devs have worked hard to improve ground combat and the results are allright with me. The mistakes where made in the very beginning of development and they fixed it as good as was possible, I think. Kudos to them!
3.: Toned down graphics effects, less bling and glitter, less comic and manga stuff - They have toned it down from season to season. And I am happy about that. Nobody needs blinky disco stuff. Less is more!
4.: More Episodes!!!!! M O A R !!!!!!!!!!!
Second, space combat needs to become more skill based, but it cannot be a flight sim either. The russian game Star Conflict handles this well.
Third, the RPG in MMORPG needs to go away. Not everyone likes RPGs. Not everyone likes RPG elements. RPGs require lots of time investment, not everyone wants to do that, and there are enough of those already. Plus, RPG elements make it far, far too easy for things like power creep and pay 2 win. And no one likes power creep and P2W.
Fourth, and tied with the above; the number of stats needs to be cut down. There are so many damage types, resistances, items, currencies and the like that to get the most out of STO (and any other MMORPG really) it needs to be played with a calculator. Everything should have very clear bonuses and drawbacks right from the tooltip. Whenever you find a new item, instead of; "does this have better stats?" you should think; "does this fit my playstyle?"
Fifth, the best way for story to be integrated into a good Star Trek MMO is... well... to have no story at all. I know that's going to be a really unpopular decision, but you must understand that making "story based episodic content" is really hard. It depends on the complexity of the game, as well as the skill and size of the team making it, but on average, a month of development time makes about 45 minutes to an hour of gameplay. That's impractical for the Devs, and unfair for players that are constantly waiting for content that will never come. It would be far better to have an open world where players are free to explore. Which brings us too....
Sixth, Randomness. The next Star Trek MMO must have an element of randomness. Imagine you're out running a generic mining mission, and suddenly BORG CUBE. The main problem with this game is that after a while, it doesn't really surprise you. The next STMMO needs to be capable of throwing some massive curveballs at you. Bring back Apollo, bring back the giant house cat, but make a method to the madness. There needs to be a great variety of obstacles, some you may never experience the same way, but that's where good stories are born.
There are far, far more things I could go on about how to make the best Star Trek MMO, but this is enough for now.
Why play a Star Trek MMO if there is no story? If the story doesn't exist, then it is not Star Trek.
Let's face it..... there are many galactic powers that are large enough to be a faction from the TV shows, BUT most of them would require a lot of filling in the blanks to write stories and make ships.
My character Tsin'xing