All they did was add some missions...fleshed out the KDF...KDF could have double the missions Feds have but if Feds have and get all of the good toys why stick with the KDF?
LOR added low level content to the game, content that should of been in the game years ago. A significant amount of the KDF players are already max level and have literally nothing to spend their money on. The last C store KDF vessel added was 2 years ago in the Bortas and it is not exactly the greatest ship.
Even then that was just a counterpart to the Odyssey...a lousy counterpart at that. Except for LoR, all of the content the KDF got was counterpart to what Feds got. I'd say closer to two and a half years since KDF got anything exclusive besides LoR.
For years, KDF has been complaining that they don't have players because they don't have content. LoR disproved this. It's time to face up to the fact that the most realistic hypothesis is that people don't play KDF because they don't want to.
"Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
For years, KDF has been complaining that they don't have players because they don't have content. LoR disproved this. It's time to face up to the fact that the most realistic hypothesis is that people don't play KDF because they don't want to.
I disagree. The KDF population did increase with LoR with players trying out Klingon Story missions, its just that it didn't become a sustained population because there is no difference in endgame between all 3 factions.
Then you got the erosion of Klingon uniqueness, like carriers and now battlecruisers being taken away, it gives you less reason why to even play KDF in the long term.
I'm honestly sure if the Devs realize this, but if the Klingon faction is to recover, it needs it's uniqueness back and to give them a different endgame than the Federation. Which I seriously doubt will ever happen.
I'm honestly sure if the Devs realize this, but if the Klingon faction is to recover, it needs it's uniqueness back and to give them a different endgame than the Federation. Which I seriously doubt will ever happen.
think they have said they want it to be like this they want them to be copy and paste for all 3 not just kdf but roms to so in other words we will get feds missions
For years, KDF has been complaining that they don't have players because they don't have content. LoR disproved this. It's time to face up to the fact that the most realistic hypothesis is that people don't play KDF because they don't want to.
Why should someone stay when the RR is getting the Tactical Escort Carrier and the Scimitar and Feds are getting the Battlecruiser while KDF is getting nothing?
KDF still has 3 races without any female form while cryptic has proven they can design females of races which didn't show up on screen...they even did it recently for Reman females. Romulans have more interesting and diverse uniforms than the KDF and Feds even more so. Feds have tons more ship options and even just got a battlecruiser, almost every flavor of Science and Escort you can think of while KDF is limited. The only thing the KDF had left was fast and agile battlecruisers and now Feds got that and a better battlecruiser than the KDF to boot.
It's to the point where the only options for KDF are inferior 2 - 3 year old ships or lockbox ships.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
I'd be more interested in supporting the Klingon faction if I could get some non-spiked boots for KDF female characters during character creation. And now that female calves are oddly deformed with tight pants (which looks awkward even with the bulky boots), I can't get interested in creating any more KDF characters. I do play my existing ones now and then though.
I did buy some zen a couple days ago for one of my KDF characters. I wanted a skirt for my Klingon character, to bypass the leg glitch, so I bought lockbox keys to get lobi crystals. (Having a skirt option in the KDF character creation would be nice too, but I'd be content with a fix for the legs.)
If the KDF can't come up with some decent boots options for their aliens and joined Trills, they don't deserve to survive. Let them die.
For years, KDF has been complaining that they don't have players because they don't have content. LoR disproved this. It's time to face up to the fact that the most realistic hypothesis is that people don't play KDF because they don't want to.
How did LoR, a complete faction, disprove that the KDF are underplayed not because they are undercompleted but because they are disliked?
Granted many feds are so biased they would not play a complete KDF if it stood up and fondled them heavily but thats got nothing to do with the Romulans. Fact is the FedRoms exist in greater numbers simply because there are more fed players with access to more content and the KDF low level missions came too late to save an long neglected faction. So neglected that even whole KDF fleets have left STO or changed sides just to have something to do.
cryptic stated that they lose money on every klingon related stuff they make, so in effect that is reason why kdf is overlooked nad lack content in game.
since ce is now completed and everyone is bathing in dilitiom (and thier exchaging for zen), lets run KDF support week.
What it means ? klets say duting this week everyone who like to see more kdf conten in game will buy some think for zen. Idealy it will be low-profiel like ship bridges (which sell realy low) so cryptic get realy nice impulse. And need to say, if it will more usable, it is great chance that kdf playrs allready have it.
reason why kdf is so overloked by players is realy simple - because it lack interesing content. Why kdf lack eqivalent of delta shutle/yelowstone runbout ? I will surely buy boot these for kdf, but tehy dont have them.
It is same - why kdf dont have thier own ds9 bundle or even similiar looking TOS KDF bundle ?
Onlyest way to see more kdf content in game is well, spend more zen on kdf. So my plea to all players pls, start new kdf char if you didnt and if you have it, lets joint your "crusade" for more kdf content.
I would like to see a source for Cryptic saying 'they lose money on everything they make for KDF'. As far as I know, they've only indicated they lost money on a ship they had recently (at the time) made for the KDF. Most people assume it's the Bortas'qu, because it's a slightly disappointing ship.
I would like to see a source for Cryptic saying 'they lose money on everything they make for KDF'. As far as I know, they've only indicated they lost money on a ship they had recently (at the time) made for the KDF. Most people assume it's the Bortas'qu, because it's a slightly disappointing ship.
Well the Bortasqu' was the only ship to come out on the c-store for the KDF in a long time...not much for a while before or after it...infact since then the KDF only got two new low level BoPs with LoR.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Was the B'Rolth Bird of Prey Qaw'dun Bird of Prey just a dream that I had? :rolleyes:
Granted it wasn't a great deal (especially when Romulans have had two ship packs out since, and the Federation are getting their Battlecruiser) but it isn't like Crypitc haven't given KDF players anything. They have, and whilst the Qaw'dun is an ugly ship, some pretty neat looking configurations can be made using the B'Rolth and B'rel Retrofit.
There are rumours of a revamped Negh'Var (though it'll likely be a new ship that can use the Negh'Var skin), and there's a good chance we'll get a 5/3 Battlecruiser Layout over time as well; especially with Season 9 just around the corner. The Feds have their 5/3 ships (Kumari and Avenger/Sentinel), the Romulans have theirs (Scimitar Pack), it stands to reason the KDF are next in line.
...should the Devs feel obliged to throw in some more uniform and hair options too, we'll all be happy.
Those 2 KDF BOPs are Tier 1 and Tier 2 ships. You can't use them endgame and their consoles are useless. Not only that, the skin for the Qaw'dun isn't usable for any of the T5 / Fleet BOPs.
There has been no KDF C-Store ships since the Bortasqu' cruisers, and that was almost 2 years ago.
Also, the Klingons have a long tradition of forward fire focused ships dating back to TOS, persisting through the movies, and going through the TNG/DS9 era TV shows. Yet there are no 5 forward weapon ships, and there are no 5 TAC Console ships outside of the Bortasqu' TAC Cruiser, which maneuvers as well as a dead whale in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
The KDF really needs options in every portion of the game. Uniforms, ships, even PVE missions to make it on par with the Feds. But that plea has been going on since STO released. The fact that the Romulans have more uniform options than the KDF should speak volumes also on Cryptic's priorities.
And to throw this out there, Cryptic cannot complain about KDF players not spending money if they have nothing to spend money on. Case in point? The lack of Uniform options to purchase, compared to the far, far richer Fed options. Also, the lack of acquirable KDF vessels is another stickler.
I would like to see a source for Cryptic saying 'they lose money on everything they make for KDF'. As far as I know, they've only indicated they lost money on a ship they had recently (at the time) made for the KDF. Most people assume it's the Bortas'qu, because it's a slightly disappointing ship.
I think that's what he was refering to, when they made that off-hand comment that KDF ship sales wasn't as good as Federation ship sales.
But don't think it was the Bortasque alone, people just wasn't fond of the ugly alien ships. I mean look months later, they gave away the flying potato. :rolleyes:
I'm fairly certain the quote about kdf ships not being profitable is in that interview. I cbf to listen to it again to confirm that though.
Also kdf not being profitable has nothing to do with kdf players not buying anything, it has more to do with there not being enough kdf players. There are a lot of manhours that go into creating ships and they have to pay the employees that make them. Active kdf players is equal to x, estimated purchases of ship = y, y is derived from former sale numbers by x, and estimated cost of ship (on cryptic's end) is equal to z. If y*retail cost of ship isn't greater than z, or even if its only a little greater than z then its a loss.
I think that's what he was refering to, when they made that off-hand comment that KDF ship sales wasn't as good as Federation ship sales.
But don't think it was the Bortasque alone, people just wasn't fond of the ugly alien ships. I mean look months later, they gave away the flying potato. :rolleyes:
The Dacoit and Corsair are pretty good looking ships then all the sudden they took a 180 with the Flying Potato as you colorfully and truthfully put it.
I see some Guramba around, maybe a Varanus or two, and definitely some Kar'fi. Obviously people are buying them...But when you make the Feds superior to what you get on the KDF why should anyone play them?
Just about every single good console was taken from the KDF and handed to the Feds, carriers were taken and now a agile battlecruiser. There literally is nothing left for the KDF because over the process of over two years they gave it all to the Feds except battlecloak.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
The Dacoit and Corsair are pretty good looking ships then all the sudden they took a 180 with the Flying Potato as you colorfully and truthfully put it.
I see some Guramba around, maybe a Varanus or two, and definitely some Kar'fi. Obviously people are buying them...But when you make the Feds superior to what you get on the KDF why should anyone play them?
Just about every single good console was taken from the KDF and handed to the Feds, carriers were taken and now a agile battlecruiser. There literally is nothing left for the KDF because over the process of over two years they gave it all to the Feds except battlecloak.
Your logic was not to play the kdf because they aren't as good as feds, my logic is not to play either cause they aren't as good as roms.
Well I wasn't saying not to play the KDF, I was saying that there hasn't been much reason to play the KDF and what little there was has been given away to Feds and Romulans.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Well I wasn't saying not to play the KDF, I was saying that there hasn't been much reason to play the KDF and what little there was has been given away to Feds and Romulans.
you cant say roms as they are allied with the Federation and the klingons
As a primarily Klingon Player, I've given up. Its not worth my time or blood pressure to think about how the KDF is managed anymore or when we'll receive any C-store items. All I know is cryptic is making $0 off me since I have nothing to buy.
I guess I really don't care about cryptic either at this point. These guys have so grossly mismanaged the KDF that they could go out of business tomorrow and I wouldn't care. They've given so little attention to my faction, so why should I care about them? Actually if Dstahl came on here and said we needed to buy stuff so they could make payroll, I'd track him down just to give him a Canadian penny.:D
For years, KDF has been complaining that they don't have players because they don't have content. LoR disproved this. It's time to face up to the fact that the most realistic hypothesis is that people don't play KDF because they don't want to.
I see a lot of R.R.W. registries in the Qo'noS system and generally throughout KDF space. My Romulan is allied with the KDF, too. So where did you get the statistics to support your contention?
No, you're wrong there- See, the Romulans are there to provide the Feds with Battlecloak, the only reason they've got the option is so that the Devs can say "roll a Romulan" to both sides.
If you're a romulan, the 'stuff' options are FAR better Fedside-Plas Leech consoles are cheaper (you can get them with EC from the exchange, which you can't do Klink side), etc.
Exactly. I think I made this argument somewhere else at some point. . .but basically, the strengths of the Romulans generally seem to compensate for the weaknesses of the Federation. Romulans have some battlecruiser-like ships (while the Federation had basically none, until now), they have battlecloaks (Federation did not), and they've got the cheap access to previously-exclusive KDF stuff if they side with Fed. The battlecloaks merely enhance the KDF's previously-exclusive edge with the cloaks, the KDF already has good battlecruisers. Romulan ships don't do a ton to compensate for the KDF's weaknesses in science ships (Romulans have a few, but still not enough to equalize things), and Romulan escorts are. . .different.
It all smacks of having synergy with the Federation more than the KDF.
How did LoR, a complete faction, disprove that the KDF are underplayed not because they are undercompleted but because they are disliked?
Granted many feds are so biased they would not play a complete KDF if it stood up and fondled them heavily but thats got nothing to do with the Romulans. Fact is the FedRoms exist in greater numbers simply because there are more fed players with access to more content and the KDF low level missions came too late to save an long neglected faction. So neglected that even whole KDF fleets have left STO or changed sides just to have something to do.
Say what?
This may help you understand why your post is irrelevant and meaningless:
For years, KDF has been complaining that they don't have players because they don't have content. LoR disproved this. It's time to face up to the fact that the most realistic hypothesis is that people don't play KDF because they don't want to.
I disagree. The KDF population did increase with LoR with players trying out Klingon Story missions, its just that it didn't become a sustained population because there is no difference in endgame between all 3 factions.
Then you got the erosion of Klingon uniqueness, like carriers and now battlecruisers being taken away, it gives you less reason why to even play KDF in the long term.
I'm honestly sure if the Devs realize this, but if the Klingon faction is to recover, it needs it's uniqueness back and to give them a different endgame than the Federation. Which I seriously doubt will ever happen.
think they have said they want it to be like this they want them to be copy and paste for all 3 not just kdf but roms to so in other words we will get feds missions
system Lord Baal is dead
Why should someone stay when the RR is getting the Tactical Escort Carrier and the Scimitar and Feds are getting the Battlecruiser while KDF is getting nothing?
KDF still has 3 races without any female form while cryptic has proven they can design females of races which didn't show up on screen...they even did it recently for Reman females. Romulans have more interesting and diverse uniforms than the KDF and Feds even more so. Feds have tons more ship options and even just got a battlecruiser, almost every flavor of Science and Escort you can think of while KDF is limited. The only thing the KDF had left was fast and agile battlecruisers and now Feds got that and a better battlecruiser than the KDF to boot.
It's to the point where the only options for KDF are inferior 2 - 3 year old ships or lockbox ships.
I did buy some zen a couple days ago for one of my KDF characters. I wanted a skirt for my Klingon character, to bypass the leg glitch, so I bought lockbox keys to get lobi crystals. (Having a skirt option in the KDF character creation would be nice too, but I'd be content with a fix for the legs.)
If the KDF can't come up with some decent boots options for their aliens and joined Trills, they don't deserve to survive. Let them die.
Now that would be awesome.
Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
How did LoR, a complete faction, disprove that the KDF are underplayed not because they are undercompleted but because they are disliked?
Granted many feds are so biased they would not play a complete KDF if it stood up and fondled them heavily but thats got nothing to do with the Romulans. Fact is the FedRoms exist in greater numbers simply because there are more fed players with access to more content and the KDF low level missions came too late to save an long neglected faction. So neglected that even whole KDF fleets have left STO or changed sides just to have something to do.
I would like to see a source for Cryptic saying 'they lose money on everything they make for KDF'. As far as I know, they've only indicated they lost money on a ship they had recently (at the time) made for the KDF. Most people assume it's the Bortas'qu, because it's a slightly disappointing ship.
Well the Bortasqu' was the only ship to come out on the c-store for the KDF in a long time...not much for a while before or after it...infact since then the KDF only got two new low level BoPs with LoR.
Those 2 KDF BOPs are Tier 1 and Tier 2 ships. You can't use them endgame and their consoles are useless. Not only that, the skin for the Qaw'dun isn't usable for any of the T5 / Fleet BOPs.
There has been no KDF C-Store ships since the Bortasqu' cruisers, and that was almost 2 years ago.
Also, the Klingons have a long tradition of forward fire focused ships dating back to TOS, persisting through the movies, and going through the TNG/DS9 era TV shows. Yet there are no 5 forward weapon ships, and there are no 5 TAC Console ships outside of the Bortasqu' TAC Cruiser, which maneuvers as well as a dead whale in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
The KDF really needs options in every portion of the game. Uniforms, ships, even PVE missions to make it on par with the Feds. But that plea has been going on since STO released. The fact that the Romulans have more uniform options than the KDF should speak volumes also on Cryptic's priorities.
And to throw this out there, Cryptic cannot complain about KDF players not spending money if they have nothing to spend money on. Case in point? The lack of Uniform options to purchase, compared to the far, far richer Fed options. Also, the lack of acquirable KDF vessels is another stickler.
I think that's what he was refering to, when they made that off-hand comment that KDF ship sales wasn't as good as Federation ship sales.
But don't think it was the Bortasque alone, people just wasn't fond of the ugly alien ships. I mean look months later, they gave away the flying potato. :rolleyes:
I'm fairly certain the quote about kdf ships not being profitable is in that interview. I cbf to listen to it again to confirm that though.
Also kdf not being profitable has nothing to do with kdf players not buying anything, it has more to do with there not being enough kdf players. There are a lot of manhours that go into creating ships and they have to pay the employees that make them. Active kdf players is equal to x, estimated purchases of ship = y, y is derived from former sale numbers by x, and estimated cost of ship (on cryptic's end) is equal to z. If y*retail cost of ship isn't greater than z, or even if its only a little greater than z then its a loss.
The Dacoit and Corsair are pretty good looking ships then all the sudden they took a 180 with the Flying Potato as you colorfully and truthfully put it.
I see some Guramba around, maybe a Varanus or two, and definitely some Kar'fi. Obviously people are buying them...But when you make the Feds superior to what you get on the KDF why should anyone play them?
Just about every single good console was taken from the KDF and handed to the Feds, carriers were taken and now a agile battlecruiser. There literally is nothing left for the KDF because over the process of over two years they gave it all to the Feds except battlecloak.
You shouldn't be playing feds or kdf.
Incase you haven't noticed, this game is Romulans Online.
i thought it was escorts online my bad
system Lord Baal is dead
I love Romulans...they're my favorite race...but that doesn't mean I'm going to abandon the other factions...I've got 50's on both Fed and KDF.
Scimitar online.
Your logic was not to play the kdf because they aren't as good as feds, my logic is not to play either cause they aren't as good as roms.
Well I wasn't saying not to play the KDF, I was saying that there hasn't been much reason to play the KDF and what little there was has been given away to Feds and Romulans.
you cant say roms as they are allied with the Federation and the klingons
system Lord Baal is dead
I guess I really don't care about cryptic either at this point. These guys have so grossly mismanaged the KDF that they could go out of business tomorrow and I wouldn't care. They've given so little attention to my faction, so why should I care about them? Actually if Dstahl came on here and said we needed to buy stuff so they could make payroll, I'd track him down just to give him a Canadian penny.:D
I see a lot of R.R.W. registries in the Qo'noS system and generally throughout KDF space. My Romulan is allied with the KDF, too. So where did you get the statistics to support your contention?
Exactly. I think I made this argument somewhere else at some point. . .but basically, the strengths of the Romulans generally seem to compensate for the weaknesses of the Federation. Romulans have some battlecruiser-like ships (while the Federation had basically none, until now), they have battlecloaks (Federation did not), and they've got the cheap access to previously-exclusive KDF stuff if they side with Fed. The battlecloaks merely enhance the KDF's previously-exclusive edge with the cloaks, the KDF already has good battlecruisers. Romulan ships don't do a ton to compensate for the KDF's weaknesses in science ships (Romulans have a few, but still not enough to equalize things), and Romulan escorts are. . .different.
It all smacks of having synergy with the Federation more than the KDF.
This may help you understand why your post is irrelevant and meaningless: