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You've been handed the keys to the franchise...

twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
edited October 2013 in Ten Forward
I always like reading these threads. So tell me about the Star Trek TV show you're going to helm.

Try to not to post a wall of text if you can help it. Just the era, background, cast, and general aim for the series.


Era- Similar time frame as STO: A few decades after Nemesis. That way any guests from the TNG era of shows won't look out of place now that they're older. (Avoiding what happened in the final episode of Enterprise with Riker.)

Background- The Federation, Klingon Empire, and RSE fell on tough economic times after all the wars and magic supernovae got through with them. While all three powers joined together as an economic union, the internal fighting threatens that. A reformed and more economically-minded Cardassian Union has become the dominant regional power. How will these former super powers adjust to a life that's no longer on top of the food chain? Will their fears threaten to weaken them further?

Cast - The ship is a long mission patrol vessel armed with the latest versions of the technology Voyager returned home with. Crew is a diverse collection of the regional powers. Unlike the other Trek shows, the ship is not human male centric. While they all share the same goals of protecting the borders of the economic union from the powers that pick away at it's edges, they're not always on the same page as to how to do it.

The general aim of the series- Simply to reflect upon and comment on the world we live in like all good SF should.

Post edited by twg042370 on


  • collegepark2151collegepark2151 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Set 200 years after Nemesis. Everyone from the all the previous series is dead and gone. No continuity concerns. JJ Trek was resolved and eliminated by a temporal inversion. Back to the prime universe.

    The Borg are gone. The Federation is expanding into the Delta Quadrant and starting to make their first long term exploration voyages to other galaxies. Hero ship is a Galaxy-esque class cruiser keeping the peace in the Delta Quadrant. Weekly stories revolve around the changes that have happened to the native Delta Quadrant races since Voyager passed through and the occasional threat from the newly militant Dominion who has also started to spread into the Delta Quadrant. Nothing too preachy. Kind of a TNG/DS9 hybrid series. Exploration with the occasional epic space battle.

    Porthos is not amused.
  • redsnake721redsnake721 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    CGI Animated siries based on section 31. Lots of sex, action and violence, Pew, Pew. Unsantioned Tech. Criminal underground, assinations. Hitmen. You get the picture.
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Here's a repost of what I said in the Roberto Orci thread:

    I was thinking a while back of something set post-STO (taking the game's storylines into account would be awesome), maybe late 25th- early-26th century, where the Federation's many wars in the STO timeframe have eventually led to it collapsing, and the Enterprise-G or whomever is part of remnant forces trying to reconstruct it.

    Provided they spring for a decent writing team, it'll be dark and dramatic, with plenty of opportunities for classic Star Trek ethical dilemmas (especially around, do we continue to uphold things like the Prime Directive when it means the death of the Federation, not just inconvenience for us?) and a tension about maintaining Star Trek's hopeful tone in the face of annihilation.

    The idea borrows more than a few themes from what I envision Voyager would've been had the writing team been more careful and had the network not decided they wanted a TNG-like show. (For example, the whole idea of fusing Maquis and Starfleet crews was to create a source of interpersonal conflict and factionalism for plots. Apart from a few brief instances in season 1 this was completely ignored at the behest of a TNG-like-ratings-seeking network that saw the TNG crew not having internal conflict.)

    What I had in mind was something like Star Trek crossed with the Rebel Alliance and parts of BSG. Unlike ENT and VOY the heroes aren't the only ship out there, but part of a small resistance group. They work alone most of the time, but they also fight the occasional major fleet action and work to liberate worlds and build coalitions by equal parts diplomacy and guerrilla tactics.

    What they don't have is lots of redshirts and spare ships they can throw around (at least not if the writers want to improve on the USS Reset Button silliness that VOY frequently had). Stuff like supply problems and crew cracking under stress should be recurring plots, and control of repair facilities a major priority. Exploration would be purposeful rather than for its own sake, searches for new allies and other resources to help restore the Federation (think Stargate SG-1, not TNG).
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • mcduffie369mcduffie369 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I would make a random tv show in which every episode was different. Say one episode was about a Klingon warrior on his home world and his domestic life with his fat, abusive, Klingon wife! Or another show was about some lost borg who rediscover their humanity! It could be a mini series!
  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I would like to make a next-gen era show in the JJ universe. It would also be neat to do spin-off series on particular species. Klingon show, Caitian/Ferasan show just to name a few.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    "These are the voyages... of a starship other than the Enterprise - whatever letter they're on now... It's continuing mission, to try to get away with being as un-Starfleet-like as possible without the Admiralty catching on or whatever new lifeforms and new civilizations we meet this week killing us. To boldly go as far away from danger as possible and still look like we're exploring the galaxy instead of sneaking off to Risa whenever possible..."

    If anyone's a 40k fan and read the Ciaphas Cain books... or seen the movie "Down Periscope"... or remembers the show "McHale's Navy"... imagine a crew like that; the captain is only a captain because it would look bad for "Uncle Admiral's" nephew to be demoted, the first officer is a con-man and blackmarketeer, the tactical officer is trigger-happy and paranoid ("They come in peace - shoot to kill!"), the Chief Engineer has an extensive collection of 'For Dummies' books, the CMO is more interested in playing Doctor than being a doctor...

    And, of course, there's the unavoidable one person on board who is spit-and-polish by-the-book regulation Starfleet.

    And yet, somehow, despite all of this and lacking the "God protects fools, children and ships named Enterprise (and appearantly Voyager)" plot shield, they seem to survive and even come out on top each week.

    It would be post-Dominion War, maybe even up to STO era (with the occasional reference to the game like "Helm, set course for Drozana - Comet Cocktails for all and I'm paying".)... and just for fun, stick them in the only existing 'Yeager-type' Intrepid in existance, a ship too well-bodged together to take apart and so ugly nobody wants to be assigned to it.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
    edited October 2013
    I would get the crew from Starz' "Spartacus" and make a highly-stylized show about Kahless. Imagine an R-rated show about ancient Klingon warriors full of sex and violence! You could tell all the stories about Kahless and his brother and the tyrant Molor, all with slo-mo bat'leth fighting (and obviously better choreography than they had on previous Trek shows. You could tell all those stories Worf talked about in true embellished Klingon style.
    The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'd make a STO spin-off series.

    "Everybody Loves Tovan"

    Starring Ashton Kutcher as Tovan Khev.

    Kathie Griffin as Rinna Khev.

    Michael Cera as Slamek.

    David Schwimmer as Colonel Hakeev.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,510 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I've mentioned it elsewhere, but it's an idea I tried to throw around just after VOY died.

    Set just after the end of VOY, another Intrepid-class long-range exploration vessel, the USS Meriwether Lewis, explores the Gamma Quadrant. Hearkens back to the glory days of TOS - no immediate backup, Starfleet's up to a week away even by hyperchannel, the captain is on his/her own a lot (although still has to justify everything to Command later, so not too far off the reservation...). Every so often, they'll need to make a trip back to DS9 for resupply, although probably also setting up supply caches as they explore the quadrant (so they don't have to stay within a few days of the wormhole at all times).

    What is the political situation in the quadrant like, now that the Founders have withdrawn to the Great Link for a time? Are there rogue Jem'Hadar who refuse to accept the surrender? Vorta who have become disillusioned with their gods, and if so, what form does their apostasy take? What foes kept the Jem'Hadar sharp, and the Founders on their guard, before the Wormhole brought them into contact with the Federation?

    (Remember, the novels are non-canon - as far as canonical sources, the quadrant's completely open. Minimal continuity snarls possible, unlike Alpha Quadrant.)
  • techwrighttechwright Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    I've mentioned it elsewhere, but it's an idea I tried to throw around just after VOY died.

    Set just after the end of VOY, another Intrepid-class long-range exploration vessel, the USS Meriwether Lewis, explores the Gamma Quadrant. Hearkens back to the glory days of TOS - no immediate backup, Starfleet's up to a week away even by hyperchannel, the captain is on his/her own a lot (although still has to justify everything to Command later, so not too far off the reservation...). Every so often, they'll need to make a trip back to DS9 for resupply, although probably also setting up supply caches as they explore the quadrant (so they don't have to stay within a few days of the wormhole at all times).

    What is the political situation in the quadrant like, now that the Founders have withdrawn to the Great Link for a time? Are there rogue Jem'Hadar who refuse to accept the surrender? Vorta who have become disillusioned with their gods, and if so, what form does their apostasy take? What foes kept the Jem'Hadar sharp, and the Founders on their guard, before the Wormhole brought them into contact with the Federation?

    (Remember, the novels are non-canon - as far as canonical sources, the quadrant's completely open. Minimal continuity snarls possible, unlike Alpha Quadrant.)

    I've been thinking along a similar vein for some time. Its nice to know I wasn't totally bonkers (I like the ship's name, btw! It invokes the feeling of rugged frontier exploration)

    In my version, which never selected a quadrant, there is not one ship, but a small fleet, primarily 3 ships: a heavily armored command ship under a fleet captain, and two lighter ships, possibly an Intrepid-class as one of them. Their job is to 1) explore, 2) select prime locations for the establishment of "forts" (small bases for trade, repair, and resupply), 3) and guard colony ships and terraforming teams which hope to establish on any habitable worlds found. So rather than running in a straight line, it will be as the flow of explorers, traders, and settlers did on the American west: explore, fort, settlers, rinse, repeat. Each "fort" allows the fleet to probe deeper than before, while allowing a small measure of repair and resupply (though not at the level of a full starbase). There's enough mission variety in that mix to tell a lot of stories.
  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    One I had been working on prior to Star Trek: Akiraprise and Nemeshiz:

    Story set around 2 vets of the Dominion War (Captain and Commander) who run the main ship of the series. The overall story revolves mostly around those two, but the rest of the main characters AND reoccurring cast have fleshed out backgrounds and play integral parts throughout the entire series. Reoccurring Klingon and Romulan crews would set up the potential for TV movie "one-shots" with THEIR crews, and there would be familiar locals (planets and starbases) that would be revisited time and again, or would eventually serve as command hubs for important events that happen later in the series.

    I designed all my own ships. I also created new alien crew members and their cultures, plus added elements to build on already existing ones. The Borg played an important role in the series and I was intent on making them scary again. The new culture(s) encountered were also central to the Borg element, as well as to a new "threat" race.

    Basically, I wanted a story that combined all the great elements of previous Trek incarnations with a dash of Babylon 5, and roll it all into one series that had a beginning, a middle and an end.

    And that's all I'm going to say about it.

    Nemesis and Enterprise introduced elements which run contrary to previous Trek, and consequently, central aspects of my story (example: the existence of Remens, and Orion women being in charge) run contrary to what those two "productions" decided to make as canon. I'm basically just trying to convert my cast and story into something non-Trek so they don't go to waste, HOWEVER, JJ Trek would/could make the concept possible again, just set in the 23rd century and (obviously) w/out the Dominion War.

    JJ Trek was resolved and eliminated by a temporal inversion.
    Not possible.

    Timelines must continue to exist in order for anyone to know they must go back and change something about them, and even if they were to do that, they would just become stuck in a loop since they are trying to prevent something that supposedly never happens, yet somehow know that it happens and have to prevent nothing from being something even though there is nothing, but there is something, even though there is nothing - INFINITY.

    Also, the events shown in the episode Parallels demonstrate that that universe/reality would always exist somewhere in some form in the Trek multiverse.

    And what's a "temporal inversion" anyways, aside from more technobable...
    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,354 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I would make the Borg finally be defeated as a virus uploaded to them causes them to do an endless Harlem shake loop.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • emarosa26emarosa26 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'd have the show follow the development of a crew, from start to finish. I guess it would be an Enterprise ship. Also, the show would follow a similar format to the fourth season of Enterprise and old Doctor Who serials, with maybe some DS9 overall arc story-telling too. A storyline would arc over a few episodes. In vibe, it'd be similar to the original series. More adventure and excitement. There'd still be the slower more thoughtful moment though.

    Season 1: It would focus on the development of the ship. The new Enterprise is being developed as a way of a fading Starfleet to show that they still have a purpose. The first half of the season is earthbound, and shows the crew being assembled and learning to work together. For a reason I can't think of, the crew is designed to be more ragtag and less perfect. The second half focuses on a few short multi-part adventures.

    Season 2 and 3: A cold war with the Klingons breaks out, after a big leadership turn in the Empire. The Klingons try to expand their territory, causing fear among the Federation. The Romulans also engage in territory expansion, making Starfleet require being more militarized.

    Season 4: Militarization of Starfleet causes dissent among the Ent crew (the ship was heavily refit). Vulcans and Bolians also withdraw from the Federation.

    Season 5: Tholian and mirror universe invasion. The Tholians have helped arm the Mirror Universe, and team up to take on the Alpha Quadrant. Mirror Enterprise gets a fair bit of focus.

    Season 6 and 7: Invasion of the Terran empire has resulted in the formation of a Prime universe Terran Empire.
  • nefarius2nefarius2 Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I had an idea that was set in 25th century about a stable wormhole that is found leading to another galaxy. Settlers and explorers from our galaxy colonize some worlds on the other side of the wormhole and strike out exploring this new galaxy. It would be "wagon trains to the stars" as Roddenberry once said of the TOS. Have a crew out on it's own exploring strange new worlds and civilizations. Maybe you'd have a joint crew of Feds, Klingons and Romulans (now allies) creating some interesting drama.
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I would set the show in the same universe as Star Trek Online in the same time period. The marketing tie-in opportunities between the game and the show would be great. I would push to see an end to the Klingon-Federation war, and with the collapse of the Romulan empire, I would push the Federation into former Romulan space. The neighboring species on the far side of Romulan space, such as the Fen Domar, could present new and interesting enemies and allies to the Federation.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I always thought that the Franchise needed more Alien Aliens, none of this THEY LOOK JUST LIKE US TRIBBLE. So unimaginative. The first thing I would do is make the security officer a Horta.
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i wouldnt mind a show kind of like sto

    normally star trek shows were centered around one ship (station), one crew and then stuff happend

    instead i would like to have a focus on just one char as the main viewpoint, and his career, like

    first season: the academy, maybe add some red squad action or conspiracys or whatever but stuff on earth, maybe introduce some sidekicks and stuff

    second season: first posting as lt junior grade on any ship here or there doing whatver ;)

    and so forth just to have the show follow his career over many ships and many crews, maybe some friends from the academy will follow him to the same ship, maybe not, depending on the story and so forth

    what i dont want would be an action focused whatever series to please non trekkies and i dont want only war/whatever, just a good mix between trek, action, sitcom like a mix between tng, ds9 and voy ;)

    also having only one char as a focus and not a specific ship makes it much easier to just switch between different types of episodes
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I always thought that the Franchise needed more Alien Aliens, none of this THEY LOOK JUST LIKE US TRIBBLE. So unimaginative. The first thing I would do is make the security officer a Horta.

    i guess its not so much a problem of imagination, and more a problem with that being much cheaper/easier to produce
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Star Trek: Aurelius

    Set around the U.S.S. Aurelius, NX-93480 (looks something of a hybrid between the Vesta-classes and the Avenger-classes we see in-game).
    A ship tougher and more heavily armed than anything Starfleet has ever built.

    Starting 3 years before the Hobus supernova, the Federation and the Romulans are the only major powers left in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The heavy losses the Klingons took during the Dominion War and during a failed invasion of Romulus just after the Shinzon incident has forced the Klingons to withdraw to their core territory. The Cardassian Union is still rebuilding.
    A cold war between Starfleet and the Romulans has ensured that Starfleet is building more powerful vessels, having been alerted by the massive Scimitars the Romulans are again constructing.
    Later on we get an alliance between the Gorn and the Tzen-Kethi, which will replace the Romulans as main villains after the episode Hobus.
    Meanwhile, the Borg are in full rebuild, invading both the Alpha Quadrant with more vast assaults, while also invading the Dominion. The Federation will support the Dominion in their efforts against the Borg, although the alliance isn't always easy.

    What do we see?
    Political intrigue a la DS9, space battles with that can lost as long as the fight in Nemesis (not like the DS9 2-quantums-and-the-Breen-explode, TNG kind of exploration, crew development, the occasional humor episode, and story arcs that can last a season, with every episode giving tiny bits of info until a bigger picture is formed. Ow,, and no techno babble!!!

    Tbh: I'm thinking of actually writing this in a weekly story style on internet.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'd love to see a series set during the Earth/Romulan wars...

    Not necessarily a continuation of ENTERPRISE (though that would be nice), but perhaps the next generation of that era, with all the drama leading up to and including the founding of the Federation.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    if me all movies would be considered soft canon maybe even ENT but then i do a new series based on the time ship relativity
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • scruffyvulcanscruffyvulcan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is gonna' be an extremely unpopular idea, so it's probably a good thing I'm not in charge...

    That said, I'd try to find a way to bridge the audiences of the new Trek movies with lovers of classic Trek.

    Basically, I'd do the opposite of what was originally done with Star Trek. Originally, we had a TV series with a young Kirk and crew that transitioned to a movie series about an older Kirk and crew.

    I'd flip that.

    I'd commission one more Star Trek movie with the current cast (Pine, Quinto, etc). That movie would end with a battle that causes a full-scale war with the Klingons and a very uneasy relationship with the Romulans. After the third movie was done, I'd transition that franchise to TV.

    It would be a series about an older Kirk and crew, taking place several years after the Abrams movies. On the series, the war with the Klingons will have been going on for at least a decade, with no end in sight.

    It'd have an entirely new cast with older actors playing Kirk and crew (veterans in the industry if I could get them).

    The first episode of the series would involve the Klingons launching a full-scale assault on the Romulan homeworld. Starfleet decides to assist the Romulans and Kirk uses the crisis to regain control of the Enterprise (just like he did in TMP and WoK).

    I would even have Decker be the former captain of the Enterprise who loses his command to Kirk and become Kirk's Executive Officer (with Spock being the Chief Science Officer). This would give regular conflict as Decker would be very resentful of Kirk but would still be a great First Officer. And since it's the alternate timeline, Decker could be part of the crew for a much longer time.

    The series would be about the adventures of this older crew exploring the galaxy and dealing with the Klingon war in the alternate timeline. It would incorporate elements from the original movies in some episodes, but it would also have plenty of original stories.

    Each season would have a season-long story arc.

    Season 1 would be about Kirk dealing with commanding a new Enterprise and dealing with Decker. The story arc would be about the Federation fighting a war against the Klingons while at the same time trying to forge peace with the Romulans so they would have an ally. The Vulcans would adamantly oppose this peace, believing the Romulans could never be trusted. Ultimately, season 1 would end with the Romulans destroying Praxis and basically ending the Klingon war. The Vulcans would see this as proof that the Romulans are too brutal to be trusted.

    Season 2 would basically be Wrath of Khan stretched out for a season. It would be about the development of Genesis. Khan (an older actor now) would somehow escape his cryo-freeze and would be the big villain that season. It would establish Carol and David as regulars on the series. The season climax would be a big battle with Khan, but the real twist would be that the Romulans would discover the existence of Genesis and see it as a betrayal by the Federation. They'd think it was a Federation plan to gain military superiority. Season 2 would end in a cliff-hanger with the Romulans declaring war on the Federation.

    Season 3 would be about a new Romulan/Federation war, with the Klingons just trying to figure out how to survive.

    And so on and so forth.

    I know the alternate timeline isn't popular among many Trekkies, but I think it offers up unlimited opportunities for telling new stories and adding fun twists to the old stories.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i guess its not so much a problem of imagination, and more a problem with that being much cheaper/easier to produce

    Not really, the Horta, the Salt Vampire, and the Medusan were all very well done, and not very hard to produce either, (The Horta was part of a monster from another series for example) so that's not really an excuse.
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