I'm using the doff grinder to grind my greens into whites for the starbase. Alot of my fleet members are as well. It's useful and nessicary, but it's like moving a mountain with tweezers. Please can you guys give us an option to grind more then one at a time?
You could make it so when you click on "Uncommon" or whatever in the dialogue it offers you seperate missions by how many you want to grind. ?
You can buy white Doff's for fleet credits on your star base as soon as you have T1.
500 Credits = random
750 Credits you can get a science, engineer or tactical.
you get 250 credits if you donate a Doff. So if you don't need the credits you can help your fleet.
And the boxes with doffs are like 100k on the market.
I do need the fleet credit actually, and I'm using the boxes quite a lot. Trouble is I get about 5,000 greens, which have to be sold, (They don't sell well,) or ground, or discarded.
So I grind. Takes forever. Hate it.
Need a bulk grinder. I've ground like, 500 greens just the last three days.
500 Credits = random
750 Credits you can get a science, engineer or tactical.
you get 250 credits if you donate a Doff. So if you don't need the credits you can help your fleet.
And the boxes with doffs are like 100k on the market.
So I grind. Takes forever. Hate it.
Need a bulk grinder. I've ground like, 500 greens just the last three days.
MAKE THE GRIND DOFF MISSION SO YOU CAN RUN IT 20 times at the same time.