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Is there more than one build?

hornet6hornet6 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
With all the talk about the fabulous AtB build, I was just wondering: Is there any other build in STO that makes any sense or that can be succesful or competitive anymore?

I am a 700+ day vet but I must be doing everything wrong. I don't want to sell my soul to the devil in order to get "The Sacred Purple DOFFS" and, in a move that certainly indicates near mental illness, I use pretty much only cruisers. I try to hold my own as long as I can in a fight, do as much damage as I can before exploding, try to avoid being thought of as "squishy" or "noob like" and I dream the impossible dream of avoiding being instantly vaporized by the mythical "Thor's hammer"; "Lightning bolt of Zeus" unsurvivable "alpha strike" in pvp (which I still play occasionally no matter how stupid it is to even try in a non-AtB ship).

I guess I'm just tired of being discrimanated against by "The Outstanding" and think it is time that "The Mediocre" are given the disdainful condescending "respect" we deserve, for it us, those who set the standard of exceptional mediocrity, who have always been the backbone of any organization or group. We are the great punching bag of the Superior. "The Many, The Proud, The Mediocre"' Remember, half the people one knows are below average, only "The Medicore" exist in, and between, both worlds.


Other than questioning my sanity for being "non-AtB", I ask this question because, as I mentioned in an obscure previous post, I saw someone in a "vomitus" stock Galaxy (arguably one of the worst ship choices in the game) who was "a-whompin' and a-whuppin'" in a pvp pug. I asked if he was using the sacred AtB build and this heretic said he was not. I tried to ask him what his build was but he spoke limited English and I don't speak German (typical German, they always know how to do more with less when it comes to weapons and fighting, witness the Leopard tank" and such is the stuff of which stereotypes are made). Anyone have any ideas as to what his build might have been, if not AtB, or was he just that good? (I do not believe there was any "computer enchancment shenanigans" either)
Post edited by hornet6 on


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    thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What you're asking depends entirely on what you're doing in the game. If you want to PvP in a Cruiser then you're probably going to want AtB - as tanking isn't a thing in STO and DPS is all that matters. If you're doing other end-game stuff - STFs, Daily, Rep, etc - you can get by just fine without an AtB build.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Let's just go with a tact oddessy

    3 bo bleed through doffs and either 2 projectile doffs if you aren't afraid of snb or warp core engineers (i think it's warp core) that allows eptX abilities to remove debuffs, such as snb.

    Ewp to punish those following behind ya,

    Disclaimer. I like to think I'm pretty awesome at pve ship building...as for pvp? I have no idea what the aft should look like. Some research into any idea from drunk will solve that.

    Either way, it's a hull melted that try to bypass shields from all directions, could use some fine tuning I'm sure of that but it is a viable non aux2bat build
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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    packer3434packer3434 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Just so you know the purple technician doffs that you need for aux2bat can be gained for free from doing doff chains.
    Well I can't forget a face but I won't remember y'all.
    Bleed Green and Gold
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    packer3434 wrote: »
    Just so you know the purple technician doffs that you need for aux2bat can be gained for free from doing doff chains.

    In btran cluster
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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    hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is more or less my setup for my Tactical Odyssey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Tbh4satToo

    I have added a third Antiproton Mag instead of the Torp console in tactical now though. A2B is all fine and well but I generally deal way more damage than they do in spike and survive far better as well. Keep in mind A2B folks can be very vulnerable to Power Drain boats (I know they are rare but I have one LOL) and no one survives 80K+ Crits very well.

    I can tank the Gates in Elite STF's, Elite Cubes, and even have survived having 2 nicely outfitted Escorts and a Science vessel all trying to take me down while I picked them off for the win.

    Of course it is CRITICAL that you be a Tactical Captain for this build and it helps to be a strong pilot so results may vary.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I stopped running Aux2Batt when I got aux based passives and I took to Aux2Damp instead. Since getting stupid speed and really high turn stats, not to mention the defensive plusses that it brings :) I'm never going back, why would I pay all my aux based defences and damage buffs to get a 50% dps buff (if that)?
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    johndroidjohndroid Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    edalgo wrote: »
    Of course there is!

    I fly an Aux2batt fleet sovereign but my good fleet mate flies the same ship without it. He has slightly better healing than I do and I only do slightly better dps.

    Tell me more about your career, ship, and in game goal(dps tank etc)

    Well I fight a sovereign friend and she had an above average build she can hold her own with best up to 4 people in combat, since she went aux2bat she can now use dEM since it's op now maybe broke with aux 2bat and she fillets 5
    of us elite warriors like nothing , we can do nothing every 35 seconds ,I know what I'm talking about under tests ,So I know why you use it ... It's op needs to be fixed everyone is using it and doesn't care about there new famed power since it's not skill it's the buffs with dem doing more than 50% more easy work for them and changes how much armor neede to equip is less with aux 2 bat and more for an attack console in place of armor. soon all will know why you won't leave aux 2 bat like your friend which does it like the rest ,not running to get the op doffs and dem on ship bet 100% you use Dem :) with it on your ship,by the way I have 3 purp doffs with aux to bat with Dem so I know Truth about it !!! Do more testing and more info on this will help all not the select few with ec's to buy them doffs just to be owned by Op biff power chasers all the time just to feel like there more than they really are !! Be honest get better results for us all and your friend as well to make things more competitive in combat not annilate them with Op doffs lmao , aux to batt not necessarily needs fixing it's with it on ships with Op DEM which makes it insanely way Op facts not fiction :)
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    johndroid wrote: »
    aux to batt not necessarily needs fixing it's with it on ships with Op DEM which makes it insanely way Op facts not fiction :)

    First, paragraphs are your friend, second, DEM itself is not OP, even with Marion the skill is not OP, the problem is aux2batt reducing the cooldown so you don't lose a second boff slot to DEM. THAT is the OP thing.
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    johndroidjohndroid Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    First, paragraphs are your friend, second, DEM itself is not OP, even with Marion the skill is not OP, the problem is aux2batt reducing the cooldown so you don't lose a second boff slot to DEM. THAT is the OP thing.

    Dude we played in kerrat for years and do rather well and it's not our builds so then go redo all your weak thinking and analyze it all again bcuz yas your are plain and simply WRONG and your words made no sense to the fact it happens it is OP and you obviously should be in an English class not the forums! You need to fight more in game on pop before you talk out the wrong end lmao you know 0 :) and when you get it right and know what your talking about besides grammar you must know about , but this isn't school so don't grade me on your approval brainchild lmao , it happens it's fact not you good spelling imagination:) dEM is oP aNd so is aux2bAT so get REAl and correct the spelling for everyone on forums which is all you invisibility know :) thank you rest of normal people that err sometimes lol
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If you don't care whether people can comprehend what you've written, why did you write it in the first place?
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    johndroid wrote: »
    Dude we played in kerrat for years and do rather well and it's not our builds so then go redo all your weak thinking and analyze it all again bcuz yas your are plain and simply WRONG and your words made no sense to the fact it happens it is OP and you obviously should be in an English class not the forums! You need to fight more in game on pop before you talk out the wrong end lmao you know 0 :) and when you get it right and know what your talking about besides grammar you must know about , but this isn't school so don't grade me on your approval brainchild lmao , it happens it's fact not you good spelling imagination:) dEM is oP aNd so is aux2bAT so get REAl and correct the spelling for everyone on forums which is all you invisibility know :) thank you rest of normal people that err sometimes lol

    I really hope your trolling now...this and your op gave me a headache.

    A grammar/spelling TRIBBLE would go off on you for simple errors . A normal person Wilk just move on when simple errors pop up.

    But this...man, you have to be a little coherent. This is like a worksheet a teacher hands out and asks to find all the errors. After reading this, I would juat circle the whole thing.
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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    tudenomtudenom Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I pilot an old school dragon boat Excelsior and it's still potent enough to keep up in STF's. My setup is all single cannon/turret polarized disruptors / disruptors (super cheap BTW) with a kinetic cutting beam in the back. I picked up the borg set and a mk XII Omega shield before the rep system came in so I got lucky there, but they're not really required.

    My core attack skills are APBeta mixed with CSV for damage output, and a Warp Plasma snare.

    Self buffs are done with rotating 2 copies of EPtW 1 and EPtS 2.

    Hull heals are Aux2SI, Eng team, and Hazard Emitters.

    Shield heals are TSS and I guess Tac Team also counts as a shield "heal".

    The nice thing about this setup is that it's pretty consistent and I have a lot of options when it comes to healing my team mates. Plus 4 single cannons / 3 turrets at full weapons power, APB, scatter volley, APA and potentially Go Down Fighting is a potent combo to take down groups of spheres / probes.

    The build doesn't rely on DOFF's to work, although having a warp core doff's and energy weapon doff's equipped do help somewhat.

    I never feel like I'm not pulling my weight even in elite STF's.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    johndroid wrote: »
    dEM is oP aNd so is aux2bAT so get REAl and correct the spelling for everyone on forums which is all you invisibility know :) thank you rest of normal people that err sometimes lol

    I don't see how 300 to 500 damage per hit for 30 seconds with effectively 1 minute cooldown is overpowered in a world where you can blast someone to spacedust in under 5 seconds with two beam overloads...

    I mean sure that amount of damage over 30 seconds with effectively 15 second cooldown (figures based on wiki not ingame info as I didn't want to put Skyrim down to do it, I'm sure someone will correct them if need be) could be considered extremely powerful but that is not the fault of DEM, that is the fault of Aux2Batt, or rather Aux2Batt when combined with technician doffs.

    Also, when you want to complain at someone for bad spelling and/or grammar, first get your facts straight, my spelling and grammar was correct, and second, make sure your own spelling and grammar is correct.
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    vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,886 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    First, paragraphs are your friend, second, DEM itself is not OP, even with Marion the skill is not OP, the problem is aux2batt reducing the cooldown so you don't lose a second boff slot to DEM. THAT is the OP thing.

    I have to laugh how the escort captains cry OP OP OP every time someone figures out a way to make a cruiser competitive
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I run aux2bat for the cooldowns, can't say if it would be possible to give me something equally valuable just I have a hard time picturing it.

    I actually prefer to do a continous cycle where I heal and use sci powers with low aux in exchange for the powers to come back online faster. Mainly being the one copy of tactical team I have.

    To me the trade off is I miss out on aux to structural and aux to dampeners plus my sci abilities are hurting.

    And with engineering team being overwritten by tactical team you down to hazard emitter for hull healing.

    So it's not god mode but yeah don't know if it is fair to have a 300% cooldown that effects all boff abilities.
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    jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited October 2013
    Aux2bat does 1 thing and that is make beam boat cruisers a viable alternative to having to fly escorts. They are not OP in no way shape or form, and DEM is definatly not OP in any way. Marion is not required for an Aux2bat and neither is DEM, they help and ar worth having but not required.

    My build:

    Before I got marion I also ran with aceton beam or eject warp plasma where DEM is and did just fine with it.

    Heres a tank build I use in PvE when a tank and no DPS is needed, usualy in a premade ESTF with 4 escorts:
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
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    tequilapastatequilapasta Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    hornet6 wrote: »
    With all the talk about the fabulous AtB build, I was just wondering: Is there any other build in STO that makes any sense or that can be succesful or competitive anymore?

    Yeah, sure, probably. Just not so much in cruisers.
    I am a 700+ day vet but I must be doing everything wrong.

    I don't want to sell my soul to the devil in order to get "The Sacred Purple DOFFS"

    You might try not being poor. Seriously, they were about 15 mil each last time I looked at the exchange. If 15 mil is a lot of spacemoney to you, I don't know what to say.
    in a move that certainly indicates near mental illness, I use pretty much only cruisers.

    Using cruisers isn't a sign of a mental illness. But if you tell me you're nuts, I'll believe you.
    I try to hold my own as long as I can in a fight, do as much damage as I can before exploding

    As opposed to all those other people who try to lose fights?
    try to avoid being thought of as "squishy" or "noob like"

    Too late.
    I dream the impossible dream of avoiding being instantly vaporized by the mythical "Thor's hammer"; "Lightning bolt of Zeus" unsurvivable "alpha strike" in pvp (which I still play occasionally no matter how stupid it is to even try in a non-AtB ship)

    Are you using "quotation marks" for emphasis? Because if you are, that's not how it's done.
    I guess I'm just tired of being discrimanated against by "The Outstanding" and think it is time that "The Mediocre" are given the disdainful condescending "respect" we deserve

    Nope. Respect is for people who deserve it. And "the mediocre" don't. Whining about it is going to work very well in a way you probably don't expect.
    for it us, those who set the standard of exceptional mediocrity

    I don't think you know what one of those two words mean.
    who have always been the backbone of any organization or group

    Nope. It's us Superiors who are the tip of the spear, and the handle. And the rest of the spear. And the guy holding it. And the rest of the army. The mediocre get to shovel out the stables, and then only when they've been good.
    We are the great punching bag of the Superior.

    This is the second thing you've said that I agree with.
    "The Many, The Proud, The Mediocre"' Remember, half the people one knows are below average, only "The Medicore" exist in, and between, both worlds.

    I really don't know what to say to this. So let's assume I said something cutting and move on.

    As noted: There are other builds. No, some cruisers are flown by some people who aren't complete morons.
    Other than questioning my sanity for being "non-AtB", I ask this question because, as I mentioned in an obscure previous post, I saw someone in a "vomitus" stock Galaxy (arguably one of the worst ship choices in the game) who was "a-whompin' and a-whuppin'" in a pvp pug. I asked if he was using the sacred AtB build and this heretic said he was not. I tried to ask him what his build was but he spoke limited English and I don't speak German (typical German, they always know how to do more with less when it comes to weapons and fighting, witness the Leopard tank" and such is the stuff of which stereotypes are made). Anyone have any ideas as to what his build might have been, if not AtB, or was he just that good? (I do not believe there was any "computer enchancment shenanigans" either)

    The fact that his/her Galaxy was slightly less awful than your ship is not the same thing as saying that his Galaxy was good.
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I've been using the Aux 2 Batt for a while now in both my assault cruiser and the refit. With the keybinds the ship is actually quite competent now. I too am looking for possible alternatives, but I'm quite fond of this one. I can even heal, the key being that it's a matter of timing to target my ally and trigger the heal at the point in the cycle where Aux is back to normal power levels. As an engineer in a cruiser I find it to be my bread and butter.

    The technician doffs are from crit'ing the support colonization efforts at the end of the B'Tran cluster colonization chain easy money. Why anyone would buy them off the exchange (especially for 15 million each) for the purpose of building an Aux to battery build is beyond me. That said, I don't usually have much more than 15 million, my peak is 24 million, so I also need help in that area.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    metalkorekingmetalkoreking Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This thread has really brightened up my friday morning, if my workmates understood sto I would be laughing along with them; instead of by myself, being stared at by customers.
    No offense meant, its just all very funny.
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