I saw a thread complaining about how the Slaver's theft mechanic got nerfed into the ground. I can confirm that this is true: Slavers, even the Elite ones, barely steal anything. But then, elite slavers also have weaponry upgrades compared to the lesser ranks. How do they stack up as damage dealers?
A sample ESTF mission's battle logs tell this story:
Elite slavers
Photon torpedo = 1224 mission DPS
Disruptor array = 524 mission DPS
Quantum mine = 170 mission DPS
= Total 1918
Elite scorpions
Plasma torpedo - heavy = 1003 mission DPS (burn damage from this doesn't log, but estimating at least 200 DPS)
Plasma torpedo - standard = 619 mission DPS
Plasma turret = 460 mission DPS
Dual plasma cannons = 267 mission DPS
= Total 2349
They have some vigorous photon torpedo spam, but like almost all pets their energy weapons are TRIBBLE, doing about 200 damage per shot with a disruptor array. Their single quantum mine is a total joke, doing less than half the damage of even their underpowered disruptor beam.
In fleet engagements the problem is even worse. While the elite scorpions land fewer heavy torpedo hits again more agile opponents, what torpedo hits they DO land cause a generous amount of shield-penetrating plasma burn while the elite slavers' photon torpedoes are all but completely negated.
In general: Elite slavers are about 75% as effective as elite scorpions but cost far more with negligible return on investment from their basically nonfunctional "stealing".
Verdict: Avoid.
Incease to the steals
Plus something else to note, disruptor procs help with the debuff proc, and the beams are 360 arcs,
But ill admit, it sucks that the mines were reduced to 4 to 1, but i assumed it was a bug that never got fixed
Mine Trap Supporter
I think if Cryptic was interested in that, they probably would have noticed one of the half dozen pet reviews I've thrown at the forum.
My goal at this point is not to help Cryptic, who doesn't seem to want help, but to inform other players so that they know what's worth getting and don't waste their time and money.
I'll be testing this hard when it hits holodeck. I'd test and give feedback on tribble, but I honestly doubt it will be altered for improvement there. The tweak, I tested and left feedback of it still broken. Nothing was done and my hours on tribble were wasted.
True enough.
I've just gotten into carriers myself lately and have been reading up on your pet reviews, so at the very least I appreciate your write ups. I just wish Cryptic would listen to them now.
Mine Trap Supporter
Only the CB returns were reduced and they were broken to not steal at all, which is fixed.
Even without the contraband, I feel like if the EC output was more around what you get for selling a core part (shields/wc/deflector/engines ~ 45-60k ec) for 15-30 mins of uptime, or a little more than your average STF.
As it stands now, you're probably not going to make more than 1200 ec in an hour, unless you get lucky and do pull some CB.
Since CB sells around 45k ec, it would make the slavers just as valuable without flooding the market with CB and diluting the value of dilithium.
Slavers definitely don't want DPS though, it weakens their ability to steal. They are on a timer, so the longer they are in battle firing on targets, the more opportunities for they'll have.
just to get my spoon in the soup too, i think u are forgetting something important about the pets, like other of the post say is is not a dps pet, against one that is and the difference is 431 dps + what ever the plasma burn is doing.
Now another advantage of the slaver is their disruptor proc and u have most of the time 12 of them i own them and can tell u the proc from them activates almost as soon as they start firing something, personally my carrier uses a plasma build so the proc of the pets help me a lot.
just consider the "avoid
ps. yes since the day i buy them i know they will no steal anything but a friend recommend them to me and im perfectly happy with them.
woefully low, using advanced slavers for 30 min against a target yielded sub 1k in EC,
2 comm arrays, and 1 contraband.......going to try an hour long test in the next few days,
but these still don't look very promising, and likely to end up mothballed yet again.