The price is player-driven based on how much people want to spend on Zen - and quite often has to do with a product that people really, really want at a given time. I've seen it at 100 and I've seen it at over 300. A week from now it could be 175 or 105. It's all the player's decision.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
the Dilithium Exchange is heavily influenced by the supply and demand for Zen.
for instance, when Zen goes on sale, that increases supply and drives the price down, while a new, shiny ship being released is going to have more ppl needing Zen to buy it, driving up demand, and the price.
I assume his point was that the player hasn't been here long enough to realize the Dilithium Exchange goes up and down all the time based on the speculation of upcoming Lockbox ships and the like.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Like all markets, it will go up, then it will go down, then up, then down, then up, then down.... see the pattern?
It has been much higher in the past. Much, much, higher.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
One twenty seven is nothing. Back when Season Seven came out, it was close to three-hundred dil to one zen because the Fleet Embassies made Dil a more scarce resource.
Right now it's high because people are celebrating freedom of choice for Romulans by buying the Ar'kala and Ar'Kif Carrier.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
One twenty seven is nothing. Back when Season Seven came out, it was close to three-hundred dil to one zen because the Fleet Embassies made Dil a more scarce resource.
Not sure if, that is the reason to attribute to a high cost of zen for dilithium. If, dilithium became scarce, its value in relation to zen should become greater, not smaller.
I remember before the starbase was added the dil exchange was going higher and higher in anticipation for the launch and after the fleet starbase was added it was like a run on a bank and the price tanked.
It is purely about supply and demand.
Indeed. Before the Fleet and Reputation systems, there wasn't much worth doing with dilithium except sell it for Zen. People ground STFs all day, having nothing else to do at max level, then had nothing to do with the dil but exchange it. Fleet system came in, and crashed the price of Zen since all that excess dil started getting dumped into starbases. Reputations came along, and same thing. Mk XII rep gear costs a nice chunk of dil, and drains more out of the system. Around the same time the Reputation system came out, they also squashed some of the more popular dilithium exploits (B'Tran and the old Foundry dailY).
I think this was all deliberate on Cryptic's part. They won't manipulate the market directly, but they will provide incentives for players to drain those assets instead of moving them amongst themselves. I think where it's at right now is pretty good. C-Store items are within reach of F2P folks. The days of spending a couple bucks for a metric crapton of dilithium are gone, but you can still get a decent amount for your fleet.
They're doing the same thing with the EC Exchange by introducing character bound Fleet and Reputation gear that competes with high value dropped items. Fleet Tac consoles are coming, I have no doubt. They want the Exchange to be a place where newbies can go for some decent gear before they can afford Fleet and Rep stuff.
They're doing the same thing with the EC Exchange by introducing character bound Fleet and Reputation gear that competes with high value dropped items. Fleet Tac consoles are coming, I have no doubt. They want the Exchange to be a place where newbies can go for some decent gear before they can afford Fleet and Rep stuff.
They're coming but who knows what they will do with the fleet tac consoles? If you go by what they did with the armor consoles...the special tac consoles might be faction in Feds only get a variety of Phaser based consoles and KDF gets some Disruptor based consoles.
Could do something similar to the Science consoles where maybe it adds a Phaser or Disruptor proc if you aren't using said weapon(Could do this and give mod to the more generic damage mods like cannons, or beams, or torps...ect ect.)
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Around the same time the Reputation system came out, they also squashed some of the more popular dilithium exploits (B'Tran and the old Foundry dailY).
The B'Tran cluster mission was not an exploit. The mission rewarded 1440 dilithium and counted toward the "Explore Strange New Worlds" mission which also rewarded 1440 dilithium. Both missions had a 20 hour cooldown, which means the most you could get out of the two missions was 2880 per day. It was 2880 dilithium in about 20-35 minutes of gameplay, not at all bad considering a player averages about 2960 from a 8-20 minute single Elite STF. The advantage over STFs was the fact that B'Tran was a single player mission and was significantly easier to complete.
Not sure if, that is the reason to attribute to a high cost of zen for dilithium. If, dilithium became scarce, its value in relation to zen should become greater, not smaller.
And it did. Before you needed to pay 300+ dil for 1 zen. Now you only need 127 dil for 1 zen. So the Dil almost trippled in worth.
The B'Tran cluster mission was not an exploit. The mission rewarded 1440 dilithium and counted toward the "Explore Strange New Worlds" mission which also rewarded 1440 dilithium. Both missions had a 20 hour cooldown, which means the most you could get out of the two missions was 2880 per day. It was 2880 dilithium in about 20-35 minutes of gameplay, not at all bad considering a player averages about 2960 from a 8-20 minute single Elite STF. The advantage over STFs was the fact that B'Tran was a single player mission and was significantly easier to complete.
it wasn't squashed because it was an exploit, it was squashed because the second B'Tran cluster mission was redundant after they combined all the marks, before that they each rewarded different types of marks, frankly I was surprised they didn't get rid of it immediately after Dil was introduced.
The B'Tran cluster mission was not an exploit. The mission rewarded 1440 dilithium and counted toward the "Explore Strange New Worlds" mission which also rewarded 1440 dilithium. Both missions had a 20 hour cooldown, which means the most you could get out of the two missions was 2880 per day. It was 2880 dilithium in about 20-35 minutes of gameplay, not at all bad considering a player averages about 2960 from a 8-20 minute single Elite STF. The advantage over STFs was the fact that B'Tran was a single player mission and was significantly easier to complete.
How does one earn 2960 from a single elite STF? Is there a daily mission I'm missing?
And the exchange is up to 133. I don't understand this sudden demand for dilithium unless people are speculating and hoping to sell for higher later.
Yes that's what prompted my original message. I'm a beginner, not yet up for the daily elites, etc., and I'm worrying I should trade in what little di I have before the price goes through the roof...
Yes that's what prompted my original message. I'm a beginner, not yet up for the daily elites, etc., and I'm worrying I should trade in what little di I have before the price goes through the roof...
Sucks for me too. I have a ton of dilithium ready to trade in for zen and I was just waiting for that doff pack special to end so the price would drop again.
I'll have nearly 2 million dilithium by the time I consider the price reasonable enough to sell it.
The price should crash after the current event. The Crystaline Entity event rewards a large amount of Dillithium which should flood the market lowering prices until then though it will probably keep rising in anticipation.
The price should crash after the current event. The Crystaline Entity event rewards a large amount of Dillithium which should flood the market lowering prices until then though it will probably keep rising in anticipation.
I actually anticipate a rise in the price of zen because of this event. All that dilithium floating about will have less people buying dil with their zen for a bit. It will probably drop off again a bit after season 8 at this point. A lot of people are finishing up with their rep/fleet gear grinds which is also attributing to the rise. New rep and fleet holding will likely bring it back down as more people will need dil to finish the holding and buy the new fleet/rep gear.
Rofl "goes through the roof" lol that's a good one, the price is still trying to climb back up to ground level, before Starbases if you got 300 you were doing well.
I remember before the fleet system (as we know it now) was introduced dil was pretty much good for one thing, trading for c-points. I actually can't remember what zen was called before it was zen but I digress. When the change was made from c-points to zen the market had a bit of a crash iirc. The amount of zen you could get for $10 USD was a decent amount more then what you could get in c-points for the same amount. This forced cryptic to increase the apparent price of all the zen store stuff, and it took people a solid couple weeks to get the exchange back to something stable. That was the first real market shakeup I remember while playing STO (1 yr 4 months). Of course, as we all know, after the Fleet Starbase system was introduced the value of dil sky rocketed. And of course with the addition of the rep systems and the numerous other dil sinks cryptic has devised, the value of dil has gone even higher.
I like what they've done personally. For people who rarely buy zen it increases the importance of a currency everyone can earn at the same rate. And with the fleet/rep systems providing the best gear you can get for the moment, it doesn't look like it will change any time soon.
for instance, when Zen goes on sale, that increases supply and drives the price down, while a new, shiny ship being released is going to have more ppl needing Zen to buy it, driving up demand, and the price.
Lol you must be new here.
September 2013, so what's your point?
It has been much higher in the past. Much, much, higher.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Based on my experience of the exchange that is actually very low. Not used it since before Christmas though.
p.s. I've been playing the game longer then my profile indicates. lol
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Right now it's high because people are celebrating freedom of choice for Romulans by buying the Ar'kala and Ar'Kif Carrier.
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Not sure if, that is the reason to attribute to a high cost of zen for dilithium. If, dilithium became scarce, its value in relation to zen should become greater, not smaller.
Indeed. Before the Fleet and Reputation systems, there wasn't much worth doing with dilithium except sell it for Zen. People ground STFs all day, having nothing else to do at max level, then had nothing to do with the dil but exchange it. Fleet system came in, and crashed the price of Zen since all that excess dil started getting dumped into starbases. Reputations came along, and same thing. Mk XII rep gear costs a nice chunk of dil, and drains more out of the system. Around the same time the Reputation system came out, they also squashed some of the more popular dilithium exploits (B'Tran and the old Foundry dailY).
I think this was all deliberate on Cryptic's part. They won't manipulate the market directly, but they will provide incentives for players to drain those assets instead of moving them amongst themselves. I think where it's at right now is pretty good. C-Store items are within reach of F2P folks. The days of spending a couple bucks for a metric crapton of dilithium are gone, but you can still get a decent amount for your fleet.
They're doing the same thing with the EC Exchange by introducing character bound Fleet and Reputation gear that competes with high value dropped items. Fleet Tac consoles are coming, I have no doubt. They want the Exchange to be a place where newbies can go for some decent gear before they can afford Fleet and Rep stuff.
They're coming but who knows what they will do with the fleet tac consoles? If you go by what they did with the armor consoles...the special tac consoles might be faction in Feds only get a variety of Phaser based consoles and KDF gets some Disruptor based consoles.
Could do something similar to the Science consoles where maybe it adds a Phaser or Disruptor proc if you aren't using said weapon(Could do this and give mod to the more generic damage mods like cannons, or beams, or torps...ect ect.)
The B'Tran cluster mission was not an exploit. The mission rewarded 1440 dilithium and counted toward the "Explore Strange New Worlds" mission which also rewarded 1440 dilithium. Both missions had a 20 hour cooldown, which means the most you could get out of the two missions was 2880 per day. It was 2880 dilithium in about 20-35 minutes of gameplay, not at all bad considering a player averages about 2960 from a 8-20 minute single Elite STF. The advantage over STFs was the fact that B'Tran was a single player mission and was significantly easier to complete.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
And it did. Before you needed to pay 300+ dil for 1 zen. Now you only need 127 dil for 1 zen. So the Dil almost trippled in worth.
it wasn't squashed because it was an exploit, it was squashed because the second B'Tran cluster mission was redundant after they combined all the marks, before that they each rewarded different types of marks, frankly I was surprised they didn't get rid of it immediately after Dil was introduced.
How does one earn 2960 from a single elite STF? Is there a daily mission I'm missing?
And the exchange is up to 133. I don't understand this sudden demand for dilithium unless people are speculating and hoping to sell for higher later.
Sucks for me too. I have a ton of dilithium ready to trade in for zen and I was just waiting for that doff pack special to end so the price would drop again.
I'll have nearly 2 million dilithium by the time I consider the price reasonable enough to sell it.
I actually anticipate a rise in the price of zen because of this event. All that dilithium floating about will have less people buying dil with their zen for a bit. It will probably drop off again a bit after season 8 at this point. A lot of people are finishing up with their rep/fleet gear grinds which is also attributing to the rise. New rep and fleet holding will likely bring it back down as more people will need dil to finish the holding and buy the new fleet/rep gear.
I like what they've done personally. For people who rarely buy zen it increases the importance of a currency everyone can earn at the same rate. And with the fleet/rep systems providing the best gear you can get for the moment, it doesn't look like it will change any time soon.