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Sci Escort anyone??

chronoblitz66chronoblitz66 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Federation Discussion
Being a tactical Capt and using some cruisers as well as the vesta (its ok to me) My favorite Sci ship is the Fleet Sci Retrofit good turn rate, good shield mod and a decent Tac Bo layout which is usually Lt on Sci ships in this case its Lt Com which is actually useful!

I love escorts but i hate that any decent dps to any shield facing and I have a hole that says shoot me here! I wish there was a Sci Escort with a 1.1 shield mod and a balanced Bo layout (nothing like the Fleet Defiant please) and maybe 16 or 17 turn rate. I'm annoyed that Sci ships don't really have any means of giving dps. Lifetime Subs get the Chimera and us Ftp get glass cannons and those who don't want to spend tons of money trying to get lockbox ships would like a decent ship that usable both in Pve Pvp and Stfs. I'm saying a science escort because a cruisers turn rate is WAY to low like the Galaxy for instance. I cant use that and a Oddy is a whale to me. I want to fight and survive not run and try to heal my severely damaged hull and shields on my escort. I want survivability and dps and a good looking ship unlike the steam runner which is a abomination and needs to be scrapped Imo. If its Zen ship don't give me a crappy console make something useful that people want to buy!!!

Well that's all i wanted to say I don't know if anyone shares my opinion.
Post edited by chronoblitz66 on


  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,354 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Um mobius anyone?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    MVAE, Vesta with LtCmdr Tac, Fleet Nova...
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    What's wrong with the Vesta Class? My Tac and Sci toons run it along with my main Fed Eng... pretty effective depending on your setup.
  • amincielbleuamincielbleu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    May I recommend you to read this thread, especially the second post about escorts for science captains ?

    Of course Romulans are a bit favoured by the availability of the fleet T'Varo, but Starfleet captains can enjoy the same kind of ship, with even more flexibility, albeit at a higher cost : the Mobius, the Tal Shiar Destroyer and the S'Golth ! They are all compatible with a science-heavy build and, besides these crowd controls, still deliver a formidable DPS output.

    There is an advantage in being a Federation scientific captain, though. No other faction has access to anything close to the Vesta. The Aventine in particular is exactly the blend of an escort, a cruiser and a science ship that you seem to look for. Three auxilliary cannons, four tactical consoles, flexible Boff slots, extra-solidity... You can even tank with it if you give the Lt-cmd slot to an engineer Boff, but then the lack of tactical abilities will push you towards beams instead of cannons, which is a pity on the Vesta.

    So, depending what you mean by a "Sci escort", you have many options. Some might be a bit expensive, but none are unaffordable.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'd recommend the mobius... But at 800 Lobi...it is really expensive for someone looking to F2P..

    It was 460 Lobi the first week of September (40% off)
    I took advantage of the sale and bought the JH Dreadnought for 480 Lobi.

    Have you considered the JHEC...another Lockbox ship...but has nice Sci console slots and BO setup... but again its lockbox so that probably doesnt help you...

    I think in STO....the best thing to do is use the "cheaper ships" to hone your build, then when you are satisfied with your skill tree.... maybe buying an "Expensive Ship" Lockbox/Lobi is not a bad idea.

    If your against spending any money...you could always buy keys on the exchange, and try to open lockboxes...

    Or...buy a mirror ship on the exchange for like 50k ec
    The thing is, there are no "Free Ships" that are great for end game...Not saying they are not servicable...just that, when your that far along, the "Expensive" ships are more productive and give better results.
    So in a way, there is no way around it....That is, if you want the best possible outcome for your build, then you'll need to invest in a lockbox ship/Fleet ship or Lobi ship.

    The bright side is all the lockbox ships can be bought on the exchange...albeit for astronomical prices..but, EC can be farmed pretty easily, just takes a lot of patience.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sadly, Sci ships are "intentionally gimped" in the DPS department - I read every so often about a period of time when Sci skills, buffed by Tac captain buffs, were auto-kill territory (as in get hit by one, no counters allowed, dead)...

    Therefore, combined with the "PvE Balance through Massive Hitpoints instead of actual NPC skill use", and you have what looks like highly ineffective Science skills...

    However, I digress. Are you looking for a Science class ship that performs like an escort, or an escort that allows you to use science "properly"...

    If the former, the only option (aka the only one that actually exists) is the Vesta. If the latter, then any of the Lt. Cmdr Science BOff bearing ships will fill that role. Of course, all of these (Aforementioned S'Golth, MVAE, etc.) hide within the C-Store, lockbox, or fleet shipyard...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • lsloan31lsloan31 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Everyone is raving about the Mobius/Temporal Destroyer in this thread which is overlooking the rather obvious alternative of the Wells or Temporal Science. I'd definitely give this the thumbs up as it can turn like an escort, highest shield mod in game of 1.45 so you can pump this thing to insane shield strength and with fleet weapons I'd say this isn't very far behind the Vesta at all for dps.

    Personally I'd say apart from the dps advantage this outshines the Vesta in every way for a tactical science ship.
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I run AP beams on my main Fed eng on the tac Vesta, my tac runs Phaser cannons on her tac Vesta, then my sci runs on Disruptor cannons.

    I have the Wells and Mobius and they are fun... but I go back to the Vesta cuz it's the closest cruiser type ship that does sci and tac I can find. Unless a Galaxy Class 3 pack comes out.
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Being a tactical Capt and using some cruisers as well as the vesta (its ok to me) My favorite Sci ship is the Fleet Sci Retrofit good turn rate, good shield mod and a decent Tac Bo layout which is usually Lt on Sci ships in this case its Lt Com which is actually useful!

    I love escorts but i hate that any decent dps to any shield facing and I have a hole that says shoot me here! I wish there was a Sci Escort with a 1.1 shield mod and a balanced Bo layout (nothing like the Fleet Defiant please) and maybe 16 or 17 turn rate. I'm annoyed that Sci ships don't really have any means of giving dps. Lifetime Subs get the Chimera and us Ftp get glass cannons and those who don't want to spend tons of money trying to get lockbox ships would like a decent ship that usable both in Pve Pvp and Stfs. I'm saying a science escort because a cruisers turn rate is WAY to low like the Galaxy for instance. I cant use that and a Oddy is a whale to me. I want to fight and survive not run and try to heal my severely damaged hull and shields on my escort. I want survivability and dps and a good looking ship unlike the steam runner which is a abomination and needs to be scrapped Imo. If its Zen ship don't give me a crappy console make something useful that people want to buy!!!

    Well that's all i wanted to say I don't know if anyone shares my opinion.

    The fleet advanced escor outperforms the chimera IMO

    No escort is a glass cannon you just have to keep moving which with the changes to epte is very very easy

    Survivability and dps = HEC, MVAE

    Or...buy a mirror ship on the exchange for like 50k ec
    The thing is, there are no "Free Ships" that are great for end game...Not saying they are not servicable...just that, when your that far along, the "Expensive" ships are more productive and give better results.
    So in a way, there is no way around it....That is, if you want the best possible outcome for your build, then you'll need to invest in a lockbox ship/Fleet ship or Lobi ship.

    You could argue that all free ships are great for end game unless your a pvper

    You could run a lvl 3 ship into estfs it's a good way to practice, like using jemhadar shields before upgrading to maco it's like a training excersize

    You don't have to pay to play the game it just seems you have to pay to win...
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • chronoblitz66chronoblitz66 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ok To answer i have a MVAE and JHEC and the mobius. I hate the JHEC its turn rate makes it to cruiser like and I get popped way to easy I'm sorely tempted to delete it. I need to use my MVAE more to be honest and I'm still trying to figure out how to use my mobius. And i understand about keeping moving with EPTE in pvp but against a Bug its pointless because there turn rate is so high it make its very difficult to kill them let alone hold them still. I just want a new more hybrid ship like the chimera without being a life time sub i guess or a cruiser similar to the Support cruiser in turning ability I love that ship.
  • amincielbleuamincielbleu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    lsloan31 wrote: »
    Everyone is raving about the Mobius/Temporal Destroyer in this thread which is overlooking the rather obvious alternative of the Wells or Temporal Science.

    To be sure, the reason why I didn't mention the Wells was the explicit demand of an escort for a science captain in the original post. Some pointers there hinted at the Vesta too (the wish for an all-purpose ship, the cruiser/carrier/science/escort mix that only the Vesta can offer in the current state of the game). The Wells is a top-class science ship, along with the Vesta, the Klingon carriers, the Recluse and the Tal Shiar Battle Cruiser. Among them, only the Vesta has the "escort touch".
    Have you considered the JHEC...another Lockbox ship...but has nice Sci console slots and BO setup...

    Certainly a nice and effective ship, but not adapted at all for science captains. I would wholeheartedly recommend it for tacticians, or for engineers who want to fly an escort (and still be able to tank with it). The lack of a scientific Lt-Cmd slot is a pity, otherwise it would probably be the best "drain boat" in the game.
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Best suggestion would be the Prometheus advanced escort, DPS capability as we as a grav well=winner
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited September 2013

      Lt. Commader Science and 2 Lieutenant Universal with 4 Science Consoles and has Science ship like shields.
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