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I hate Keldon Class Ships

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
I just started playing STO again after quite a few months absent, and I HATE Keldon class ships I am level 47 I can beat almost every other ship with effort. The Keldon kills me guaranteed at least 5 times every single time one of them comes up. FFS I killed a Jem Hadar warship from 20% hull, and the Keldon has my shields down and gets me from 100% down to 13% within seconds. I checked the hit points for this thing and it has like 75k, and whenever I get it down to like 70 % it generates four holo ships and I am dead within seconds. Is there a special weapon that you need in order to beat this?

It is getting amazingly frustrating having to die and hope that I don't respawn that far away that it is back to 100% HP and shields by the time I get back to the spot. Every single cardassian mission I am praying that these ships don't come up as it sucks the fun right out of the game for me.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Neftoon wrote: »
    I just started playing STO again after quite a few months absent, and I HATE Keldon class ships I am level 47 I can beat almost every other ship with effort. The Keldon kills me guaranteed at least 5 times every single time one of them comes up. FFS I killed a Jem Hadar warship from 20% hull, and the Keldon has my shields down and gets me from 100% down to 13% within seconds. I checked the hit points for this thing and it has like 75k, and whenever I get it down to like 70 % it generates four holo ships and I am dead within seconds. Is there a special weapon that you need in order to beat this?

    It is getting amazingly frustrating having to die and hope that I don't respawn that far away that it is back to 100% HP and shields by the time I get back to the spot. Every single cardassian mission I am praying that these ships don't come up as it sucks the fun right out of the game for me.

    It's probably hitting you with Tachyon Beam to drain your shields then firing it's High Yield 3 torpedoes; against bare hull that's going to hurt and the Tachyon Beam is strong enough to drain a good portion of your shields with the fire from the other NPCs being enough to wear down the shields enough to fail.

    If you want to clear the holoships they die really quickly (I'm assuming you're in a Cruiser here) to Fire at Will and Eject Warp Plasma, the latter will also help keep you out of it's TB firing arc and prevent the shield drain.
    You can run with transfer Shield Strength if you want to out heal the TB, it's not as powerful as the version the Borg use and far less common so TSS1 should be more than up for the job, EPtS is an OK shield heal but whilst it's better at buffing damage resistance it offers no resistance to shield drains so will only really be a last ditch thing.

    Personally I've always just avoided the Keldon until I had to deal with it; this mostly applies to the FEs like Skirmish where they tend to be mixed in a large group of smaller NPCs but clearing out the Bugships and Hideki's helps to reduce the amount of incoming fire (as well as Phaser procs and SubNucs) you'll receive.
    If you have taken a bit of a beating clearing the NPCs then healing up before attacking the Keldon will help, as will making sure your BOff abilities are not on cooldown before heading in; if your shields are being drained even a tiny slither of shield from EPtS or TSS will massively reduce the kinetic damage the torpedoes deal.
    Hull resistance buffs like Hazard Emitters (which is also a heal over time)will reduce the damage you receive from torpedoes and will also heal any bleedthrough you receive from the NPCs energy weapons for the duration.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Good advice from Militis and I would like to add a bit of my own to add to it even though I do hate offering advice after someone else already has for fear of “stepping on other peoples toes” but I hope it helps.

    The True Way encounters can be more of a pain to defend against given there is no armour for both Phaser and Polaron except Neutronium Alloy, if you can stack two of those you’ll get decent resistance to both and kinetic damage and get your self shields with Phaser and Polaron resistance as those would help. If just a Keldon then just dibernium hull plating and monotanium alloy will do. For more shield power try adding a field generator which can boost your shields by 35%.

    When they spawn their holo ships skills like reverse shield polarity will quickly get your shields back up as the holo ships fire energy weapons too and it’s a good time to recharge. Knowing when they are about to spawn the holo ships is also key as root like gravity well or eject warp plasma can help since the holo ships are weak compared to a real ship and good aoe will quickly deal with them. Alternatively, you could use scramble sensors to make them fight amongst themselves and buy yourself healing time (for healing time, jam sensors could also help). Hull buffs like polarize hull or hazard emitters with aux to structural integrity or aux to dampeners can boost your kinetic and damage resistance making those incoming hits less painful (dampeners kinetic only).

    Aceton beam can debuff the damage the Keldon deals with it’s energy weapons weakening it’s offensive abilities for the duration and if you’re a science captain, putting a Sensors Officer Doff on active space duty can also debuff the Keldons offensive power and leave it more susceptible to incoming damage and then there is viral matrix which can disable a ship for a while and with Systems Engineer Doff can be more potent.

    If you’re an escort captain, getting behind him and away from the tachyon beam and using a tractor beam to hold him and using attack pattern omega, cannon rapid fire and high yield torps you can quickly hurt him while your tactical team will keep your (assuming your using dual cannons) forward shields full. In an escort your ability to deal damage is key as killing the Keldon will kill its holo ships. Again, reverse shield polarity can help keep your shields up and hazard emitters can buff your hull and heal you up, always good to pop an auxiliary battery to help with hazard emitters too as high aux = high heal from hazard emitters. Depending on the escort, scramble sensors or grav well could be thrown in for good measure to help.

    You should get to other know doff abilities too, a Shield Distribution Officer has a chance of recharging shields when you use brace for impact, a Maintenance Engineer can reduce cool downs on engineering team or aux to structural or a Matter-Antimatter Specialist doff can add immobilization effect to eject warp plasma.

    Other tips I would offer would be if using reverse shield polarity keep tapping redistribute shields to fill all your shield facings up quicker and as it uses tachyon beam try to stay out of its front arc as a tachyon beam has a forward firing arc the same as a torpedo.

    Duty Officer Ability List
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    The Kheldon is not as hard as the D'Deridex. the later spams Photonic shockwave and then fires 8 high yield plasma torpedos.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Hawks wrote: »
    The Kheldon is not as hard as the D'Deridex. the later spams Photonic shockwave and then fires 8 high yield plasma torpedos.

    I like those, it's like the first sign of intelligence from the NPCs; multiple complimentary skills being used to challenge the player.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Some general advice from my experience, in fighting any faction using any ship , is that you need to learn to how to extend your survival. And in general your shields are what keep your defense. With that foundation, I *also* have two abilities which I consider absolutely necessary for my ships. Science Team and Emergency Power to Shields. And I run as much power as I can spare to Shields. That means getting engineering consoles, investing in Ship Power skills, etc.

    I run my shields at a minimum of shield power 50 even Covariant type shields. High Shield power gives you two benefits. First is increase shield regneration rate. Secondly, and more importantly, shield power imparts data resistance to your shields. Updates of 35% damage resistance at 125 Shield Power.

    Science Team gives your shields an immediate strong heal.Emergency Power to Shields gives your 3 benefists. First is a moderate immediate shield heal. Second is that increases your Shield subsystem power for 30 seconds. The benefits of that are discussed above. And thirdly is that EPtS gives your Shields a shield damage resistance buff for 30 seconds. That stacks with the any other shield damage resistance buff. That in in essence increases your Shields's Capacity for that period of time. More Shield Capacity means you survive longer.

    Keep Emergency Power to Shields running all of the time. And in general save Science Team for when EPtS is in it's 15 cooldown. Unless you need Science Team for clearing debuffs.

    Now for some specific advice on Kheldons. They will use Tachyon Beams to drain your shields. Use Science Team to counter act that. This is one of the times when you don't save Science Team for your EPtS cool downs.

    Next is the Holographic ships. If you can't burn the Kheldon done fast enough then use this strategy. When the Kheldon summons the Holo ships, ignore the Kheldon. Use my shield techniques from above to withstand damage from the Kheldon, then focus on taking out the Holo ship. The Holo ships are very fragile, a Gravity Well or Torpedo Spread can take out most of not all of them. Other good choice are Beam: Fire At Will. At worst focus fire on each Holo ship individually, they will go down fast.

    Once the Holo-ships are down, you can re-focus you efforts on the Kheldon. It's holo-ship ability is on a very long time. You shouldn't have to worry about it for a while.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I use to have a problem with the Keldon Class ships in the early days of STO, best approach I use against them is hit it hard, hit it fast and if you have photonic fleet... use it :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for all the advice, I'm not the best at the space battle side of things. I went back to DS9 bought some new things for my ships, re arranged the bridge officers at the stations, and also put some DOffs on duty (I had actually forgotten you could do that).

    I went back in using some of the strategies here, leaving the Keldons until last, and although still challenging, I don't die everytime now and even managed to get through the section of mission that I died 6 times on last night.

    Greatly appreciated, I don't dread the Keldon Class so mcuh anymore. Still not overly fond of them though.:)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Neftoon wrote: »
    Thanks for all the advice, I'm not the best at the space battle side of things. I went back to DS9 bought some new things for my ships, re arranged the bridge officers at the stations, and also put some DOffs on duty (I had actually forgotten you could do that).

    I went back in using some of the strategies here, leaving the Keldons until last, and although still challenging, I don't die everytime now and even managed to get through the section of mission that I died 6 times on last night.

    Greatly appreciated, I don't dread the Keldon Class so mcuh anymore. Still not overly fond of them though.:)

    I can understand that. When they use a freaking huge shield battery after I really worked to wear their shields down I could rip my hair out every time. Try to stay at it's flank to avoid the high yields. If you have any shield drains or attacks that go directly to the hull, use them. Also divide it's fire with combat pets like scorpion fighters, holo fleet, saucer sep, MVAM...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Sorry, computer and USER malfunction, please ignore this and the next post ! :o
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Oops - please disregard this post made by accident :o
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    First tactic- Use your own photonic fleet if you are a Science character.

    Second- Antimatter Spread. The confuse causes the Photonic Galors to attack each other and the Keldon.

    Third- Evasive Action, get out of weapons range and wait for the Photonic Galors to wink out, then go back in to finish him off!
  • roddy229roddy229 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    personally, I pilot either an escort or drednought. My mvam escort is particularly nasty against keldons, or even Jem'hadar heavy escorts. BFAW3 and high yield torp 3 work wonders for keeping the AI busy. With the dreds however, I'll stay cloaked until I'm right on top of them, then focus attacks on one section of it's shields, then hit with everything I have. Phaser spinal lance is my favorite way to send the cardies to their graves
    Vice Admiral Thylek Shran- U.S.S. Omega (Odyssey Class Battleship) United Federation Space Command
    Vice Admiral T'vix RRW Talon (Scimitar Drednought)
    General S'tal IKS Q'vat (Bortasq' Battle Cruiser)
  • nobscunobscu Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Necroforum skill: 88
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Forum Necro'ing like it's 2011!
  • nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Harden up Princess
    Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
  • nveknvek Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    If Your having problems with The Keldon and It`s Holoships There`s also The isometric Console! usually if i`m taking on a Keldon or Galor I like to spray them with Either The Vent warp Plasma or The Theta radiation console as well!:D
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited September 2013
    Did I suddenly wade into the Walking Dead forum. :D

    Since it is aliiiiiiiiive ... I recall when I first played those missions with Keldon on hard. Man that ship could dish out some damage. Much scarier than D'Deridex where you could just out run or shoot down the plasma torpedoes. Ah to be a noob again and face a real challenge ...
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Damn, what's up with all the Necroposting?
  • capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Captain the Redshirts seem to be coming back to life and have taken over 6 decks.

    Quickly alert the MOD and arm the Self-Destruct!

    *Beams to safety*
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Where's space-Daryl when we need him?
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