Thinking of getting a Fleet Dhelan for my Reman Tac, and trying to put together a good build for Elite STFs. His crit chance is currently right at 20%.
(Choosing Fleet Dhel so I can have more sci utility for No-Win Scenario, and don't wanna spend Zen on a Scim.)
Fore: 3xDHCs (Romulan Plasma, [crtd]x2), 1xTorp (Quantum)
Aft: 2xTurret (RomPlas, [crtd]x2), 1xKCB
CmdrTac: TT // TS2 // CSV2 // APB3
Ens Tac: TT
Lt Eng: EPtW // A2B
Lt Uni (Eng): EPtS // A2B
LtC Sci: PH // HE2 // TSS3 (For No-Win, would reshuffle these, put some repulsors in)
Deflector: KHG, for Flow Cap and Struc Integrity?? Want 'Flow' here to support Plas Leech.
Engine: Fleet (Elite, with Speed, Full, and Power bonuses)
Shield: Fleet (ResB)
Core: get an Elite with [SingA] and [AMP], but what else?
Eng: Assimilated, Tachyokinetic
Sci: 2xRomSci (Flow, Plas, -Th), Plasmonic Leech
Tac: 5xPlasma
Torp DOff
Borg Space Warfare (Dmg Control Eng non-STF work?)
3xPurple Techs
- Energy Weapon choice: some people swear by RomPlas, others say Fleet Dis or AP. I think the Flow Cap/Leech Synergy with the added bonus of some extra Plasma damage from the RomSci consoles make them the better choice here? Educate me if otherwise.

-Survivability: Can this be helped with Core choice by getting one with [DEF] to buff the Quantum Absorb? Or is there a better one I should be looking at? (Also, is that Overcharge mod with the crit severity bonus worth it at all??)
- DOffs: i'm a bit rusty/not up-do-date on what ideal options outside of the purple techs might be now. Might even do it with 2xPurple Techs if there's a good option out there that'll improve the build. Also, whats the best swap for the Borg Warfare Doff outside of STFs? Another Torp DOff? Damage Control Engineer?
Feedback welcome, thanks! :cool:
Rom captain for? (not sure exact amount)
Assim mod for another 1.6%
Rep buff for 3%
Player skills
Weapon mods up to 6%
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
EDIT: My crit chance right now is 17.4%. BOffs contribute to 7.5% of that chance currently. APA bumps it to 22.4 of course.
That being said, i'm curious about whther Rom Plas with crtdx2 and the extra plas damage from a couple of RomSci consoles might be the way to go , or instead make a sturdier ship by forgetting about the RomSci consoles/Flow Cap thing and instead go grab some Fleet AP?
I know there are some opinionated captains out there...
TT1, AP;D1, CSV2, APO3
TSS1, HE2, GW1
EPtS1, EPtW2/Aux2SIF1
With for doffs:
2x conn officer (tt cooldown)
3x damage control engineer (EPtX cooldown)
Grab stuff with GW for grouping, than AoE said stuff to death with torps and cannons. *shrug* I'm a simple soul.
For best results on ISE spheres: either grap 'm before they get active or wait until their EPtE is on cooldown.
As for alternative powers, not really worth it, most are either bugged or rubbish, a case could be made for energy syphon though.
For No Win try to bring 2 science boffs, 1 with heals to switch to and one with repulsors and gravity well. You will pwn everything there.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
(currently, with the 2 RomSci consoles, my captain training, and the +17-ish from the deflector, i'm at 160-something Flow Cap skill. Can get around another 10 I think if i decide to get a mk xii JH deflector. But i'm squeamish about that due to the lack of Struc Integrity bonus)
Here's where I'm at now with a couple revisions:
(currently riding with 4 Superior Operative BOffs and 1 Operative. I'm around 17% crit chance)
Fore: 3xDHCs (Romulan Plasma, [crtd]x2), 1xTorp (Quantum)
Aft: 2xTurret (RomPlas, [crtd]x2), 1xKCB
CmdrTac: TT // TS2 // CSV2 // APB3
Ens Tac: TT
Lt Eng: EPtW // A2B
Lt Uni (Eng): EPtS // A2B
LtC Sci: TSS1 // HE2 // GW1
Deflector: KHG (for Flow Cap and Structural Integrity)
Engine: Omega
Shield: Omega
Core: Elite Reinforced with [SingA] and [AMP]
Eng: Assimilated, Zero Point
Sci: 2xRomSci (Flow, Plas, -Th), Plasmonic Leech
Tac: 5xPlasma
Warp Core Engineer (chance of +pow when using EPtX)
Borg Space Warfare
3x Techs
**One thing i am considering trying:
Losing the fore torp, and putting the Romulan Experimental Beam Array there to get that 2-part Romulan plasma dmg bonus. I could also then get a little more use out of that Tac Ensign, putting a "Target Shields" or something there. Hate flying without torps, but I've done it before with my Fleet Assault Cruiser and it did fine (although, that one had Marion and DEM slotted). May not be worth it, will take a look.
on a cannons build you will only see about 25% downtime on your cannons specials with the first.
the second one is pretty much a guaranteed +20 shield power bonus, virtually constant due to the proc being 5% per weapon firing per cycle (with 6 energy weapons youre gonna proc 30 percent of the time every cycle, and with a 10 second duration, yeah pretty much all the time) but that one is debatable vs the engineer
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Cannon abilities have a minimum of 1/3 downtime, and there is no way to reduce them below that. And he's pretty much going to be there already (maybe 2 seconds more occaisionally) with the A2B and Technician doffs, so there's no point in spending a ton of ec on a doff with a limited proc chance at that point.
Also, probabilities don't stack additively like that. The proper calculation looks like this: 1-((1-0.05)(1-0.05)(1-0.05)(1-0.05)(1-0.05)(1-0.05))=0.2649=26.5%. You could think of it as "the chance for something to ever happen is 100% minus the chance of it never happening, and the chance of it never happening is the chance of it not happening once, times the chance of it not happening the next time, times the chance of it not happening the next time...." The calculations get trickier if you start searching for double procs, but for a single one it's pretty easy. Handily, the formula for shield resistance is rather similar, you're multiplying the percentage that gets through one resistance, times the percentage that gets through the next, etc.
I'm curious rylan, are you using csv1, csv3, and the canon special cd reduction doffs? If you are, you either wasting a boff slot or 3 doffs.
When using 2 cannon abilities....
When activating the first, the second gets force to its global cool if you use csv3, cs1 will go into a 15 second gcd, and csv3 starts at 30. If you have doffs that reduce the cd, the csv3 cd will be less then 30 but it will still hit/reset to 15 when you activate csv1.
To the op, this is how I'd rock it
3 technician doffs, 2 whatever you like.
Probably the pve torpedo build in game. Man I wish the t'varo can be set up this way....absolutely Amazing
I guarantee satisfaction with this build. Remember to set you fireing priorities with the rom hyper torp first
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
OP, thank you for being my attention to this is almost THE best torpedo control ship possible. 4 guys rocking my build and knowing what they are doing will just crush NWS...
The only gripe (besides not able to equip the t'varo consoles) I have about this near masterpiece is the ensign tactical. If it was science...just wow
And yes, 4. Not a typo.
I wish I could get the t'varo consoles with this boff/console layout. It is just phenomenal.
Sorry, I meant to say, use 2 projectile doffs along with the 3 techs. Oversight on my part
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Gotta say, I'm surprised to see such a torp-heavy build, considering there's a bunch of ships with shields you gotta fight? And THY instead of Spread?
Could you maybe enlighten me a little as to how this setup plays into tactics? Thanks!
With aux2batx2, everything will be near gcd, so the dps all be rather close to the kumari.
High yield explosions will do more damage then torpedo spread, as long as the NPCs are really close together.
That what gravity well is for. Tbr is a staple for buying time. Naturally.
Still, I wish the ensign tact was science. Tss and he would have been sexy
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree