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"Interview a Dev" Web Article Feature - Sep. 2013 [Interview Submission Period Ended]

pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
edited September 2013 in Galactic News Network [PC]
Hello Captains!

As mentioned here, we will be having a variety of new web article features that rotate monthly.

June saw the player requested Dev Blog on "Episode Development", July had the "State of the Game" article, and we published the poll recap/ Dev discussion ("dStahl Tals Voyager") in August.

For this month, we will be running the "Interview a Dev" web article feature! Have you always wanted to sit down and interview a Dev? Maybe learn more about them, what they do and what they are working on? This is your chance!

Please reply to this thread with the following:

  • Name of the Dev you would like to interview (e.g. CaptainGeko, Tacofangs, etc.).
    • If you don't have a specific Dev you'd like to interview, or you don't know who is on a specific team, you can post:
      • A Dev from the character art team.
      • Someone who works on the Foundry.
      • A Dev who makes ships.
      • Etc.
  • A series of interview questions.
    • These should flow like a journalistic interview.
    • Please include a minimum of 4, but no more than 8.
    • Post if these are from you, your fleet (include the name, if so), etc.

We'll pick one of the submissions tomorrow afternoon and work on a Dev Blog with answers that should be posted before the end of the month.

We're very much looking forward to what interviews you come up with. Engage!


Brandon =/\=

EDIT: P.S. Any posts that do not contain the 2 requirements above, including posts that say "reserved", will be removed. Please add both these items before posting. Thanks! :)
Post edited by pwebranflakes on


  • thegreendragoon1thegreendragoon1 Member Posts: 1,872 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Definitly want to meet the STO foundry devs.

    1. Who actually works on the Foundry in STO and what is their relationship with the core team?

    2. What were the results fo your recent Foundry review?

    3. How do you feel about the current state of the Foundry in STO and what do you feel works well/needs to change?

    4. What are the teams ultimate goals for the Foundry?

    5. What is being done to clean up and improve the Foundry search?

    6. What do you think it means for the Foundry to be "in Beta" and what will it take for the Foundry to get "out of Beta?"

    7. Are we going to see any of the long standing Foundry bugs fixed?

    8. What's actually involved in importing an asset/costume/map into the foundry?

    From me.
  • kirimuffinkirimuffin Member Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    What an awesome idea.

    These questions are from me (kirimuffin), for Christine Thompson:

    1. How many missions have you now written for the game, in total?

    2. What is your current favorite mission in the game?

    3. If you could go back and rewrite one of your story missions, which one would it be, and why?

    4. Without getting into too many specifics (I know you really can't), is there any particular direction in which you'd want to take future story content? (For example, you wrote the Romulan missions to be more personal and intimate; will future missions be that way, or is there another direction you'd like to take the story?)

    5. What sort of tech would you like to see added to the engine to expand your storytelling potential?
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Questions for CaptainGecko or relevant developer:

    1. Right now there is a [W->S], which helps escorts, but there isn't a [A->S] mod, which would be highly valuable for science vessels. The [S->A] mod is currently ingame, but it just doesn't work as well as [A->S] could. Can we please get the [A->S] warp core bonus power mod added into the game?

    2. Have you considered the possibility of adding an auxiliary powered beam bank or dual beam bank for all science vessels exclusively, similar to the vesta's auxiliary dual heavy cannons?

    3. On the ground engineers use mines frequently. Is there any chance of adding Dispersal Pattern Beta and Alpha to Cruisers in a similar manner to the way Subsystem Targetting was added to all Science Vessels?

    4. Romulan Warbirds combined with their bridge officers provide a significant advantage over their Federation or Klingon Defense Force counterparts. Are there any plans to give the Romulan faction a balance pass?
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • druhindruhin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Questions for Mr Stahl:

    1. What is your honest assessment of the current state of Star Trek Online?

    2. Any decisions you've made for the game, that given hindsight, you would've done differently?

    3. If yes to the above, what might one of those decisions be?

    4. Would you be in favor of a major "bug smashing" patch, to get rid of long-standing bugs that have been plaguing the game since launch?

    5. Will Crafting and/or Exploration ever get the much needed, and often promised love, or will it continuously be swept aside by other priorities?

    6. Any chance of simplifying the Reputation grinds, possibly making the better gear available earlier, or making reputation status account-based rather than character-based?

    7. Will we ever see some much needed love to the GPL system?

    8. And finally, will Lobi Crystals ever be made account-bound?
  • avertyoureyessavertyoureyess Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Question #1
    To Lead Designer Al "CaptainGeko" Rivera or any the Dev that handles fleets...

    Recently we had an update to fleet security to help protect fleets from "hostile takeovers". This is awesome. Thank you.

    Currently we can monitor who deposits/withdraws items from a fleet's fleet bank, this allows fleet leadership to keep an eye on items as well as keep an eye out for potential abuse. However there is no system in place to monitor fleet assets (weapons, shields, ships, etc.). Is it possible to put one in place? Even one similar to the fleet bank system. To see who is taking what items. It seems odd that we can keep track of "standard" items, but ultra rare fleet items which cost the fleet time and effort to provision have no way of being tracked.

    Question #2
    To Lead Designer Al "CaptainGeko" Rivera or any the Dev wants to answer...

    Edoans/Edosians as a playable race or even as a BoFF? Is it possible? Q can change players into Undine so the mechanic is kinda there.... can we make this happen? :D

    Question #3
    Any Dev who wishes to answer

    Its official Voyager 1 just left the Solar System and has gone where no space probe has gone before....can we celebrate with a Voyager 1 Pet? or maybe even an Ornament at the starbase?

    Question #4...the burning one...
    Any Dev who wishes to answer
    What does the glowing Lockbox on top of the cargo containers in Starbase Incursion do???

    Thank you again for the opportunity to ask these questions. :)
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    captaian geko and bort , end game content team

    1 would there be another style mirror style event like DS9 underseige for XP

    2 with no one realy playing ground STF's could there ba change with increased marks for beating the mini bosses

    3 when will the crafting reputaiong becoming out, also customizable kits and elite kits

    4 with the new Romlan ships will there be fleet versions of them

    5 with future holdins coming out will be able to get fleet versions of cstore ships

    6 is there going to be ultra versions of STF ground and space sets, hint 4028 suit
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To the dev team that works on the Romulan faction

    1. The Romulan faction; what justified the cloak damage boost with supporting Romulan bridge officer traits when the Federation and KDF have nothing to compare?

    2. These ship 2p bonuses; again, how is something as powerful as the T'varo 2p only available to the Romulan faction?

    3. How is the Romulan story line coming along? Has the ending been decided upon?

    4. I myself don't have any issues with Mr. Tovan, but there seems to a much hate foe the guy. Any tid bits if he is to stay or does his future seem bleak?

    5. Quite curious, could you give any insight on the possibility of future faction? And if so, will you be working on them? The Romulan storyline was terrific, would love to see the same magic in the future
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • venomousgitvenomousgit Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To Dev in charge of costumes and uniforms

    1.) The old feminine stance. Can we have it back in a Z-store version? No woman Ive ever met stands like the new feminine stance. BTW they still use that stance in Champions, AND can we have some of the stances they use in Champions added in. Im willing to pay the cost of a starship in Zen to have some new stances. I know im not alone.
  • sfc#5932 sfc Member Posts: 992 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2013
    To the STO ship team

    1. Despite claims, will we ever see any other player-created starship contests, or even any starships created by players ingame ever again?

    2. Recently there was a ship artist opening posted here. Have you hired any new artists yet, and have they started working?

    3. Can you give us a quick look in how you usually make a ship model (from conception to when you give it over for stats)

    4. A while ago, JamJamz stated that they were working on refurbishing player/NPC ships that needed attention, such as the Intrepid. Any updates on that?

    5. Got any "sneak peeks" of new ships you can give us?
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Questions? I have those. For who ever works on PvP content, and Ship Development.

    Since the Klingon Faction is clearly designed around Player vs Player content, to the extent that if Player vs Player was removed there would likely be no Klingon Faction. Is there any current plans to encourage players to take up a Klingon Faction Character?

    The ships that are marketed seem to be pushed to a certain Target Audience, such as the Federation Players are more interested in the Player vs Enviorment aspect of the game, and the Klingons more into the Player vs Player aspect. Will we soon see the division in ship design again?

    The Legacy of Romulus has taken a lot of Developer time recently, not only with continued creation of more Romulan content, but with fixing of bugs that the players have uncovered. Is there still considerable work going on for future developments of other Seasons?

    Is there any hope for any new PvP systems in the neer future? Such as allowing Klingons to take on the role of the attacking fleet in Starbase Defence? :) With Federation Players being the defenders?

    Klingons and Federation players are supposed to be at war the last I heard, is that war still active? If so, will we see any future expansion on the conflicts? Such as in game missions resulting in striking blows against the opposing faction? If not, will we see a resolution to the war, such as a Treaty?

    Again on the topic of Player vs Player (since this is my main draw in the game), can we expect to see new maps, or possibly a Daily Event for Player vs Player content. Example; Something similar to the Mirror Invasion Event, that offers special rewards for participation at that time?

    Is there a large amount of design that goes into a ship's creation, and has that changed over the time of the game? Since not only have the tactics evolved, but the equipment has grown steadily more powerful.

    Is there any chance for a random team Player vs Player Que? To eliminate the threat of Pug Stomping?

    Player Vs Player is something that does not get talked about a lot. So pick me D:
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Questions for Mr Stahl:

    1) PVP is an essential part of many of the most successful MMOs in the history, but in STO, there has been really no news in the system for years. There is any chance for a PVP update in the year 2014?

    2) At any result of the first question, where do you think PVP will be in the future?

    3) It has been said that it could be a few new translation to the game, but spanish is not going to be one of them, is that final? Any news you can shere with us in that aspect?

    4) The foundry is not in good shape, any chance to make a real update in the tool to make it more stable?

    Division Hispana
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    From me to anyone who can answer them...

    A) When will the STO Foundry get a "big" update? (more props, outfits, maps etc)

    B) PvP? Anything new for pvp? (maps, gamemodes... anything ?)

    C) Do you enjoy some of missions we the players create using the foundry?

    D) Can I "we" have the Typhoon Class yet ? :P
    Typhoon Class please!
  • jocelyn2jocelyn2 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To all the Devs out there, this is not a question but an obligation.

    1 : Blow our minds!

    2 : Repeat step 1.
    I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job...

    ...because he will find an easy way to do it.

    -Bill Gates
  • wildweasalwildweasal Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    For Branflakes, Geko,The ship Team And The Pvp Team,

    1. lol Geko you task me with Photos of a Finished Dauntless !!! what happened to it ?? please dont say soon can ya tell us when ???

    2. when the scimitar came about you said it was NOT the flagship of the roms so taking that into effect seeing as the flag ships of the Klinks (bortas) and the feds (odyssey) what do you have planned as the fed and klink dreadnaughts? i have said that why not just redo the model of the typhoon for the feds 3 pack it and boom!!! drednaught for feds done for the klinks hmmm still thinking by the way what happened to the redone Gal-x?? did you go ahead with giving it a fighter bay ???

    3.What do you have planned for PVP?? anything??? now for 4 years that group has been waiting on you guys i know you have been busy but can you throw them a bone?? maybe a new open area like kerrat ??? lol if you did that they would love you long time! anyway any dates you can say or tell them whats on that white board of yours?

    4. Whats the status of the Armor for cruisers and dual deflectors for sci ships eta???

    5. If you are going to do another playable race (hoping for cardassians /dominion) when do you think we would see something about that at the latest?

    6. Could you think of making a Fleet Chimera i remember what you said before but couldn't you just lock it out in the shipyard like you do with the steam runner meaning if you didn't have it already you wont have access to it speaking of which have you ever thought of adding another ship for the lifetimers/vets just thinking it might help sell more lifetime subs it might make it look more delicious you some people

    7. As a boost to cruisers as they turn so slow making the wide angle torp cruiser only and in all flavors or actually you don't have to make it cruiser only as it would not effect the escorts that much and give the ship that you have to buy in the c store to get it something else as a console ??? and sell that console in all flavors on the c store just don't make the damage uber as to out strip fleet torps etc.

    8. as you can tell i have this thing for ships..(but don't we all?) what happened to those designs the were in the design the enterprise contest??? cant we use some of them for somthing? do you have plans for those ?? i know that's where the Chimera came from do you have any plans for any of the others?? and i know you like teasing us but can you give us some kinda tentative time frame any of this ????

    8a Can you look at cloak in this game even with full aux and sensor consoles its impossible to detect these guys it getting just a little ........off
  • atatassaultatatassault Member Posts: 1,008 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Most of these would be for Al Rivera, since they're ship based (though I suppose one or two might be better handled by Danile Stahl).

    1) Are there any plans to upgrade older ships (Nebula, Galaxy, even the Odyssey and Bortasqu) to be on par with the power/synergy level of the newer ships you have released. And if so, how high of a priority is that?

    2) Similar to 1), would you be willing to introduce set bonuses to preexisting ships (like Quad Cannons + Cloaking Device set bonus on the Defiant)?

    3) Continuing along the same lines, would it be feasible to implement the tech (both in game, and for the C-Store) to make 3 ship packs that include the older ships? The Galaxy and Galaxy-X, and a potential 3rd Galaxy would be awesome as a ship pack, and would be cool if you could implement all the various abilities as consoles and set bonuses like the Scimitar; The Lance could be the 3 set power, and either shows up as the phaser lance or the Deflector beam from Best of Both Worlds part 2 opener, depending on how you've got the ship costume set up.

    4) Why can't we separate ship stats from ship looks? If the ability to assess capability is the question, couldn't you easily handle that by saying Escort looks can only use Escort Stats, Cruiser looks can only use Carrier Stats, etc? If fear of decline of sales is the compelling issue, make compelling stats; I can't speak for everyone, but I personally love using different ships because of different performance characteristics. Additionally, wouldn't separating stats and looks make every ship you sell have 2 selling points (You could buy this ship because you like the costume, you like the stats, or both)?

    5) If the level cap is ever raised, would there be "Tier 6" ships? How would that be handled? Tech enabling upgrading ships in game? And, if so, would such tech not lend itself to separating looks and stats?

    EDIT: These are questions from me.
  • burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I only have two questions, but each is for a different team.

    ==Systems Team==
    In recent threads, you are revisiting Gravity Well and fixing it. This is great news, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. There are alot of science powers that need to be looked at. Tachyon Beam is a great example of this. Even fully specced, Tach Beam can barely dent a ship with 10K+ Shields. Are there any plans to take a look at the current science powers and possibly re-balance them?

    ==Ship Team==
    I understand that Romulans need more ships, but the KDF has been stagnant for almost 2 years. There are ships that dont even have access to the Fleet Material, and although I am not a veteran, I bet these same ships dont even have access to the Veteran material. When can we expect these ships to have these changes? It's even an opportunity for them to have a different Fleet Material, since the ships are not Klingon.

    Regards to all,
  • jg2112jg2112 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To the ship devs:

    1. Are there any plans for more romulan ships like the tactical war birds for other ranks in the future?

    2. How long and hard is the process for designing ships? What about ones that are more original and non-canon? What is the process like as well?

    3.What are the most interesting ship designs and/or consoles you have come up with? Which ones would you like to do?

    4. Which ships were the hardest to design and build? Which were the easiest?

    5. If you could choose any faction to design new ships for, which one would it be?
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    1. Is there any thought being put into developing end game content that not only is challenging but gives a good amount of feedback to the player what they are doing wrong, and how they can do better. Along with adding more variety, that does not include just focusing on dps( In other words timers that promote speed and damage dealing) But possible content especially on elite level difficulty that promote effective tanking and healing skills as well. Also effective use of crowd control. Basically adding to the abilities of science and engineering officers to contribute better in end game events. Particularly adding a level above elite say Elite fleet events which require a fleet or at the very least a well organized group to carry out. Some what akin to raids in other MMOs but not necessarily large multi group style ones. That can't be just puged from the pve menu.

    2. Has there been anymore solidification of what will happen at admiral level, if we get there? I'm highly curious and excited to be able to use more of the ships that just sit in my shipyard, I want to outfit them and use them along side my own in some content?

    3. As a romulan player, also as one who would like to see a more balanced game. Bridge officer traits should not stack, the current boff passive trait imbalance the game due to their stacking. Is this something that will be fixed ? Also has there been any discussion of possible adding some kind of trait revamp to boffs as well?

    4.If the game does get a liberated borg faction, how will sto handle their ships. Obviously people want to play borg cubes but, their sheer size would block much camera view, and might play havoc in the game engine as seen sometimes with Romulan ships?

    5. Are we going to see any attention given to looking at ship stats, particularly balancing some the more under preforming vessels to their comparable counterparts? like raptors?

    6. Fleet dreadnought for fed and fleet carrier for fed ?

    7. More kdf ships? Maybe some more 3 packs to fill out their roster compared to fed. Like a 3 pack bop( 5 fore weapon bop please), 3 pack raptor?

    8. Romulan science ship and full carrier plans in the future ?
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm game.

    To Cryptic_Kestrel (aka Christine Thompson).

    Question 1: You're the lead writer for Star Trek Online, but very few of us hear from you. Some of us would say you have the best job in Star Trek Online. How does it feel to carry the torch set by Gene Roddenberry and subsequent Star Trek writers and authors? Is it awesome? Is it intimidating?

    Question 2: In Star Trek: Countdown (issue 2), it's established that the Vulcans refused to hand over the scientific methods of turning decalithium into Red Matter to the Romulans to save their homeworld, which subsequently aided in the destruction of Romulus and Remus. Spock likewise was seen as a traitor to both the Romulans (for being Vulcan), and the Vulcans (for making Romulus his permanent residence). Now the Romulan Republic is led by Proconsul D'Tan, who is widely known as Spock's protege... and none of the Romulans seem to have a problem with this. Does Proconsul D'Tan have a dark side we aren't aware of that allows him to be in such a position, despite the very obvious connections he has to the very destruction of Romulus (through Spock)?

    Question 3: Some of the stories in Star Trek Online are just awesome, and have connections to the book "The Needs of the Many". I understand you were consulted by Michael Martin to help bridge the gaps and make the transition to the Star Trek universe we have played in for 3 years. Furthermore, I enjoy reading the stories of the Enterprise-F that you and Jesse Heinig work on for the Star Trek magazine. Are there any more stories (or plans to write stories) that you are working on that takes place in STO but published elsewhere?

    Question 4: There are numerous stories in Star Trek Online which seem to be begging to be finished (or continued), which ones would you personally like to revisit and continue and why?

    Question 5: The Secrets of Nimbus story arc lets us see Hassan the Undying for the first time in the game. Until then, all we've heard about him was from the Path to 2409 and The Needs of the Many. Are there any plans for us to meet future characters or ships from the Path to 2409 or the Needs of the Many? Maybe Melani D'ian, or the NX-91001. President Aennik Okeg?

    Question 6: Koren is the commanding officer of the IKS Bortasqu'. She was conceived shortly after the end of the Dominion War between Grilka and Worf. She's 34 years at the most... but her appearance makes that a really hard 34 years. Is her advanced age appearance going to be addressed at some point?

    Question 7: The Borg were thought gone after the series finale of Star Trek: Voyager. They returned in 2409. However, Donatra went missing after the Hobus supernova. The next time we see her, she and the I.R.W. Valdore (which is now a Scimitar-class ship?) are assimilated. Are there any plans to address the massive information gap between her disappearance at the Hobus supernova and her assimilation, or how the I.R.W. Valdore (a Mogai-class heavy warbird) was turned into an assimilated Scimitar-class warbird dreadnought?

    Question 8: With the conclusion of the 2,800 Story Arc, the female changeling returned to the Dominion with Loriss. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of them. Are there any plans for us to revisit the Gamma Quadrant and answer some of the more puzzling questions, like the Dominion's assumed encounters with the Borg? There are assimilated Jem'Hadar after all.

    (Oh, and these questions are from me and noone else but me.)
  • cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,536 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To: The Dev that oversees the character tailor.

    1. Would you mind introducing yourself?
    2. What all do you work on for Star Trek Online?
    3. Are there any plans for further expansion of the character creation system, like curly hair?
    4. If you could add any one thing to the character creator in STO, what would it be and why?
    5. What all goes in to designing the individual components and how they mix and match for our characters?
    6. A lot of regular players I know would like to see more minor additions like new hairstyles, more tattoos, and makeup options. Are there any plans to release more stuff like this that will be for all characters and not just new incoming playable species?
    7. Fleet emblem tattoos... Is there a possibility we could eventually see these for our toons, possibly through an addition like a fleet reputation system?
    8. Are you currently working on any secret additions that you can divulge any information on and is there anything else you would like to add?

    Thank you so much for your time!
    > <
    > <
    Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
  • snakeswar2snakeswar2 Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    to stahl

    1 when you all gonna do just a bug bash on what bugs that been reported in game and on the forums?

    2 how long in the future do you think the aspect of star trek be in this game in tearms of content and development?

    3 you have permission to make a memorial content for people who pass on from the team from cbs?

    4 any changeup on releasing lockboxes on terms of release months since its pradictable now to a 3 month period between lockbox release
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I would love to interview "adjudicatorhawk

    Hello Hawk! I hope the day is treating you well, and I'd like to thanks you for taking the time to answer a few of my questions.

    My first question is rather simple.
    As someone who reads the forums often, my impression is that you are very passionate about finding a balance between PvP and PvE mechanics. Do you personally participate in PvP when you have time to play the game?

    My guess, is that you do indeed PvP. Do you prefer Capture and Hold, or Arena?

    If you could add one type of map to PvE that doesn't exist and also one to PvP, what would they be like?

    Of all the starships in STO, which is your favorite and why?

    What NEW starship would you like to see added to the game?

    I've been following a recent thread regarding upcoming fixes to multiple stack Bridge Officer Powers, and was impressed with your insight. Which mechanic in STO do you think could most benefit the game by being adjusted?

    OK Hawk, thanks for your time and all you do for STO. One last question. Say one afternoon, Daniel Stahl shows up in your office and says "Hawk, I've decided to turn you loose on special project of your own choosing!" What would that project be?

    Thanks again Hawk! Live long and prosper!
  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    How come Caitians/Ferasans are not being able to wear flowers on their heads while Aliens that have a much vaster range of head sizes and shapes, are able to wear them?

    Now that Caitians/Ferasans do have a option to not wear shoes on Risa and flaunt their paws, why did you not also enable that option with their uniforms?

    Will you be allowing us to make the Caitians'/Ferasans' paws thicker then the current max setting and a little bit shorter then the current min settings allow us to make them look even more cat like?

    Why isn't it possible for those that have bought playable species (like the Caitians/Ferasans) to get unlocks for their accounts to get the extra pieces thosee species use added as usable parts for the Alien species creator just like we can get additional costume pieces in Champions Online?

    Why do females always get more clothing options then males, such as the no undershirt option for the Cryptic designed uniforms?

    How come males couldn't be allowed to be shirtless on Risa (especially those that already can be in the game), when they clearly already have full body textures (as can be seen when beaming out and in)?

    When will we get the unisex TNG skants in to the game?

    Why are there so many color and material limitations in the tailor preventing us to match different items with each other, and not one big palette containing all the faction colors and individual material channels tied to each color part?
  • phantomeightphantomeight Member Posts: 567 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Wow there is a lots of good stuff in here. It stinks that only one is going to get picked.

    Also, this is a wicked idea.
    join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
  • shapeywhelmshapeywhelm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Question to Jamjamz

    1. GPL (gold pressed latinum) ship skin?
  • cehuscehus Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To Anyone in particular:

    1. What is your favorite Star Trek ship that has yet to be added to the game?
    2. Would it be possible to get a runabout variant without the deflector module on top?
    3. If you could re-create any star trek episode in STO, which would it be?
    4. What is one feature you want implemented in-game?
  • xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To the Dev(s) who do bug fixing.

    Thank you for taking the time out of your hectic day to answer a few questions. I know your working hard on getting bugs fixed.

    1) My first question to you is, what do you think can be fixed in terms of getting bugs fixed on a faster time scale then 3+ months?

    2) What is the process that you go through to determine what bug must take priority over another?

    3) Do you actively play the game?

    4) Do you do anything other for the dev team then bug fixing? As in.. do you get pulled off bug fixing to work on other projects that require man power?

    5) Do you go on the STO forums? If so.. how actively are you on them?

    6) When people submit bug reports, how close do you work with PWE customer service in getting to those reports or do you work at all with customer service in terms of "the bug reports". I ask this as it seems to a lot of folks that bug reports rarely get answered and even further more get noticed.

    7) Is there anything else further you would like to discuss to the community at this time that relates to "Bug Fixing/Reporting/Ect"?

    Thank you for your time.
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    All questions are from me.

    Questions for borticus, adjudicatorhawk, or anyone else that works on systems:

    1. Is it possible to change the fleet stores, dilithium store, and crafting stations to allow us to custom-build our own items instead of just presenting us with a fixed list of items? I would like a UI that allows us to select the item type, mark, and modifiers. (For embassy boffs, I would like to select the traits.) Often, players would like certain combinations that are not among the choices selected by Cryptic. If you feel that certain combinations are too powerful, then you can forbid the UI from creating those combinations.

    2. Are there plans to fix the trait descriptions? Many traits have not had their descriptions updated, even though the functionality of the trait was changed with Legacy of Romulus. Some of the descriptions that were updated are missing stats. I've also read that for some traits, the descriptions in the character creator and the "Traits" tab don't match.

    3. What is the formula for converting negative damage resistance ratings to damage resistance percentages? Some testing done by players seems to indicate that the formula for negative damage resistance is different from the one for positive damage resistance.

    4. What is the formula for converting resistance ratings to resistance percentages for the following effects: drain, slow, hold, stun, placate, confuse, and knockback. Are there different formulas for negative resistance and positive resistance? Are there different formulas for space and ground?

    Questions for someone in charge of fixing tailor bugs:

    1. Many players have reported that certain MACO, KHG, and Omega Force costume options won't unlock for them, even though they've completed the relevant accolades. Borticus indicated some time ago that a fix was being worked on (see thread below). Can get a status update on this?


    2. KDF players currently cannot edit the boffs awarded for reaching the highest Marauding commendation rank. Are there any plans to fix this?

    3. Why is there a distinction between uniforms, off-duty costumes, and formal wear? Many players would like to mix costume pieces from different categories. We know this is possible because of NPCs that wear mixed costumes.

    4. Why is the color palette restricted based on faction and costume piece? Many players would like unrestricted color palettes for all costume pieces, regardless of faction.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ok, let's give this 'Interview a Dev.' a try. ;)

    Questions for Al Rivera (Captain Geko)

    1. In his latest interview for the "Gates of Sto'vo'kor" podcast, Mr.Stahl mentioned that one more new KDF ship will make an appearance before the end of the year. We've also had a lot of forum speculations regarding a T5 Negh'var Retrofit.
    Can you shed some light on this or at least confirm any of it? Are the KDF players right to be expecting this new T5 ship before the end of the year? And if yes, can we have some details?

    2. Since the release of the "Legacy of Romulus" expansion and the introduction of the Romulan Warbirds, the Klingon Birds of Prey have been the focal point of many forum discussions. Can you share your opinion of the current state of the KDF Birds of Prey in the game and do you believe they need some adjustments in order to stay competitive?

    3. What is the decision process behind the decision when to release fleet versions of certain ships?

    4. There is an issue regarding the customization of many KDF fleet ships that has already been acknowledged for a long time, but nothing has been done about this. I'm referring to the lack of customization of certain fleet ships like the Corsair FDC or the Scourge that can't be customized unless you own the C-Store version, something that is not the case with the Federation fleet ships. Also, the fleet B'Rel can't use the B'Rotlh(D'Gavama) skin, while the C-Store T5 B'rel Retrofit can use it if the player owns the T1 B'rotlh. Is there any timeframe in which we can expect this issues to be ironed out?

    5. Ever since the Romulan faction made an appearance in STO, there have been ongoing debates about the strength of the Romulan Boff space passives and the effects of them stacking. There are a lot of concerns within the forum community about this being somewhat of an unfair advantage that Romulan Boffs get over Starfleet and KDF Boffs.
    Is the possibility of reworking some of the passives for KDF and Federation Boff species to keep them on pair with these Romulan ones being considered?

    6. Lately it has been my perception that the vast majority of ships being released scream DPS and Tactical. You have mentioned in previous interviews that you and your team have been considering adding exclusive elements to the ship classes like armor slots for cruisers and double deflectors for science vessels.
    When can the other classes expect some of that same love for their classes of ships? Also is that idea I mentioned or a similar one still being considered and if so, how far has it gone until now?

    7. In PvE - the science abilities are useless and the tanking role is obsolete. A team of 5 escorts(or similar ships of the tactical breed) can do end-game PvE, STFs with optionals far better, faster and more effective than any other combination. Regardless if I personally agree with this statement or not, this is one of the most popular beliefs stated continuously on the STO forum.
    What is your take on this as a Lead Content Designer for STO?

    ---All questions are from me---
  • tifertifer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To Jamjamz an the rest of the ship design guys:

    How strict is PBS with using Gene's rules when designing a new Starfleet vessel? The whole "nacelles have to be in pairs, at least 50% within line of sight of each other, fully visible from the front..." stuff. I would imagine you guys have some pretty nifty ideas for new ships that could be hampered by these guidelines.

    Do you have in plan to revisit the older ship models and bump them up a bit on the quality scale? Ships such as the Galaxy and others that have been in the game for quite a while now and seem lacking compared to the Ambassador model or Chel Grett texture work.

    Also, to the concept art team, since I'm a wannabe artist:

    How long does it take to create a piece of concept art such as the absolutely stellar art of the Dyson sphere, especially the Spire?

    How many pieces of art do you create on average before you are satisfied with the design?

    Do you use only digital art or is there any hand drawing on actual paper involved? Or is the entire process done on paper and then edited to add logos and whatnot?

    And to the team behind game mechanics and stuff:

    Have you considered adding ground vehicles to the game? Such as the dune buggy used by the crew of the Enterprise in Nemesis. With the ever increasing size of ground maps such as New Romulus and Nimbus III, it is taking more and more time to explore and get around the place on foot. Plus it would open a whole new gameplay dimension for events, missions, foundry...

    Anyways, thanks so much for doing this and I can't wait to read all the responses, even if my questions aren't covered. Keep on keeping on, guys!

This discussion has been closed.