It's kind of up to you and what you want. The Steamrunner is a nice ship. It has tankier hull/cosole slots while still being one point nimbler. The Mobius's strength is in it's universal slots which allow for much greater diversity in BOff layout. If you aren't a big fan of science, I'd stick with the Steamrunner. If you want a more diverse setup, the Mobius might be worth it to you.
Both are fun, you don't have to give up one to fly the other.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
The Steamrunner is part of the Steam starter pack (Fed pack only, go figure), and is an unlock to your entire STO account. That means all your Fed toons will be able to use this respectable Escort.
Then there's the Temporal Destroyer. Sure, nice BOFF layout, but nothing else about it screams worthiness on the cost of this overpriced Escort.
You want Cmdr/LtCdr TAC heavy BOFF layout for your Fed Escorts? Feds have a GREAT lineup, to include C-store (i.e. account unlock) and Fleet ships. The Defiant, Patrol Escort, the already mentioned Steamrunner, to name a few.
You want a "Destroyer" (Cmdr TAC, LtCdr ENG)? The Akira / HEC fits that bill capably.
You want an Escort with a SCI flavor to it? The Prometheus is there, and if you have the C-Store version also (hey, another account unlock), you can throw the MV console onto the Fleet version.
Anyways, the game has Fed Escorts in these 3 flavors at the C-Store or Steam Starter Pack (for Steamrunner). Possession of the C-Store ship, again, is account unlock and makes the Fleet version cheaper (20k FC, 1 FSM). In addition, the Steamrunner at T5 is already a 10 console ship.
Compare all this to the overpriced Temporal Destroyers (though cheaper than the Temporal Science), which is also a single-character ship.
For the Federation, you have far superior Escort choices than the Temporal Destroyer.
I'd save your lobi. The steamrunner is an absolutely fantastic ship. Spending Lobi on some of the unique gear and consoles in the lobi store would help a bit if you don't have them.
if thats any indication . . . .:cool:
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
^.^.^.^.^ This ^.^.^.^.^
The Steamrunner is part of the Steam starter pack (Fed pack only, go figure), and is an unlock to your entire STO account. That means all your Fed toons will be able to use this respectable Escort.
Then there's the Temporal Destroyer. Sure, nice BOFF layout, but nothing else about it screams worthiness on the cost of this overpriced Escort.
You want Cmdr/LtCdr TAC heavy BOFF layout for your Fed Escorts? Feds have a GREAT lineup, to include C-store (i.e. account unlock) and Fleet ships. The Defiant, Patrol Escort, the already mentioned Steamrunner, to name a few.
You want a "Destroyer" (Cmdr TAC, LtCdr ENG)? The Akira / HEC fits that bill capably.
You want an Escort with a SCI flavor to it? The Prometheus is there, and if you have the C-Store version also (hey, another account unlock), you can throw the MV console onto the Fleet version.
Anyways, the game has Fed Escorts in these 3 flavors at the C-Store or Steam Starter Pack (for Steamrunner). Possession of the C-Store ship, again, is account unlock and makes the Fleet version cheaper (20k FC, 1 FSM). In addition, the Steamrunner at T5 is already a 10 console ship.
Compare all this to the overpriced Temporal Destroyers (though cheaper than the Temporal Science), which is also a single-character ship.
For the Federation, you have far superior Escort choices than the Temporal Destroyer.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
It seemed like the better choice.
The fact that it is a canon ship sealed the deal.