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The Feel Bads...

oogieboogieb Member Posts: 6 Arc User
you know what makes me feel bad... im a life timer and i stopped playing but sometimes i get back into it and its nice to see some zen waiting for me. but this time when i hear i missed free summer giveaway ships, i couldn't bring myself to even finish the updates... :/ maybe next time when i get the feeling to play i wont find that i missed some great things...

maybe next time....
Post edited by oogieb on


  • dkeith2011dkeith2011 Member Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    You could always check the site once or twice a week.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,434 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    You're LTS, you probably have the Zen (from that built-up stipend) just lying around to purchase every last one of those ships (if you haven't already), but by your own choice you stopped playing, and missed out on something intended to reward people who are playing - and you expect us to feel sorry for you now??
  • cgta1967cgta1967 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    a weird anomaly popped in my head...kinda garbled....I made out two words of it...:snooze" and "lose" ....hmmm...wonder what it meant... ;)
    ---- FIRE EVERYTHING ! ----
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Obtaining the Risan Corvette was a lot of work and Cryptic sent out emails about the promotion.

    You should have enough of a stipend to play through the Romulan story arc and get some nice new Romulan ships. Hopefully that makes you feel good.
  • aarons9aarons9 Member Posts: 961
    edited September 2013
    oogieb wrote: »
    you know what makes me feel bad... im a life timer and i stopped playing but sometimes i get back into it and its nice to see some zen waiting for me. but this time when i hear i missed free summer giveaway ships, i couldn't bring myself to even finish the updates... :/ maybe next time when i get the feeling to play i wont find that i missed some great things...

    maybe next time....

    to be honest you didnt miss much..
    they gave away some of the lower level ships.. the shuttle and one ship that is ok but not great that you can use at level 50.. but probably wont..
    [12:35] Vessel Two of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 225232 (271723) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Lance.
    [12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
  • cgta1967cgta1967 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I use the free peanut maurader on a 50 ... fun to fly for a free ship.
    ---- FIRE EVERYTHING ! ----
  • lordvalecortezlordvalecortez Member Posts: 479 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    jonsills wrote: »

    You're LTS, you probably have the Zen (from that built-up stipend) just lying around to purchase every last one of those ships (if you haven't already), but by your own choice you stopped playing, and missed out on something intended to reward people who are playing - and you expect us to feel sorry for you now??

    This +1.

    You snooze you lose man. LTS is not an instant gimme button. You have to keep up with the race or you fall behind. It's really simple. I'm LTS but I check the forums daily even if I'm not playing daily just to keep an idea of what is going on. LTS already have a lot of perks that have paid off and continue to do so. Getting a free ship in game that people had to earn just because you're LTS is not something that should be a thing. Ever.
    Cheers from Antonio Valerio Cortez III, Half-Celestial Archduke of the Free Marches Confederacy.
  • oogieboogieb Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    yea ok i missed out it was my bad. but the thing is it still stoped me from downloading it and playing it like i norm would. cuz i play for a month or two then stop and play other stuff. im just saying it made me skip this time is all
  • warhammeredwarhammered Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Going to have to go with the other Lifers on this one:
    You have to read the promotional emails, and just check on the game (log in for a few moments and read), or check the website once a week.

    Used to be, I would log in for an hour or two to do dailies, but I've stopped even doing that. I just do a defend the starbase mission or two for my fleet a day, if that. As I'm losing interest in the game at warp speed. It may come (once my fleet as everything maxed which is soon.), that I won't bother to log in unless some new 'event' happens. In fact, it will come to that.
    But I'll still have access to any information about this game and if something happens I'll know about it, and then it's my own choice and my own fault if I do it or not. Every action or in-action has a consequence. Applies to even games. And we're all free to just say, 'Frak it', and leave the game completely, if we get tired of having to keep up with the events, and/or grind. Or move on to another game, that we actually do want to play more of.

    Anywho, I missed out on three events myself. (the TNG anniversary , the Breen ship give away and Christmas of 2012.) Only person to blame is myself, but I've gotten over it. In the end, it doesn't matter. At nearly four years, I reckon we know the game is not what some thought. :rolleyes:
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I know the feeling man. I managed to miss the one ship I wanted. /sux

    But eh. :(
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    nabreeki wrote: »
    I went to Pizza Hut yesterday and saw a poster for a special two-for-one deal, but it had expired two days before, so I stood outside the store crying and cursing Pizza Hut for MAKING me not buy their pizza. That's how ridiculous you sound.

    I see no crying or cursing. I see a bummed out player.

    ....how is that ridiculous?
  • rovakiinrovakiin Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited September 2013
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    nabreeki wrote: »
    So bummed out that he quit patching the game, refused to play it, and ran to the forums to complain? Kinda ridiculous.

    Edit: And blamed the company.

    He.... didn't... blame... the company....?

    Care to tell me where he did that? Oh wise one?
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited September 2013
    Going to have to go with the other Lifers on this one:
    You have to read the promotional emails,

    Free players get those too.

    Anyway On topic.. i do not see a reason to stop the patch download, yeah feel bummed you missed something but that is not a reason to not check to see how the game is doing. I've missed many things in my life and its always "that sucks" then continue with what I was doing, makes life far less stressfull and far more enjoyable.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    well I don't know who he was blaming but it sure sounded like it was somebody other than himself.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The OP does sort of leave the impression that all of the freebies should have been ready and waiting for him to claim them as soon as he logged back in.

    It helps to think of these things as 'sales' or 'free samples'. Nobody expects a sale item or a free sample to be available indefinitely. Sales and promotions end, prices go back to normal.

    Nothing in the LTS ever lists "get all free items instantly" as a benefit. And it never will. I'm sure some folks are still stewing over the "get all Veteran Benefits instantly" thing.

    Playing DA, I can understand why disappointment might temporarily sour somebody on playing right that moment. Play or don't play, that's cool. They got the money for the sub and they're not counting on players who only log in once in a blue moon to contribute much, if anything, to their bottom line.

    I'm always a little bummed when I can't take advantage of a sale, but the game goes on. End of, really.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • oogieboogieb Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    im not saying its anyone's fault and that they should give me free stuff, im just saying if star trek online should come up with a way to get me to stay with the game. so if i was blaming them it would be that it was a turn off for me to miss things. and that they could create a fun way to make it so i wouldn't get bummed.

    like a free key to open a box for coming back to the game after so many months?
    i know this is something ppl would try to abuse. but something to make me forget about what i missed. i mean it was a big update
  • cgta1967cgta1967 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    lemme get this right..... you want a free key now ?

    ." I missed the bus to Disneyland, so will you buy me a free iPod ? "

    ---- FIRE EVERYTHING ! ----
  • oogieboogieb Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    yes give me a free key or i will not play....
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited September 2013
    guess you wont be playing then.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • corelogikcorelogik Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    oogieb wrote: »
    im not saying its anyone's fault and that they should give me free stuff, im just saying if star trek online should come up with a way to get me to stay with the game. so if i was blaming them it would be that it was a turn off for me to miss things. and that they could create a fun way to make it so i wouldn't get bummed.

    like a free key to open a box for coming back to the game after so many months?
    i know this is something ppl would try to abuse. but something to make me forget about what i missed. i mean it was a big update

    It's your responsibility to keep up with what's going on in the game. You didn't, you missed out on a freebie give away. Tough ****. It happens. It's not up to Cryptic to "convince you" or "persuade you" to play. You either want to play or you don't.

    If you want to play, you keep up with what's going on, if you don't want to play, don't keep up with what's going on.

    Either way, the onus is NOT on cryptic, it's on you. You stayed away for awhile, missed something you later decided you wanted, and now you wanna whine about it.

    Oh well. If you want to pull and internet rage quit, fine. Quit talking and leave. I promise neither the rest of the players, nor cryptic will notice, or care.
    "Go play with your DPS in the corner, I don't care how big it is." ~ Me
    "There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    oogieb wrote: »
    im not saying its anyone's fault and that they should give me free stuff, im just saying if star trek online should come up with a way to get me to stay with the game. so if i was blaming them it would be that it was a turn off for me to miss things. and that they could create a fun way to make it so i wouldn't get bummed.

    like a free key to open a box for coming back to the game after so many months?
    i know this is something ppl would try to abuse. but something to make me forget about what i missed. i mean it was a big update

    The idea is that Cryptic wants to give people a fun reason to log on at no risk, because the game is free to play, and keep playing because they're invested in the game and will want to buy stuff to keep the lights on.

    Keys are one of those things keeping the lights on. They're not giving those away. If you want a key, you could take some of that Zen stipend you built up while you weren't playing and buy keys with it. Your stipend will get you 4 keys per month, in fact.

    And if you got online and played more often, you could earn Dilithium for free which you can trade for more free Zen.

    And again, the rest of us get emails from PWE every time they want to sell us something and we see the latest promotions as soon as we log in. You didn't have to miss anything.

    If you're already not invested in the game enough to want to keep playing it more often than every few months, giving you a free zero-effort key every now and then isn't going to buy your time or convince you to spend more money than you already have spent.

    Don't want to play? Sorry, your loss. You're missing out on more than just a few freebies.

    That said, I think this thread has run its course. This is practically an 'I quit' thread and we don't allow those. If I let it go on, it's likely to result in flaming and trolling.

    Best of luck and I hope you find the motivation you need to come back and play.

    Live Long and Prosper,

    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
This discussion has been closed.