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Devs: Still Looking to Give Us a Cardassian Faction? Look Here

orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
Okay, I know you guys regret giving us a Galor-class so soon. But I have a solution to it that you guys may like. It does involve tweaking the existing Galor-class, but nothing to take away from it.

First, a simple rename of it. Call it "True-Way Galor". Maybe even slap an exclusive optional skin on it. That way you guys can make the faction-exclusive Galor-class and still let those who obtained the lockbox Galor have something exclusive. You can even put a 'weaker' version for a tier IV ship in the Cardassian faction, or perhaps give it different abilities so the lockbox Galor functions differently to the faction-exclusive somewhat like the mirror ships do for the existing factions.

Just some quick ideas to throw at you. They're yours if you wanna use 'em, Cryptic. :)

My older suggestion threads (dead threads; do not post in them!)
Orangie's Suggestions - Klingon Blood Color
Orangie's Suggestions - Mission Pod Slot
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    matixzonmatixzon Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Yeah, I guess that makes sense, It's a different Galor no longer commisioned by the Cardassian Union.

    I like cats :cool:.

    UGC Campaign: The Coldblooded Scrolls
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,845 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sounds like a good idea or well to be honest...do the Cardassians need the Galor? It and the Keldon are so very similar looking...
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Aren't the lockbox Galors affectively 40 year old ships?

    Stashed away by Damar during the last days of the Dominion War to be used by the Alpha Quadrant alliance or something like that?

    So, just make updated versions of it for a Cardassian faction, which I agree must be the next faction, if there is to be one.

    And if you want to take lockbox Galors out of crossfaction hands, you can always do some sort of buyback scheme where every player who turns in the lockbox Galor gets a special Cardassian faction token for a special exclusive ship of some sort.
    You wouldn't get every single one, but a good portion of the playerbase.
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    johnny1051johnny1051 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    How would you handle the Spiral Wave Disruptors? Invent a new weapons class for Cardassians or just expand the offerings without out-classing the dil store ones?
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    johnny1051 wrote: »
    How would you handle the Spiral Wave Disruptors? Invent a new weapons class for Cardassians or just expand the offerings without out-classing the dil store ones?

    Reputation system.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,845 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    johnny1051 wrote: »
    How would you handle the Spiral Wave Disruptors? Invent a new weapons class for Cardassians or just expand the offerings without out-classing the dil store ones?

    I always thought maybe they would make a Reputation like with what they have with Romulans and Romulan Plasma.

    Leave the Disruptors that came on the Galor alone...they would be better than the rep ones because they would have four stat mods as opposed to two from the rep.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Aren't the lockbox Galors affectively 40 year old ships?

    Stashed away by Damar during the last days of the Dominion War to be used by the Alpha Quadrant alliance or something like that?

    So, just make updated versions of it for a Cardassian faction, which I agree must be the next faction, if there is to be one.

    And if you want to take lockbox Galors out of crossfaction hands, you can always do some sort of buyback scheme where every player who turns in the lockbox Galor gets a special Cardassian faction token for a special exclusive ship of some sort.
    You wouldn't get every single one, but a good portion of the playerbase.
    The Galaxy-class is an old ship. And the D'Deridex. And many other tier-4 and under ships. The Galor, or at least a weaker version of the lockbox version, can be put into a tier-4 slot pretty easily.

    I doubt there even needs to be a 'buyback' feature if Cryptic takes my advice.
    johnny1051 wrote: »
    How would you handle the Spiral Wave Disruptors? Invent a new weapons class for Cardassians or just expand the offerings without out-classing the dil store ones?
    The Cardassians would use Phasers, of course. The Spiral Waves would still be exclusive to the lockbox ship. Unless of course they hand other factions 'unique' weapons.
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I would just leave it as it is. the galor people have can still be used on the other non cardassian faction characters and the cardassian faction is probably still a couple of years away. its not like people wont have gotten their use out of it by the time it comes around.
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    fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I would just leave it as it is. the galor people have can still be used on the other non cardassian faction characters and the cardassian faction is probably still a couple of years away. its not like people wont have gotten their use out of it by the time it comes around.

    I agree with you.

    They could just phase out the Cardassian lockbox, as there isn't really anything unique about it, except for the Galor. Let everyone who has it keep it and fly it, just don't hand out any more of them. There aren't that many around anyways, at least not when you compare it to other lockbox ships or Lobi ships.
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    jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ok look at the romulans

    The NPC have D'deridexs

    The Players Have D'deridexs

    The only thing that seperates them is something you can obtain through the romulan rep

    So there are galors out there you can always say they were outdated models that were stowed away BY damar then later the ferengi found them and boxed them.

    All the while a new version of the galor is commisioned maybe not as great as the lock box version but a different variation for a faction ship.

    and if you wanted a galor like the lock box then you can get the pieces via a cardassian rep system.

    Leave the lock box galors ingame create a new galor variation for faction ( this way both cryptic gets keys sold and players get cardassians )
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    hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Leave the lock box galors ingame create a new galor variation for faction ( this way both cryptic gets keys sold and players get cardassians )

    A bit before LoR came out, DStahl made a comment in one of his TTS channel appearances that sounded (at the time at least) like he was going back on earlier comments that the Galor was a mistake and that Romulan ships wouldn't be in lockboxes because it was the most likely third faction. Specifically he said the new faction didn't necessarily mean that there'd never be a Romulan ship in a lockbox, only that the lockbox version would be different than the free and C-store versions exclusive to the Romulan faction.

    At the time it sounded like they saw the money a Romulan lockbox could make and a way to keep the same ship readily available for its appropriate faction and minimizing how much each version would step on the other's toes. In retrospect, I still think that's the intent, but it could have been a veiled reference to the partially Borgified D'derix that actually ended up in the first lockbox of the expansion.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm not saying take them away from players. I'm saying that when it comes time to add a Cardassian faction, add the Galor as a tier IV ship for the faction, and give the lockbox version a new skin/name as an incentive to keep the lockbox Galor special. If the lockbox Galor is the 'old' Galor and the faction Galor is the better one, there's not much incentive.
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