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Delta Quadrant Ideas

strorusstrorus Member Posts: 328 Arc User
So here?s a breakdown of my Delta Quadrant Ideas:

Firstly, please not a new faction? As Dan and Al said in the Dev. panel at STLV (which I wish I could have gone to (live in Scotland here)) you did not want to dilute the player faction base too much too quickly. I think, or I hope most players are invested in this game and their main character and would rather new story missions and content to play with their main character than roll a new character with only missions for that new character faction?

Just think how much more better the Delta Quadrant could be with all Devs working on missions and content for Federation and Klingons and then by default the aligned Fed / Klink Romulans to play in the Delta Quadrant. So here goes with my proposal which is primarily told from a Fed perspective as that is what I play?


The Federation and Klingons have reached a stalemate in their war and whilst peace is not on the table they both turn their attentions to other areas of Space; the Federation Exploration and Diplomacy and the Klingons Raiding and Conquest. So the Federation turn their attention back to the Delta Quadrant as they deem it feasible to explore due to Voyagers experiences / data and the Federation having established stable slipstream technology.

The Federation set about sending their top (end game) ships and captains to the Delta quadrant, to re-establish links and relationships and try and mend some, with the hope gaining new friends, allies for the war and even new Federation Members. In order to make travel easier they also set about building, with the agreement of any species they wish to make allies, trans warp hubs, opening the Delta Quadrant open to travel as if you were on a trip to Vulcan.

The Klingons obviously learn of this through there Romulan republic spies and do not like this one bit? The Klingons also set out for the Delta Quadrant. To also gain new allies, conquer and pull into the KDF weaker enemies and force them into the war and to attack and disrupt the Federations efforts?

Sector Maps

I think there should be 6 sector block maps, (I will come to why 6 shortly) each being vertical rectangles in shape like Sirius and Regulus. They should then have spaces between them on the galaxy map and stretch out in a long line to the far side of the Delta Quadrant.

Each sector block should represent significant plotlines, species and series of Voyager, so the second to furthest sector block would have the Caretaker, Ocumpa, Kazon etc. in it. One of the middle sector Blocks could be pure Borg, one sector block could represent the ?Year of Hell? as the Krenim are doing very well in the current poll.

The Furthest sector Block would be something of a surprise and you at Cryptic could do to, it is beyond Ocumpa and the Caretakers array, so new enemies etc. (see Reputation section below).

Missions / Content

In each sector block I think there should be at least 10 story missions and 2 PvE Queue Events for Marks, one ground and one space relating to the Voyager plotlines, stories and species being represented in that sector block.

The Missions should tell the overall arc of the premise above but also tell some backstory or conclusions to some Voyager stories. So for example in the Borg sector block we can touch on the other Borg Children Voyager rescued, where are they now etc. Ichep could feature as a commanding advisor for the whole overall mission into the Delta Quadrant (the equivalent to Admiral Quinn, relaying orders and giving out advice and missions).

The ground and space PvE queues would too be against the enemies featured in that sector block.

The missions and PvE queues could take us back to famous voyager locations? Another Borg example (sorry to keep harping back to Borg, I do want to visit other species and locations ha-ha) is we could go back to the famous Trans warp hub from Endgame to find the Borg attempting to rebuild it.

People, Places, Cameo Ideas

Ocumpa (The caretaker only gave them enough energy for 5 years, so what happened to them?).
The 37s (potential for a Federation colony to join them).
The Aliens from episode Tattoo, the ones with Chakotay? tattoo.
Vidiians without the Phage (What are they like now physically and diplomatically, would they side with the Federation or Klingons).
The Q.
Omega Particles.
The Kyrian, who were the aliens who had a museum dedicated to Warship Voyager.
Demon Planet and the Silver Blood.
The Water planet, where Tom Paris tries to help them and gets put in the brig.
The Think Tank.
The Planet from episode Blink of an Eye where the planet goes through time 100?s of times faster than normal space.
The Void, interesting to be pulled into it and have to survive.
Talaxian settlement where Neelix left Voyager.

Potential Prime Enemies for one of each of the Sector Blocks

Some of these suggestions are minor species who only featured in one or two episodes but that is what this game is about, lets us play against the big bad ones but also the minor ones and telling more of their story, so could be interesting having some of the minor enemies as the main ones in the game in one of these sectors.

Kazon, The Swarm, Voth (obviously as we know they?re coming ), Borg, Krenim, Hirogen, Malon, Undine, Devore, Captain Braxton, Equinox Aliens, Vaudwar, Evil Caretaker Ocumpans

Potential Prime Allies

The main allies the Federation would be looking to make formal alliances with or invite into the federation and the point of some of the missions:

Talaxians, Ocumpans Unimatrix Zero Borg, The 37s, Vidiians, Voth (Scientists who believe in the distant origin theory), The Holograms from Hirogen arenas, The planet that time goes very quickly as described above (could be an ally in the sector block with the Krenim, Varro Generational Ship.

Klingon missions could ally or try to conquer the enemies list above.


The Delta Quadrant Diplomatic Taskforce; this reputation can be a larger than any reputation before requiring double the normal XP to complete, but you get a choice of ship requisition projects at the end of it?

Either a Fed Escort, Sci Ship or Cruiser, the same for KDF and Romulans, The ships would follow the design aesthics of their Faction but have influences from their Delta Quadrant allies. The projects would be quite expensive to allow for the specialness of these ships (100,000 Dilithium, 2500 Delta Quadrant Marks etc) you could then have projects to run for special console sets only allowed on this ships.

So Delta Quadrant variant Federation Escort, Cruiser and Science Vessels (I am picturing a very cool sleek ships with unique skins etc).

Also, in order to move onto the next sector map you have to complete the relevant tier in the Delta Quadrant Taskforce Reputation and all the story missions, so the first sector block is open to all Vice Admirals. You play the story missions and need to complete tier one to open the next sector space map on your way to the delta quadrant. Then in the second sector block you have to complete all the story missions and tier 2 of the Delta Quadrant Taskforce reputation to gain access to the third sector block and so on.

So you have to completed all 5 tiers of the main Delta Quadrant and played all the story content in 5 of the 6 sector block which have taken you to Ocumpa. So?

Final Sector Block

Has to be spectacular and be a complete surprise to us all? I think a new cryptic designed enemy with double the story missions and content then the other sector blocks and leads us in to the Iconian story (Expansion and level cap increase in 2015).

A place to fly our Delta Quadrant Reputation obtained super ships.

Fleet Holding(s)

Trans warp Hub / Delta Quadrant Outpost

Science Station


The aim of this expansion is to tell the stories of delta quadrant species and expand on old plotlines, build alliances, complete reputations for get a ship from the main Delta Quadrant reputation and the usual from the enemy focused reputation focused on each sector block.

Forge new alliances, which unlock new playable species (for Fed, Talaxian, Ocumpan, Hologram, Voth Scientist) (for Klingon, Hirogen, Traditional Voth, Krenim, Malon)? So for this we need the fabled Re-species Token which enables you to re-everything (re- species, gender, name, traits, skills and reputation) but you keep all accolades, equipment and level (this is already in other games).

Rewarded with further vast amount of story content and missions and new enemy in final sector block unlocked with completion of the Delta Quadrant Taskforce Reputation.
Post edited by strorus on


  • endorfinatorendorfinator Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Best idea I have seen so far, I love it.
  • strorusstrorus Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Best idea I have seen so far, I love it.

    Cheers :-)
  • hale115hale115 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think that you should include the maquis ship as seen in voyager's pilot episode. Also could you include a mission where you fight the krenim weapon ship from year in hell. THAT WOULD BE COOL.
    Also don't forget the female caretaker that's very important to the voyager series.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What I'd love to see ...

    A. Delta Quadrant - "Reintroduction of FE Series"

    Several new FE's which include Delta Quadrant Species, I can experience from a personal point of view ... the one thing which made VOY great, was the whole ONE ship exploring the Quadrant aspect ...

    Maybe let us start on some kind of Hub in the Alpha Quadrant (Midas Phalanx i.e.) and let us explore the Delta Quadrant on our own like in "Operation Gamma" ...

    -> basically comes down to "Deferi Sector(s) 2.0"

    B. Delta Quadrant - "Revamp of Exploration"

    Well I don't know how this would work exactly, and if it's even possible ... but if they're gonna revamp Exploration ... the Delta Quadrant has great potential ...

    -> basically comes down to "Exploration Cluster 2.0"

    What I'd hate to see ...

    C. Delta Quadrant - "The Next Rep System introducing some new Sub Faction in the Delta Quadrant" (Borg Queen - Ally of the Federation :P )

    Thousands of FED/KDF Captains invading the Delta Quadrant (which would destroy the whole Voyager aspect), grinding new Rep System in giant Adventure Zones like New Romulus etc etc ...

    -> basically comes down to "Thousands of Captains, tagging Space bunnies on Ocampa, Talax etc ..."

    => if I'd travel to the other side of the galaxy, it should feel like an unique experience ... keep the Rep Grind in the Alpha Quadrant (if you have to ... Cardassian Reputation i.E.), while making unique story content in the Delta Quadrant
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • agentexeideragentexeider Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    @Op, great idea, well thought out and sounds fun.....

    ...which is exactly why the devs will just ignore it. unfortunately.

    It seems that when ever the community comes up with something, especially if it's a great idea. The devs are just told to ignore it, as if giving us even a small feeling of ownership of the game is a bad thing.

    want proof, look at Suricata's ship revamp idea, what was proposed and what the devs actually did was like the difference between a world record swim across the the Atlantic vs swimming in your swimming pool.

    Long story short, any great idea the devs don't come up with they ignore.

    But great proposal, sorry that it falls on deaf ears.

  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I LOVE these ideas! I was going to make a thread regarding the "dstalh talks Voyager" article with several of the things you mentioned here. I especially like that we're on the same page thinking of the Vidians as allies of the Federation. I always thought of them as a race of people that would be good if they hadn't been put in such a bad place, and since we know that the Think Tank cured them, I would love to return to the their space and see that they have become a force for good in a gloomy corner of the galaxy. They clearly had great medical technology, and I'd like to see them develop into a peaceful and compassionate people.

    Also regarding a new faction, I agree COMPLETELY! I don't want a new faction set in the Delta Quadrant (it really wouldn't make sense for them to have to choose a side of a war that is going on thousands of light-years away). I think the Cardassians should be the only other faction. A liberated Borg faction is a terrible idea IMO.

    The things I definitely want to see are follow ups to the Silver Bloods and The 37s (which you mentioned both of). If I could choose just two, those would them. Those would make some great stories!

    EDIT: Forgot to add, I think stabilizing the Barzan wormhole could be stablilized and the Barzans could negotiate to allow both red and blue (and their green allies) through the wormhole. If the exit aperture was fixed by the planet that those Ferengi were exploiting (being able to arrest those 2 would be my 3rd choice for a mission), I think that would make for a location that was pretty close to a lot of the things that people want to see.
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • frostovskifrostovski Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I love this idea, hope what we see is something along these lines. One little issue, though: sectors in star trek are 20LY across, so a block like Sirius is a total of 60LY from end to end, whereas the civilizations encountered by voyager were thousands of light-years apart, so just lining up six sector blocks back-to-back would really be misrepresenting the shear distance covered by voyager's journey. Still, the general idea is solid, perhaps we could have sector blocks connected by a transwarp network.
  • strorusstrorus Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hi, that is what I was thinking, when you looked on the Galaxy map each sector block would be separated, like the Deferi and Borg sector blocks are now. :)
  • tarastheslayertarastheslayer Member Posts: 1,541 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Some good ideas here, though I would like to see a new faction of sorts. Of course this might well not happen (Delta Quadrant Expansion) for some time and so isn't such a big worry. The problem with a new faction is that they both split up the player base and pull in new players. So you have a bit of a chicken and egg situation.

    However, that is why the Romulan faction worked okay, you're not splitting up the player base as they ally with the main factions, therefore eliminating the issue, more or less.

    I want a Delta Quadrant faction, but only one that'll make sense both to exist and to play. Ocampa, Talaxians and the Varo would be the ones to come to mind, as well as the usual Alien Gen. It only makes sense for the more cooperative species to band together considering the number of aggressive species in the Delta Quadrant, especially the Borg.

    It would also be interesting considering all three of those species have mutual interests. The Talaxian homeworld was devastated, the Varo were looking for there's and the Ocampa were either forced to find a new home after the Caretakers death or on another array increasing their lifespans and generally making themselves more powerful.

    There's an interesting plot to be had there, and plenty of loose ends from Voyager to fill in, which could potentially be more interesting taken from another factions viewpoint. My tow cents :)
    Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
    I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited August 2013
    Very nice ideas OP. Cryptic are you listening?
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • strorusstrorus Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Cheers :-)
  • dkeith2011dkeith2011 Member Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Nice idea, hopefully the Devs will do something other than ignore it completely.
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