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is there a "learner" STF channel?

nethernynetherny Member Posts: 54 Arc User
Don't know if this is the best place to ask this or not, but, I've been wondering if there's a channel for people who want to learn about STF's, and maybe just put together normal, easy, noob missions... for those who have never really messed with STF's at all.

I must say, this game has been pretty much a single player experience for me. 99.9% of my time is solo. Not that I mind... I spend my time Doffing, on Dailies, and maybe catching up on mission arcs / episodes, or even re-doing them to get updated mission rewards, and maybe doing a foundry mission once in a while. Just those things will keep you plenty busy. So, even though I've been playing for a while, I know nothing about the STFs.

There is a lot of weird attitude among the players of this game regarding the STF's, really more about the Elite STF's. This is because, they don't want to fail due to people who show up in a cruddy ship, and/or just sit there. What got me thinking about all this was this recent topic about these channels you guys are talking about here. People in game are talking about it. There was a guy in ESD saying that he was starting his own channel about doing ESTF's, so I sent him a tell to ask him if he knew of a channel for STF noobs, but I got no reply.

What I am interested in at this point is trying to get some Omega marks. I got that mission that sends you out to the battlegroup Omega, and so, I want to help them and join Omega. I try to run decent stuff on my ships, and I try to pay attention to what I'm doing. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses as players. Mine would be... getting lost in mazes, and wanting to click on the clickies at the wrong time lol. So, as long as there's someone there who has done the mission and takes the lead, I can just stay behind him and have his back, and try to help, maybe throw a few heals if I can.

I watched a Youtube tutorial video about Infected Space Elite, and it didn't look too bad. I've joined a fleet recently, but they are only a month old and never talk to me lol. All the fleet invite spam is ridiculous. On Star Wars Galaxies, if someone wanted you to join their guild, they would team you, and maybe take you on some missions, then if you're not a dumbass, take you to see their player town, and, you know, actually TALK to you. And then see if you want to join.

But anyway... does anyone know if there's a channel for STF learning / noobs? I hear a lot of people raging about how stupid their last STF was... these stories are funny, but well, do something about it! Teach other players how to do it... God knows they didn't build any tutorial missions in that take you through a "demo" STF with NPC ships or something.
Post edited by netherny on


  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    In general, any non Elite STF is a 'learner', at least to me.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Join a fleet with decent people to learn the ropes
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,432 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    elessym wrote: »
    In general, any non Elite STF is a 'learner', at least to me.

    This is very true. Although I am quite good at STF's I have found that there is those who do the Elites they seem to think they are top brass and anyone invading their territory shouldn't be allowed.

    Once how ever I found myself in a non elite STF with 4 other players who were all new to them. I just gave instruction to the best of my ability, those who took note were really grateful and those who felt just because they had watched a video they thought they knew everything.

    As you don't know who you are going to end up with on a team when you do an STF (unless it is a private one) you are unaware of each other's strengths and weaknesses. I am all for giving out my knowledge to those who need guidence, but I won't dictate to them. I was new once, and what I know I learnt from others, it is only fair I pass that on.

    This community on this forum is the best in world.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm more than happy to assist you... in game message me @johnny111971

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You can find eSTF guides here : http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=281651. For a ship/ground fit, you can search for it in the forum, or ask for it in the proper section.
    Then, I suggest you to do some normal stf, to see how it look like. Then, when you feel confident, and knows what to do, jump in elite. Use a custom channel for it (pestf for example), as it is better than pugging.

    As for difficulty, space elite are usually easier.
    Infected space is the most easy, khitomer (KA) and Cure (C) are not that difficult. Khitomer need some planning and coordination (which mean more difficult in a pug), and the cure a bit less planning.
    Infected ground is probably the most difficult, Cure require a lot of planning, but is not really difficult in the end, and KA is the easier, with a little planning.
  • amberdzamberdz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Run the STFs a few times on normal before doing elite so you have some idea of what is going on. Then when you go into an ESTF let your teammates know you are new. Most people will be happy to help you and explain things. People tend to get irritated when a newbie acts like they know what they are doing and screws the entire mission up and then says they are new.

    I would be happy to team up with you and help you, but until my replacement for my video card gets here I can't game. Hopefully it will be here in 10 days.
  • kar1972kar1972 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    While from a newbie point of view, a STF can be hard, even on normal ones, there is nothing as experience to learn.

    The reason people on Elite STF's are less forgiving is because they are much more harder then the normal ones. No one there, wants to teach a newbie what to do. They assume everyone knows what they have to do at what time and what to kill first.

    This can be frustrating for a new player, and like you said, you are playing a MMO solo, I feel your pain since I have been in other MMO's that I just did my thing.

    The community in STO is not bad, but there are a lot of teens playing, those usually do not have best behave, in fact, sometimes are not even teen but younger people that spam the chat with all kind of nasty words and rudeness.

    If your fleet do not even talk to you, to be honest, you are just wasting time.

    I am a lucky guy because my fleet, even if we are not big in numbers, we are big in quality. I know this might sound a bit cocky, but it is our policy to bring quality over numbers.
    We do not care of having a 100 member fleet that we cannot depend for anything, so we prefer to have 5 good members that are online, that play the game with us, that are friendly and that we can depend.

    Now, I am going to apologize by doing a bit of self promotion on your thread.:P

    My fleet is not big, but we are a consistent group of people, many of our members are life time subscribers, so we all have a kind of "commitment" to STO.

    We usually do not recruit people we do not know. But I can ask you to join us on our Ventrilo, not has a member, but has a visitor. See how we work, know the people, and play with us.

    If you like what you get, consider to join, if not, friends always and you can get into our ventrilo has a visitor status.

    Of course, for us to accept you, we need to know you, hell, we might not even like you. :D

    One of the things that me, and other members of my fleet like, is to teach about the game. Me personally, I find it very rewarding taking a newbie by hand and teach him.

    You will find that we have members that know the game very well, from STF's (my favorite) to the doff system and so on.

    Just visit the link new my sig, check our site and decide. If you do put an application mention me as your referrer (Kar).

    Ok, enough promotion lol.

    About STF's, we have some members that do elite ones using white mark V gear believe it or not. :eek:

    Many people think it is all about the gear, it is not, of course gear can make a difference, but when you know what you doing, skill and knowledge is more important.

    In the old days of doing STF's it was worse because everyone wants to get the optional to get more dilithium and EDC's today that is not much important because all of that changed and the reputation system came in place. Still, there are players (like myself I admit) that gets pissed for losing the optional, I guess it is a kind of pride to do it and to do it very fast in the most efficient way.

    So, the invitation is open if you want to hang with us for a while, you do not need to leave your fleet but if you want to hang out on our ventrilo, just register on our site, in the forums.

    Hope to see you.
    Good luck.

    In game: Kar@kar_351
    SFX Fleet Captain Kar
    Join StarfleetXtreme
    Best Space Games
    Me on the Web
  • nethernynetherny Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thanks for all the replies everyone :)

    If only there was a way to actually *search* the channels that are currently going on in the game, it might be easier to find a "learner STF" channel or something. Or maybe you guys who are very experienced at STF's might consider making one. And yes, I was thinking of trying Infected Space normal for my first try, someone told me it might be the easiest one. Also, I don't mind ground combat at all. I always try to throw a few traits to ground combat. One of my toons is ALL about ground, every trait. So, space or ground I don't care lol.

    But anyway, thanks for all the responses, you guys are great. My "main" dude is Misar, but I have like 12 characters now lol. @netherny in game whichever one I'm on. But for now, I'm off to eat a chicken fried steak. :P
  • trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Join PublicEliteSTF, let them know you're new and you'll find ppl willing to help you out. Other option, join a fleet, besides helping people lvl, most will also take new 50 into STFs and teach them how to do them.
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

    LTS, here since...when did this game launch again? :D
  • tetsaboushakkentetsaboushakken Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I know of a few fleets that run weekly events internally to teach newer players the ropes of STF'ing. I would strongly suggest you join a fleet that will train you in the ways of the STF ninja. They are out there. Mine is one of them
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited August 2013
    A lot of good advice so far, for me this summary worked:

    1.) Youtube. Many successful stf'ers start here. Fleets and individuals have made excellent video tutorials. This is a great place to start if you're on your own, plus you get the added benefit of seeing how someone plays beyond the strategy (weapons, skills etc.). Delerium Tremens has a number of helpful videos.

    2.) Your Build (Skills, Ship) Having the ability to generate approx 3.5K dps is necessary to even think of starting stf's. A great place to see other successful skill and ship builds is stoacademy.com. At the very least you can post your skill sets as a basis to ask for help from others. **IMPORTANT - THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO EXPLAIN WHAT YOU'RE DOING**

    3.) Fleets - joining a decent fleet that teaches will help you learn quickly. If anything working with the same players over time will help you learn the strategies AND hone your skills.

    4.) Chat Channels - with the exception of EliteSTF* - most channels allow you to discuss builds and tactics. Its here that I have learned the most about builds, from other players who like you want to have smooth, quick and successful stf runs.


    5.) Ask for help ingame. Most of us don't bite, and we're happy to help you.

    By Two Bits


    *EliteSTF gets bad press, but it's one of the better channels to put together stf runs with like-minded individuals.
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