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Weapon Fuels, what are they?

greystoker1greystoker1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
The new ground trait Firearms Specialist says 10% chance: Firing a secondary attack reduces the cooldown of your next secondary attack by 50% and restores 25% of all weapon fuels. What are weapon fuels?
Post edited by greystoker1 on


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    inkrunnerinkrunner Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My guess would be that it refers to the fuel mechanic on the Flamethrower from the Romulan Reputation.

    To my knowledge, that is the only weapon in the game that uses 'fuel.'
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    a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    think Romulan Flamethrower
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
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    greystoker1greystoker1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    OHHHH okay. That makes sense then. TYVM. I was thinkin, i've never had fuel for any weapon. Of curse, I never bought the flamethrower
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    adjudicatorhawkadjudicatorhawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It's the resource mechanic used by the Plasma Flamethrower and by several of the new Romulan weapon types from Legacy of Romulus.
    Jeff "Adjudicator Hawk" Hamilton
    Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
    Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
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    valiant797valiant797 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Go talk to the ground vendor at New Romulus command. They might have what you're looking for. ;)

    Related: any chance we'll see Fed/Kling weapons like these?
    <signature under reconstruction>
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    matthewfelixmatthewfelix Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Does anyone think it will it be possible for Fed and KDF to eventually get Mk XII purple versions of those new weapon types introduced in Legacy of Romulus? Since currently only Romulans can access that vender in the Romulan Command Center.

    I can see them being possibly added as part of the Romulan Reputation Store as either normal Plasma, or Romulan Plasma). Tetryon versions, (or as Refracting Tetryon, Phased Tetryon or possibly as Sonic-Antiproton, but that would be redudant with Omega Rep Store) could be added to the Tholian Reputation Store, and Anti-proton versions could be added to the Omega Rep Store. (Unlocked by the pistol/rifle/assault store unlocks that unlock Purple Mk 12 weapons of the appropriate type.)
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It's the resource mechanic used by the Plasma Flamethrower and by several of the new Romulan weapon types from Legacy of Romulus.

    I did some testing on Tribble with that trait and with multiple weapons. It is completely useless....

    With the flamethrower, for example, the trait will only proc at the beginning of secondary fire. If it does proc, the increase doesn't give any visual que, and I swear it doesn't appear to be anywhere near 25% - but there is no way to know for sure without a numerical display which doesn't exist.

    If your fuel was already full, the proc appears to be wasted.

    If you think it might proc again during continuous fire of the secondary effect, then you would be wrong. It wont.

    If you think you might try to rapidly fire the secondary mode of the flamethrower to get the proc, you would be wrong. The flamethrower bugs if you try to do that by consuming your fuel but not actually shooting.

    The trait also reduces the time to use secondary fire. This is wasted on all weapons I tested including the flamethrower as there is no Cd to begin with.

    Tbh I was pretty excited about using that trait with the flamethrower, but after testing I realized how incredibly useless it actually is. I found exactly the same problems with other weapons too.

    My advice = get the trait for the cheap respect token, but NEVER NEVER NEVER slot it. You would regret using it. But if you really cant decide, copy over to Tribble to test first, and prepare to be underwhelmed.
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    havokreignhavokreign Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Fed maybe, KDF, unlikely.

    People actually play Fed characters and so it's likely that things would be fixed to accommodate them and make things, in general, easier than they already are.

    Nobody cares so much about KDF so feel free to sit at Defera for 2 hours waiting for more than 3 people in a team.

    Obviously this is your own fault, and not that of the Developers for making a single faction that much better and more preferable than the other.
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    havokreign wrote: »
    Fed maybe, KDF, unlikely.

    People actually play Fed characters and so it's likely that things would be fixed to accommodate them and make things, in general, easier than they already are.

    Nobody cares so much about KDF so feel free to sit at Defera for 2 hours waiting for more than 3 people in a team.

    Obviously this is your own fault, and not that of the Developers for making a single faction that much better and more preferable than the other.

    If you look around a bit you will find kdf players. All the Tribble testing I mentioned above was on a KDF toon (Ferasan).
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    zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It's the resource mechanic used by the Plasma Flamethrower and by several of the new Romulan weapon types from Legacy of Romulus.

    yeah... i hate that mechanic.

    once you are out of "fuel" you swap to the other slotted weapon, which is a standard one and the fuel will not refill while you are using the other gun... so when you swap weapons again later you still can't shoot it.

    please take 2 of those "fuel" weapons and play some minetrap... you'll be zerging around unable to shoot at anything in no time because you have to shoot all the time. (did anybody playtest this stuff and thought it would be fun if weapons just stopped shooting like that?)
    or those secondary attacks on some of the Romulan Weapons that just will not stop shooting after the enemy got killed until the fuel is empty... thats fun too.

    You know... if there was a reload button... like in Ego Shooters... clack clack keep firing, depending on weapon damage the reload speed would be different.

    but just zerging around waiting for it to replenish on its own... yeah thats just bad gameplay bro
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I use the plasma repeater pistol a LOT, the primary fire mode works fine whenever the fuel is depleted. It's simply a matter of not wasting the secondary fire mode on the small targets really.

    NOTE: ANY faction can use the common version. It doesn't BoP, so RR players can sell them on the exchange after buying them at the Flotilla.
    My character Tsin'xing
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2013
    sneyeper wrote: »
    (SNIP... issues with Firearms Specialist explained ... SNIP)

    Did a little digging and find that - lo and behold - Firearms Specialist has a proc limiter built in that is not working correctly. Instead of simply working to prevent back-to-back procs, it's also preventing it from actually firing on weapons that use "maintained fire" secondary modes. Like the Flamethrower, e.g.

    I'm working on a fix now. Hopefully it will go live this week, but possibly not until next week. Once this change is in, the Firearms Specialist Trait will have a chance to proc at any time that you are below 75% Fuel, but will also have an internal cooldown attached to it (to prevent back-to-back procs).
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Did a little digging and find that - lo and behold - Firearms Specialist has a proc limiter built in that is not working correctly. Instead of simply working to prevent back-to-back procs, it's also preventing it from actually firing on weapons that use "maintained fire" secondary modes. Like the Flamethrower, e.g.

    I'm working on a fix now. Hopefully it will go live this week, but possibly not until next week. Once this change is in, the Firearms Specialist Trait will have a chance to proc at any time that you are below 75% Fuel, but will also have an internal cooldown attached to it (to prevent back-to-back procs).

    Ah, that would be much better. Thanks Bort!
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Did a little digging and find that - lo and behold - Firearms Specialist has a proc limiter built in that is not working correctly. Instead of simply working to prevent back-to-back procs, it's also preventing it from actually firing on weapons that use "maintained fire" secondary modes. Like the Flamethrower, e.g.

    I'm working on a fix now. Hopefully it will go live this week, but possibly not until next week. Once this change is in, the Firearms Specialist Trait will have a chance to proc at any time that you are below 75% Fuel, but will also have an internal cooldown attached to it (to prevent back-to-back procs).

    Wow - thanks. I'll try to do some Tribble testing after the patch and do an updated evaluation.
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    badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It's the resource mechanic used by the Plasma Flamethrower and by several of the new Romulan weapon types from Legacy of Romulus.

    Speaking of which, the Firearms Specialist trait has not effect on the Lobi Elachi Crescent Cannon Pistol. Why?
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    badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Did a little digging and find that - lo and behold - Firearms Specialist has a proc limiter built in that is not working correctly. Instead of simply working to prevent back-to-back procs, it's also preventing it from actually firing on weapons that use "maintained fire" secondary modes. Like the Flamethrower, e.g.

    I'm working on a fix now. Hopefully it will go live this week, but possibly not until next week. Once this change is in, the Firearms Specialist Trait will have a chance to proc at any time that you are below 75% Fuel, but will also have an internal cooldown attached to it (to prevent back-to-back procs).

    Cool. Can you look into why it doesnt cut down the cooldown on the Lobi Elachi pistol or is this Working as Intended? A nod yeah or nay would be great, thanks.
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