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So, any solid news on Season 8?

quanmanchuquanmanchu Member Posts: 25 Arc User
I ask this as it has been ages since I've played this game steadily. If it turns out to be more than just a zone and a scant few eps... I plan to do two let's plays in it. One in English and the other in Spanish. I really am hoping for a full reveal of the Iconians plans for the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.:D
Post edited by quanmanchu on


  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited August 2013
    Not much story coming except for 1 episode just before Season 8.

    Then we get an an adventure zone in Dyson's sphere and the Voth. Yeah I know... a special that made 1 appearance in 1 season of 1 series becomes our new enemy. Cryptic as usual is as lost as lost can be.

    But an exciting new grind is coming ... so fun. :rolleyes:
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Dinosaurs Voth, and a Park..I mean Space adventure zone taking place on a Dyson Sphere cue music
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Dinosaurs Voth, and a Park..I mean Space adventure zone taking place on a Dyson Sphere cue music




    Late September
    New stand-alone feature episode as teaser for Seasons 8 & 9 [6][8][7]
    Player will use Iconian Gateway found on New Romulus [9]
    Will reward a Voth carrier-ship [7][10]

    Season 8 (End of 2013)

    (Similar or slightly larger than Seasons 6 or 7 in terms of overall size and impact [5][6])

    End-game focused [6]
    New powerful hostile alien faction: Voth [8][19][6][9], said to possibly be related to the Iconians [10]
    Space adventure zone in a massive Dyson sphere located far away from known space at far end of the Iconian Gateway found on New Romulus [8][9]
    Fight for strategic points against the Voth in a PvE-territory control environment [10]
    Will also include a ground portion [10]
    New fleet holding [6] (pillar of the Dyson Sphere [10])
    New reputation faction [6]
    New approach: Mark XII already awarded within first tier; based less on grinding but more on frequent participation [10]
    If popular, old reputation factions are going to be revamped accordingly [10]
    Big expansion of Duty Officer system [5]
    Many adventure zone specific Duty Officer assignments [10]
    DOff system to be implemented into the STO Gateway
    Likely including re-release of the Tuffli Class Freighter
    Savable ship-specific duty officer configuration (Season 8 or 9) [20]
    Duty officer assignment cooldowns listed (possibly Season 9) [20]
    Possible: Duty officer commendation Tier V categories added (requirement is above the 150,000 CXP cap) [21][22]
    Revamp of kits (being considered for Season 8 or shortly after) [11][23][24]
    New/custom kits [25][17]
    Only one power per kit, but one additional kit-slot per rank (5 as admiral) [24]
    More individuality of different ship types, e.g., additional item slots: 2nd deflector (science vessels), extra hull slot (engineering vessels) etc. [26]
    New Klingon-specific starships [19]
    Kirk's Protege.
  • quanmanchuquanmanchu Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    "New approach: Mark XII already awarded within first tier; based less on grinding but more on frequent participation" (FACEPALM) :confused: Aren't those the same thing?
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    macronius wrote: »
    a special that made 1 appearance in 1 season of 1 series becomes our new enemy. Cryptic as usual is as lost as lost can be.

    Uh, yeah, that's kind of Star Trek right there - after you run down the ten most repeated villains you're already into races that appeared two or three times. I mean, even some of the iconic villains aren't much more than this - the Tholians have a total of three appearances, two of which weren't until Enterprise, and one of those was technically the same as the original from TOS.
  • ulukayxulukayx Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I would prefer it if the Iconians would finally make their big appearance instead of sending yet another Vassal to do their work. They've been teased forever and after the Undine, the Elachi, possibly the Fekhiri and the Tal shiar and being seemingly involved in every major conflict of the past (Still waiting for the reveal that breen and Tholians are with them as well) I'd say it's time for them to show their faces.
    It kind of feels like the story is standing still. Big new threat comes, Taskforce is being formed to counter it, a handful of STFs are run to get marks, you find out the Iconians are responsible, they are going to be here really really soon, any minute now... aaaanny minute... well back to status Quo, until the next big threat comes along, a task force is being...

    Yet, I also don't think after all the build up as the biggest threat the universe has ever seen, a season with a handful of new STFs and a new reputation grind would do them justice, their arrival would need to be a universe changing event like the Cataclysm expansion from WoW, something that really turns the game upside down and makes the players feel the impact they have on the universe.

    That being said, more endgame content is good, Despite everything, I like it when Cryptic introduces new designs to the franchise like the Caithian, Elachi or Tholian ships (The Federation, KDF, Borg etc designs are nice, but get boring after a while) and a I was hoping for a space adventure zone for quite a while now. Also interested how that territory control thing will and the Doff system update will work. The more different things we get to do after level 50, the better.

    quanmanchu wrote: »
    "New approach: Mark XII already awarded within first tier; based less on grinding but more on frequent participation" (FACEPALM) :confused: Aren't those the same thing?

    It might be something like the Celestial coins in Neverwinter, get one mark every time you log in and do something somewhere but loose your progress when you miss a day.
    Join Starfleet,
    Boldly go where no man has gone before,
    Meet interesting new species, and Kill them!
  • quanmanchuquanmanchu Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ulukayx wrote: »
    It might be something like the Celestial coins in Neverwinter. Get one every time you log in and do something somewhere but loose your progress when you miss a day.

    Oh, so it is a forced grind... charming. :rolleyes:
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    quanmanchu wrote: »
    I ask this as it has been ages since I've played this game steadily. If it turns out to be more than just a zone and a scant few eps... I plan to do two let's plays in it. One in English and the other in Spanish. I really am hoping for a full reveal of the Iconians plans for the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.:D

    There supposed to be a new Dev Blog about details up after the Trek Convention.

    And doubt we will have a full reveal of the Iconian plans for a long time. But it can be best surmised that their plan is to create chaos in starting fights, and when all the powers are weak or defeated, they march in for an easy win, taking over everyone's territory.
    quanmanchu wrote: »
    "New approach: Mark XII already awarded within first tier; based less on grinding but more on frequent participation" (FACEPALM) :confused: Aren't those the same thing?

    I got a bad feeling about this.........
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm looking forward to them both. To see what story line they have for the Voth. Since they claim to be from Earth's history as Dinos. This will be a interesting story indeed. The sphere sounds interesting as well.

    So far the Rep grinds don't bother me much on here. Since I can gather around 100 points on a run. Then hang for about a week for turn in. And do it again. Where other games you had to do it each day. If you wanted to get somewhere.

    Only bad thing about the Tholian Rep. I can't make decent EC to make up what I loose to get the Rep up. So this one is a big EC sink. Where the Romulan, I was at least breaking even. So I'm considering stopping after I collect. And finish it later on. Plus there isn't a story line to go with it like the Romulan one. So that too is hurting on making the Rep grind worthy.

    I'm still hoping to see some more new ships. Like the New Orleans and Nigara Classes. Those are the main ones left I would love to have in the game. Since they finally did the Ambassador.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It'll be nothing you want OP, so don't bother with Season 8. Come back next year to check in again with Season 9. :P
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    quanmanchu wrote: »
    I ask this as it has been ages since I've played this game steadily

    And you bought the Legacy Pack? Really?

    ..... why?
    Kirk's Protege.
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm intrigued with the new ship, also what new endgame content is coming out because let's face playing through the same content is getting boring, also make the AI more difficult, point in case is the Elachi, they were difficult and i enjoyed the challenge but post nerf they are nowhere as formidable.

    I know this is wishful thinking but maybe a less of the grind as well, as it is, it's getting to the point of getting beyond ridiculous, I have 1 main and 4 alts and i'm expected to get the rep done on all of them. As many people have said on this forum, have one rep grind on the main but please allow our alts to use the stuff we gain from our mains.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • cantoneverettcantoneverett Member Posts: 54 Arc User
      edited August 2013
      farmallm wrote: »
      Only bad thing about the Tholian Rep. I can't make decent EC to make up what I loose to get the Rep up. So this one is a big EC sink. Where the Romulan, I was at least breaking even. So I'm considering stopping after I collect. And finish it later on. Plus there isn't a story line to go with it like the Romulan one. So that too is hurting on making the Rep grind worthy.

      You're spending more than 500,000 a day on it? Because you can make that with two short episodes, if you sell the rewards on the exchange (Everything Old is New mk xi phasers go for around 200,000 while the uncommon Field Generator from Friend or Foe was around 350,000 last I checked)
    • johnny1051johnny1051 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited August 2013
      These are MASSIVE changes. Glad I didn't start the reps on my alts if this is true. I wonder how it will be implemented? 100 marks for every hour of play? or lower the mark requirements and give less? Will the bonus mark hours still exist? will STF's stop awarding marks? Ow. head hurts, will stop now.:confused:
    • brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited August 2013
      ulukayx wrote: »
      It might be something like the Celestial coins in Neverwinter, get one mark every time you log in and do something somewhere but loose your progress when you miss a day.
      ... what the?
    • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
      edited August 2013
      brigadooom wrote: »
      ... what the?
      Yeah Neverwinter has a screwball way of giving you certain premium items....

      There's Astral Diamonds, those stay regardless. But the first time you collect Astral Diamonds each day you also get two Celestial Coins. One of which disappears if you don't login each day. AND IIRC the other disappears if you leave the current map.

      I could be wrong since I only played the beta. Anyways though, the NW version of the Dil store uses these Celestial Coins.
      My character Tsin'xing
    • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
      edited August 2013
      johnny1051 wrote: »
      These are MASSIVE changes. Glad I didn't start the reps on my alts if this is true. I wonder how it will be implemented? 100 marks for every hour of play? or lower the mark requirements and give less? Will the bonus mark hours still exist? will STF's stop awarding marks? Ow. head hurts, will stop now.:confused:

      I'm not holding my breath. Typically what this team does is shunt the cost somewhere else, so that the net effect is the same--just colored differently. Example: They might lower the cost in one place, but then remove the rewards from somewhere else (as has been their modus operandi since the reputation system went live).
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