The 15th August patch will bring changes to consumable items that can be bought for Lobi Crystals. See below. It's a massive price reduction, but the question remains:
Would you - or possibly anyone else - spend Lobi crystals on temporary/consumable items rather than spending them on something else?
I can see myself spending now and then ONE or TWO Lobi for something just to "try it", but I am not inclined to spend more than that on a grenade that goes poof, even if it would cause a massive detonation, killing all enemy NPCs and their children in this and several parallel universes.
I would even say if I would get 10 grenades of some kind for a mere 1 Lobi I would rather save it for something else. For 50 Lobi you can get minipet packages and other stuff, after all.
-> What is your take on this, what do you think about consumable items in the lobi store? Is it a matter of price or would you say no matter the price, it's just a waste of good Lobi?
(From the patch notes) All Themed Consumables (Tachyon Grenade, Radiation Resist Hypo, etc.) have had their Lobi Crystal prices reduced from 5 to 2 each.
Bundle packs of Themed Consumables are now available on the Lobi Crystal Store. They cost 20 Lobi and have 15 charges included. This is a discount of 33% over buying them individually.
I personally wouldn't, but honestly I'm only opening boxes so that I can get the tachyokinetic converter for all of my characters.
As for it being a 'waste' - I don't know, consumables actually serve a point or a purpose beyond a lobi sink if you happen to have 1 or 2 lobi you will never spend on anything else. One of my friends though bought the DS9 uniform for some of his characters with lobi. That... that made me scratch my head. Particularly when I told he could get the same uniform for free off the c-store the other day.
If I were to spend EC, various marks or maaaaybee dilithium (May The Gods Forbid the latter one!) -I'd still propably not do it. If I ever use consumables, their either of the repair ship or the regenerating ones.
I never use hypos, or batteries.
What I definitely won't ever use my expensive lobis on are, exactly, consumables. Even if they were 'I WIN'-powerful, perhaps especially not if they were 'I WIN'-strong.
Lobi are superexpensive, very exclusive (ex: try to collect 800 for a ship, and see...) and non-tradable whatsoever.
Even if a consumable would cost 1 Lobi, It would be an utter Waste. Call me stingy or something, but nix use of lobi on consumables for me.
Consumbales for lobi seems a rip off. So i never would buy any. Consoles, or ships or things like jem xii upgrade would be the things i would use lobi for.
The only consumables I purchase are hypos. Everything else seems pretty pointless and a waste of resources. If hypos/energy cells/shield charges weren't on the same cooldown I'd probably start using them too.
I have used team batteries on occasion, if I'm with a not-so-stellar group of people trying to get NWS accolades. A team aux+shields battery goes a long way to beating wave 10.
Not something I'd ever consider using regularly though!
...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
The Team Consumables on the ground are quite nice actually. Health and Shields Booster in particular.
It's great if you are in a team on an STF which isn't quite going so well, and it can help a bunch.
I don't spend lobi on em, just EC from the Exchange, but they are still quite handy in a tight spot, especially if on a medic-specced Sci captain.
Sounds like the same as the space ones then. Worth having a few on hand for specific situations. I buy them off the exchange too, they're not cheap but you don't use them often.
If I go mad, or get insane amounts of dosh rolling in, this is a brilliant way of rolling them out again. If any of these two conditions should fail to apply, there might be a slight problem with the policy in general.
But if it is there, it will probably be used, just like people like to fall off from mountains. It is after all a choice, and choices must be embraced!
Consumables for lobi crystals? Not in this life time :rolleyes:. There is a saying about a fool and his money are soon parted, I think this is what the original saying had in mind.
People who spend hundreds of dollars/pounds/marks trying to get a grand prize ship and have more Lobi than they can reasonably spend all at once, maybe?
I personally will never spend Lobi on any consumable.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
As for it being a 'waste' - I don't know, consumables actually serve a point or a purpose beyond a lobi sink if you happen to have 1 or 2 lobi you will never spend on anything else. One of my friends though bought the DS9 uniform for some of his characters with lobi. That... that made me scratch my head. Particularly when I told he could get the same uniform for free off the c-store the other day.
I never use hypos, or batteries.
What I definitely won't ever use my expensive lobis on are, exactly, consumables. Even if they were 'I WIN'-powerful, perhaps especially not if they were 'I WIN'-strong.
Lobi are superexpensive, very exclusive (ex: try to collect 800 for a ship, and see...) and non-tradable whatsoever.
Even if a consumable would cost 1 Lobi, It would be an utter Waste. Call me stingy or something, but nix use of lobi on consumables for me.
I am saving up for one as the final part of the temporal set but i think i cant see the wood for the trees in terms of statistics.
Whats so good about it?
It gives a nice bump to turn rate and crits.
Nothin' makes you feel more like a man than a ThunderCougarFalconBird.
Not something I'd ever consider using regularly though!
Kirk's Protege.
It's great if you are in a team on an STF which isn't quite going so well, and it can help a bunch.
I don't spend lobi on em, just EC from the Exchange, but they are still quite handy in a tight spot, especially if on a medic-specced Sci captain.
Sounds like the same as the space ones then. Worth having a few on hand for specific situations. I buy them off the exchange too, they're not cheap but you don't use them often.
Kirk's Protege.
But if it is there, it will probably be used, just like people like to fall off from mountains. It is after all a choice, and choices must be embraced!
I personally will never spend Lobi on any consumable.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion