For one, what is the deal, you grind missions to get marks, that you turn around and put into a mission, that makes you grind some more to fill... Then when the mission is complete you grind some more to be able to buy the items? Like... WTF?
You guys actually prefer this over just getting some drops from a dungeon and buying your gear directly? which is much faster I remind you...
Ok... Fine, but Lets gets this reputation TRIBBLE fixed, I suggest the following changes:
1. When we do the missions for the reputation we are trying to earn, the mission itself is the only grindy part and it adds up much like Duty officer rank XP. (in other words it shows up on the top bar when you click it as ranks 1-5 and fills in accordingly, just like Trade, recruitment, Diplomacy, etc...)
2. Leave the reputation tabs in the UI but make it just the Reputation Store, and the selection of special abilities area.
3. When we get the marks from the reputation use that as the reputation currency and do away with all the extra commodities and dilithium; or at least reduce the Dilithium cost and make it Reputation marks(Romulan/Nukara/Omega) and Dilithium.
4. Make the missions repeatable every 2 hours or so, that way the people who want to put in the time to get reputation faster can grind them till they reach the rep level they are after.
Me personally I would like to see the reputation section in the UI disappear and the social zone stores come back.
I miss going to Deep Space 9 and meeting other people who where also doing the Omega rep stuff, and would like to see a romulan social area to do the same and Nukara.
I preferred the method of getting the stf items before the rep system was introduced, via drops.
Personally if they just put the drops back, even at a lower rate, I'd be happy. You would still know how long it would take till you got your gear yet you may get lucky on the way (a nice surprise too).
This would also encourage people to play all the stfs and not just run ise over and over again.
Well I can't forget a face but I won't remember y'all.
Bleed Green and Gold
now in other games you have a items store where you pay with real money or ingame currency.Since this is not other game here you have to :
1.Build your item store (grind /pay for that) ....other games are stupid since they give you the item store for free.
2.Build items in the store (again grind and pay)
3.Pay for already paid and built items
and add lots of time wasted waiting for cooldowns.
I preferred the method of getting the stf items before the rep system was introduced, via drops.
Personally if they just put the drops back, even at a lower rate, I'd be happy. You would still know how long it would take till you got your gear yet you may get lucky on the way (a nice surprise too).
This would also encourage people to play all the stfs and not just run ise over and over again.
AHHH the GOOD old days before F2P and this sadistic hungry search for the binge of the orgy grind....unfortunately the few whiners and complainers at that time who cried foul perhaps feel so much better now with how you accomplish LITTLE for so many hrs required to get anything USEFUL....well done and hope their happy :D:D
While I agree that some items could easily come down in price of marks at no time is this system WORSE than the 1999 RNG system. I just came from a game like that, trust me it is horrible. The old ways are old for a reason, they didn't work well. Talk about grind, try running the missions hundreds of times and never seeing that one set piece drop that should have dropped years ago right? That's what my experience with the STFs were like before the change. I welcomed this with open arms because sure I had to run a few STFs but never like I did in the past. And the other two reps don't even use STFs you can solo farm everything. it;s great compared to the old way because there wasn't this uncertainty or the constant bugs (and yes there were those people so quickly forget that drops alot of the time didn't drop or there was a malfunction that caused the STFs to stop functioning or people were able to hack the game and boot you from group cutting you off from your loot)
All of those things were happening in the RNG system and that was the other reasons for the change, people forget so easily I swear.
- Not optional due to passive skills. To clarify: for me things are optional if there are alternatives. If the rep system was just about gear, that would be more or less the case.
- Horrible usability. Seriously, the dev that came up with those sliders should be .. ashamed
Apart from that I don't have anything against working for rewards. If you don't want to put in the time, just get equipment from drops or the exchange. It's not like the PvE portion of this game is that challenging.
Oh yeah, and as some have mentioned, the pricing for the lower mark equipment is ridiculous. Plus there should be an option to upgrade mk X and mk XI gear via projects. But that boils down to usability again, I guess.
For one, what is the deal, you grind missions to get marks, that you turn around and put into a mission, that makes you grind some more to fill... Then when the mission is complete you grind some more to be able to buy the items? Like... WTF?
You guys actually prefer this over just getting some drops from a dungeon and buying your gear directly? which is much faster I remind you...
Ok... Fine, but Lets gets this reputation TRIBBLE fixed, I suggest the following changes:
1. When we do the missions for the reputation we are trying to earn, the mission itself is the only grindy part and it adds up much like Duty officer rank XP. (in other words it shows up on the top bar when you click it as ranks 1-5 and fills in accordingly, just like Trade, recruitment, Diplomacy, etc...)
2. Leave the reputation tabs in the UI but make it just the Reputation Store, and the selection of special abilities area.
3. When we get the marks from the reputation use that as the reputation currency and do away with all the extra commodities and dilithium; or at least reduce the Dilithium cost and make it Reputation marks(Romulan/Nukara/Omega) and Dilithium.
4. Make the missions repeatable every 2 hours or so, that way the people who want to put in the time to get reputation faster can grind them till they reach the rep level they are after.
To the Bold part: Yes, I would take this over the "Random" chance to get something that may NEVER happen. A Sure Thing is always better than Random Chance.
1-3: I like these suggestions. Sounds great to me.
4. Forget that. Why have a cooldown at all? Just let us Que for whatever we want whenever we want.
First off I think the most amusing part is from what has been revealed so far the brand new awesome reputation with the new season will work just like Omega did pre-Rep system.
All they had to do was make the Mk XII gear purchasable for 80 EDC and the problem, would have been solved. Oh well.
There is alot to grind for in the game, with 3 rep systems and a Starbase to work for but.You work towards what you want not hope you get the gear in a drop. People when everything faster and not have to work for it but once you have it them what? Just remember you don't have to do the rep system. Almost all the game can be done with gear from drops and the exchange.
There is alot to grind for in the game, with 3 rep systems and a Starbase to work for but.You work towards what you want not hope you get the gear in a drop. People when everything faster and not have to work for it but once you have it them what? Just remember you don't have to do the rep system. Almost all the game can be done with gear from drops and the exchange.
I think you mis-understand what I don't like. It's not the grind so much I have an issue with, playing MMO's for many, many years i'm used to that.
My issue is with the Grind, that feeds a grind, that feeds a grind.... How about 1 grind, gain some marks which are used as currency, and the reputation for completing the missions.
I just don't agree with grinding to get marks for a mission, then grinding to complete the mission, then doing yet another grind to get the gear you should have earned at this point.
I'm going for a tweak of the Reputation system more than anything.
4. Forget that. Why have a cooldown at all? Just let us Que for whatever we want whenever we want.
Well, the reason is it has to be a time sink of some sort. That's pretty much the reason they have long timers on the missions to begin with, so you can't just max out in 1 day.
They have to give you a reason to come back in the game everyday.(To get your gear, then seeing things they've added to c-store etc. and maybe spend money which is what a business wants is your money.)
But I think the cooldowns should be lower then once every 20 hours so that you can work at them in between doing other things like a reputation system is supposed to work.
I think that grinding to get a rep level, so that you can grind to open up an item to be bought in the store so that you can grind to buy the item is bad planning. It also means that as a player, I wont open up any item till I can put mark 12 items in the store and only grind that. I don't have the kind of time that some more hardcore player has to get all these unlocks done.
I hate to use this example but, WoW's rep system is laid out so that you can be a casual player and still gain the rep. The rep unlocks access to gear that you can purchase using special currencies. STO could do the same thing, the Rep unlocks the access in the store for the items and then you use the marks to buy the stuff. And instead of using marks to open the rep up, using gaining rep points from fighting those units.
SO to get Omega points fight Borg anywhere. The you're building a rep of being a borg killer. Why not do it by killing Borg? This would allow more than STF's to gain the reps and open it up to do more than just STF's to progress in this game. Nukara rep would be by fighting Tholians and Romulan Rep wuld be by fighting Romulans. It's more intuitive and more realistic. As you prove yourself worthy, you get better gear.
I preferred the method of getting the stf items before the rep system was introduced, via drops.
Personally if they just put the drops back, even at a lower rate, I'd be happy. You would still know how long it would take till you got your gear yet you may get lucky on the way (a nice surprise too).
This would also encourage people to play all the stfs and not just run ise over and over again.
Please no. I am one of the people who ran the old STFs literally hundreds of times for virtually no return.
By the second week of the new rep system I had more benefit and gear than after 3 months under the old one.
I would NEVER want to go back to the old system.
I want a guaranteed return. I don't want to run things forever and not get anything at all.
The random chance drop system was terrible and I'm glad I'm not playing that game anymore.
I would like to see the mark cost of equipment projects reduced. Especially the Mk X sets- look at the data, Cryptic, and see how many people buy Mk X sets. I'm guessing it's not very many, because few people starting out are going to have marks to spare at Tier 1.
When I heard they were introducing the reputation system in a month's time I grabbed all the space sets on 6 characters. Now the grinding is not pleasant nor it is rewarding.
SO to get Omega points fight Borg anywhere. The you're building a rep of being a borg killer. Why not do it by killing Borg? This would allow more than STF's to gain the reps and open it up to do more than just STF's to progress in this game. Nukara rep would be by fighting Tholians and Romulan Rep wuld be by fighting Romulans. It's more intuitive and more realistic. As you prove yourself worthy, you get better gear.
I believe that was part of the original plan for Reputation. However, as with much else "done" in this game, there is a disconnect between what is said during the hype-period (we would love to see all Borg-related content, including missions, give Omega Marks) and what is actually released (here, you have 8 places to get Omega Marks. That should be more than enough for you all... :P)
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
This is one thing I have noticed playing STO, there is loot left everywhere you go in this game if there are other players there. 90% of loot is not even looked at and if it is not even worth looking at you must have a serious problem and worthy of the time to make ALL loot worth your time to look at.
Crates I come across in ground missions, why would I even bother to look at them.
I have large shield batteries and hypos why would I want so small ones that will just clutter up my limited inventory space?
They need to, at the very least, make it so that as you level up large versions of these items are in the crates instead of the token smalls..
I personally hate the rep systems.
The way STF's worked before Omega was just fine, though I do agree the drop rates could have been a bit more reasonable.
But simply put, Mark missions is nothing but a boring endless grind, you play them repeatedly for tokens for which you will eventually get the reward.
And there lies the flaw.
The old STF's were fun because you were playing for the reward, not some obscure tokens who whold absolutely no immediate value that will eventually enable you to get the reward.
Every time you did a run there was a certain thrill, excitement and anticipation over the possibility of getting the drop, something which mere marks don't give you.
Honestly I don't understand it.
Cryptic clearly understands how addictive and exciting random chance can be, seeing as how they keep churning out lockboxes with rare ships.
Yet they stripped out the very same mechanic from the STF's.
Its no longer a question of just if and When, but simply just when.
i agree that grind for the sake of grind is silly. My partner summed it up with I work all day why should i have to come home and play a game that feels like a job... might as well play sims...
Ah the reputation system! i don't know who came up with this but, i have to say it the most terrible idea i have ever seen in a game. it took me forever to get to tier five for romulan rep. i had to do that for four characters including me romulan, and i was not pleased. even though i had four character with tier five rep, i couldn't even buy thing for the one character that i wanted, which is my romulan character because all the thing was bound to the character when you buy them from the store. when i realise i have to grind all marks again to buy the stuff i needed, simply just put me off completely. the same can be said for the Omega rep, i just couldn't be bother to even do that for all my characters. i just left them at their tier three.:mad:
"You ask why we give our ships computer normal emotions. Do you really want a warship incapable of loyalty?"
I preferred the method of getting the stf items before the rep system was introduced, via drops.
Personally if they just put the drops back, even at a lower rate, I'd be happy. You would still know how long it would take till you got your gear yet you may get lucky on the way (a nice surprise too).
This would also encourage people to play all the stfs and not just run ise over and over again.
I remember a time when we used to play STF content to get STF gear.
Now, all a player has to do is click a project and they're done for 20 hours.
What was that term used elsewhere?
Oh..."instant gratification".
We need to bring back the pre-Season 7 STF's.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
I remember a time when we used to play STF content to get STF gear.
Now, all a player has to do is click a project and they're done for 20 hours.
What was that term used elsewhere?
Oh..."instant gratification".
We need to bring back the pre-Season 7 STF's.
Actually, they need to bring back the original STFs. Any sense of story is removed from them. However, relying on the RNG to get the STF gear has caused immense grief to too many people. I got to Tier 5 and all 3 Mk XII STF ground sets in under 100 elite STFs. If I tried to do that using the horrid old method, then it could have taken 500 or more STFs to do or just 20. If it can take 500 STFs to get all 3 Mk XII STF ground sets, then there is something horribly wrong with the system. Getting a piece of STF gear for certain is always better than if there is a chance that it is never obtained.
I do agree with the OP on one thing where it takes 20 hours to finish the 2,000 rep projects
because once you have 2 of them done and waiting for them to finish all you have is the upgrade project left and that project barley takes any time to finish at all:(
I think you mis-understand what I don't like. It's not the grind so much I have an issue with, playing MMO's for many, many years i'm used to that.
My issue is with the Grind, that feeds a grind, that feeds a grind.... How about 1 grind, gain some marks which are used as currency, and the reputation for completing the missions.
I just don't agree with grinding to get marks for a mission, then grinding to complete the mission, then doing yet another grind to get the gear you should have earned at this point.
I'm going for a tweak of the Reputation system more than anything.
Well if you want to do that Get job at cryptic and give them ideas instead of sitting here complaining about it .... That's what I do offer feed back.... maybe that take it yet again if not get Job with em and try to get into the video game design.. Me honesty I don't care much for the grind I been doing it in all mmos I played makes me feel good to earn something then saying here random chance of getting it and free items ...I agree with what you said but its part of the game and all mmos have it.... So try to give them feed back on how to mod the system but then again not every one agrees with you so... its kind of like sitting in the middle ... Have fun
i couldnt take being stuck dealing with such ****ty cheap mechanics as for found in this game for that amount of time in levels that make quake2 look like a marvel of design.
personally, i whould like the missions to be fun and enguaging, not repetitive and habitual.
all for the benefit of gear that is superior enough to the standard fare to counter npc's that are just increasingly punishing, rather than increasingly difficult.
is that what you do in all mmos repeat something over and over again.. wow you do the same thing everquest 2 you do the same thing guild wars 2 you repeat the same thing.... All mmos I played you repeat the same thing...So no matter how you put it you always end up in the same circle of doom...I played just about every mmo you always repeating something or something different but the same O_o...
Actually, I think the reason the Reputation System is the way it is, is because of the Doff System, not because Cryptic wants to turn this into farmville.
The only adjustment I would make would be to have the option to purchase all five tiers at a massive resource cost. "Repping" for three months straight is NOT fun.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
Personally if they just put the drops back, even at a lower rate, I'd be happy. You would still know how long it would take till you got your gear yet you may get lucky on the way (a nice surprise too).
This would also encourage people to play all the stfs and not just run ise over and over again.
Bleed Green and Gold
now in other games you have a items store where you pay with real money or ingame currency.Since this is not other game here you have to :
1.Build your item store (grind /pay for that) ....other games are stupid since they give you the item store for free.
2.Build items in the store (again grind and pay)
3.Pay for already paid and built items
and add lots of time wasted waiting for cooldowns.
AHHH the GOOD old days before F2P and this sadistic hungry search for the binge of the orgy grind....unfortunately the few whiners and complainers at that time who cried foul perhaps feel so much better now with how you accomplish LITTLE for so many hrs required to get anything USEFUL....well done and hope their happy
"Ohh my gosh its full of EXPLOITs...shut it down"
All of those things were happening in the RNG system and that was the other reasons for the change, people forget so easily I swear.
- Not optional due to passive skills. To clarify: for me things are optional if there are alternatives. If the rep system was just about gear, that would be more or less the case.
- Horrible usability. Seriously, the dev that came up with those sliders should be .. ashamed
Apart from that I don't have anything against working for rewards. If you don't want to put in the time, just get equipment from drops or the exchange. It's not like the PvE portion of this game is that challenging.
Oh yeah, and as some have mentioned, the pricing for the lower mark equipment is ridiculous. Plus there should be an option to upgrade mk X and mk XI gear via projects. But that boils down to usability again, I guess.
To the Bold part: Yes, I would take this over the "Random" chance to get something that may NEVER happen. A Sure Thing is always better than Random Chance.
1-3: I like these suggestions. Sounds great to me.
4. Forget that. Why have a cooldown at all? Just let us Que for whatever we want whenever we want.
All they had to do was make the Mk XII gear purchasable for 80 EDC and the problem, would have been solved. Oh well.
I think you mis-understand what I don't like. It's not the grind so much I have an issue with, playing MMO's for many, many years i'm used to that.
My issue is with the Grind, that feeds a grind, that feeds a grind.... How about 1 grind, gain some marks which are used as currency, and the reputation for completing the missions.
I just don't agree with grinding to get marks for a mission, then grinding to complete the mission, then doing yet another grind to get the gear you should have earned at this point.
I'm going for a tweak of the Reputation system more than anything.
Well, the reason is it has to be a time sink of some sort. That's pretty much the reason they have long timers on the missions to begin with, so you can't just max out in 1 day.
They have to give you a reason to come back in the game everyday.(To get your gear, then seeing things they've added to c-store etc. and maybe spend money which is what a business wants is your money.)
But I think the cooldowns should be lower then once every 20 hours so that you can work at them in between doing other things like a reputation system is supposed to work.
I hate to use this example but, WoW's rep system is laid out so that you can be a casual player and still gain the rep. The rep unlocks access to gear that you can purchase using special currencies. STO could do the same thing, the Rep unlocks the access in the store for the items and then you use the marks to buy the stuff. And instead of using marks to open the rep up, using gaining rep points from fighting those units.
SO to get Omega points fight Borg anywhere. The you're building a rep of being a borg killer. Why not do it by killing Borg? This would allow more than STF's to gain the reps and open it up to do more than just STF's to progress in this game. Nukara rep would be by fighting Tholians and Romulan Rep wuld be by fighting Romulans. It's more intuitive and more realistic. As you prove yourself worthy, you get better gear.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
Please no. I am one of the people who ran the old STFs literally hundreds of times for virtually no return.
By the second week of the new rep system I had more benefit and gear than after 3 months under the old one.
I would NEVER want to go back to the old system.
I want a guaranteed return. I don't want to run things forever and not get anything at all.
I would like to see the mark cost of equipment projects reduced. Especially the Mk X sets- look at the data, Cryptic, and see how many people buy Mk X sets. I'm guessing it's not very many, because few people starting out are going to have marks to spare at Tier 1.
I believe that was part of the original plan for Reputation. However, as with much else "done" in this game, there is a disconnect between what is said during the hype-period (we would love to see all Borg-related content, including missions, give Omega Marks) and what is actually released (here, you have 8 places to get Omega Marks. That should be more than enough for you all... :P)
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Crates I come across in ground missions, why would I even bother to look at them.
I have large shield batteries and hypos why would I want so small ones that will just clutter up my limited inventory space?
They need to, at the very least, make it so that as you level up large versions of these items are in the crates instead of the token smalls..
The way STF's worked before Omega was just fine, though I do agree the drop rates could have been a bit more reasonable.
But simply put, Mark missions is nothing but a boring endless grind, you play them repeatedly for tokens for which you will eventually get the reward.
And there lies the flaw.
The old STF's were fun because you were playing for the reward, not some obscure tokens who whold absolutely no immediate value that will eventually enable you to get the reward.
Every time you did a run there was a certain thrill, excitement and anticipation over the possibility of getting the drop, something which mere marks don't give you.
Honestly I don't understand it.
Cryptic clearly understands how addictive and exciting random chance can be, seeing as how they keep churning out lockboxes with rare ships.
Yet they stripped out the very same mechanic from the STF's.
Its no longer a question of just if and When, but simply just when.
I remember a time when we used to play STF content to get STF gear.
Now, all a player has to do is click a project and they're done for 20 hours.
What was that term used elsewhere?
Oh..."instant gratification".
We need to bring back the pre-Season 7 STF's.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Actually, they need to bring back the original STFs. Any sense of story is removed from them. However, relying on the RNG to get the STF gear has caused immense grief to too many people. I got to Tier 5 and all 3 Mk XII STF ground sets in under 100 elite STFs. If I tried to do that using the horrid old method, then it could have taken 500 or more STFs to do or just 20. If it can take 500 STFs to get all 3 Mk XII STF ground sets, then there is something horribly wrong with the system. Getting a piece of STF gear for certain is always better than if there is a chance that it is never obtained.
because once you have 2 of them done and waiting for them to finish all you have is the upgrade project left and that project barley takes any time to finish at all:(
Well if you want to do that Get job at cryptic and give them ideas instead of sitting here complaining about it
is that what you do in all mmos repeat something over and over again.. wow you do the same thing everquest 2 you do the same thing guild wars 2 you repeat the same thing.... All mmos I played you repeat the same thing...So no matter how you put it you always end up in the same circle of doom...I played just about every mmo you always repeating something or something different but the same O_o...
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!