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Ship build help?

monkeymtv123monkeymtv123 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Federation Discussion
I'm looking to squeeze out any DPS I can for my Andorian Charal Escort, I am thinking of taking off the Wing Cannons for a start and adding another DHC.
Note that my build may not be 100% accurate as I don't have access to it right now, also I have a Pirate Distress Call which it doesn't let me pick. And all my Cannon are Very Rare.

I can update my skills etc later tonight when I get on. But my main point... How can I improve DPS with this ship? I'm sticking with Nanite Disruptors though.

>Ship Build<

=/\= Tea, Earl Grey, hot =/\=
Post edited by monkeymtv123 on


  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited August 2013
    Dude this build is a mess.

    You have 4 Torpedo skills. Only 2 are useable the other 2 are locked out.

    You have 3 Cannon skills, same problem.

    When you use a Weapon mod skill such as Torpedo High Yield or Cannon Scatter Volley or even the Subsystem targeting. It locks out all mods for that weapon type for 15s and starts a 30s cooldown. So if you only run 2 Cannon Skills you always have 1 available. Cannon Scatter Volley is almost as good as Cannon Rapid Fire on a single target too.

    Now the other problem, 4 Torpedo skills and no Torpedos.

    Your running the Phaser Wing Cannons but using Disruptors. Drop the Wing cannons and use all Disruptors or keep them and use all Phasers.

    You don't run a Tac Team, you really really should run two Tac Team 1's, keep them on rotation they balance your shields and boost your DPS. You have no Attack patterns, these are very useful for an Escort.

    Try something along these lines
    Tac Team 1 > Attack Pattern: Beta 1 > Cannon Scatter Volley 2 > Cannon Rapid Fire 3
    Tac Team 1 > Attack Pattern: Beta 1 > Cannon Rapid Fire 2 or Torpedo High Yield 3 (Of course install torpedoes if you do.)

    Since your an Engineer you can run a Dual Beam Bank and use Beam Overload 3 with Nadion Inversion or EPS Power Transfer to counter the drain and use it as a Shield stripper.

    Tac Team 1 > Attack Pattern: Beta 1 > Beam Overload 3

    You can use a Tac Team, Attack Pattern Beta & a Cannon mod every 15s, that's on the Global Cooldown. If you prefer Scatter to Rapid swap them around.

    Science is about right. Polarise Hull 1 to get out of Tractors and give you Damage resist to your Hull and Transfer Shield Strength 2 to keep your shields up. I'd swap to Hazard Emitter 2 to cleanse DoTs off the hull. Death by Plasma fire is slow but Embarrasing.

    Engineering has 2 15s Hull Heals and a 45s shield heal. I propose swapping to 2 Emergency power to Shields 1 and using an Auxillery to Structural integraty field 1.

    Emergency power to Shields 1 > Auxillery to Structural integraty field 1
    Emergency power to Shields 1

    1 Shield heal every 30s, 1 Hull heal every 15s another every 45s. Constant shield rebalancing and maximum uptime on damaging abilities.

    I'd drop the Wing Cannon console and the Monotanium and install 2 Neutroniums.

    Your Consoles are quite good otherwise, Consider using the Kinetic Cutting Beam in the back for the Omega 2P bonus.

    Edit: It's been said that 5 Dual Heavies will see only 4 of them firing, this problem can be fixed by changing one to a Dual.

    I've noticed Cannons of the same type (Dual, Dual Heavy, Single even Turrets) tend to fire from the same port, meaning it can't shoot the 5th until the other 4 have gotten their shots off, by this time the 1st is ready to fire again effectively locking out the 5th.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
    If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
    When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
  • monkeymtv123monkeymtv123 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Perfect, this is exactly what I needed. I've only just got the Escort, I knew about the BOFF's issue and I'll be doing that first thing. And the Hazard Emitters 2 is a very good point, I've been killed many times by that Plasma fire. It's a good thing I asked for a second opinion :D

    Thanks for your feedback!
    =/\= Tea, Earl Grey, hot =/\=
  • emperordeslokemperordeslok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Knight has a point your abilities are all over the place, I did a build for this ship yesterday actually, if you're using the nanite disruptors drop the wing cannon and replace it with a torp(quantum prefered)

    take a look at the boff layout, skill tree and rep passives i set up here
  • monkeymtv123monkeymtv123 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yeah haha, I'll be dropping the Wing Cannon, but I was either going to use another Cannon, or my OMEGA Plasma Torpedo. Which do you think would work best? It's easy for me to try them both so I can see what works best. I'm also considering a Skill Tree Respec but that's for another day
    =/\= Tea, Earl Grey, hot =/\=
  • emperordeslokemperordeslok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    A torp is easiest to balance against boff wise(2tt 2torp 2 cannon 1 attack pattern) but if you're looking at torp spread the omega torp and it don't get along too hot(low damage overall compared to THY) whereas a quantum or photon do excelent in that regard
  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited August 2013
    The good points on the Omega is fires fast, every 2s, but using it with a Torpedo skill give it a good 8s cool down between shots. I actually think it works great on an Escort because the Plasma Dots just build up on things even if their shields are up.

    I use mine on a shuttle with Torp spread it works really really well. When I finish my Carrier (grinding the Dilithium for Mk XII KHG Deflector and 3 Romulan Plasma beams) I think I'll go back to an escort for awhile and will be using the Omega Torp on it with High Yield.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
    If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
    When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
  • monkeymtv123monkeymtv123 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I updated my build and it really is much better now! I'm currently using all Nanite Disruptors and my Kinect Cutting Beam (I carry the OMEGA plasma torp with me so I can swap that with the dual cannon at any time). My BOFF skills are all organised now too and I immediately saw the difference :D
    =/\= Tea, Earl Grey, hot =/\=
  • kakerookakeroo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    there's something wrong with my fed tach ship. i did nothing to it. i'm trying to do the loot-o-matic 3000 farm but my ship is weaker than wet tissue paper, it is turning slower than a fat cruiser with no turn rate console, my crew dies almost instantly.. the entire crew, and i get destroyed very quickly.

    it's the same for an enemy dificulty level.

    what gives?
  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited August 2013
    I updated my build and it really is much better now! I'm currently using all Nanite Disruptors and my Kinect Cutting Beam (I carry the OMEGA plasma torp with me so I can swap that with the dual cannon at any time). My BOFF skills are all organised now too and I immediately saw the difference :D

    Glad your enjoying the changes.
    kakeroo wrote: »
    there's something wrong with my fed tach ship. i did nothing to it. i'm trying to do the loot-o-matic 3000 farm but my ship is weaker than wet tissue paper, it is turning slower than a fat cruiser with no turn rate console, my crew dies almost instantly.. the entire crew, and i get destroyed very quickly.

    it's the same for an enemy dificulty level.

    what gives?

    Go in to proper space, not a mission but around ESD or somewhere. Unequip every single item on your ship. Re-equip them.

    Now that's the Bug taken care of.

    Do you have a ton of damage done to your ship that has never been repaired? Because multiple Hull Fracture Modifiers means a Turrets bleedthrough will hit you like a DHC when your shields are down.

    If you died in an Elite STF mission or a space mission on higher than normal difficulty your ship took damage. You'll need to go to a Shipyard (ESD or DS9 come to mind) and have the ship repair guy fix it.

    If you don't know where he is you skipped the tutorial.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
    If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
    When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
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