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I.S.S. Stadi

phantomj25phantomj25 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
In game last night I got into a little argument with a friend over the Mirror Universe Incursion fighting the I.S.S. Stadi.

I know it is common knowledge that there are Mirror ships that you can get from the boxes and not all ships have Mirror counterparts that you can play and the Stadi is one of them.

In the wiki it states that the I.S.S. Stadi is a Dreadnought Cruiser Galaxy-X class which is the mirror counter part to the purchasable and playable Federation Dreadnought Cruiser. The Dreadnought Cruiser has a Phaser Spinal Lance which can be fired by using the same named ability in which this weapon is only found on this ship.

Now I informed my friend that the Stadi has this weapon and it does fire it. He then proceeded to spout off that I had no clue and he then proceeded to look up and quote the wiki about the playable ship.

Does the I.S.S. Stadi have the lance and if it does, does it fire it during the fight?
Post edited by phantomj25 on


  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It does, but you have to be in that 45 degree firing arc in front of it. I found that out the hard way when I was flying my Commander level Bird of Prey.
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  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yes it does have the spinal lance and in an endgame ship it is absolutely laughable.
  • corvallecorvalle Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ya , the lance on the galaxy is very laughable. The Javelin ability on the klingon's garumba is 100x better imo.

    Even with an alpha strike lance attack , it will prolly miss 75% of the time, and when it hits, my andorian escorts cannon overload and my garumba's javelin start LOL'ing at its mediocre damage.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    It does, but you have to be in that 45 degree firing arc in front of it. I found that out the hard way when I was flying my Commander level Bird of Prey.

    Also, you have to be in a pug that doesn't kill it faster than it can fire.
  • phantomj25phantomj25 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thanks for all your responses.

    I thought that was the case since I was on my alien fed engineer at level 22 and I was trying to fly away from in front of it and I got hit in the rear shield by it and thought to myself that was a close call.

    I've played my level 50(s) in there and the Stadi died so fast that it didn't get the chance to fire it.
  • trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Its really rare that the ship that is agroed is in the arc of the lance for a Mirror, but I can proudly say I was Lanced and can say that its a lot more powerful than a conventional lance. The Stadi does some kind of buffs when it arrives that I have yet to be able to identify (I swear at one point it showed a roman letter and another it looked like the did EptX to all systems).
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

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  • captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The I.S.S. Stadi,

    Ever since I started this game when it went Beta, I have been on a case study with the Stadi since I first encountered it in the "Mirror invasion Event". Trying mostly to emulate the tankability.

    The Wiki posted on the Stadi gives little information, IE; Weapon's layout, Hull (By level difficulty) and Bridge Officer Station layout. But that's it.

    Many of you have also noticed that the Stadi uses Gravity Well (Science) and has Tactical Boff Station abilities we can not use on the Prime Universe Galaxy Class Dreadnought. The information on the Wiki clearly states the I.S.S. Stadi " is equipped with technology to create and maintain trans-dimensional portals, possibly based on information gleaned from the Orb of Possibilities". Therefore is more Science oriented as are many of the lock box Mirror Universe ships (Not all but most are more geared for Science.) The I.S.S. Stadi is the same way.

    This ship's tankability is what I am more interested in. My only conclusion is that not only is the Hull and Shielding very large, but it also has a very high Shield regeneration rate too boot. I am guessing apart from these, the power levels on the Stadi are also high too.

    To answer the question, as has already been answered, yes the Stadi like the Prime Universe Dreadnought has the Phaser Lance, but only uses it mostly in combination with Gravity Well, or the players ship it is aggro'ed at flies in front of it. Lower leveled players can be severely damaged or destroyed. At level 40-50 you can receive damage from it, but a good majority of the time it is rare that the lance will destroy a player (depending on class and ship health).The Stadi also has Quantum Torpedo's that especially when fired with High Yield Ability can do a great amount of damage.

    With experimentation, I can only conclude the Stadi is using 2x Mk XII Quantum Torpedo, 1x Mk XII Phaser Relay Tactical Consoles (All based on the damage I have received), TRIBBLE Boff's and Power boosts with Science abilities. In the many Mirror Invasion's I have played in, only thing I can see the Stadi using is Emergency Power to Shields III (And uses it often), Torpedo Spread II, Torpedo High Yield III, Fire At will II, Gravity Well II, Tractor Beam II and an ability that prevents weapons from going offline, These are the most recent that I have seen it use, in the past it was different.

    As for the Phaser Lance on our Prime Universe Dread's, that needs to be discussed on another post. Nearest I can tell, many whining players decided to go on a rampage because the Phaser Lance was killing them off too easily, which now leads us with a weapon that is now laughable. Tactical's flying the Dreadnought can enhance it's damage, but Engineer's/Sci's are left with a lance that barely tops Beam Over load I. . . Again there needs to be further discussion on another post and hopefully an action to change that. I could go on about the Cloaking device too, but there is no room on this topic for it.
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The gal-x is billed as a mirror universe ship. This is why it has a cloak. The only fed ship that should have a cloak is the defiant.

    There is no "federation" Dreadnaught, but there is a Terran empire one...that is what we pilot and what we fight against.
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  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    dahminus wrote: »
    The gal-x is billed as a mirror universe ship. This is why it has a cloak. The only fed ship that should have a cloak is the defiant.

    There is no "federation" Dreadnaught, but there is a Terran empire one...that is what we pilot and what we fight against.

    Uh... no. The Galaxy-X is from the TNG episode All Good Things. It was seen in a prime universe future in which the Enterprise-D was not destroyed, but heavily refitted at some point and commanded by Admiral Riker.

    In this future, the Romulans were conquered by the Klingons and the Federation was no longer bound by the restrictions of the Treaty of Algeron, and was free to develop and deploy cloaking technology as they saw fit.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    dahminus wrote: »
    The gal-x is billed as a mirror universe ship. This is why it has a cloak. The only fed ship that should have a cloak is the defiant.

    There is no "federation" Dreadnaught, but there is a Terran empire one...that is what we pilot and what we fight against.

    no, it is from an alternate future timeline and not from a mirror universe.
    Anyway, would be cool if some future lockbox would feature a mirror galaxy x for 800 lobi with a similar boff layout as the FACR and a more powerfull lance console. Maybe a warship voyager as the ship from the lockbox.
    a Terran empire lockbox.
    Go pro or go home
  • beerxhyperbeerxhyper Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    oh yes i can agree the mirror universe gal-x does have the spinal lance i've been hit and destroyed by it as a lvl 50 rom just went into cloak and bam out of nowhere lol. what i wanna know is this if we feds can fly the mu ships from lockboxes and the mu ships have cloaks how come ours don't has that ever been explained? lol

  • angarus1angarus1 Member Posts: 684 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I do hope I get to see it fire someday. :D
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,864 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    baudl wrote: »
    no, it is from an alternate future timeline and not from a mirror universe.
    Anyway, would be cool if some future lockbox would feature a mirror galaxy x for 800 lobi with a similar boff layout as the FACR and a more powerfull lance console. Maybe a warship voyager as the ship from the lockbox.
    a Terran empire lockbox.

    I came up with some ideas for a Mirror lockbox, I almost posted my ideas several times but I realized the odds of them releasing a Lockbox/Lobi ship that is similar/better than what can be on the c-store would be very low.

    But I was thinking the Fed version could be the Gal-X obviously with a phaser lance, the KDF version would be a Negh'var (Maybe larger than normal like the regent's one) give it some type of disruptor lance, for romulans I haven't really thought about it recently but I figure it would be a D'Deridex...but like with the Gal-X the DD is another c-store ship.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • darkhorse281darkhorse281 Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    baudl wrote: »
    Maybe a warship voyager as the ship from the lockbox.
    a Terran empire lockbox.

    Even though I have more ships than I know what to do with I would buy the warship voyager that ship was cool with all its armaments. :D

    I have been caught by stadi's gw but have not noticed the lance though now I'll be looking for it :P
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The Stadi does in fact have it, most people are smart enough to not sit in front of the bloody thing.
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