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Starship Interior or wasted space?

odstparker#7820 odstparker Member Posts: 466 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Federation Discussion
I rarely ever visit the inside of any of the ships in my fleet. There is little to no difference between interiors aside from the bridge and trophies. Everything else is exactly the same.

I have some suggestions that would really improve the interior of our beloved behemoths. We can already customize the exterior to a good extent, which is awesome, but we need some way to make the inside our own.

For starters, the crew. I think it would be a great option if we could change the default uniform for our ship's crew. Since we only have three or four types of crewmen on board (tactical, engineering, science, and medical), having a default uniform for each department would put them on the random crew of different species, gender, faces, etc. This should be possible somehow, seeing the TOS uniforms on the crew of the TOS interior. I expected the Belfast bridge to have the DS9 uniforms, but I don't think they do.

Next, the hallways of our ship should match the bride layout. The Belfast and TOS bridges that can be unlocked by the respective bundles are perfect examples. They change the entire interior, not just the bridge. The color scheme should at least change to match it.

While I mention the bundle unlocked interiors, I really hope we get an improved Enterprise bundle that includes a bridge for the NX class ships.

Basically, the interior of our ships should be as unique as our captains and officers. It's an open field for customization, but I see none being implemented as of yet.

I'm open to feedback of course, I'd like to hear what people think of this.
Post edited by odstparker#7820 on


  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have something to add on. In the interior, there are all those doors that don't lead anywhere. I think it would be cool if in the ship tailor ship interior section, we have a map of the ship interior and a selection of rooms we can drag onto it. These rooms would be like holodecks, cargo bays, crew quarters, conference rooms, observation lounges, astrometrics lab, weapon rooms, a shuttlebay, you name it. Then we purchase the layout like any other customization option, and when we go to the interior the rooms are there and the doors that have stuff behind them open. Maybe the doors could also change color and have a sign saying what they are. Perhaps we could even add more decks and name the decks. The possibilities are really endless.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My opinion is that they should introduce customizable ship interiors and bridges and sell certain art assets on the C-Store like TOS, TNG, Voyager, Andorian, Borg, etc. That way we can create the interior we want or get the interior we want from a player that has similar tastes, but better artistic skills.
  • odstparker#7820 odstparker Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Exactly! That's what I'd like to see. Full ship interior customization.

    Those hallways are a work of art waiting to happen!
  • uss917019uss917019 Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    if I am correct you are missing something that the Devs don't have just the Interior to fix (to change I mean) there WAY much more stuff to add then the little stuff but I am not saying this is a bad idea I like it would be very cool to see that especially the crew uniforms hate that kind of uniform they wear.

    Plus on a Note side just to say that if you all remember when they updated the Command Carrier lots and lots of ppl complained about bugs and they hated it or other stuff but imagine this it would be a hell a lot worse.

    Basicly what I am saying is that what they should do if fix all the bugs before adding new stuff what I mean about that is idk make a hole season or a year of fixing bugs and then after its done release all the new stuff that we all like :)

    All I sayd here is my opinions and suggestion plus I want them to focus on fixing the bugs instead of ignoring some and add more and more stuff.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Another thread on this topic, and for good reason - but it's a huge undertaking.

    They're going to need to dedicate a season to making bridges a useful source of actual content before they think it's worth doing. Right now it's just a shell - and I hope it changes at some point!
    Kirk's Protege.
  • odstparker#7820 odstparker Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I know that any large update with ship interiors would include a lot of testing, bug fixes, and all around grief for a time, but I hope it will happen someday.

    All I'm doing here is promoting the idea and throwing my name in the hat for those who support it.
  • dojegundojegun Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    I have something to add on. In the interior, there are all those doors that don't lead anywhere. I think it would be cool if in the ship tailor ship interior section, we have a map of the ship interior and a selection of rooms we can drag onto it. These rooms would be like holodecks, cargo bays, crew quarters, conference rooms, observation lounges, astrometrics lab, weapon rooms, a shuttlebay, you name it. Then we purchase the layout like any other customization option, and when we go to the interior the rooms are there and the doors that have stuff behind them open. Maybe the doors could also change color and have a sign saying what they are. Perhaps we could even add more decks and name the decks. The possibilities are really endless.

    I like your idea, but for this to work we would need a better tool to shape rooms. The current one (the one that is used in the Foundry) converts form 2D into 3D. You have to load the map everytime you change the height to see if everything is OK.
    Nobody gets in until the Federation decides to make bigger doors.
  • similonsimilon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yeah, at the moment they don't have a lot of motivation to do that. I remember reading recently that just creating a ship interior can take the better part of a month. I think getting us all the components that can line up and stuff may take a bit longer. Plus it's the sort of content they couldn't really charge for. Unless it's say, 10zen for a mess hall, 50zen for a holodeck, 1,000 zen for a strip-club. But nobody likes micro transaction especially because:

    Ship interiors are useless!
    There's a distinct lack of reason to go there. Sure, a strip club may attract some people but for the rest of us, it's just that occasional mission where you have to place a Bat'leth tournement trophy, or play with encrypted files in your readyroom. Most people seem to find those segments annoying.

    Personally, I'd like missions that took place on your ship. For example "Borg have invaded! Go murder your entire crew". This may not be compatable with designing your own bridges though... Also, somebody in a Vo'quv would be significantly disadvantage compared to his friend in a B'rel ;)
    The day will not save them. And we own the night.
  • cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,536 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think the interiors need more of a point to be more in demand. Maybe visiting your DOff's that are in SickBay to help boost crew morale as a temporary efficiency buff and helps them recover faster, crawling in Jeffries Tubes to fix things, a mini game based on the Matter/AntiMatter flow and mix rate for a temporary sector space speed buff or to reduce Transwarp cooldowns, or the ability to discharge a BO through a disembarking ceremony or even have a funeral where the remains are fired out in the torpedo casing like in Star Trek II. If you give players a fun reason to spend time on the inside of their ships, they will.
    > <
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  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think the interiors need more of a point to be more in demand. Maybe visiting your DOff's that are in SickBay to help boost crew morale as a temporary efficiency buff and helps them recover faster, crawling in Jeffries Tubes to fix things, a mini game based on the Matter/AntiMatter flow and mix rate for a temporary sector space speed buff or to reduce Transwarp cooldowns, or the ability to discharge a BO through a disembarking ceremony or even have a funeral where the remains are fired out in the torpedo casing like in Star Trek II. If you give players a fun reason to spend time on the inside of their ships, they will.

    And they could generate $$$ at the same time.

    Given that it's a reasonable price, of course.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    thread on how ship interiors could be monetized and therefore be useful.
    pvp = small package
  • shadowbullet99shadowbullet99 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ship interiors could be handled the same way the foundry custom maps is handled.

    you get a certain set of assets and a certain set of boundaries - or preset spaces and add what you want to them - ie particles, lighting and other things - and then when you click on the visit bridge it would associate your bridge map with the ship your using and bam , custom ship interiors. most of the mechanics are already in place and since the game already loads "map space" anyways for your bridge this should be easy
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