I can get duty officers from the Romulan Command Center, but none of the DOff missions allow me to get Romulan or Reman BOffs. I have more Paradan DOffs than Reman, and I have more purple Paradan DOffs than I have Romulan, (I have only "Law".) Additionally, my fellow refugee Rai, whom I found stranded on a mining colony, shows as a Federation DOff.
There are no "Assylum on ___" missions which result in an opportunity to find Romulan or Reman DOffs, and there are no colonization chains which end with the potential for a Romulan or Reman DOff. I am hoping this is not an oversight but something which couldn't be completed in time for LoR's release, and that it will be included in an upcoming update.
I'd like to see some Suliban and Hirogen DOffs tossed in there just for giggles, along with some of the minor races in the Romulan sphere, but I do want some Romulans and Remans. I mean, they are all refugees now, right? There should be hundreds of them looking for a chance to join my crew!
And what about BOffs? During my rise to level 50, aside from the mandatory BOffs like Tovan, Hiven, Satra, and D'vex, I recruited three Romulan BOffs, (Got one each, green, blue, and purple.) Since I hit level 50 I have recruited three purple humans, a purple Vulcan, a purple Rigellian, and a purple Ferengi, but no Romulans or Remans.
Not one opportunity to recruit any Romulan or Reman BOff since I hit level 50.
So, what's the big deal?
With DOffs it's a matter of faction. My Fed tagged DOffs can only be reassigned at Starfleet Academy, and my Romulan tagged DOffs at Romulan Command Center. I'm trying to re-assign my crew so that I get more purple and fewer white DOffs. When I have 100 crew, and of the nine white DOffs three are Fed and two Rom, I cannot reassign them for a single DOff, but have to start reassigning green DOffs to make room in my roster for new recruits.
With BOffs it's a matter of finding traits which compliment my build. The Romulans have traits which help with cloaking and the use of plasma weaponry that other races lack. I understand that there is a trait many find too powerful on Romulans, and if this is actually the case, the power needs to be adjusted, not the availability of BOffs.
Additionally, there should be BOffs which represent the Romulan aligned species, such as the Suiliban or Hirogen, or possibly even a Vendorian.
So, please look into the inclusion of Romulan faction BOffs and DOffs. At least allow level 50+ captains the opportunity to recruit the races we already have.
This is not a Rare or Very Rare occurrence, it's a Never.
This is going on a month since my Romulan Captain had an opportunity to recruit a Romulan. Meanwhile, I picked up another Human Purple and Ferengi Blue.
Has anyone in the last month been given the opportunity to recruit a new Romulan or Reman BOff?
I've seen a few people mentioning that they have sold hundreds of millions of EC worth of romulan and reman BOFFS. I myself have not seen the mission come up once.
I have not seen anything about Doffs other than recruting from the command center.
From the command center I have about 4 blue and 24-ish green romulan/reman doffs. No purples.
This is not a Rare or Very Rare occurrence, it's a Never.
This is going on a month since my Romulan Captain had an opportunity to recruit a Romulan. Meanwhile, I picked up another Human Purple and Ferengi Blue.
Has anyone in the last month been given the opportunity to recruit a new Romulan or Reman BOff?
I've had three in the past month. Well, OK, more like 5 weeks or so. And I don't play very often. Meanwhile I picked up a Rigellian BOff and saw a Human BOff mission which I passed on.
"You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
--Red Annorax
Got a Bajoran from New Romulus Comand. Still no Romulan or Reman BOff.
Duty Officers are available in the Command Center, and I can upgrade them. However, every duty officer I find along the way via DOff missions is Federation tagged, and I can only return to the Federation Academy to Reassign Underperforming Officers. At this rate my crew will have only a few token Romulans and even fewer token Remans. The only place to get Romulan tagged DOfffs is from the console in New Romulus Command Center.
I got one Romulan DOff assignment in each department within the first couple weeks of them being added. Nothing since then. No Remans. I check a few times a day, both in Tau Dewa block and at Command. Would be nice to see the frequency increased given that we only have two species as opposed to the ten or so the Federation can recruit.
__________________ Ann Manistee Traverse - Human Science ~~ Oken Miquat - Saurian Tactical
Exin Jor - Joined Trill Engineer ~~ Vartox - Romulan Science Dn'Dok, son of Ladok - Klingon/Romulan Engineer ~~ Mosa M'ren-faa - Ferasan Tactical
Krushan Twinn - Orion Science
This is not a Rare or Very Rare occurrence, it's a Never.
This is going on a month since my Romulan Captain had an opportunity to recruit a Romulan. Meanwhile, I picked up another Human Purple and Ferengi Blue.
Has anyone in the last month been given the opportunity to recruit a new Romulan or Reman
I've never gotten a Romulan BOFF recruitment and I have 2 roms that I check throughout the day
Nniol tr'Keiniadh has a purple Romulan Science BOff candidate, a purple Reman Science, and a blue Reman Tac that he doesn't need; shoot me your name@handle, and I can send them to you.
There are no "Assylum on ___" missions which result in an opportunity to find Romulan or Reman DOffs, and there are no colonization chains which end with the potential for a Romulan or Reman DOff.
I just want to point out that there ARE two colonization chains that give the DOffs you're looking for. I do grant you that this isn't much (1 romulan and 1 reman for each faction) but it is something. The Afehirr Nebula gives a Reman DOff, and the Eridan Belt gives a Romulan DOff.
I agree, however, with your general sentiment. My KDF/Romulan is only a Centurion, and I'm already seeing more Klingons and Orions on my DOff Roster than Remans. The number of Gorn is about to pass the Remans too, and I almost have as many Klingons as Romulans. I understand that we're supposed to be allied to one of the two factions, but I'd prefer that my "allies" didn't try and slowly take over my ship. At least on my KDF character I can execute some mutineers, except for the fact that I have no blue or purple romulan/reman characters except Law, so if I want to stay true to fluff, I'm stuck with the whites and greens I've been given, or I have SLOOOOOOOOOOOWLY spend massive amounts of dilithium trading them at a horrible 5:1 for better officers. This is just ridiculous.
I fully support some Asylum missions. "Asylum on Mol'Rihan," "Asylum in the Reman City," and "Asylum on the Suliban Helix" would be great just to name a few.
This is going on a month since my Romulan Captain had an opportunity to recruit a Romulan. Meanwhile, I picked up another Human Purple and Ferengi Blue.
Has anyone in the last month been given the opportunity to recruit a new Romulan or Reman BOff?
I have not seen anything about Doffs other than recruting from the command center.
From the command center I have about 4 blue and 24-ish green romulan/reman doffs. No purples.
--Red Annorax
Duty Officers are available in the Command Center, and I can upgrade them. However, every duty officer I find along the way via DOff missions is Federation tagged, and I can only return to the Federation Academy to Reassign Underperforming Officers. At this rate my crew will have only a few token Romulans and even fewer token Remans. The only place to get Romulan tagged DOfffs is from the console in New Romulus Command Center.
I thought Romulan Rep characters were supposed to get Romulan recruitment assignments.
You can see the class/race before you accept the mission. We get all Reman + Romulan + Federation or KDF BOFF missions.
Ann Manistee Traverse - Human Science ~~ Oken Miquat - Saurian Tactical
Exin Jor - Joined Trill Engineer ~~ Vartox - Romulan Science
Dn'Dok, son of Ladok - Klingon/Romulan Engineer ~~ Mosa M'ren-faa - Ferasan Tactical
Krushan Twinn - Orion Science
Yes, quite a few actually
One each Romulan Tactical Officer
One Romulan Sci officer
One Romulan Engineer Officer
That is it four total Romulan bridge officers and zero Reman between my two romulans in almost two months.
That is with me checking at least three times a day pretty much every day in both spots.
I just want to point out that there ARE two colonization chains that give the DOffs you're looking for. I do grant you that this isn't much (1 romulan and 1 reman for each faction) but it is something. The Afehirr Nebula gives a Reman DOff, and the Eridan Belt gives a Romulan DOff.
I agree, however, with your general sentiment. My KDF/Romulan is only a Centurion, and I'm already seeing more Klingons and Orions on my DOff Roster than Remans. The number of Gorn is about to pass the Remans too, and I almost have as many Klingons as Romulans. I understand that we're supposed to be allied to one of the two factions, but I'd prefer that my "allies" didn't try and slowly take over my ship. At least on my KDF character I can execute some mutineers, except for the fact that I have no blue or purple romulan/reman characters except Law, so if I want to stay true to fluff, I'm stuck with the whites and greens I've been given, or I have SLOOOOOOOOOOOWLY spend massive amounts of dilithium trading them at a horrible 5:1 for better officers. This is just ridiculous.
I fully support some Asylum missions. "Asylum on Mol'Rihan," "Asylum in the Reman City," and "Asylum on the Suliban Helix" would be great just to name a few.