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Tactical build for Tal Shiar Adapted Cruiser

etherbunny66xetherbunny66x Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Hey guys, I'm a first time player ( Romulan Tactical officer ), I fell in love with the Tal Shiar Adapted Cruiser, I so I got me one.
But now im a the point ( I'm level 40 ) where I have no idea what to equip or even what direction I should build towards. I don't PVP much although I will try later in the game.

So my question is , How should I build this beast of a ship if I want more PVE, with a little PVP focus.
Also Iv looked everywhere * even skill planner site * Where Can I find a good Skill setup for a tactical officer, I feel lost with how many options there are to building my character. :/

I really need some help ._.
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    assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You fell in love with the Khnial-class? Congrats, not even Scotty could love a hull like that.:D

    Okay, bad jokes aside, I can't help you with PvP, I gave up on that ages ago. For the rest you have to tell us a wee bit more. What did you play so far and how did you like it? Beam broadsides or cannons? High-level tactical, engineering or science abilities? The Khnial is an incredibly versatile ship, to get the most out of it you need an idea what you want. I for example have an Aventine class science vessel on my main that's set up like a beam escort. Maybe that's crazy but it never fails me (except in PvP, there everything does).
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
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    etherbunny66xetherbunny66x Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You fell in love with the Khnial-class? Congrats, not even Scotty could love a hull like that.:D

    Okay, bad jokes aside, I can't help you with PvP, I gave up on that ages ago. For the rest you have to tell us a wee bit more. What did you play so far and how did you like it? Beam broadsides or cannons? High-level tactical, engineering or science abilities? The Khnial is an incredibly versatile ship, to get the most out of it you need an idea what you want. I for example have an Aventine class science vessel on my main that's set up like a beam escort. Maybe that's crazy but it never fails me (except in PvP, there everything does).

    Well, After using the Double D , I found that using a beam boat setup works great because I could never hit with my dang cannons , but This ship has a bit better turn stat. Im thinking that a Cannon build would work best for me .
    I like to cause massive damage and generally play like a Juggernaut, I'm not really into slowly breaking them down.
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    ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The only public stats I know of are the dev blog. I dont know if its still accurate but I assume its close.

    edit: wrote a spec for the destroyer, not the battlecruiser
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    assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hm, okay. You'd have to figure out if you can push the turn rate enough with RCS consoles to effectively use dual cannons or if you are better off with single cannons, but what I would propose in that case is this:

    Commander Tactical: Tactical Team, Cannon: Scatter Volley I, Torpedo: Spread III, Cannon: Rapid Fire III
    Lieutenant Commander Science: Science Team I, Transfer Shield Strength II, Hazard Emitters III (you need someone to train your boff in that)
    Lieutenant Engineering: Emergency Power to Shields I, Emergency Power to Shields II
    Lieutenant Tactical: Torpedo: Spread I, Torpedo: High Yield II (can be replaced with different things)
    Ensign Engineering: Engineering Team

    Front: 3 cannons of your choice, 1 torpedo launcher
    Aft: 3 turrets, 1 torpedo launcher

    Now the skills are more complicated, but I would invest into the weapon trainings and the energy boosts, especially for weapons to increase damage and engines to help speed and turn rate. Also Starship Impulse Thrusters and the skills for hull and shield healing and hp.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
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    blackwind04xblackwind04x Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    well first you can only use two cannons at a time.. they pull to much power..the other two slots are for torps. so you'll need borg torp and romulan torp. second its a science ship. made for cool effects. the rear is for borg beam ray, Tachyon Burst Mine center. side will have beam trans phase torps. remember its a science ship. all power to AX.
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    jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Adapted Battle Cruiser really isn't a sci ship. You can sort of make it into one, but it'll suffer from the relatively poor turn rate and limited sci console slots. Instead, I'd go with something sort of similar to assimilatedktar's suggestion. The boff assignments would be the same, but many of the abilities would be different, and I would definitely not use a rear torpedo launcher, use another turret there instead. I'm going to reorder the slots for simplicity here, so it looks something like this:

    Tac Team 1, Cannon Scatter Volley 1, Attack Pattern Omega 1, Attack Pattern Omega 3
    Torp Spread 1, Cannon Scatter Volley 1

    Emergency Power to Shields 1, Aux to Structural 1
    Emergency Power to Shields 1

    Sci Team 1, Transfer Shield Strength 2, Hazard Emitters 3

    Pre LoR I would have said to get Gravity Well instead of Sci Team, but it's gotten pretty weak these days. The changes I have suggested are the Eng hull heal (Aux to SIF is generally the better heal, shorter cooldown, plenty of power, and a nice resist buff, and it has the advantage of not conflicting with anything in the build) and many of the Tac powers, which I reoriented to give more of an overall buff, and eliminate the excess torp ability (you can only make use of 2 because of shared cooldowns). You could also use Beta instead of Omega if you want (although the turn rate buff from Omega could be valuable on this ship, and Beta 3 is harder to come by), and you could also drop torps entirely and use an all energy build, in which case you'd take a second Tac Team, and possibly drop Sci Team (shared cooldowns again) and get something else for sci, possibly Grav Well after all (it's only available as an LtC ability).

    Of course, the other option with this ship is to use the Commander slot for Eng, that is a little tricky to set up since it has a lot of sci slots and the best build with that many eng slots is usually Aux to Batt, but still an option.
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    astralstorm#3516 astralstorm Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    These Battle Cruiser builds are all very nice if you were lucky enough to have the Lobi or the EC to get one, however, the guy's original question was does anyone have any Tactical builds for the Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer NOT the Battle Cruiser.

    I'm looking for the same thing.

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    raslekx626raslekx626 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    well first you can only use two cannons at a time.. they pull to much power..the other two slots are for torps. so you'll need borg torp and romulan torp. second its a science ship. made for cool effects. the rear is for borg beam ray, Tachyon Burst Mine center. side will have beam trans phase torps. remember its a science ship. all power to AX.

    you sir are so very wrong 2 cannons would make them USLESS and set up your consols properly wich give you more weapon power and full to weapons as a tac should have your fine your low for 10 second and a batery will fix it all instantly your at full never going under 100 and that with 4 of them going as thats what iv got with my adp des

    build wise im still playing a bit but what i have is working prety well minefields i get 2end at least and thats if im tired and dont hit my skills

    WEAPONS i have 4 AP DHCs infront you can change one for a plasma torp if you want. 2 ap turrents and the borg citting beam in the back

    CONSOLS tac i got 4 ap consols better you can get is best sci i have 2 field gens and a shield emitter and engi iv got the shrapnel torp a sif gen and the assimilated moduale

    OTHER i have borg engine and deflector and warp core im useing the one that comes with shield iv got MACO

    that should work prety well for you good dps if you fly it properly remember its long so move in a bit slower then with other tac ships
    To understand the underlying philosophy of the Sith. The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must crave it. Covet it. You must SEEK POWER ABOVE ALL ELSE WITH NO RESERVATION OR HESITATION.
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    johnny1051johnny1051 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I want to ditch my never used shrapnel torpedo console so badly, but I enjoy the 2 piece bonus. I love this ship but that really grinds my gears. I run MkXII DHC Nanite Disruptors and a XII Plasma torp up front (Not Romulan Rep) and MKXII Nanite Disruptors in the rear. Still using a Jem Hadar 3 piece as a make my way through the Romulan Reputation to the MKXII goodies. Works well for PVE, can do Tau Dewa sector patrol in 10 minutes, that's 5 engagements of 5 waves of enemies. Level 50 Rom Tac.
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    arctcwolfarctcwolf Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'd say stick with a plasma based setup. 3x DHC and 1x DC in front, 2x turrets, 1x exp. rom. beam, and 1x KCB in rear

    run flow cap embassy consoles with +pla on them. they will help with sci skills as well as plasmonic leech

    run a plasmonic leech, max plasma tac consoles, zero point, assimilated borg, and a fleet rcs with +allres on it. save up for a tachyokinetic converter from lobi store.
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