I have been using the regular Ha'Feh that you get once you reach Subadmiral. I was thinking about getting one of those Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyers and I wanted to ask if anyone would recommend it? Adapted Destroyer over a regular Ha'Feh?
My character is an engineer and I mainly use escorts. I do try and put a bit more survivability into my escort. I am also not in a T5 fleet so the fleet version is out of the question.
Well if you are engineer you need to get BOTH Tal Shiar Adapted ships. They give pretty nice bonuses when they are 3/3 and the Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer is only half decent without its 3rd ability which you get from that Tal Shiar ship for 800 lobi crystals / exchange and that one is a great engineering ship and good build for a beam boat or a heal boat. So if you get them, get them both or neither. That is what i have and its what i recommend.
Mogai retrofit is a good and cheaper choice for a tanky escort especially if you get the valdore refit for its console, and fleet version only needs t3 fleet. You should be able to easily tank elite tac cubes with no cross healing as an eng with Fleet mogai and valdore console.
I also play an engineer ,and use the Ha'feh assault warbird....it's a really nice ship, my only
question is... why isn't there a retrofit version of it? there seems to be a retrofit version of everything else....does anyone know if they are planning to make a retrofit version of the Ha'feh? if they arent then I guess I will settle for the Mogai Heavy retrofit. ty for any info that anyone supplies.
Forgot about the ship modules (stupid idea, what is the purpose of these modules? why not just allow us the credits/marks or w/e along with T5???), so I had to resort to the Adapted Destroyer.
I really like it. Currently working on the build, but that ensign tac slot is useless.
I also play an engineer ,and use the Ha'feh assault warbird....it's a really nice ship, my only
question is... why isn't there a retrofit version of it? there seems to be a retrofit version of everything else....does anyone know if they are planning to make a retrofit version of the Ha'feh? if they arent then I guess I will settle for the Mogai Heavy retrofit. ty for any info that anyone supplies.
"Retrofit" translates into this game as "Now available as Tier 5" Since the Ha'feh is already T5 it can't be upgraded to T5. It can be upgraded to Fleet levels.
Think about it.
Tier 1 T'Varo becomes Tier 5 T'Varo retrofit
Tier 2 Dhelen becomes Tier 5 Dhelen retrofit
"Refit" translates to "Enhanced version, with More BOFFs, Console slots and a Universal Console."
Tier 3 Mogai, Tier 3 Mogai Refit (Valdore) is the enhanced version.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
I have the destroyer on my tac officer and I can say its as good if not sligtly better than the ha'feh, the downside is the lack of singularity abilities, I wouldnt recomend going out your way to get one, unless u have a spare 70 odd mill in your bank, however you do need the second ships console to make it worth the money, this however costs either another 70 odd mill or 800lc, personaly I would say use the haf'eh, its just as good, but if you can get a destroyer with or without the second console, its still a dam good ship, strap on some rcs consoles and u can just about back flip em.
Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
The destroyer is really tanky and can be set up to throw out grav wells, which is always nice. It can be a bit of a pain to adjust to flying because it is very large, specifically very long, but narrow. The firing points are all at the very fore of the ship, so you can run into situations where you have a target in the arc, but the front of your ship is so far out there it puts your target right out of the arc again.
I like it, though, I do prefer the Battlecruiser, simply because I think it may well be the most versatile ship in the game. The consoles on their own are kinda weak but the set bonuses are really good.
"Retrofit" translates into this game as "Now available as Tier 5" Since the Ha'feh is already T5 it can't be upgraded to T5. It can be upgraded to Fleet levels.
Think about it.
Tier 1 T'Varo becomes Tier 5 T'Varo retrofit
Tier 2 Dhelen becomes Tier 5 Dhelen retrofit
"Refit" translates to "Enhanced version, with More BOFFs, Console slots and a Universal Console."
Tier 3 Mogai, Tier 3 Mogai Refit (Valdore) is the enhanced version.
yeah I knew that, but I guess I was wanting a bit more for it....after reading all the "special" consoles/ability the others had....and the Ha'feh really didn't have one, I guess I felt a bit gimped compared to the others. But I did end up getting both mogai's and I do last longer in the heavy retro and a bit of tweaking for bridge officer abilities and I pretty much have what I had in my Ha'feh....so its not bad. ty for your input.
Look at it positively, when the Romulans get their next Tier 5 vessel it won't be an old vessel with a visual tweak it will be an all new vessel.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
question is... why isn't there a retrofit version of it? there seems to be a retrofit version of everything else....does anyone know if they are planning to make a retrofit version of the Ha'feh? if they arent then I guess I will settle for the Mogai Heavy retrofit. ty for any info that anyone supplies.
I really like it. Currently working on the build, but that ensign tac slot is useless.
"Retrofit" translates into this game as "Now available as Tier 5" Since the Ha'feh is already T5 it can't be upgraded to T5. It can be upgraded to Fleet levels.
Think about it.
Tier 1 T'Varo becomes Tier 5 T'Varo retrofit
Tier 2 Dhelen becomes Tier 5 Dhelen retrofit
"Refit" translates to "Enhanced version, with More BOFFs, Console slots and a Universal Console."
Tier 3 Mogai, Tier 3 Mogai Refit (Valdore) is the enhanced version.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
I like it, though, I do prefer the Battlecruiser, simply because I think it may well be the most versatile ship in the game. The consoles on their own are kinda weak but the set bonuses are really good.
yeah I knew that, but I guess I was wanting a bit more for it....after reading all the "special" consoles/ability the others had....and the Ha'feh really didn't have one, I guess I felt a bit gimped compared to the others. But I did end up getting both mogai's and I do last longer in the heavy retro and a bit of tweaking for bridge officer abilities and I pretty much have what I had in my Ha'feh....so its not bad. ty for your input.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.