We all know how life as a KDF is in this game. But sometimes, things just go too far.
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Here, More So in the "Older Ideas: Section (If That Doesn't Say Much) So it Is Legitimate Under The Fact It Is "Cryptic" Making This In The Wiki
100 Day Veteran Badge:
Ask Cryptic In June 2011 Said:
"Q: the_illustrious_q What?s the word on a 100 day vet reward for Klingons?
A: For those who don?t remember the history of this, early in the development of the game the 100 day veteran rewards were made focused primarily on Federation characters (since you have to make a Fed in order to even make a KDF toon). When I took over as EP, I started talking about ways to fix this and subsequent Veteran Rewards had Fed/KDF counterparts. This leaves the old 100 day vet reward of the Alternate Future Variant Badge as a Fed only standout. We have been doing some badge work for Season 4, and we may be able to sneak this one in, but it is a legacy issue that we haven?t dealt with yet.
My schedule shows that we?ll resolve it before the end of the year."
Gorn Featured Episode:
Fourm Post Said By An Administrator in Feb. 2011 (The Number is Purple):
"The Gorn are already scheduled for their own feature episode series, I just can't give you a specific timeframe yet."
IS most likely more things they neglected about us, but I couldn't find it with all the nice new content coming up OR the fact that everything "special" or should I say mainly "ships" seems to be all Feddy Feddy Feddy again. Maybe THAT'S a broke promise? All well, post below if you find any other old things that I didn't say that were never passed though. Even if you have things like you see things now that aren't being processed, post it here~!
R'tolves Will Spread Thier Peace and Will Prevail Over the Hostiles Who Dare Hurt Such A Isolationist Consitutional Monarchy!
It's sad, but unfortunately it's true.
Support a KDF equivalent to the Vesta Here
Indeed you are right! This is really just the tip, that is why I asked for people to give more things I missed. These were just the oldest ones.
And most of those "promises" in that list are just interpretations and statements like "we would like to do", "we're thinking about" etc... that were just taken for granted.
The OP is just another prime example of that.
Like in the last Podcast,
"we have those planed for something else (Broadside Weapons)
"We plan to get more KDF ships in the future" (Only Thing KDF was Mentioned in)
To be fair enough, we've come a long way in the past few months. Still lots and lots of issues, but we're trending in the right direction finally.
Wow im suprised theres any klingon players left after reading that
Some were and some weren't, fact remains that the KDF faction as a whole has been seriously mishandled from the start and has resulted in the faction's population being worn down to a fragment of what it could have been.
The last KDF ship pack was the Bortasqu, then over a year went by with nothing, then we got the B'rolth and the Qaw'dun out of nowhere after being delayed for a while but one of those is a low-level ship skin that can't really be used anywhere else.
Before the Bortasqu what was the last thing we got? Before that? In all that time, how much has the Federation gotten in comparison?
When you tally it all up, the Federation has just about triple the number of ships and ship skins that the KDF has, and it took them over 3 years just to get enough PvE content to level up all the way from lvl 6 (yeah it too them 3 years to let you start a KDF character at level 0 without unlocked them through federation play) all the way to max level without being forced to grind it out via "exploration" and empire defense (oh yeah you could only level up through PvP and Empire defense at game launch too).
Learn the history of the KDF with this game before you go talking about what was "promised" vs. what they'd like to do.
Support a KDF equivalent to the Vesta Here
I plan on retiring at 55. Between now and then, circumstances could change, plans may need to be adjusted, changed, or scrapped all together.
Sometimes plans change. Look, I think the KDF needs some love (maybe thats why the race is so full of warriors, not enough hugs). Just Kidding.
I think that they got some long deserved and missing things with LoR. There are still some holes that need some filling, granted.
But anytime someone makes mention of well... any future plans, someone trots out the list of broken promises, at some point, you need to work with the devs instead of standing at the gates with torches and pitchforks.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Yes, the KDF was MAJORLY neglected and lead on for years - no one is denying that, but they did get a fair amount of new (and good) content with LoR. Use that as a springboard, and continue to push for new stuff without digging up some two year old 'zinger'.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
This... the poster puts its much better than I did in the previous post. By all means the KDF should continue to fight for their faction, for its improvement, and uniqueness.
But let the past stay in the past, and move forward from where we are today.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Sure they've made a stride or two in the right direction years after the fact, but it borders on too little, too late. The majority of the KDF PvE population left years ago (and many swore never to play another Cryptic game again), leaving the PvPers behind and the PvP side of the game hasn't been updated at all in over two years, which each new season announced being stated as the "PvP season" but then it gets pushed back to next season, and the next season and the next and the next.
Until Cryptic genuinely commits to rectifying the neglect to all parts of the game (most notably the KDF and the PvP sides of the game), people won't stop pulling out the ever lengthening list of things they didn't do, and the reason is because Cryptic's words are meaningless with regards to those sides of the game.
The veteran KDF and PvP players know better than to trust Cryptic at their word, so the proverbial old wound continues to be open.
Support a KDF equivalent to the Vesta Here
You comments here read, to me, is that no matter what Cryptic does now, it is not enough. You are obviously deeply hurt, and I would say probably too cynical now to move beyond it, regardless of what is done.
You are taking this as a personal attack on you, or the KDF, or the PvP community... and have lost your objectivity, IMHO. The facts, as much as we would like them to be different, are what they are... the company MUST develop to its core audience. In the case of Star Trek Online, thats Federation PVE'ers. Anything else is secondary. Its how companies work man.
All I am saying is that at some point, you have to reach a point to let the past be the past, and move forward with some hope. If you doom an endeavor before it even begins, then well you won't be happy... no matter what.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Contrary to what you might think, I am able to be objective and let the past be the past, hell for a long time I defended Cryptic on these forums (until Season 2, the "KDF Season" was released).
Anyway though, for various reasons I've quit the game twice, and returned twice, both times I've return with hope that things will have improved, that the KDF will be equalized or at least that Cryptic will have taken the right steps in that matter, that PvP will finally have gotten some much needed attention, and willing to put the past behind me if they have.
Both times, however, I've returned to the game to find that the more things have changed in the game the more they've stayed the same, and it's not going to get better anytime soon because of the Romulans and the Dev's current push to equalize them in ships. Then top it all off with Ask Cryptics and State of the Game messages either not mentioning the KDF or PvP or with them giving the same comments/statements that they've give for the past few years now.
Add onto it the general lack of caring towards game balance, broken powers, and known exploits that keep getting 'fixed' then return a couple of patches later, on top of the Dev's love of introducing more time-gated grind and calling it 'content' and it's easy to see why players (not just myself) get beyond frustrated with this game, especially when they're playing it because it is a Star Trek game.
Am I scarred when it comes to this game? Sure, I've watched more than a couple great fleets with good people rise and die out not because of drama, but because players were so frustrated and angry with Cryptic that they quit; and those that are left from the old days are here because they're waiting for something better.
However I pride myself on being able to step back and look at things objectively, and when I do I look back and see that while Cryptic took their sweet time in doing it, they did mostly equalize the PvE content in the game between the factions, using the featured episodes to fill the gaps. They did finally make it so you could start a Klingon without having to unlock them through Federation play first.
However I also look at it and see that for every Klingon ship added to the Zen Store, they've added 2-4 Federation ships between releases. I see that the PvP side of the game has gone without an update in over two years. I see Cryptic releasing more and more lockbox ships/consoles and whatnot that further throw balance out of wack. I see the requests, recommendations and bug reports of the KDF and the PvP community go unanswered and ignored while the requests by the Federation players get answered and actively researched for being included into the game (just look at the number of dev posts in the fed forums vs. the kdf or the pvp forums).
The list goes on.
I'm not saying this to depress you or anybody else, I'm just trying to make you understand why older players keep bringing up everything that hasn't been done. The community has waited and waited and gotten either nothing or a pittance by comparison to Federation content, and the patience ran out a long time ago.
Support a KDF equivalent to the Vesta Here
Maybe it's not so much a 2 yr old zinger, but a zinger 2 years in the making? . . . That's kind of hard when the KDF "today" is 2 yrs overdue, pushed back, and again not given a real due date.
I'll read all about today when it gets here.
season 6
cause sometimes its party time!
Even now... as much as I get less involved about it... look at the "quality" of the new KDF missions.... and then look at the Romulan Missions.... BIG Difference In Feel And Sound. I am actually getting angry for in a new interview, yet again, KDF is NOT mentioned AT ALL! Then I hear ROMULAN SHIPS ON END that sounds VERY sketchy IF you compare it to KDF! (Only KDF Thing Mentioned Was A Comparision Of VET Ship to ROM)
Also, at this very moment, ROMS Have More Costumes than us ALREADY! And if THAT'S Not Noticeable... I dont know WHAT is... And I guess That's it for today.
PODCAST: (Time:23:50)"Started off making Klingon content of all things." (That Sounds Reassuring And Uncalled For... If Hear Tone and The Statement Itself)
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Roms also have exactly three races to create uniforms for, not eight (including Trill and Alien). And unlike the Federation, the KDF races tend to have unique uniform pieces designed specifically for that race.
I'm not suggesting that KDF shouldn't get more clothing options. I am pointing out that it's going to be more time-consuming to create options that universally fit all of them. That means more development time, which means harder to get and keep on the schedule.
Part of the reason why the Roms got priority for costuming this time around has to do with the storyline.
Roms start out with a choice of "starter" outfits meant to portray them as colonists and outcasts.
They get access to a Romulan Republic uniform once they join up.
They get access to a Tal Shiar uniform when they infiltrate the Tal Shiar.
They get a Romulan uniform variant that's meant to distinguish the difference between the Fed-allied and KDF-allied Romulans.
And of course there are the uniforms you can only get with cash.
The way to get more KDF costume options is not to demand costumes. The way to get more KDF costume options is to ask for new content where new costumes make sense.
A Gorn-inspired FE might very well call for Gorn-inspired costumes. An Orion-inspired FE might call for more Orion costume options. Costumes based on the furry Rura Penthe outfits might actually get somewhere if you request them for missions in cold-weather environments (Winter event.. hint, hint).
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I see what you mean. Sorry for the inconvenience... I think I was getting too much in the head seeing more C-Store Rom Costumes At First, That's All. I know "demanding" doesn't work... and TBH... I think I just need to cool down. I have to look at where the stuff could fit in, before I just demand my way to hope for it. In fact, I might make a new post to ask about the Gorn Featured Episodes In Them Selves.... Maybe Even Get Ideas For You To Use. Then, hopefully that will transpire into costumes... etc etc... and I think it will go well. And by another thing, maybe you don't mind getting KDF some "Yesterday's Enterprise Variant"? Because... it really does not go well with KDF.
But hey at least we got Ionized Gas Sensor console because we all wanted that right......
Its too late now to remove it from the feds but why not let kdf players buy leech for ec as well.
By ignoring the kdf side of the game they are ruining the game people love to use the excuse "well you don't get c store ships because they don't sell well" yea that true because there are alot less kdf players and the more you decide to ignore them the number will countinue to decrease due to people quitting or changing to fed.
At this point i refuse to give any of my money to Perfect World in the past i have and would love to continue to support this game but the lack of support for kdf means that i won't. (Yes we did get a 1-20 experience in LOR but so what starting out at level 20 was a cheese shortcut on there part for too long)
After reading the article about the kdf timeline i am surprised that anyone who played the game at launch as a Klingon would still be around.
After listening to a couple podcast with devs it seems the attitude is pretty much only 16% of the playerbase plays on the kdf side so we don't really care about them if they want better gameplay they need to reroll fed.
For the record they said they would give them to the Feds eventually.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
At this point i don't really care much that the feds have leech as well the real problem is the cost difference.
As a fed you simply walk to the exchange and put down 2 million or less ec and you have it (2 mil ec is nothing i made almost 5 million leveling a klingon back when it was 20-50 just by selling mission drops)
But as a kdf you still have to go out and buy a Vandal Destroyer for 1k zen or about 100k dilithium (which is a great exchange rate atm)
So instead of taking a kdf excursive and making it say a rare item for feds now every single fed can have one because its pretty much free for them.
Ahh but as a KDF you only pay for the ship once and can get as many consoles as you want on each KDF character afterwards free of charge. After discharging the ship you can claim another and it comes with all standard equipment including the console. So you can have 1 console on each of your ships on each character. Feds have to pay MILLIONS to do that on multiple characters, or even just 1. :P
And it isn't that hard to make 1k zen. Heck I had 1100 yesterday and bought the 900 zen respec bundle for 1 character so I could respec his skills, traits, and reputation abilities. Only took me a few days to get. Now he doesn't suck.
And recently I had 2500 zen like a couple weeks ago. Across multiple characters trading dil for it, it only took me about a week and a half to get. (And a few days ago I bought $40 in zen cards at game stop)
The problem is zen is a restricted in how much you can get in a certain time to make 1k zen its takes 13 days and even if you have to only grind a hour a day its still 13 days to convert it.
Where as Ec is an unlimited resource that you can make 1 million per hour easy.
If you wanted to compare the ec cost of fed vs kdf leech by converting master keys into ec your talking you would have to buy 8 fed leech consoles before you broke even with kdf.
Let alone the slap in the face it is to kdf who had to buy the leech for zen in the past.