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Too Many Issues !!!!

a2754a2754 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
I don't know if I'm the only one to notice this, and I find it hard to believe that I am but I hope PWE/Cryptic will fix this as it has only gotten worse since the LOR release.

Lag: i.e "Rubber Banding" has become a everyday thing, not just for myself but many of my fleet mates complain about it. Also it goes hand in hand with my other issues that I will list below.

Mail: i.e Unable to delete mail (especially exchange mail), and when sending or recieving mail it doesn't notify anymore that you have sent or recieved mail.

Bank: i.e Remvoing/Placing items to/from Bank to Inventory is a chore in itself....IF you are lucky enough to retrieve your items the game is so lag ridden that minutes later your items show up in your inventory if they actually do show up.

I know everyone love to complain over everything in this game, but I never had so many issues with this game until the LOR release.

Submitting tickets via in game reporting is to be honest a joke as you get no response nor does the issue become resolved...or you get an automated response that states it's due to a game bug even if your ticket has nothing to do with "Bugs" in the game.

I still see that many are still having log in issues, random disconnects, lag is beyond acceptable levels, these issues seem to just be stacking up faster than the Dev's seem able to solve...and sadly this game is becoming more Star Trek OFFLINE, then Star Trek Online with the constant "Emergency Maintenance"....

I think it's about time you gave STO some more server power & stop bunching it with your other online products because I can only imagine the issues they must be complaining about as well.

I appreciate the effort PWE/Cryptic has made to make this game what it is & in trying to make this game awesome & I have supported it via getting the Legacy Pack & LTM as well as purchasing game cards. I just think we need to tidy up the issues quickly and permanently before it becomes beyond repair.
Post edited by a2754 on


  • x0ligyx0ligy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One reason im not spending is the downtime, its unacceptable imo, plus with the queing the other day i think its abit of a joke.

    Im willing to buy and spend zen just not get a subscription i dont need nor require.

    Also you missed out the Hive Onlaught issues i use to enjoy that mission now i can not even complete it on normal nevermind elite like i use to. There are other issues too but they have been around longer with no fix so i wount get my hopes up.

    Also i dont even think most the isses get reported and if they do they are not as important as "what can we add to make more money?"
  • hank900hank900 Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Give them a chance, it is a MASSIVE undertaking to keep the server bug free. As a computer guy, I know that you may not see some bug until you upload it and play. Yes there are problems and they will fix them. If you look at it, STO has less problems and a lot of other MMO games. Yes it is frustrating but it will get fixed.
  • x0ligyx0ligy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hank900 wrote: »
    Give them a chance, it is a MASSIVE undertaking to keep the server bug free. As a computer guy, I know that you may not see some bug until you upload it and play. Yes there are problems and they will fix them. If you look at it, STO has less problems and a lot of other MMO games. Yes it is frustrating but it will get fixed.

    Played alot or large multiplier games and this one has been down the most, as for fixes i reported an issue i ran into for the support team to say "it seems you found a new bug!" but by the time they had said that i had fixed the issue with three year old information.

    In the month ive played this game i dont have high hopes and refuse to spend this isn;'t right as i should want to spend my money whats stopping me? The issues, i can live with most but down time, ques and more downtime just is not on.
  • ston00bston00b Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I pay every month for this game because I love it. I spend alot of extra money every month buying Zen because I love this game. Ask any of my fleetmates, I'm on here ALOT. I also don't really complain alot about issues because also as a computer guy who has maintained quite a few servers in the past and deployed many a program on them, I have a very good understanding of the TRIBBLE that can happen and make you scratch your head trying to figure out wtf happened. Yes, of course you'll have issues. I agree completely. But the biggest problem is the fact that they are running all these games on a virtual server. They really need to spend the $10-$15,000 on another server. 2 additional servers would be ideal because then they would have redundancy, which is obviously needed. Not just because of the issues they are having, but also for prevention and saves on having to do "emergency maintenance" as often as they do. If spending that kind of cash is really a large issue for them, then I suggest they look at another avenue of making money. With the amount of people who are monthly subs and those that pay for the LTM....they should have more than enough cash to buy a couple servers. Especially if they want to grow. As for the not knowing about bugs until you "upload and play"....isn't that why they ran the closed and open beta's on Tribble? The closed beta ran for almost 3 weeks. The open beta was shorter. They ran a test bed to find bugs. No it won't find all of them, but it will find a good chunk. Please Cryptic. Get this issue resolved and soon.
  • ston00bston00b Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And just as an add on, IF they already are running more than one server, they may want to look at upgrading.
  • zix74itaelitezix74itaelite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well cryptic i know you don't own me any refound (I've been a subscriber since 11/11 and i've spend some money on this game) but you should start thinking to some sort of compensation for LTS and subscribers, this i'm sure will help you keep loyal your paying customers and maybe will help you sell more of your product.
    On my behalf i can assure you that I'm going to cancel my subscription if nothing its done about this (i think i still have got a couple of week left before the next payment its dued).

    I'll still be playing the game just will not spend any more money on it, please note i'm a kdf dedicated player and as such I've already had my share of issues with the way cryptic its "developing" this game.

    I really hope you'lll be able to fix something this time around but i woulnd't bet a cent on it.

    one loyal customer
  • skgreenacidskgreenacid Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    x0ligy wrote: »
    One reason im not spending is the downtime, its unacceptable imo, plus with the queing the other day i think its abit of a joke.

    Im willing to buy and spend zen just not get a subscription i dont need nor require.

    Also you missed out the Hive Onlaught issues i use to enjoy that mission now i can not even complete it on normal nevermind elite like i use to. There are other issues too but they have been around longer with no fix so i wount get my hopes up.

    Also i dont even think most the isses get reported and if they do they are not as important as "what can we add to make more money?"
    i want to do mirror even to level romulin because this grinding toons is bs i could give a TRIBBLE about the forced content i have to do but if you choos rom u cant do it at level 10 like the feds do why do feds get all the nice stuff AND KDF just gets the junk now that u have to start kdf at level 1 mirror needs to be fixed
  • mrspam404mrspam404 Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hank900 wrote: »
    Give them a chance, it is a MASSIVE undertaking to keep the server bug free. As a computer guy, I know that you may not see some bug until you upload it and play. Yes there are problems and they will fix them. If you look at it, STO has less problems and a lot of other MMO games. Yes it is frustrating but it will get fixed.

    I wish people would stop saying this as it's just not true. STO has more problems, at least in terms of downtime and server stability problems, than any mmorpg out there run by a professional game company. People constantly say this because when the biggest one ever, FIRST came out they had some problems for awhile. That was a very long time ago, and while Blizzard and virtually every other company has learned from its very early mistakes, Cryptic has shown it does not. At least not yet.

    I'm not gonna come on and cry about them taking down the server to fix stability tho, as that's what they need to do. They need to get a ton of things fixed, and true server stability is prob close to the top of that list. After that they need to fix everything they've messed up with this new expansion, and then they need to fix the major bugs that have been going on for three years now. We'll see what happens.
  • jhiettjhiett Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    a2754 wrote: »

    I think it's about time you gave STO some more server power & stop bunching it with your other online products because I can only imagine the issues they must be complaining about as well.

    :D I agree!

    I have played Starwars Galaxies and now star wars the old republic. DC online , ********* and WOW. This is the first Major MMORPG Product that did not have multiple independent servers. Not to mention sharing servers with other PW MMO games. it is Insanity

    With SWTOR for example, my other primary MMO, you can play on multi servers and the launcher tells you how full and laggey each is when you log in.

    Here everyone is crammed on one and occasionally you have to wait hours in a queue to log in that is poor planning on the dev/server team.

    It is a great game but it has demonstrated a poor server management and and worse business model.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jhiett wrote: »
    Not to mention sharing servers with other PW MMO games. it is Insanity
    I've seen this statement before but STO does not share severs, even with other Cryptic games like NWNs. That game is on it's own set of servers independent of STO. Anyone who's read DStahls recent interview would even see him state that as well.

    I'm not saying STO shouldn't rent temporary servers to deal with the 30-day rush, and then send them back when the rush is over but sharing servers with other Cryptic games isn't what's causing the problem.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Anyone who's read DStahls recent interview would even see him state that as well.

    LOL, trust me he says.

    Tnx for the laugh cosmic
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • blakken1231blakken1231 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just wondering if anyone had any feedback or similar problem with this issue. in the mission Coliseum (the romulan/fed faction mission where the satellite holds your ship and place and you get captured and forced to fight in an arena) after i defeat the worm and go to escape through the sewage pipe, it freezes and says server not responding and i wait a full 1000 seconds before closing the game out. i've reported the problem but there's no guarantee that Cryptic will get back with me on that as they are very busy (probably). any suggestions? i've already dropped the mission 8 times and restarted it. it's always at the same spot. none of my other characters are having issues either.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    hank900 wrote: »
    Give them a chance, it is a MASSIVE undertaking to keep the server bug free. As a computer guy, I know that you may not see some bug until you upload it and play. Yes there are problems and they will fix them. If you look at it, STO has less problems and a lot of other MMO games. Yes it is frustrating but it will get fixed.

    How many years do we wait on getting a problem fixed and giving the 'benefit of the doubt' before we can sharpen the pitchforks and light the torches? :rolleyes:
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Heh, some don't have these problems, so "You can't be hungry if I have a sandwich".


    Stings, don't it ?
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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