IF Roddenberry were alive this would be a different story. But as is the way in all things, once the Originator is dead, the Successors gut the carcass for all it is worth. Perhaps the Re-Boot will spur a younger generation to reclaim Trek and make it Proud once again. But here and now, the carcass was sold to the highest bidder and this is the result, an Imperfect Trek. Honestly, I believe that complaints fall on deaf ears. The current owners have no interest other than money, and as long as it is good enough to earn money then that is all they will provide to us, the consumers. Yes, we consume what they provide, and when we no longer consume then they will sell the bones to the highest bidder.
The ONLY way you will get Trek to be the way YOU want it to be is to raise 10 Billion dollars and BUY the franchise yourself, and then deal with everybody who complains that YOU are NOT doing TREK the way THEY think YOU should.
I understand that Old Trek is DEAD. I am grateful for having ANY Trek at all. I reticently Bought a Life Time Subscription - knowing full well that this imperfect Trek will NEVER match up to Roddenberry's Vision. Yes, I am a Consumer of the New Trek, just like you.
Although I DO get such enjoyment reading the complaints to the BranBot - an unreal entity created for public relations. I am sure that a real person types the messages, but do not believe for a single second that it is the SAME person who always uses the persona to convey information to the user base.
Spoiled Children, you should be happy with what you get and stop demanding 'Perfection'. We are WAY past that now...
TRIBBLE TOS, TNG is where it's at. For the Next Generation!
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
My point is: Star Trek is changing and growing and we are part of it. I think that's awesome.
Disney, a monolithic media company, now owns Star Wars and will be making new creations with it. As STO players, I hope our decisions will have some influence on how Star Trek continues to develop in the future.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
However as a fan of Star Trek since before the first movie came out (do the math) I have enjoyed every bit of it including what has come after Roddenberry's passing.
The effort put into it is amazing and you would know that if you've read any books on the topic. Consider how some of the most popular TV shows are a few people wandering about in their living rooms. Such as I Love Lucy and Seinfeld. Contrast that with the effort needed to portray different planets? Kudo's to Star Trek creator's...all of them.
In regards to STO keep in mind a One or a Zero here or there can crash the whole thing out of literally billions of bits of data. I don't envy that job.
Regarding Branflakes as someone who as grouped with him in-game I'm pretty sure it's an actual single person. Hopefully it is several different people using the account because I wouldn't want to be that single person.
But I do love New Trek all the same. There's lots of potential for new stories and concepts in the Abramsverse, and I look forward to seeing what comes next.
And since everyone else is doing it...
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Seriously, the public has invested as much in this intellectual property over the last 50 years as any individual or corporate entity.
At some point, the original copyrights have to expire.
Um, you need to READ more about the ACTUAL Gene Roddenberry - and not the fantasy version y9ou have in your mind because were GR still alive, the BIGGEST question on his lips regarding ANY Star Trek merchandise or licensing would be:
"What's my cut of the profits and where is my cut?!"
Need some proof? (link)
Excerpt from the Blog of the Director of the TOS Episode: "Is There In Truth No Beauty":
Also, Star Trek (in it's many incarnations has never been 'perfect'.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
More, IMO, because he was openly and unashamedly dishonest in doing so. The TOS theme song is the quintessential example: He claimed to have lost the contract and needed to sign it again, telling the artist it was just the same contract again but inserting a clause that allowed Roddenberry to give half of all royalties to anyone he contracted to write lyrics for the song. Which he immediately contracted himself to do.
He did the same thing with many, many episodes, changing names of characters or species to claim full ownership of the character and 50% writing credit (which he often left uncredited as a courtesy... but he never failed to ensure that the royalties were properly split).
Star Trek: Renegades fan funded at that.
"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
Now, you want to talk about a series that blows chunks and is totally screwed: Doctor Who. Great for many seasons and incarnations, then reimagined, fluffed with romance and other such nonsense becoming the great pool of pus it is today.
Very well said.
For example: I grew up with the TNMT. I loved that typical 80s cartoon/super hero stuff. But this would never work these days for "this" generation of kids.
Did any of you (maybe with your kids) watch the new interpretation made by Nickelodeon?
Yes, it's so different from the so called classic show. But the new series is very well made and refreshing and a lot of fun to watch! Different to what I grew up with but very good for these ages target audience.
In my opinion it's close to Star Trek. TOS was a child of "it's" TV Generation as well as TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise were.
And the JJ Movies are as well.
Personally I think it's better to see/watch a "different" new Star Trek movie than no new Star Trek movie.
But that's just my opinion.
imho voyager destroyed the eliteness of borg and brought them down to an ordinary level . sad
i also think borg are over used in this game and should have been event material not bread and butter grinding
i love trek . i loved the new movie and i will continue to enoy trek for many years to come i hope because i beleave in the dream that one day humans will be out there trekking the stars
And yes they haven't made this game catchup anywhere close to what the vision was. Just look at the lack of engineer and science specific missions. It took an expansion for them to put anything like that into the game and it was only what 2 missions?!
0 missions for dailies or explores for exploration diplomacy (unless you reach a certain score) and engineering in the game but we're supposed to believe that this is ST huh. mmhmm
I agree they sold it to the highest bidder and it's definitely a shell of what it could be.
Now that they've done the major changes and fixed some of the bigger bugs with the LoR expansion, they need to seriously take a look at those missions from the Romulan mission line that offer the typical types of missions for engineers and science captains. Repairs, rescues, medical, and scanning missions should all be common place in the explores and dailies. Until they do that this isn't Star Trek at all, this is Star Conquerer Online.
In this game the Federation is no different than the other conquering races, running around blasting things out of the sky all the time.
The New (ie) JJ Trek was dead before it got started. It's not Trek, it's just a standard old action, lens-flare filled movie. From what I've seen of the second one, it's even worse, as relates to Trek. And after all the arracks that I've had from JJ fanboi's on these forums, and in game, and seen on other TOS/TNG people as well, I have no tolerance anymore for the opinions of those who like JJ Trek. It's a crapfest that should have been aborted before it began.
/end of rant:cool:
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
But long live DS9 all the same
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Ah! We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill;
we come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, men.
"he's as dangerous as a ferret with a chainsaw."
"it's revitalised the franchise..."
"it's bought new fans to the franchise..."
Once the next Trek movie is made, the franchise will go back to it's pre-STO existence of living in the hearts and minds of Trek fans and some questionably written continuation novels. It is not going to spawn new TV shows or otherwise 'keep the franchise alive', it was just the latest target that Hollywood thought it could get some money out of. It is, to quote Colonel Paul Foster: "Pretty pictures for the masses" (anyone who actually knows that quote without Googling it, kudos to you... :cool: )
I loved TNG, I will go to my grave convinced that Picard is truly Wesley's father, but I find the idea of new stories of Picard and his pensionable crew running around saving the universe frankly laughable, and his new relationship with Doctor Crusher nothing more than fan-service and little more than published fan-fiction. To get back on topic, Trek was fine how it was. SO WHAT if it was dead and not putting out new material?? IT DOES NOT NEED TO!! There's already more than enough of a body of work for it to stand on its own merits and be appreciated for what it is, and which people can still engage with just by putting on Sky...
More fans?
1) Always welcome, but
2) Did it truly need them?
I would suggest Point 2 for countering through that 'justification'.
To address the notion that art MUST go through transitions to remain relevant...
The Mona Lisa does not need to be re-worked to be appreciated... Jason Brooks does not need to do a new version using Angelina Jolie or Megan 'Dead to Hollywood' Fox as the model just so a modern audience will appreciate it...
1984 is as relevant today, as the day it was published. The technology described is not dated, infact, it is still rather contemporary (huge TV screens and vocally-directable dictation machines)
Metropolis is as compelling as it ever was. Sure, it could be remade using contemporary actors and effects and the original script and I would be mind-blowing, but even in it's original format, it is relatable and engaging to an audience.
La Dolce Vita could be updated to a modern setting, but what would that actually do, other than needlessly re-make something which is perfectly okay as it is...
I really wish I'd got into watching Defiance, as from ads, that seems, well, not necessarily 'new', as the themes're straight out of any Western, but it's certainly not derivative, a re-imagining, or a 'relying on a twist' drivel like JJ's body of work...
I have no issue with JJTrek for 'what it is', but don't try and TRIBBLE in my pocket and tell me it's raining, by saying it 'needs updating' to 'remain relevant...
system Lord Baal is dead
JJ and JJTrek have nothing to do with my point, other than as examples of the state of Hollywood output with regard the point I was making...
*Drumroll* ...wait for it!... "Get a Life! Please!" *Ching!*
In case you missed it, over the sound of how wonderful you are thundering through your very own internal private conversation, which, unfortunately you elected to burden the rest of us with:
- Why yes, I am mocking you.
At fifty one years old, I have little patience for and even less tolerance of those who feel the need to publicly channel The Prophet Roddenberry (Honored be His Name! In His service we grind gratefully!) and tell the rest of us about "What Gene really wanted." Unless you have access to a time machine or you have Gene's head in some sort of mad scientists' laboratory, you're not speaking about any version of Star Trek other than the one you think is best. Your opinion is duly noted, promptly forgotten and irrelevant.
Who are you to tell the rest of us what is wrong with Star Trek? Don't recall seeing you in any scene, in the credits of any film or episode, or listed anywhere else as an officially licensed source of canon material for Star Trek. This isn't really even about Star Trek. You're obviously mad about something in Star Trek Online which has happened recently to you and you're having difficulties processing it.
If you hate the game this bad, then stop playing it. And before you leave all aflutter, can I have your stuff?
He'd be saying "Where's my cut..."